Stan Lee Gives His Input On The End Of The Marvel Comics Universe

Stan Lee Gives His Input On The End Of The Marvel Comics Universe

With yesterday's announcement about the end of the Marvel Universe, Stan 'the man' Lee decided to give his input on the news and tell whether it was for the best...or the worst. Hit the jump to check it out!

By NightWatcher - Jan 21, 2015 11:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Once Marvel dropped the news about the end of the Marvel Comic Universe, Stan the man sat down with Newsarama and told them that "It’s probably good." He then elaborated, “Anything they do that’s unexpected and different usually captures the attention of the fans. People will want to follow it to see what happens and where it will lead." He then says that it's not good to do things over and over again, and this change is going to be very intriguing to him, "Marvel cannot keep doing the same stories over and over again. You always have to come up with new angles and new approaches to things. I think it’s probably a good idea. It sounds intriguing to me." A few hours ago, Marvel announced Secret Wars: Last Days. This will be the event to end the current Marvel Comics Universe. Which comic will be featured in Marvel's new comic universe? As of now, no one knows anything. That's up for all of us to speculate. What do you think? Sound off below!
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ThedamnBatman - 1/21/2015, 11:28 AM
Stan the man
Minty - 1/21/2015, 11:29 AM
Has anyone asked Stan about Marvel's (literal) obliteration of his Fantastic Four creations? I'd just be interested to know what he had to say...
TucksFrom2015 - 1/21/2015, 11:36 AM
MexSuperman - Stan Lee is *like '[frick] this' in his head

MexSuperman - you don't *know that for sure

type slower my friend. one missing word can ruin a sentence.
DeusExSponge - 1/21/2015, 11:36 AM
MexicanSuperman - I think Minty is talking about the comic side of the Fantastic Four not the movie side.
TucksFrom2015 - 1/21/2015, 11:37 AM
@Minty - according to that Simon Kinberg guy, Stan Lee really liked the casting of Jordan, thought it was a positive new direction for the character.
marvel72 - 1/21/2015, 11:38 AM
I welcome the reboot,been a fan of Marvel Comics for many years through the good & bad times,I've liked some of the directions they've gone in & hated others.

Put Hickman on The X-Men that would be a great start,he did wonders for The Fantastic Four & The Avengers.
unknownfacts - 1/21/2015, 11:41 AM
Reboots are necessary if you want to get new readers.As for older readers you still have your collection.
Minty - 1/21/2015, 11:45 AM
@MexicanSuperman @NoTucksGiven

Woaaahh guys.... I said Marvel - as in comics!

I personally am looking forward to Trank's movie - especially to Jordan (great actor). Please don't mistake me for some Dexter Douglas-type bigoted-ass tool! ;)

What I was referring to was when Marvel literally blew up the characters in that one comic - and how they've since phased them out completely.
Minty - 1/21/2015, 11:46 AM
@DeuxExSponge gets it!

sKeemAn - 1/21/2015, 11:47 AM
Stan doesn't give to flying [frick]s abnout what Marvel does now. he made his millions off of Marvel and others .
MarkyMarkRises - 1/21/2015, 11:49 AM
lol @ the people who think he cares
SidDaAstroSloth - 1/21/2015, 11:50 AM
Wow what an asshole!

I assume he said these things in a sarcastic tone?
DukeAcureds - 1/21/2015, 11:50 AM
Stan says it'll probably be good. And not in a typical Stan Lee saying it'll be good kind of way. He's pointing out that they can't get themselves stuck in a repetitive rut. And he's right. This is Stan the EIC speaking, here. Stan the writer. Stan the ringleader.
He says it'll probably be good.
So it'll probably be good.
So fvck you all.
(sorry, that last part was a bit much)
MaximusTheMad - 1/21/2015, 12:03 PM
My brain tells me that Stan probably doesn't give a shiny shoe about anything going on at Marvel anymore... but I've been wrong before.

This story is still important though, since we're about to see the end of something that Stan helped build and develop over the course of the 60's.
SidDaAstroSloth - 1/21/2015, 12:08 PM
blackandyellow - 1/21/2015, 12:11 PM
I think it'll get a lot of people into comics, or back into comics if they've been out for a while. Look how popular All New X-Men has been.
Epicboy - 1/21/2015, 12:12 PM
Awesome guy
Minty - 1/21/2015, 12:56 PM

Minty - 1/21/2015, 1:02 PM
@Melkaticox - Yeah I s'pose you're right. I was just curious. I get that the dude's made enough money not to care any more.
TucksFrom2015 - 1/21/2015, 1:02 PM
Minty - apparently thats NetmanTripleSex (resurrected)
Schmoopy - 1/21/2015, 1:10 PM
Anyone old enough to remember the classic marvel storylines is too old to complain. You're over 21, AKA not Marvel's f*cking demographic anymore.
Minty - 1/21/2015, 1:32 PM
@NoTucksGiven - Lol, makes sense
billnye69 - 1/21/2015, 2:03 PM
As usual, Dc does it first, then Marvel comes in and acts like what they are doing is original.
TucksFrom2015 - 1/21/2015, 2:18 PM
@AisA Nepotism - you keep using that word but I don't think you know what it means. It means owing your success to a direct relative, not your buddies. The casting of Mike was definitely them looking at a cast of white stereotypes and thinking it needed an update. Someone here wrote an editorial called 'Mike Jordan is the Human Torch for the same reason Steve Harvey is the host of Family Fued' and the opening statement was 'because Family Fued was formerly the whitest show on television.' Thats hilarious! also true.

Frank Storm is black now too, making him the adoptive father of a white girl, and Sue the adopted daughter of an elderly black man - these characters' identities were changed far more than Johnny Storm's identity. I heard some things about what they're doing with Johnny to make him an iconic and memorable version of the Human Torch, the best rumor I heard thus far was that he'll have flame patterns stenciled in his hair - which sounds kinda awesome, no? As long as he still does things like fixing cars and has an uneven temper then its still gotta be Johnny Storm in there somewhere screaming to be let out.

The biggest problem with the cast is making them all the same age, they're supposed to be a nuclear family, but I think they did that for chemistry reasons. So with all that said I'm not as discouraged by the studio's questionable decisionmaking as I used to be. Before Trank got the job, it was just a rumor at this point, but he said there needs to be a good Fantastic Four movie, and then hearing that its more like Chronicle than Avengers is reassuring, it means there are added dimensions to the characters, I mean if Whedon directed Fantastic Four it'd be so hard to take seriously!
String - 1/21/2015, 2:28 PM

I think you hit the point I also have problems with. I'm not upset about Trank hiring a black actor -it's that he immediately hired his friend. There was no point trying to get the best actor for the role. Jordan was hired on the spot. Not like the other actors who had to test. Of course, other directors do the same -James Gunn hired Michael Rooker strictly because they are friends. So it's not like Trank does anything different. I just don't like what the director changed afterward with the FF dynamics to make that decision.

The issue with me is the directors KNOWING that Jordan's race is going to be an issue. They over-complicated the decision of hiring Jordan by making the Storm family black -and KEPT Sue white -having her "adopted" to make her the issue. Why do that when she could had been black also, as her brother and "adopted" parents and keep Sue and Johnny blood siblings like the comics. Is FOX afraid to not have their lead female character blonde and caucasion? WHy is okay for the male character, but not the female. to change their racial background?

That's my issue -not about racism, which people use way too easy to accuse people of, or PC. It was keeping to the core dynamic of Sue and Johnny having the same parents by blood. No need to compound the differences by making one or the other adopted -especially if the rest of the family is of the same race. It all feels manipulated to draw attention away from Jordan's being hired.
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