Editorial: Mark Millar's Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum

Editorial: Mark Millar's  Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum

I've been wondering how different the Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum would be if Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch came back to write them and I heard that they would be a lot better than they were under Loeb.

Editorial Opinion
By brodie999 - May 03, 2018 03:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Brodie Marschall

During the birth of the Ultimate Marvel Universe, it was only a matter of time before Marvel hired Mark Millar(who had a controverisal run on DC's The Authority) and Bryan Hitch to reinvent one of the most popular teams of heroes, The Avengers into this fresh universe. But they were not allowed to use the title name, so they decided to completely reimagine the team as a superhuman strike force found by S.H.I.E.L.D as a attempt to curb the rising threat of super terriorism and other global threats. The main premise was to write a comic that looked the way a superhero film about the Avengers should look like.

At that point, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has not been created, and the prospect of a film about the Avengers was remote. The series was a huge success and became the single best-selling comic of the year. But the second series would be considered even better because of its more complex story, stronger action scenes and more charismatic villains. 

But Millar and Hitch left the Ultimates after Ultimates 2 and Quesada considered the Ultimate imprint needed a big crossover event to keep the interest of the audiences, and hired Jeph Loeb for a third Ultimates miniseries that would lead to such event. This mini-series relied on shocking content, instead of the political overtones of the first ones. The art by Joe Madueria was standard superhero art, instead of the cinematic action provided by Hitch. The mini-series had decent sales, but was panned by critics.

The series was followed by Ultimatum, a crossover between the Ultimate titles. In five issues, the story kills thirty-four characters with an increased content of graphic violence. The series became a commerical failure, with both low sales and highly negative reviews. The sales of the entire imprint were decreased and never returned to their pre-Ultimatum figures.

If Millar and Hitch stayed on, Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum would have been much more political and well-received than they were under Loeb. We would not have had the increased violence, the confusing characterzation or even the character deaths that are supposed to resonate but only feel wasteful.

They would have been 13 issues long like the last 26 Ultimates issues and written the way a superhero film should look like. I believe  Black Panther would have been written as more of a tyrant to Wakanda than a benevolent king, Vision would have been a cold-hearted machine than the more noble and gentle synthoid he is known for in the mainstrean comics and   Ka-Zar would have had his backstory fleshed out in Ultimates 3. Thor wouldn't have spoken in a Shakespearan accent. Perhaps lesser heroes and villains would have died in "Ultimatum". That would probably be one of the things Millar could have done better.

Mark Millar has stated on Twitter that he never had plans for Ultimates 3 and if he did, he would have written a polticial story like the first 2 series. But he would not devote that month. So even he has no idea. 


Black Panther: In Ultimates 3, Captain America spent the entire miniseries impersonating Black Panther during an Ultimates confrontation with the Juggernaut. He would have been written more of a tyrant and he would've made more different decisions than if he was a benevolent king.

Vision: Vision was never involved with the Ultimates 3 or Ultimatum. And if he was, I am certain Millar would've written him as a cold-hearted and distrustful machine. 

Thor: Ultimate Thor was completely out of character during Loeb's run of the Ultimates. Instead of the reluctant warrior he is known for, he becomes much more eager for battle and more vengeful. He also speaks in a Shakespearean pattern, claiming it is the way he truely speaks and with his godhood no longer in doubt he no longer has to hide it. What a disgrace this characterzation was. If Millar wrote Ultimates 3, he would  have spoken in normal English and kept his pacifisim.

Ka-Zar: He never had his backstory fleshed out in the Ultimate Universe. I believe he would've since Mark Millar is known for fully fleshing out his characters in the stories he writes.

Mr. Fantastic: Reed Richards(who was 21 years old in the Ultimate Universe) accused Namor of the destruction in Ultimatum. Loeb completely disregarded this wouldn't be the way a child would react.

Professor Xavier and Magneto: Xavier and Magneto spoke in Renassiance English instead of the way they were in the Ultimate Universe prior to Loeb's run of the Ultimate Universe. Perhaps, having Millar and Hitch would've changed that.

Pyro: He was a member of the X-Men in the Ultimate Universe. But when Jeph Loeb wrote Ultimates 3, he joined the Brotherhood of Mutants with no explanation. If Millar had come back, he still would have been one of the X-Men.

Wasp: Ultimate Wasp was a jerk to several people, repeatedly insulting people and having a relationship with Captain America when she was still with Hank Pym. In Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum, this disappears and she becomes much kinder and the heart of the Ultimates. She would've been written the way she was in the first 2 series with Millar in charge of the series.

Hawkeye: After the death of his family, Hawkeye developed a reckless, almost suicidal attitude as well as being less cordial to his teammates, even threatening to shoot Wasp when she refered to him as "Clint". Had Mark Millar wrote Ultimates 3, he would've had the strength to move on from his family and remained in his friendlier disposition.

Iron Man: Ultimates 3 should have had a sub-plot of him attempting to rename the Ultimates all the while coming to terms with his independing death from his inoperable brain tumor. While this was briefly discussed in the Ultimates #6, Ultimates 3 would've explored it much more greatly than in the last 2 volumes.

At the end of the third volume, he would've  been the one to officially change the name of the Ultimates into the Avengers and discovered about his twin brother, Gregory Stark

Captain America: He was known as a all-American zingonst who was completely unmoral and willing to kill his foes. He also spoke in a way that a modern person would speak. While in Ultimates 3, he had the vocal mannerisms of a man from the 1940s. Had Mark Millar not left Marvel as intended after he wrote Ultimates 2 because writing the first 2 volumes took him about 2-3 years to finish, he may have been the same character as in Ultimates 3.

Giant-Man/Yellowjacket: Although I did admire Hank Pym becoming Yellowjacket in Ultimates 3, he should not have been allowed to rejoin the Ultimates as he was a tratior towards his teammates and even his ex-wife, Janet Van Dyne. He would've have had a minor role where he becomes Yellowjacket after agreeing to never again help terriosts attacking his former-co-workers and he would've helped the Ultimates stop Ultron, arriving at the last moment with his reformed Giant-Men.

Pyro: His turn to villany in Ultimates 3 was greatly critised by fans of the first 2 volumes, preferring that he'd remained an X-Men in Mark Millar's version of the third and final volume

Millar and Hitch knew these characters while Loeb did not. But I know he would have handled Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum better than Loeb, no question about it. He should have done a novel in the Ultimate Universe instead of Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum because his writting pattern is about repeating itself over and over: "Have your characters square off against each other and make boisterous threats, keep the plot light and overemphasize at least one word in every ballon to make it seem like the characters are saying important. Oh, and invent really screwy mysteries like, 'Who is the Red Hulk?' and let that carry the lack of story." Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum could have fit Mark Millar's pattern even better than Loeb's.

Ultimates 3 Vol 1 1

Ultimates 3: Following the events of Ultimates 2, The Ultimates are killed, attempting to repeal an alien invasion, but this turns out to be an training simulation. Now acting as a independent team from SHIELD, the Ultimates are able to defeat global threats  thanks to funding from Stark Industries.But when Scarlet Witch is mysteriously murdered, the Ultimates go on a worldwide manhunt in search of her killer. This leads to the Ultimates crossing over with Spider-Man and Ka-Zar(who was raised by a family of  sabertooth tigers led by Zabu like Tarzan in this version and  is even more distrustful  and wary to the outside world, even refusing any offer from the Ultimates  to help find Scarlet Witch's killer) searching for clues as to who it might be and the government attempting to hunt them down. Quicksilver  travels to Asteroid M to let his father know of the news that his daughter was murdered which leads into Magneto forming the Acolytes to confront The X-Men. What everyone is unaware of is that Mephisto is holding Scarlet Witch hostage in Hell. Things only become worse when the Hate-Mongress(who is a Spanish woman named Dr. Juana Balcazar), Deathurge(who is a human named Stewart who made a demon deal to save his girlfriend, but granting him demonic powers), Radioactive Man, Attuma and  Ultron form the Lethal Legion (Named here "The Wrathful Syndicate") as they attempt to end all wars by destroying all of humanity with their own nuclear weapons. In the end, Scarlet Witch is revived to the land of the living and then the Ultimates rename themselves the Avengers with Black Panther, Vision and Spider-Man joining their ranks.

Side Plots:

 Ultron rebels against his creator, Giant-Man and takes control of the world's weapons to destroy humanity, forming the Wrathful Syndicate in the process. Feeling incredibly depressed by his creation's betrayal, he decides to atone for his past sins by becoming Yellowjacket and helping the Ultimates stop him from destroying humanity and find Scarlet Witch's killer. Meanwhile, Hawkeye forms the Thunderbolts(consisting of himself, Songbird, Juggernaut, Fixer and Sandman) after he fails to move on from his family's deaths. When the Ultimates attempt to convince him to stop grieving over his family,  Professor Xavier decides to help Clint realise that their deaths were not his fault. Thor feels now that he succeeded in his father's mission, the Earth can finally be in peace. But when new threats emerge, he begins to realise  that humanity may never overcome their flaws. In another sub-plot, Black Panther loses most of his kingdom Wakanda's trust after sacrificing many of his warriors during a battle with Radioactive Man and exiling one of the Dora Milaje from Wakanda. Vision is reprogrammed by Ultron in his mission to destroy all of humanity, but when he realises that peace is the only way to save the world, he betrays Ultron by destroying his second body and gains the Ultimates's trust by helping them stop the Space Phantom from turning Earth into a new Limbo. When Bucky Barnes is captured by Baron Stucker, the  newest leader of the Marauders  who creates a younger evil clone of himself called "Winter Soldier" and they plan to replicate the serum that created the evil version of Steve Rogers's best friend and sell it to terrorist organizations, Captain America attempts to save his friend and defeat Strucker and his newest creation while attempting to let go of the past and move on with his current life at the same time. Dr. Bruce Banner struggles with the idea of telling Peter Parker that his parents were wounded when they worked with him and General Fury on the Super-Soldier project that transformed Banner into the Hulk. He also attempts to use an anti-Gamma serum to cure himself of the Hulk once and for all, but there is the possibility even that will not work. In another sub-plot, Wolverine discovers that he has a daughter named "Laura Howlett"(called Mutant-23 and later by her comics name X-23) who he conceived in a aiffair with Dr. Sarah Kinney and that Weapon X has captured her and wiped her memories to be the perfect weapon he would have been had he not escaped the program. Once he helps her regain her memories, she decides to take revenge on the people who tortured her, forcing the X-Men to stop her.

Ultimatum: The Avengers become a massive phenomenon, beloved by fans across the globe. After the defeat of Ultron and the resurrection of Scarlet Witch, they begin to feel that there is nothing they can handle. After the events of Ultimate Fantastic Four,The Endless Resurgence Empire finds a way to resurrect their king Thanos and then they recruit a version of the Cabal(conisting of Michael Korvac, Wendigo, Malekith the Accursed, Ego the Living Planet(who is a genetic experiment created by the Kree many years ago in the Ultimate Universe), Dr. Doom, Loki, Emma Frost, Namor and Magneto and called here "The Universal Order") to remake the universe in their image, using the Cosmic Cube. Thanos then proceeds to tell Magneto  to destroy the world's magnetic poles, causing worldwide destruction across the globe and then they begin the Genetic War with their rivals in the universe. In the end, the heroes finally kill Thanos for good on Acheron and destroy the Cosmic Cube in order to prevent anyone from ever using it again. In the wake of the destruction, the remaining heroes vow to rebuild the world.

Side-Plots: While attempting to help the Avengers save the universe, The Guardians of the Galaxy(consisting of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Yondu, Mantis, Captain Marvel, Bug, Phyla-Vell, Charlie-27, Wraith, Beta Ray Bill, Deathcry, Darkhawk and Martinex) attempt to avoid being captured by the Ravagers(who are a thinly veiled analogy of the EU/Globalization.) The Ravagers, here are a corrupt crime organisation that resents the galaxy for offering peace treaties with alien races while the Guardians of the Galaxy are similar to their film counterparts, only much darker. For example, Ultimate Star-Lord is a very arrogant and immature man-child who grieves over his deceased mother who was killed in a car crash set up by the Badoon, Ultimate Gamora(who, in this version is Thanos's biological daughter through an affair with her Zen-Whoberis mother, making her the half-sister of Ronan the Accuser, Gallowglass and Altrea) would be more of a bloodthirsty killer of a hero. Rocket Raccoon(who is instantly hostile and aggressive towards people) wishes for his team to become a very rich crime syndicate, even attacking his own friends when they attempt to stop him from stealing jewelry. Drax the Destroyer is a much angrier, sadistic, vengeful and ruthless murderer than his mainstream counterpart. Ultimate Mantis is a pacifist who refuses to fight and she attempts to hide from her enemies, forcing the other Guardians to make her realise that she has no other choice, but to stand up and fight back. And Ultimate Groot is a more of a brutal monster who beats villains for pleasure. Meanwhile, many of the Earth-based heroes such as the Marvel Knights, Dr. Strange, Spider-Woman, the European Defense Initiative, Alpha Flight, the New Warriors, the Thunderbolts and She-Hulk attempt to prevent disasters from killing millions of people. In the mist of the worldwide chaos, Valkyrie is transformed into an actual god by Thor's father Odin, using dark magic. But she is killed, enabling Hela to claim her soul in the Asgardian afterlife Valhalla. Thor is forced to travel there and save her, but at the cost of having a child with her(as seen in Ultimate Comics: Ultimates). A mysterious  mutant named Onlaught(who in this version is a seperate character from Professor X and Magneto, named Thomas "Tommy" Drake who gains both of their powers with their help of Weapon X) kills the Academy of Tomorrow and begins a genocide of the mutant race on Earth, leading to the formation of Generation X(consisting of Jubliee, Kitty Pryde, Thunderbird, Firestar, Gambit and Darwin) and their attempts to stop him. Meanwhile, the Marvel Knights(consisting of Spider-Man, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Ronin, Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange and newest member Daimon Hellstrom who had mysteriously gained supernatural powers from a unknown force, later revealed to be Loki in Ultimate Comics: New Ultimates.) attempt to prevent Dormammu from turning everyone on Earth into fire-demons. In another sub-plot, the Fantastic Four encounter the Beyonder(who is a superpowered alien from another planet in this reality) who plans to destroy Earth out of the belief that humans will go to war with alien races in the near future. In the end, overwhelmed by guilt and his father's anger at him for almost destroying the world, the disbandment of the Fantastic Four, his friendship with Ben Grimm and the superhero community breaking apart and Sue Storm breaking up with him, he goes back to living with his parents. Suddenly, in his room, a bright flash of light appears, foreshadowing his transformation into the Maker and Kang the Conqueor's future appearance in Ultimate Comics: Ultimates. Meanwhile, Yellowjacket and Wasp attempt to reconcile their romance, but he is too busy, working on "the Jocasta Project". When the Ultimatum wave begins with Wasp being one of the first causalities, Yellowjacket decides to move forward with the project and create his newest synthoid "Jocasta" in honor of her memory before his own sacrifice. After facing Thanos, Hulk is teleported to Sakaar(which in this version is an planet desolated by The Endless Resurgence hundreds of years ago) by his new "Cosmic Cube. He encounters two aliens, Korg(who is more battle-hardened, smug and distrustful of others than his mainstream counterpart)  and Miek(who is even more pacifistic and shy in the Ultimate Universe) who offer to help him get back to Earth. In the end, after helping the Avengers defeat Thanos, Nick Fury contacts someone called "Karen Grant" who is actually Jean Grey in disguise about plans to prove to the world that the Hulk and mutants are heroes, foreshadowing "Ultimate X". S.H.I.E.L.D   director Carol Danvers dicusses the idea of forming a space program division to protect the Earth from future alien threats, but when the Genetic War begins to ravage on Earth, she decides to bring Nick Fury back from Earth-31916 and he retakes the role of S.H.I.E.L.D  director by promising to stop Thanos if the Ultimates reduced the charges for the destruction of the Squadron Supereme's world and in the end, forms S.W.O.R.D in the aftermath of Thanos's death and speaks with Abigail Brand about the idea of forming a new team of Howling Commandos(foreshadowing the events of the final issues of Ultimate: Comic Ultimates).

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CavalierTunes - 5/3/2018, 8:11 PM
In other news, Water = Wet.

I remember after Ultimatum and Ultimates 3 some people seriously believed that Loeb was an undercover agent working for DC to destroy the Ultimate Universe. He was that bad. And Millar's Ultimates 1 & 2 were spectacular.
brodie999 - 5/3/2018, 9:02 PM
@CavalierTunes -Agreed. His Ultimates 3 & Ultimatum would have been on par with Ultimates 1 & 2, maybe even better if Loeb wrote a different book at Marvel instead. All that guy does is retcon characters to make them more like their MCU equivalents, write books in broad strokes, confuse continuity and repeat plots and fights over and over again. It's like a never-ending retcon.
brodie999 - 5/22/2018, 1:48 AM
@CavalierTunes - Hey, Cavailer. Could you please make an article about Millar's version of Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum? We might even have to ask him that on Twitter or in Comic Cons.
noahthegrand - 6/2/2018, 12:01 AM
@CavalierTunes - I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but at the same time... why? What did Loeb think he was doing. I can’t understand what he thought the ultimate universe was.
CavalierTunes - 6/4/2018, 5:40 PM
@noahthegrand - Well, to be fair to Jeph Loeb, his teenage son had died of cancer not long before he began writing Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. I don't understand what he thought that he was doing either; but I'm not sure he was in the best state of mind.

@brodie999 - I'll try to write an article, but I'm insanely busy right now studying for the bar exam. If I get the time later, I might try.
brodie999 - 6/4/2018, 6:43 PM
@CavalierTunes - Yeah, and if neurosurgeons saved him in a operation, his mind wouldn't have deteriorated and he wouldn't have joined Marvel or written Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. Never mind, I've updated my article a little bit and I've asked a question about the plots and characters for Mark Millar's Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. Once I get the answers, I'll update it to have plot breakdowns of those miniseries.
brodie999 - 10/14/2018, 2:03 PM
@noahthegrand - Hey, Noah. I edited the page a lot since you last commented on here. I added the Lethal Legion (called here "the Wrathful Syndicate") and more sub-plots involving Thor, Black Panther and Captain America. His sub-plot involves rescuing Bucky from Baron Strucker who creates a younger clone of him called " the Winter Soldier" instead of the other way around? What do you think of this darker take on the character?
noahthegrand - 10/15/2018, 2:14 PM
@brodie999 - A lot of cool ideas here. I th No a lot of the crossover stuff works better and makes more sense than the versions of these events shown in the actual comics. I like the expansions you’ve made and the Wrathful Symdicate seems like a legitimate and imposing threat on a very large scale. Winter Soldier in this is a darker and pretty interesting take that could be cool. I would probably have preferred all of this to what we actually got very much.
brodie999 - 10/15/2018, 2:43 PM
@noahthegrand -Thanks. I would've preferred it all over the actual Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum too. I'd actually like the idea of Bucky's Winter Soldier persona being a clone in the Ultimate Universe. Heck, it'd even resolve more plot lines in the Ultimate universe than being left on cliffhangers.
brodie999 - 10/15/2018, 5:51 PM
@noahthegrand - Hey, noah. I've added more sub-plots for Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. One involves Bruce Banner trying to use an anti-Gamma serum to cure himself of the Hulk in Ultimates 3. What do you think ?
noahthegrand - 10/17/2018, 12:33 PM
@brodie999 - I always like Bruce Banner so the more of him the better. I also liked your adding X-23 to the Ultimate Universe
brodie999 - 10/17/2018, 12:50 PM
@noahthegrand - Thanks, Noah. Having her as a real born daughter instead of being a clone would be an really unique twist from the classic Marvel universe. It can even show that the Ultimate Universe can shift from clone conspiracies.
brodie999 - 11/3/2018, 8:22 PM
@noahthegrand - Hey, Noah. I've added the Beyonder and Apocalypse to this article. I've reimagined him as an alien from another planet who threatens to destroy the world and Ultimate Generation X is formed when Apocalypse kills the Academy of Tomorrow and begins a extermination of the mutant race. What do you think?
noahthegrand - 11/4/2018, 11:36 AM
@brodie999 - Beyonder and Apocalypse are pretty big villains but if your really going all out with the story and firing on all cylinders like you seem to be they definitely work.
brodie999 - 11/4/2018, 12:57 PM
@noahthegrand - Thanks!! Having the Marvel Knights trying to stop Dormammu from remaking Earth in his image makes more sense than the one we got with Dr. Strange's nemesis in the actual Ultimatum comics. Having Son of Satan as the newest member of the team is a pretty interesting idea. There wouldn't have been any plot holes in Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum if any of this happened.
brodie999 - 11/16/2018, 11:10 PM
@noahthegrand - Hey, Dom. I added a sub-plot about Wasp and Yellowjacket attempting to reconcile their romance, but is put on hold due to Hank being too busy working on "The Jocasta Project". When the Ultimate wave begins, he decides to create Jocasta in her memory. I also wrote one where Hulk is sent to Sakaar by Thanos. Sakaar in the Ultimate Universe is a planet desolated by the Endless Resurgence hundreds of years ago. There, Hulk receives help in getting back to Earth from Korg and Miek. What do you think of these darker takes on the characters?
noahthegrand - 11/21/2018, 6:42 AM
@brodie999 - I like Jocasta, she’s interesting, and I like Planet Hulk as a story in the main universe, so it would be a treat to see it done in Ultimate, but with the darker differences you gave.
brodie999 - 11/21/2018, 12:37 PM
@noahthegrand -Thanks. It would've been interesting to have Ultimatum foreshadow Ultimate X and the final issues of Ultimate Comics: Ultimates. The Ultimate Universe mixes storylines from all of Marvel's history, so I'd have loved to see Planet Hulk, the Kree-Skrull War, the Winter Soldier and X-23 arcs and the formation of the Thunderbolts all mixed in one story.
brodie999 - 12/7/2018, 1:51 PM
@noahthegrand - Hey, noah. I edited the page to have Ultimate Ka-Zar's backstory explaining he was raised by a family of sabretooth tigers led by Zabu as a homage to Tarzan. What do you think?
noahthegrand - 1/9/2019, 11:38 AM
@brodie999 - that origin for Ka-Zar seems perfect for the ultimate universe. Taking thatvtarzan inspiration further like that is an A+
brodie999 - 1/9/2019, 12:23 PM
@noahthegrand - Yes, it is. It makes writing in comics much better when you've got better writers for the job. Mark Millar would've fit the bill for Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum.
noahthegrand - 1/9/2019, 12:28 PM
@brodie999 - I totally agree.
brodie999 - 1/10/2019, 11:56 PM
@noahthegrand - Thanks. It's really nice when comic book series take inspiration from novels and non-comic book films.
brodie999 - 5/14/2019, 4:10 PM
@noahthegrand - Here's some action sequences in Millar's Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum that'd take a movie budget so high it'd explode.

Ultimates 3:Vision(who is cold and distrustful towards humanity in this version) has second thoughts about helping Ultron destroy humanity and he destroys Ultron's second body by ripping out his core.
Captain America takes down 20 Nazis in one hit In a flashback sequence during WWII.
Black Panther kills Attuma by slicing his body in half, Thor uses Mjolnir to stop the world's weapons from destroying humanity by slamming it to the ground so hard it spreads all over the world, deactivating all weapons and Captain America kicks the shield at the Hate-Monger, killing him.
Quicksilver gets his revenge for Scarlet Witch's death by vibrating through Ultron's body, so much it causes it to explode.
Iron Man uses all of his weapons(including his repulsors and unibeam) to vaporise Ultimo(who is one of Ultron's creations in the Ultimate Universe) and Hulk throws Deathurge so deep into Earth's core it disintegrates him(who is technically a human who gained demon powers in the Ultimate Universe).
Spider-Man is forced to kill Radioactive Man by using his webs to throw him into a radioactive energy generator so hard he dies from his wounds.

Ultimatum:Captain America throws his shield at Ego so fast it destroys his brain and him with it, Hulk does a bruiser fastball special when he hurls Thor at Thanos and he hits the Mad Titan so hard it throws him into the sun, obliterating him and Wolverine tears Ronan the Accuser's body to pieces with his claws. Also, Thor would use Mjolnir to destroy Acheron in one burst. The Fantastic Four(with the help of the Silver Searcher) destroy the Beyonder by having the Searcher destroy every atom of his body. Star-Lord would build ultra-blasters to kill Michael Korvac and Iron Man, using a cosmic armour built by the Ultimate Guardians of the Galaxy disrupts Malekith the Accursed's magic spells and redirects them back at him, killing him instantly. The newest member of the Marvel Knights Daimon Hellstrom becomes so powerful that he completely cuts Dormammu off from his dimension, and destroys him.
Cyclops kills Magneto with his Optic Blast and also obliterates some of his Brotherhood of Mutants too.
Drax resists Emma Frost's telepathic abilities and slashes her body. Gamora kills Wendigo by throwing her sword at its heart.
Darwin and Firestar combine their powers to destroy his body in a similar way Jean Grey killed him by using the Phoenix Force in X-Men: Apocalypse.
Thor uses his lighting to reduce Ultimate Kurse to a monsterous skeleton in his quest to save Valkyrie from Hela.

What do you think of these better-than-spectacular action scenes?

brodie999 - 5/3/2018, 10:35 PM
And you know what else I've been thinking about? I think they should revive Smallville in live-action as opposed to an animated series because it'd hold more ratings and attract more fans by adapting the stories from the S11 comics in episode arcs. There's a petition to make that happen. Please sign it and spread the word, so all your friends can sign it too. https://www.change.org/p/warner-brothers-smallville-season-11-and-miniseries-to-be-shown-as-live-action
ThunderThighs - 5/4/2018, 5:05 AM
Ohh, he would. I know Mark Millar gets a lot of hate because his work is most of the time "edgy", but actually loved 9 out of 10 stories.
brodie999 - 5/4/2018, 11:04 PM
@BootyPeep - Yeah, he's like Michael Bay, doing something wholly unique to his own world of comics and he tends to base characters on actors. He could have gotten a different villain to destroy the world in Ultimatum like the Beyonder. That guy could have been based on Kevin Bacon as opposed to the bearded and thuggish look he has in the comics. War Heroes is what his Ultimates 3 could have been if he and Hitch sticked around at Marvel.
TheDayman - 5/24/2018, 1:54 PM
That would've been great. I love the first two Ultimates, and even though I normally like Loeb he definitely ruined the series.
brodie999 - 5/26/2018, 12:51 AM
@TheDayman - Thanks, Dayman. He definitely ruined Marvel's animation side as well. That's why he has to go, so Craig Kyle can be Marvel Animation President. What do you think Millar's version of Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum could have been about?
TheDayman - 5/26/2018, 1:03 PM
@brodie999 - I'm not sure, really. Ultimates 2 seemed like a good ending to the story, so I don't know where it could've gone next. They already done versions of Loki and the Masters of Evil... I guess Millar probably would've had Ultron in Ultimates 3.
brodie999 - 5/26/2018, 1:22 PM
@TheDayman - Yeah, well. He'd probably have a version of the Cabal. Maybe he would have done versions of Michael Korvac, Wendigo, Maleith the Accursed and probably the Beyonder in "Ultimatum". I don't know. Maybe we'll have to ask him on Twitter. We already know War Heroes is his Ultimates 3. It'd probably be similar to the former.
brodie999 - 5/26/2018, 2:08 PM
@TheDayman - Maybe the final battle in "Ultimatum" could have been similar to the battle with Thanos in Infinity War. And maybe Ultron could have taken over the world's weapons and tech to destroy all of humanity in Ultimates 3. What do you think of these ideas?
TheDayman - 5/30/2018, 5:43 PM
@brodie999 - That all sounds possible. Ultron and/or Thanos would most likely have been involved.
brodie999 - 5/30/2018, 10:34 PM
@TheDayman -Yeah, they would have been lot better villains than Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Hey, if the Guardians of the Galaxy were introduced in "Ultimatum", they'd be a thinly veiled analogy of the UK//US and they'd be similar to their MCU counterparts, only more darker and cynical. Maybe he would have written Magneto to help Thanos destroy the world. Maybe if Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum were given 13 issues by Millar, he would have done 2 annuals focusing on the Invaders, Big Hero 6, Winter Guard and maybe the New Warriors. What do you think the line-up for the Ultimate Guardians would be? https://www.quora.com/What-would-the-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-Runaways-and-New-Warriors-be-like-if-they-were-introduced-in-the-Ultimate-Marvel-universe#
TheDayman - 6/1/2018, 2:00 PM
@brodie999 - The Guardians and the Big Hero 6 weren't really big characters when Ultimatum came out, so I doubt either would've been included. Magneto and the New Warriors might've been involved, though.
brodie999 - 6/1/2018, 2:31 PM
@TheDayman - Yeah, the New Warriors were famous enough by the time Ultimatum came out, so it's likely they would have been involved in Millar's version of the miniseries. I've just asked my friend SuperDomenic31 to help me do plot breakdowns for Millar's Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. Because I'm not sure what else to expand about it. He's rereading Ultimatum and Ultimates 3 right now. And he'll let me know, so I can expand the article.
TheDayman - 6/2/2018, 5:40 PM
@brodie999 - Cool. Tell me when it's done and I'll check it out.
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