Kevin Feige Says DOCTOR STRANGE Star Benedict Cumberbatch Is The MCU's "Anchor" And An "Icon"

Kevin Feige Says DOCTOR STRANGE Star Benedict Cumberbatch Is The MCU's "Anchor" And An "Icon"

Honouring Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness star Benedict Cumberbatch during his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige called his Stephen Strange the MCU's "anchor."

By JoshWilding - Mar 01, 2022 05:03 AM EST

Yesterday, actor Benedict Cumberbatch was honoured with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige was on hand to pay tribute the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness star, though the self-proclaimed Star Trek fan seemingly couldn't resist taking a shot at Cumberbatch's divisive stint as Khan in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness.

"There are so many roles you’ve played that have made you worthy of this prestigious honor. You were an amazing Hamlet. You were an incredible Sherlock Holmes. You were the second best Khan ever," Feige joked. "You were brilliant in all the iconic roles, but to us and to millions around the globe, you deserve this honor for being the first, the best, the greatest and only Doctor Strange."

Feige would go on to continue expressing his admiration for Cumberbatch's work in the MCU, saying the British actor and Oscar-nominee "has turned this character into an icon."

"I remember our very first meeting was set up as a general, and we wanted to pitch him this great character, and before we could, he said ‘So tell me about Doctor Strange,’ because you knew. Because somewhere you knew what this could be and you’ve always seen the tremendous potential in this character," the Marvel Studios boss recalled. "Because of that, you’ve become the anchor of the MCU and the only actor capable of guiding us through the madness of the Multiverse."

It sounds like there are definitely big plans in place for Doctor Strange in the MCU moving forward, starting with the upcoming sequel. He may no longer be Sorcerer Supreme, but with the Multiverse torn asunder, it could be down to Strange to protect his world from what looks set to be a bonkers few years (don't forget countless Kang Variants are still out there somewhere).

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set to be released in theaters on May 6.

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dracula - 3/1/2022, 5:30 AM
Really Doctor Strange would be perfect to fit the Nick Fury role for the MCU Generation 2
Model101 - 3/1/2022, 9:06 AM
@dracula - Someone like but not necessarily General Ross would be a good fit. As I mentioned to you before but you aired me like a pair of Nike Air's. The Mutants need a Antagonistic leader of Shield or another group who doesn't like Mutants/Heroes going forward(Friends of Humanity type).
TheManWithoutFear - 3/1/2022, 5:52 AM
'you were the second best Khan ever'

RealTurner - 3/1/2022, 5:55 AM
Such a great character and he's only had one "solo" movie. Hope he can stick around for at least as long again.
boogiefett - 3/1/2022, 7:40 AM
Cumberbatch Is The MCU's "Anchor" And An "Icon" - Guess why RDJ unfollowed everyone
Model101 - 3/1/2022, 8:58 AM
TheHumanSpider2 - 3/1/2022, 10:27 AM
I though it was Tom Holland.
Or is whoever you are talking to at the moment, Kevin?
TheSuperMex - 3/1/2022, 1:33 PM
@TheHumanSpider2 - he is still a kid.
TheHumanSpider2 - 3/1/2022, 2:09 PM
@TheSuperMex - He is 26.
And I was refering to how Kevin Feige always praises whoever is in front of him, Tom Holland, Brie Larson, RDJ, Benedict...
TheSuperMex - 3/1/2022, 2:14 PM
@TheHumanSpider2 - not in the films. He is still a kid. He didn’t even graduate in the movies yet.
String - 3/1/2022, 1:01 PM
If the rumors about Marvel Studios embracing the darker supernatural side of the comics, then Doctor Strange is as essential to that as Iron Man was essential in setting up the Avengers. Makes sense he would be considered an anchor to upcoming events. I see Benedict Cumberbatch in the role for another good decade and like Chris Hemsworth probably will get a 4th film in his franchise.
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