Gspawn here on an idea I had on the subject of a Justice League movie which I'd eventually like to make a story out of.Many people who're comic book fans hope for something such as Black Panther (fingers crossed), Wonder Woman, Heroes for Hire, or even The flash make onto the big screen someday but perhaps what most or me personally want to make it to film one day as far as comic book movies go is none other than the Justice League. It's basically bad business involving Darkseid in your first movie so why not start simple yet effective? and here brings us to President Lex.
Now here's why I think this is a perfect set up. While it's an extremely easy story to do for your first movie which a good chunk should be the interaction of the team itself, you also open up the possibilities of so many stories after which is why I picked the President Lex story.
So lets get down to the story itself: the year is 2020 and Lex Luthor has climbed through the ranks of the government and has risen to the spot of president of the U.S who's going through a major economic depression. A big platform of his is the idea of technological improvement and a huge event which helps him gain the trust of Voters is meeting and seemingly ridding himself of his long time rivalry with his arch nemesis: Superman. However, behind the scenes Luthor hires and gets a villain to kill Superman which works in a way when Superman is framed for the murder of the villain. in the outing of superman many heroes have fought against Luthor's presidency. Things escalate to the point where Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen try to recruit members for a would be team to combat Luthor's corrupt regime. they only get John Stewart at first as Superman doesn't want to out himself even further having his reputation dented and gives up against fighting Luthor and his reign altogether and Arthur Curry and Diana of Tehmyscira both refuse due to having important matters of their own on their own individual homelands. However, when Lex Luthor takes it upon himself to provoke war between both Atlantis and Themyscira, both Aquaman and Wonder Woman agree to terms on helping overthrow Luthor's sadistic reign as President. Superman eventually sees there's a chance to redeem himself to the public eye after a physical fight with batman and Green Lantern, and the six heroes form a team to combat a threat not one of them could handle alone against Lex Luthor's presidency.
The cast -
Green Lantern (John Stewart) - The reason why I included this version of the character of Green Lantern is simple: I'm more entertained by him over Hal and either one could've fit the bill here as far as story purposes go. At first extremely hesitant being in a team of heroes due to feeling Batman is the leader and hating having to answer to authority, Stewart eventually goes onto to be one of the first members of the assembled heroes. Also, I'd like to mention that Hal Jordan and the events of the garbage Green Lantern film are still intact for the most part but here it's a simple case of Hal was unavailable as he gave up being Lantern as the events of the "Green Lantern" film have taken place YEARS ago and John was his backup, so in my opinion I'm trying out Stewart for a role as the guy who hates authority but by the ending has an epic duel between himself and Luthor's army and an all around help to the League.
Superman - can't exactly have the Justice League without Superman now can you? didn't think so...but of course he is the centerpiece of the team and all around why the team is formed in the first place.I'm of course going to look for classic Superman as I despise new 52 Superman with a passion. After the future leader of the Justice League is framed for murder, his reputation is tarnished and leads to an uprising against Lex Luthor and one of the first heroes to rebel is....
Batman - The man who more so than superman himself believes Superman never killed the villain in cold blood and starts a rebellion against Luthor's reign, leading to both he and Barry Allen recruit members for a team of heroes who go onto calling themselves the Justice League.I'm in a strong belief that Batman should be the man who in a way not doing this with the team rather than lone wolfing in order to prove Superman innocent so he does in my story seem resentful of the team until Barry talks him into being the man who assembles them.
The Flash (Barry Allen) - Along with Batman, Barry Allen believes Superman never committed the crime accused of and goes onto forming the team. He never thinks there'd be a day where there was a need for a group of heroes to form and is amazed by all of the heroes especially Aquaman and Wonder Woman when first seeing them.I am personally a Flash fan and have always wanted to incorporate the crime investigator persona in the film so both he and Batman work off of each other to figure out what happened when Superman fought that villain, and plus, just seeing the Flash's fight style on film would be a treat.
Aquaman and Wonder Woman - I decided to include these two in one description due to the fact both come from their homelands to help the rest of the heroes for the same reason (Lex Luthor threatens to go to war with them). Wonder Woman however starts to take a liking to Superman midway through the story. Though as far as what to look for I'd go for new 52 Aquaman as I've never been huge on the character yet think this current version is the best he's had to date and Wonder Woman will simply be how she's always been originally, though these two differ after being nearly drawn into war as Aquaman is all but scared of the thought of fighting against Luthor and actually calls for it at first and Wonder Woman is the cool headed yet somewhat panicked one out of the two as Luthor alludes to attacking Themyscira first but I'm not the biggest guy when it comes to knowledge on Wonder Woman but she does hold important to the story as does Aquaman.
Possible Questions -
How does the League exactly protest at first against Luthor without hurting military who're doing their jobs?- to be frank, they use non lethal methods against the military and any type of law enforcement, there's a scene in which batman gets into a fight against a SWAT team but that's mostly it. However, in the later parts Luthor has totally adopted the spoils system and placing in people he knows in the government and the military itself and eventually is able to fit in some robots so the League is able to fight back more aggressively then.
Who is the villain who Superman "murders" in cold blood?-
This is a game time decision deal as far as who bites the bullet for Luthor. I personally want to adapt Metallo but since Luthor later gets a suit himself with Kryptonite in it and Batman and Green Lantern come to blows with superman with Batman in a built in suit I'm looking at other options such as parasite and others.
Is this story putting the focus solely about Superman and Batman?-
of course not this story focuses on all other members of the Justice League.Now can a certain character be snubbed such as per say Aquaman? Maybe but here the team is all incorporated into the story fairly, Batman assembles but is the lone wolf of the group in a way, it revolves around Superman, Lantern doesn't exactly like authority and often is involved in the physical parts of the story and one of the main bickerers of the team at first, Flash works closely and on his own with Batman investigating the supposed murder, Aquaman is close to going to war with America before the League talks some sense into it, and Wonder Woman wants what's best for her own home and tries to keep the peace of the group and even can be considered the voice of reason before taking an interest in big red and blue.
Have Lex Luthor and Superman met beforehand? - In short answer: kind of. This is an event in which when Lex Luthor becomes president Superman is aware he's corrupt but not aware of just how much Luthor hates him which is why he meets with Luthor in the first place to bury the hatchet with him as the two on occasion before the story have been shown to be rivals but Superman hasn't been directly involved in Luthor except stopping a couple of his plans before.
Other Stuff - Alfred, Steve Trevor, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Amanda Waller,Snappar Carr, and others all appear at some point in the story in minor appearances with the exception of Snappar Carr. On the Subject of Martain Manhunter I simply had nowhere to place and saving him for a sequel to the story and trust me there are allusions made to the fact a sequel will happen.Also, as far as including the origins of the individual heroes I'd do it how the animated show included them and include the origins of the heroes in the opening just with the comic pages.I felt strongly against putting in the watch tower in the first movie and see a better use for it to be explained during the gap between a part 2 and 3, the team (not referred to as the Justice League until the ending) instead uses happy harbor as the base of operations with some help by Snappar Carr. Obviously as far as what I had in mind when I wrote this I had a big help from the animated film "Superman/Batman: Public enemies."

along with anything involving president Lex and the origin of the team both New 52 and the team's original appearance in "The Brave and The Bold".As far as ol Darkseid goes he fits in Manhunter's category: he'll be saved for another day along with the Secret Society. I hope those who read the story enjoy it and if any have problems with the story or just want to give out feedback please, feel free to leave a comment below.