COSPLAY: Candy Keane As Marvel's DAZZLER
Candy Keane is a costume designer and cosplayer that hails from the great state of Florida. Hit the jump to see Candy dressed as Marvel Comics' superhero diva known as The Dazzler.
Marvel - Dazzler
Cosplayer: Candy Keane
Photographers: Red Velvet Photography & SGH PhotoArt
Dazzler can transduce sonic vibrations into various types of light. Dazzler prefers utilizing music, particularly that which is rhythmically sustained, but cannot use the sound of her own unamplified voice. Dazzler can generate illumination, create realistic holograms, emit pulses or strobes to blind or disorient others, and fire laser-like cutting beams or "solid photon" concussive force beams. She is immune to the harmful effects of bright lights and loud noise. Dazzler is a highly skilled athlete and roller skater, a good hand-to-hand combatant, and a talented singer, actress, and dancer. -