5. Get yourself an expert fan-ficcer
With great power comes great responsibility, as any super-nerd would say! Haha! Starting your podcast you are gonna need to assemble a cast, and what would a podcast be without a super nerd? Your best bet is going for a fan-ficcer as they have obsessive knowledge of this craft. Look for someone who isn't the most mentally stable and not too skilled of fan-fic artist and you hopefully will trick him out of wages! The only potential con would be occasional euphoric/suicidal speeches.
4. Discuss 'hot topics'
To keep relevant you're gonna need to have a consistent persona. Be sure to have the most extreme opinions about these comic book films. Make it seem like these films based on comics are actually of more worth than anything else in your life (unless they already are!)
3. Have a middle aged "wise man" type character
One of the most important things to a podcast is the typical chubby "wise man" character. Just pick up any over-sensitive teenager off the street and feed him a few Ferrett Fizz® drinks to age him up an extra 30 years. You really need this guy to look absolutely disgusting and seem like a terrible human being. Audiences love the lovable idiot character and this a perfect example to fill that void. Also, make sure this character has the worst mic quality of all to increase hilarity!
2. Have a legal team
One problem you're going to face is the haters. These guys will just put you down with their words and you know how you put a stop to them? Freaking sue them. Like really, what's the worse that can happen? These lowlife mongoloid scum are trying to absorb your success and the only way to stop them is to sue them into poverty! If you're lucky you may find a less-than-stunning attorney with low self esteem and marry her for free legal council!
1. Have the absolute worst microphone quality possible
This is a make or break right here. If you do not have the absolute worst quality mic, how are people gonna pay attention to you? You need to have very garbled words so your listeners are paying attention trying to decipher what you're saying. Feel free to stick advertisements from sponsors in this garbled text too! It's a great tool to keep your listeners attentive to your content and not doing something else.
That's the list, now go out there and show the world what you got as an expert podcaster!