No doubt one of the most enjoyable parts of Deadpool was seeing the character interact with X-Men members Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, but if we don't see more characters from that corner of the Marvel Universe in the sequel, it wouldn't be the end of the world. It would however be a lot of fun, and it#s something writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are definitely open to. "If you look at the ‘Iron Man’ model they had two ‘Iron Man’ [movies] before they had an ‘Avengers,’ and if left up to us, I think that would be a very prudent path," Reese said of some sort of crossover. "The second issue at hand is the ‘X-Men’ universe timeline. ‘The X-Men’ series is currently set in the 1980s, ‘Deadpool,’ is set three decades later in our present day."
"It’s a timeline that will eventually catch up I would imagine," Wernick added. "But [‘X-Men’ producer] Simon [Kingberg’s] more the keeper of that universe and maybe we’ll see more X-Men playing in Deadpool’s sandbox and probably Deadpool playing in their sandbox at some point. Deadpool’s now become a brand and franchise unto himself, independent of the ‘X-Men’ and that’s great. And that gives the studio two franchises in one, but I think it is its own franchise, and you’ll see synergy between those two properties, but they’re two very distinct brands." So, it sounds like it could happen, but we may have some time to wait until Deapool shows up in an X-Men movie. Of course, with X-Force no doubt just around the corner, that will do for now!