Here it is, the story you've all been waiting for. I have been working on this for nearly a year! It's so awesome that I'm going to have to break it up into two parts.
There is a casting video at the end.
So here it is, Avengers 2. Let me know what you think.
Avengers 2

Nick Fury was hidden behind the bulk of a demolished car in the middle of the remains of Times Square. The dark night was choked with smoke, lights flashed as power sporadically failed throughout the city, only to repower moments later. He held two pistols in his hands, he was sweating profusely as explosions echoed through the city, in the distance he saw the flash of a car exploding and heard shouting in an unusual language. “That’s my cue.” He muttered as he leapt over the remains of the car with guns a blazing towards nearly a hundred soldiers in full body armor. His shots took the soldiers by surprise as he cut five of them down before they could respond. The soldiers fired at him with energy weapons that blew huge furrows into the concrete near him as he rolled for cover behind an overturned van. He dropped his empty clips and jammed two fresh ones into the pistols. He took a deep breath and jumped from behind the van, opening fire as he did. Only this time, the soldiers were ready for him. He took one energy blast to the chest, it blew him back several feet onto the ground. He stared into the sky as a light shone from above. As he drifted into unconsciousness he muttered, “my fault… all my fault… shouldn’t have trusted…”
Sometime earlier:
Natalia Romanov, aka Black Widow, walked through a room filled with SHIELD personnel until she came to a Nick Fury, who stood looking out the viewport of the Helicarrier as it hovered over a desert area. He turned and acknowledged her with a nod as she reported “Colonel, my recon of the facility has shown that the black ops team is indeed compromised. Avengers black ops member Dane Whitman, code named Black Knight, infiltrated a Stark Industries facility last night searching for data.”
Fury clenched his fist “What did he get?”
Widow handed him a folder “All Stark data relating to SHIELD, and all available Iron man data, which thankfully wasn’t much. He also pulled data on a small island in the south Pacific that Stark owns. No information on the island except that it has an exclusive resort on it.”
Fury shook his head, “This is bad. Whitman was a top level operative. If he is selling these secrets to who I think he is, we’re all in trouble”
Widow nodded as Fury walked to a computer and motioned for the tech monitoring it to leave. “How did we catch his hack attempt?”
Widow pulled a pda from her belt and pulled up some data “Whitman was discovered by Hank Pym’s new computer program you had him infiltrate SHIELD and Stark Industries with.”
Fury nodded “Vision. I remember.”
She looked out the viewport as she asked “What are your orders?”
Fury looked at her with a solemn face “Contact the Avengers; I’ve got to talk to Tony Stark after I get through with the hearing in the morning.”
A news reporter stood with a large crowd behind her, she smiled as she wrapped up her report “Earlier today industrialist Justin Hammer unveiled his latest accomplishment.

Hammer, whom many of you may remember was recently freed of all charges related to the terrorist attack at the Stark Expo. He has unveiled the Hammer Space Station. This station contains state of the art research facilities, and is the second station of its size to be privately owned. The first privately owned space station is of course Tony Stark’s Stark Space Station launched three years ago.”
Tony switched the TV off and turned back to a small scooter like object he was working on as his assistant, Virginia Pepper Potts, walked in.
She stopped and looked at the scooter “What is that?”
Tony looked back with a smile “One thing I have always wanted since I was a child.”
“A woman that doesn’t age or talk back?” She replied half jokingly.
He continued to work on it as he replied “If I had that, I’d miss out on our… lovely chats, and you know how much I enjoy those. No this is a hover scooter, or it will be once I finish adapting my repulsar tech to it. This will make a lot of kids happy this Christmas.” he said as he soldered a few wires.
She raised a brow at this “Repulsar? Isn’t that the main weapons on your Iron Man suits?”
He nodded as he rummaged in an open tool box for a socket set “And your point?”
She sighed and shook her head “Fury wants you to meet with him and the rest of the Avengers in the briefing room at Stark Tower. Should I prep the jet or will you be flying yourself from Malibu to New York?”
“I’ll fly myself.”
“Ok. Fury also wants to know when Hawkeye and Mockingbird will get back from their honeymoon.”
Tony chuckled and sat the hover scooter down and turned to Pepper with a smile “Ha ha. I finally pulled one over on old one eye. I sent them to a little island I own through another company. Only three people know I own it, four counting you. They’ll be back in a week or so.” Tony stood and walked to the area where his newest armor was stored, he grabbed a rag and began wiping the grease from his hands, “tell Nick I’ll be there by morning, and tell him to lighten up, let Clint and Barbara have some fun, you only live once.”
It had started out as a paradise, Clint Barton and Barbara Morse, also known as the Avengers members Hawkeye and Mockingbird, had spent a luxurious three weeks on a tropical island. A wedding gift from team member Tony Stark. It had started as a paradise, but even Eden can become a Hell.
The waves of the beach washed with the blood of a dead waiter in a white suit who floated lifelessly near the shore. The small resort was riddled with bullets and the bodies of the staff and guests. Clint and Barbara both leaned behind a large stone bar, hidden from their attackers. Barton was reloading an assault rifle and two pistols as Barbara bandaged a wound on Clint’s leg with cloth improvised from her evening gown. They both worn their best outfits, or rather what remained of them from dinner the night before. The resort was attacked by dozens of armed mercenaries that came ashore during the dark of night, they slaughtered everyone. Everyone save for Clint and Barbara, who somehow managed to fight off their attackers all night.
Barbara looked at him as he winced from the pain of the bullet wound in his leg “This is bad, we have to get off of the island.”
Clint nodded “Remind me to kill Tony when we get back.” He handed her a rifle and picked up the two pistols as they heard voices from behind them. The mercenaries opened fire, the shots turning the stone counter of the bar into a hail of dust and shrapnel. The mercenaries wore green suits of combat armor with the HYDRA logo on the chest. Clint vaulted over the bar, opening fire with the pistols as he did. His shots took out two of the six mercenaries, giving Barbara a chance to leap over the bar and open fire with the rifle cutting down another mercenary. Clint flipped over a long table for him and Barbara to duck behind. Barbara slid behind the table, cracking off a series of shots as she did, taking out the last mercenaries. Hawkeye went to dive after her, but as he did three shots struck him in the side. He cried out in pain as he fell to the ground in front of the table.
“CLINT!” Barbara cried out as she leaned over the table to grab him, as she did her head was snapped back by a single well placed bullet between her lovely blue eyes. Clint turned his head to see a lone figure walking through the smoke and rubble. He stood over the bleeding Clint who sobbed slightly from grief and pain “you bastar… you killed her… why?”
The man kneeled down and raised Clint’s head with a cold metal arm. Clint saw he wore a long coat and dark sunglasses. The man dropped his head and held his gun over Clint and fired. He then walked away silently as Clint and Barbara Barton bled out onto the floor.
Nick Fury, and Janet Pym stood before a committee of military and government officials.

An inquiry was being held to see if the government should take a more active role in the Avengers affairs. The proceedings were mainly driven by an ambitious man, Henry Peter Gyrich. Gyrich held some fancy position, Fury couldn’t recall which. Fury looked about the courtroom as Gyrich led off a list of discrepancies in his reports on the Avengers.
Gyrich looked at a list he was reading from, “The damages from the New York attack by this…absorbing man, were paid by SHIELD, and by extension the US government.” He sat the paper down and looked at Fury “That was a rather costly incident. Couldn’t your team have handled it a different way?”
Fury leaned his head to the side “Mr. Gyrich we were faced with an Omega class meta human, that is the highest threat level has. This man could absorb the properties of anything to make him stronger. I think we got off lucky.”
Gyrich chuckled and shook his head “Lucky? You have people on your team that can shoot energy from their bodies and luck is how you get by? You have no coordination at all?”
Fury shook his head, his patience growing thin “That isn’t what I said. I was saying that could have gone worse, a lot worse.”
Gyrich nodded “Alright,” he pulled up another piece of paper “Your team’s claims that the only God in existence is on your team have resulted in many Islamic militant groups committing hostile acts against America.”
Fury blinked his one eye at Gyrich and looked at Janet. Janet shook her head “Those things were said by our team member Thor. He isn’t even an American citizen. The rest of the team has attempted to maintain a neutral standpoint on all religious and political matters.”
Gyrich nodded “Your team is arguably the most powerful group of individuals in the world. What are your political affiliations? It says here you are a registered democrat Mrs. Pym, does your team support the democratic party?”
Janet looked at him in confusion “But Mr. Gyrich, you yourself are a Democrat…”
Gyrich looked at her, his accusatory expression unchanged “And the point?”
Janet sighed “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
Fury and Janet sat in the Avengers Quinjet as it soared through the skies over New York.
Janet looked at Fury “That was completely pointless.”
Fury nodded “Gyrich has that affect on people. He’s been causing me a lot of trouble lately.”
Janet looked out the window as Stark Tower came into view “How so?”
Fury shook his head and closed his eye “He wants to get control over the team. He thinks it will help with his political standing. One more screw up, and they’ll give it to him.”
Nick Fury sat in the conference room on the top floor of Stark Tower. Tony Stark had given the top floors of the Manhattan Stark Tower for the Avengers to use when he agreed to finance the team and keep it independent of the government. All of this was so Norse god Thor would join the team. Stark Tower was recently rebuilt after the attack on the Avengers by a super powered Carl Creel months earlier. The battle decimated Manhattan, but it proved the teams metal, and revealed a new foe in the form of Loki.
Fury nodded to the Avengers as they filed into the room, some were in costume, others in civilian cloths. Hank and Janet Pym were among the last into the room. Pym stood behind Fury at the head of the table. Fury looked around at some of the most powerful beings on the planet. There was Tony Stark, better known as Iron Man, on Fury’s right in a suit that probably cost more than Fury’s army pension. Next to Tony sat Steve Rogers, known to the world as Captain America, and unofficial leader of the team, he was in costume. Beside Cap was SHIELD operative and Avengers liaison Sharon Carter, Carter also acted as the teams quartermaster, procuring specialized SHIELD technology for the team.
Next to her was Thor, in his usual attire.
To Fury’s left was Hank Pym. Pym’s former identity was Ant man, now he went by Yellow Jacket. Pym was also the chief science officer for the team now that Betty Ross and Rick Jones had left to join her father’s taskforce pursuing Bruce Banner. Pym’s wife, Janet, sat next to him. Janet was the PR person for the team, but had since joined as the Wasp, she had the same powers as he husband, that being size change. Next to her sat Carol Danvers aka Warbird.
Fury looked the team over, took a deep breath and went into his briefing “I have news, most of it bad. I’ll start with the good,” he looked to Hank Pym “Hank’s AI program codenamed Vision has proven itself to be a success. We will be using it to help coordinate future operations.”
Cap spoke up “I thought you hadn’t tested it yet Hank.”
Hank shifted uncomfortably “not in so many words.” He said quietly.
Fury nodded “I had Pym integrate it into the SHIELD and Stark mainframes. Don’t get upset, we are safe, there are precautions in order.” He looked at the team, several of whom had surprised faces. Fury continued “For the bad news, I think it best if I let Vision tell you himself.”
A voice spoke up from speakers throughout the room “Thank you Colonel Fury.”
Tony interrupted “Hey! What happened to Jarvis?”
Vision replied “Our systems overlapped, he is now confined to your Malibu residence. I am in full control of all of the automated facilities in SHIELD and the Stark Tower.”
Tony shook his head “This entire tower is automated, as are the SHIELD helicarriers if I remember correctly.”
He shut up as Fury stared him down “Vision continue.”
“Affirmative Colonel Fury. Three days ago a member of the Avengers Initiative Dane Whitman, codenamed Black Knight stole data from a Stark facility.”
“Why am I just now hearing this?” Tony demanded.
Fury looked at him impatiently, “Shut up rich boy. Let Vision finish.”
Vision continued “Whitman stole data relating to SHIELD covert operations and classified Stark technology. He also discovered the location of an island in the South Pacific owned by Tony Stark.” Stark paled at the mention of this as realization hit him
A holographic projection rose from the table showing Whitman.
Thor rubbed his chin as he contemplated “You said he was a member of the Avengers, yet I know not of him.”
Fury nodded and stood “I’ll address that later, its part of the bad news. I’ll take it from here Vision.” He said as he walked around the table “We believe that Whitman was working on the behalf of this man. The holograph changed to reveal a man in a Nazi uniform with a purple hood completely covering his head.

“Baron Zemo!” Captain America gasped.
Fury nodded as he continued “This is the only known photo of Baron Heinrich Zemo, estimated birth date is November 23 1882 in Germany. He was a high ranking member of the Third Reich. He operated in the shadows. He was behind a lot of the Nazi technological advances; he was also the handler of famed war criminal Red Skull. Zemo disappeared after the war ended, many thought Captain America here killed him in the war, but the truth is Zemo went underground. He has been behind some of the largest conflicts of the past century. Wars, rebellions, terrorist groups, even natural disasters can be attributed to him. A few years back he steps out of the shadows and starts organizing a lot of the big terrorist groups out there, HYDRA, Al Qaida, Ten Rings, AIM. All working for him now. Recently Zemo has been gathering his own superhumans together as a counter action to the Avengers. We don’t know how many he has, or what his motive is, yet.”
Warbird shook her head “This can’t be the same guy; he’d be at least a hundred and twenty.”
Fury raised his eyebrow at her “We have a WWII supersoldier and a Norse God at this table and you have a hard time believing this?”
Warbird blushed “Point taken.”
Captain America took a deep breath “What is our first step Colonel?”
Fury tapped a button on the table “Well, first thing is for me to introduce you to the members of the SHIELD black ops division of the Avengers Initiative. My superiors are forcing me to add members to the team, some of which were on the black ops team, and another who is a new player.”
The door opened and in walked the members of the secret Avengers team. They were; Black Widow, Colonel James Rhodes aka War Machine, and one other. He appeared to be a man of about 35. He wore a red and black body suit and a pair of metal bands on his wrists that seemed to glow. Fury looked at the team “You all know of Black Widow and War Machine. The other new member of the team will meet you at the location of your next assignment.”
Wasp asked “Who is it colonel?”
Fury smiled “A new player, Captain Marvel. Trust me, you won’t miss him.”
Captain America stood “Colonel, we are pleased to have new recruits, but what is our next move?”
Fury nodded and addressed the team “Our first step is Whitman. SHIELD has tracked him to Houston Texas. He is waiting for one of Zemo’s agents to make contact with him. Widow will coordinate the mission, Agent Carter will be attending to other matters. We will intercept him there. Get suited up everyone, dismissed.”
Baron Zemo stood looking at a large map of the world. A man walked up from behind him, Zemo turned to see that it was Loki, the Norse God of Mischief.
Zemo nodded “Loki. All is prepared I assume.” he said turning back to the map.
Loki smiled “But of course. Nothing lies beyond my grasp. Your forces are ready to strike our foes at a moments notice.”
Zemo nodded “Send them to meet the Black Knight in Houston. What of the Russian?”
Loki waved his hands and an image of Iron Man materialized “He is prepared to work with us. All he needs is the data Black Knight has.”
Thor walked through a tranquil, beautiful garden, he was looking for something. He passed under a large archway adorned with strange flowers, entering a veritable Eden. He was in a courtyard surrounded by the flowers. In the center of the courtyard stood a large tree, and from this tree grew golden apples. On a bench in front of the tree lay the most beautiful woman Thor had ever seen. She smiled as she saw Thor approach.
She spoke in a voice that would make lesser men than Thor weep with joy and submit to her every whim “Hail Thor, son of Odin, future ruler of Asgard, and my lover.” She reached up to a branch and pulled free the golden fruit which grew there. She held it in front of her face and breathed in its aroma, smiling as she did “Has the God of Thunder come to enter my garden and taste the fruits which lie within?”
Thor smiled and knelt down beside her. She leaned close to him, he did likewise. He leaned in to kiss her,

as he did he whispered softly “Aye, it would be so, the fruit is pleasing to see, yet it is rotten at its core, and has been plucked more than its share.” he pulled away from her, not kissing her. She dropped the apple in disappointment as he said “I know your charms, one kiss and even one as mighty as I world be a slave to your will. Amora, the Enchantress of Asgard, you know such frivolties will not work on one such as I.”
Enchantress dropped the apple and sat up on the bench. “You can’t blame one for trying.” she said with a shrug, “Such games pass the time until Ragnarok comes. Anything to break the boredom of an immortal life.” She patted the bench and slid over giving him room “At least sit, I promise to show restraint.”
Thor sat by her “Amora, what is your game? Why have you called me here?”
Enchantress smiled and chuckled sadly as she turned her face away, “No pleasantries? It has been centuries since we last spoke and after all this time I receive not but insults and inquiries.”
Thor put his hand on her shoulder “Don’t play such games, I know your feelings are above insult. What are you up to?”
Enchantress turned to Thor with worry in her eyes “A war is coming. Such a war that even those such as us have yet to see.” She put her hands on his shoulders “I urge you not to act in the coming events, for if you do… I fear for your life.”
Thor looked at her with confusion “What has you worried so?”
Amora looked down and pulled her arms away from his, wrapping them around herself. She sighed as she replied “Death. Even us immortals face it. All things die in the end. I fear that end is upon us.”
She stood and turned to Thor “A war is coming, I chose a side, it seemed the only way to protect our home. This choice may cost us all dearly.”
Thor stood and walked to her. He looked down at her and turned her chin up so he could look in her eyes “A face such as thee should not no sorrow, nor show it. You are truly concerned.”
Amora nodded “For you.”
Thor smiled as he said “I am a warrior, I will fight, but not with you. I fight to protect Midgar, and Asgard.”
Amora closed her eyes “Then I was right, we are to be enemies.”
Thor awoke in the Quinjet with the other Avengers.
The Avengers soar through the air in the Quinjet. The team quietly prepared for their mission. Tony sat across from Rhodey (War Machine), staring at him intensely, both were in full armor except for their helmets.
Rhodey sighed “What? What’s wrong Tony?”
Tony looked at him innocently “Why nothing, nothing at all. Except the fact that I just found out you’re cheating on me with Nick Fury.”
Rhodey shook his head and groaned “Look Tony, do you really think now is the time for this?”
Tony continued speaking and looking at him with a deadpan expression as if he hadn’t heard him “What does he have that I don’t have? Is it the eye patch? Are you in with the whole pirate thing? Because I could get into that too.”
Rhodey shook his head “Look man, I’m a soldier. I’m given orders and I follow them.”
Captain America walked up to them “Get suited up, you’re both on air recon with Thor.”
Captain America walks away, Tony turns to Rhodey “This isn’t over.”
Captain America opened the back hatch on he jet, exposing them to the open air. Tony slipped his helmet on and jumped out of the jet. War Machine pulled his helmet on, turned to Captain America and saluted “It’s a pleasure to be working with you sir.”
Cap smiled and returned the salute as War Machine jumped from the plane.
Dane Whitman walked through the Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston Texas.

He wore baggy cloths and pulled a large wheeled suitcase behind him. He tried to seem at ease, all the while he was watching for anyone following him. He passed by a man and a woman kissing. He paid them no attention.
Unknown to him, the man and woman were in fact Hank and Janet Pym. Hank quietly spoke into a microphone clipped to the collar of his shirt “Target spotted.”
Black Widow’s voice replied “Move to intercept point.” a person passed by them, after the person was gone, so were the Pyms. All that remained was a pile of cloths. And from that pile of cloths rose what appeared to be two flying insects.
In the air high above the airport Iron Man, War Machine, and Thor hovered over the airport, silently waiting for their signal.
Carol Danvers, aka Warbird, stood looking at a rack of magazines as a Whitman passed her by. She was not wearing her costume, but was instead in jeans, a black shirt and a tan jacket. She quietly spoke into a microphone attached to the collar of her jacket “Passing me now.”
“Hold until my signal.” Widow replied before saying “I‘m moving to intercept now.”
Carol looked to see a redheaded woman walking up to Whitman.
Before she could reply a gunshot was heard. Carol spun around to see the man with the metal arm and long coat from before. “Who the hell is this?” she asked as the civilians in the airport began screaming and running for the exits.
Widow’s voice came over everyone’s comms “That’s the Winter Soldier! He’s a former top Soviet Assassin. Everyone move in now!”

Whitman took off running, only for Widow to tackle him to the ground. He pushed her off of him and kicked her in the face, knocking her back. He ripped off his shirt revealing metal black body armor. He looked at Widow nervously “Now Natasha, no need to rough, lets just talk about this.”
She screamed in rage and leapt through the air towards him. He did a back flip to the suit case, opened it revealing high tech sword. He pulled it out and hit a switch on its hilt, it began crackling with energy.
Carol fired and energy blast at the Winter Soldier, catching off guar, her blow striking him his metal arm. He turned at her, she saw that he held an Ak 47 in one hand. He fired at her, the bullets bounced off harmlessly as she towards him, leaping into the air. As she neared him she was knocked from the air by a man in a red and black costume with a black W on the red chest part. He pinned her to the ground and looked at her face “Wow, you are gorgeous!”
She head butted him, stunning him as she planted her right leg in his midsection. She then kicked him over her head, sending him through a wall. He came back through it shaking his head “Gotta love a woman with spirit. I’m Wonder Man by the way.”
Carol shook her head “That is the worst code name I’ve ever heard.”
He shrugged “But it fits, come here and let me show you just how wonderful I am.”
Carol smiled sarcastically and replied “Come and get me big boy.” she said moving her hand at the wrist in a come and get me gesture.
Iron Man’s voice crackled over the comm “We’ve got superhumans everywhere! So much for airport security!”
Winter Soldier lined a shot up on Black Widow, only to be tackled from behind by Captain America. Captain America kicked away his AK and punched him in the jaw. He went to punch Winter Soldier again, but this time the Winter Soldier caught Captain America’s fist with his mechanical arm. He then swung Cap away, sending him crashing through a display and into the crowd of terrified civilians. The civilians rushed to the exits, trying to find refuge somewhere.
Widow pulled out her pistol and fired several shots at Black Knight, the energy on the blade of his sword knocked them from the air “You don’t understand Widow! There’s a reason for all of this.”
Widow stopped firing “What reason could you have for betraying us, betraying me?”
He shook his head, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” he said pointing the sword at her, as he did a blast of energy shot from it. The blast struck her in eh chest and sent her flying back into a pile of luggage.
Outside things were not going much better. War Machine and Iron Man were attacked by several airborne drones, similar to the ones that attacked them previously at the Stark Expo. They darted about the sky doing battle with the drones while Thor stood on the ground looking at two foes. One he knew, one he didn’t. the one he knew wore dark armor and a dark mask, the other was green and glowing.
Thor stood firmly as he addressed the one he knew “Executioner. I had expected to see thee, your mistress has attempted to sway me to her side as she has you.”
Executioner was a large man, easily larger than Thor, he wore dark armor and a mask, he carried a massive axe. He angled the ax towards Thor as he spoke “With your death, the Enchantress’s love shall be mine and mine alone.”
Thor shook his head “She knows not love, lust is her trade, as you lust for her.”
Executioner gripped the ax tightly “Enough talk Asgardian. Let us do battle.”
Thor gripped his hammer tightly “Thee I am familiar with, but not your companion.”
Executioner “If you must know, he is the Radioactive Man.” Radioactive Man was a large man as well, he appeared to be of Asian descent, at least what of his features could be recognized beneath his green glow.
Executioner rushed towards Thor as he raised his ax. Thor dodged out of the way, the Executioner missed and sliced a car in half. Thor struck Executioner in the back with his hammer, as the blow connected thunder roared and the sky clouded over. Thor was struck from behind by an energy blast from the Radioactive Man. Before Thor could respond an energy blast struck Radioactive man, sending him into a row of cars. Thor looked up to see Captain Marvel hovering in the air, Marvel then dove through the air and tackled Radioactive Man to the ground. Thor ducked a blow from Executioner, a blow that would have surely decapitated him had it connected. Thor struck Executioner in the chest with a bolt of lightning. Executioner kicked Thor in the stomach, the blow launched the Thunder God through the air and into the air control tower.
Thor regained consciousness among the ruined computer terminals, surrounded by terrified air traffic control workers. He heard a feral shout. Thor looked out the hole in the wall to see Executioner swing his ax at the base of the tower, the blow shook the building, breaking it from its base. The civilians screamed in terror as the building fell to its side. Before Thor could respond, the building was gripped in an energy field and gently set on the ground. Thor climbed from the building to see Captain Marvel using some sort of energy that came from the metal bands on his wrists, “Need a hand?” he called to Thor. Thor looked and saw that the Radioactive Man and Executioner had disappeared.
Meanwhile, inside the airport, things were going no better for the Avengers. Captain America and the Winter Soldier were grappling over a rocket launcher when suddenly Winter Soldier was stung by several small energy blasts. He looked around and saw that the painful blasts were coming from two insects flying around. But these aren’t insects, they are in fact Hank and Janet Pym, now in their identities of Yellow Jacket and Wasp. Winter Soldier kicked Captain America away, giving up the rocket launcher in the process. He then leapt over a kiosk, as he did he pulled a pair of pistols from his belt. he turned and in one motion fired both pistols at the Pyms.
Yellow Jacket saw this coming and shouted “Jan! Dodge and enlarge!” Hank said as he did just that, the full size Yellow Jacket crashed to the ground and rolled away. Wasp however was not that fortunate. She tried to dodge, but the bullet still struck her one inch form, knocking her out of sight.
“JAN!” Yellow Jacket cried as he was hit from behind by Winter Soldier’s bullets, he collapsed to the ground, writing in pain.
Captain America looked on stunned as his friend collapsed to the ground. He jumped up and threw his shield at the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier ducked the shield as it passed close enough to him to cut off a few pieces of hair. The shield bounced off of the wall behind him and angled back towards him. Without looking behind him the Winter Soldier simply jumped into the air allowing the shield to pass under him.
Captain America caught the shield and looked at Winter Soldier breathlessly “Who are you?”
The Winter Soldier cocked his head to one side and shrugged, as he did this he kicked the AK 47 up from the floor and into his hands.
As he did this someone began firing on him, he looked to see Black Widow running towards him fired her pistol and shouting in Russian
He held the AK in one hand and a pistol in the other. He sprayed the room and his opponents with the AK as he shot out the window to the parking lot behind him. He then tossed a smoke grenade into the room.
When the smoke cleared he was gone. Cap turned to Widow “Where’s Whitman?”
Widow shook her head “Gone. Warbird has one of their men.”
Cap rushed to the broken window and saw the Winter Soldier speeding away on a stolen motorcycle. He looked at Widow, “I’m going after Winter Soldier. Send me support when things he are cleared up.”
Winter Soldier sped down a highway on the stolen motorcycle, the wind whipping his long coat about, revealing a veritable arsenal of weapons on his person. He had everything from grenades to machine pistols strapped to him. He checked behind him and saw blue clad figure with a large red shield strapped to his back speeding towards him. He unslung the AK 47 from his back and fired it behind him, this caused Captain America to swerve in order to avoid being hit. The bullets did however blow the tires out on a minivan, causing it to flip on its side, it was saved from crashing into other traffic by timely intervention by Captain Marvel, who swooped, grabbed the van and sat it down gently in a nearby parking lot.
Winter Soldier emptied the clip on his AK and let it drop. In bounced along the road before slamming into the windshield of a passing car. He checked his speed and saw that it was about maxed out. He reached around and pulled out two machine pistols. He bent over, nearly backwards and fired on Captain America, all while barely holding onto the bike. Cap pulled his shield in front of him, the bullets bouncing off of it, unfortunately this was obstructing Cap’s view. He moved the shield out of the way to see that he was about to barrel into the back of a car. He was saved at the last second by Iron Man. Iron Man grabbed Cap and his motorcycle and lifted them off of the highway, he dropped them off right beside the Winter Soldier.
Captain America swung a punch at the Soldier, it connected with his jaw, causing him to nearly lose his balance and fall off of the motorcycle. While he fought to regain his balance, Cap swerved to avoid a Honda and came back around to pull one of the pistols from the Soldier’s grip.
Winter Soldier swerved as a hailstorm of bullets rained down from the heavens as the sky darkened and began thunder. Soldier looked up to see War Machine firing on him from the shoulder mounted machine gun, with him were Iron Man and Thor.
Winter Soldier reached around and pulled out a small single shot grenade launcher from behind him, he aimed it into the air above him and fired. About this time Iron Man fired a series of repulsar blasts just as the grenade struck one of his boots, exploding and spinning him around in the air. This threw Iron Man‘s aim off causing his blasts to strike War Machine at point blank range. Both fell from the sky and landed among the traffic on the highway below.
Captain America saw that Winter Soldier appeared to be out of weapons, save for one machined pistol and a 44 Magnum. Winter Soldier looked ahead and saw a 18 wheeler, with the Hammer logo emblazoned on it, hauling fuel ahead of him and a few lanes over to his left. Winter Soldier smiled and aimed the 44 Magnum at the truck, he fired several times, each shot striking a tire. The driver of the truck panicked and jerked the wheel, fighting for control, control he would not recover. The large truck cut across traffic, causing several other cars to slam into each other, and Captain America’s bike. Cap was knocked off of the bike by the impact of a Camero striking it in the side. He flew through the air, putting the shield ahead of him as he angled towards the road, hoping it would absorb the brunt of the impact.
By this time the 18 wheeler had jackknifed and was about to crash, Thor swooped in to save it. As he did this Winter Soldier pulled two grenades from his coat, flipped the pins out, laid the bike on its side and slid under the crashing truck, dropping the grenades as he did. The grenades rattled along until they exploded directly underneath the fuel container. The entire truck went up in a huge fireball that engulfed Thor. Several cars slammed together, starting fires of their own. Captain America stumbled to his feet in the midst of this inferno. On the other side of it he saw the Winter Soldier, standing there next to his motorcycle, his face emotionless as wrecked cars exploded around him. He snapped Cap a quick salute before he got on the motorcycle and sped away.
A helicopter flew over Houston, it passed over the wreckage caused by the team chasing Winter Soldier. Nick Fury sat in the helicopter on the phone “You can’t blame me or the team for this! This was a terrorist attack on American soil! Nothing more. We don’t need Gyrich interfering in our affairs. The team has enough troubles now without adding him!” Fury slammed the phone against the bulkhead of the helicopter, shattering it.
Nick Fury walked through the remains of the airport, flanked by a distraught Sharon Carter and Warbird (now in her costume).

He stopped when he came to Widow and Captain America. Captain America was sitting on a stretcher, his costume off, his arm in a splint and ribs bandaged. Widow’s face was bruised and she had a bandage over a broke nose. Fury looked at them angrily for a moment before speaking in barely restrained shout “What the hell happened here?” he said as he waved about indicating the team loading Yellow Jacket into an ambulance, while another team was using specialized equipment to search for Wasp’s body, if there was one to be found.
Captain America cleared his throat “Whitman was obtained by a team of superhuman agents and aerial drones led by an assassin who Black Widow identified as the Winter Soldier.” he stopped, expecting Fury to say something, when no response was made Cap continued “Two agents who Thor identified as the Executioner, an Asgardian warrior, and Radioactive Man kept him distracted while the airborne drones diverted Iron Man and War Machine. With our support outside distracted the agent Warbird captured, code named Wonder Man, was sent in to grab Whitman along with the Winter Soldier. Warbird subdued Wonder Man. Unfortunately Radioactive Man was able to spirit Whitman away while Winter Soldier distracted us.”
Fury shook his head “Damn it. Hank’s shot, Jan is MIA… the Winter Soldier took out at least three people. Four is Hank dies, five until you get back on your feet.”
Captain America looked surprised at this “Five?”
Sharon looked down sadly as Fury said “We’ll go over this back at base.” he kicked over a bench as Tony walked up, helmet in hand. Sharon Carter silently walked over to Tony and whispered in his ear. Fury didn’t notice Tony’s appearance as he shouted “Damn it Cap! You and Widow picked a hell of a time to screw up. We’ve lost too many people today, and it looks like we need them now more than ever!”
Fury turned to leave, only to be met with a metal fist to the jaw. Fury fell to the ground and looked up at an enraged Tony Stark. Stark powered up the repulsar glove and aimed it at Fury “Listen to me you heartless bastard. I know we’re just numbers, resources to you, but I’ll be damned if I let you talk to Cap and Natasha like that. They are well aware of what has happened today. Hank has a bullet lodged near his spine, Whitman got away and we can’t find Janet’s body! It could be shrunk on the ground, or in the wall over there with the f*cking bullet that shot her! Hell, for all we no the force of a bullet the size of her body destroyed her completely! And now I find that your rogue agent that we nearly died trying to catch told Winter soldier where Clint and Bobbi were at! And now she’s dead!”
Black Widow paled at this “Mockingbird’s dead?”
Sharon nodded as Tony continued his tirade “I’m sick of you playing with us like toy soldiers, we all are. Cap is our leader, not you. We don’t work for you!”
Fury stood up and walked over until he was nose to nose with Tony “Listen to me closely Stark. I try to be a nice guy around you and your team, but you can ask around and you’ll find out that I can be one cold mother. You have no idea the heat and pressure I take because of you clowns. And when I occasionally call for you to help out, it’s usually with good reason. I am protecting the free world and all.”
Fury shoved Tony away, turned and walked away. He neared the exit but before he left he turned to the Avengers “None of you are aware of what’s at stake… sometimes sacrifices must be made. I‘ll meet you back at Stark tower for a debriefing.” he turned and left.
Sharon shook her head “He’s not telling us something.”
Widow shook her head “No, he isn’t telling us anything. He’s up to something, but what?”
Baron Zemo, flanked by Winter Soldier, walked up to a large metal door that slid open on his approach. He entered a large room with several other people in the room gathered around a metal table with a holographic projection of Earth floating in the middle of it. Zemo looked around the table as he stood at its head. Seated around the table were: Loki, Enchantress, Executioner, Radioactive Man. Across from them sat a tattooed Russian man in his late twenties, a man in a black hooded costume a sickle for a hand and a skull mask, Dane Whitman and Justin Hammer.
Zemo looked around the table “You have performed well. Each of you have your own special talents that are of use to us. Loki’s knowledge of the mystic arts is matched only by the Enchantress. Executioner has strength greater than Thor. Radioactive Man has energy manipulation abilities that outshine Warbird’s.” he turned to look at the people seated across the table from them. “Anton Vanko possesses the same brilliant mind as his father Ivan Vanko, better known as Whiplash, and his grandfather. The Grim Reaper is in tuned with death. The Black Knight is a skilled combatant and possesses unmatched knowledge of SHIELD’s inner workings. And of course Justin Hammer, the man supplying us with technology and equipment.”
Hammer smiled and waved at the others, they looked on him sternly, not speaking. He sunk down in his seat quietly.
Zemo looked behind him at the Winter Soldier “And of course, you are familiar with the Winter Soldier.” Zemo looked over the group before his voice hardened “What I would like to know is how the Winter Soldier, a relatively normal human, was the only one of you to take down any of the Avengers. He killed Mockingbird, gravely wounded Hawkeye, Hank Pym may die, Janet Pym is taken care of, and he even injured Captain America. Can anyone explain this to me?”
Whitman shrugged “It could be because they were still distracted by my betrayal, and learning that there actually was a black ops version of them.”
Vanko shook his head and spoke in a heavily accented broken English “I know. I was not there, but I know. These people are bad people, have done bad things. I am bad person, my father was too. But him,” he pointed at Winter Soldier, “he is worse. He has no fears. He fears not of death.”
Reaper spoke up “Death should be respected and feared by lesser beings.”
“I don’t care about death.” “The Winter Soldier said quietly.
The remaining Avengers sat in the conference room back at Stark Tower, in costume. The members remaining were Captain America, who’s injuries were healing quickly. Iron Man, War Machine, Warbird, Black Widow, Sharon Carter and Captain Marvel were also present.
Nick Fury stood at the entrance of the room addressing the team “Hank Pym will recover and be out of the hospital in a few days. There is still no trace of Janet.”
Fury shook his head “And now comes even worse news, I know the majority of you already know this, but I‘ll say it anyway. The island that Whitman stole data on was where Tony sent Clint and Barbara on their honeymoon. We sent SHIELD agents there yesterday… the island was wiped out. Everyone killed, save for Clint Barton. He has multiple wounds and is currently recovering in the med bay on the SHIELD helicarrier.”
Fury took a deep breath “I’m sorry to say that Barbara Morse, codenamed Mockingbird did make it.” The image shifted to show the man who killed Mockingbird and shot Hawkeye “Hawkeye identified this man as the leader of the HYDRA assassins that hit the island. He is only known as the Winter Soldier, an agent active for the Soviet Union since the mid 1950’s. They would keep him in suspended animation and thaw him out for missions. HYDRA discovered him in the 1990’s and activated him as a full time agent. He has several cybernetic enhancements, including a cybernetic arm. We encountered him at the airport. He led the team that procured Whitman.”
Sharon Carter stood “Colonel, what are we going to do.”
Fury shook his head “Nothing. We have no information to go on. Until we gain intelligence on our enemies you all are on a temporary furlough. That way our new liasion will have time to… assess the team.”
Tony looked at him “Wait, what?”
Fury sat down in a chair at the table “That is my superiors way of saying that you are all… requested, to stay around the tower and not engage in any superhero activities until they finish investigating you.” Fury motioned for Captain marvel to stand. “I want to take this time to formally introduce your newest team member Captain Marvel. Vision pull up his file please.”
Vision’s voice replied “At once colonel” as the holographic projector shifted to show images of Marvel.

“Captain Marvel, a member of a race outside of our solar system known as the Kree. The media has dubbed him Captain Marvel, a mispronunciation of his name Mar-Vell. He has agreed to work with our government if we aid him in returning to his people. He has been on earth for roughly 8 years, his former liaison with SHIELD was one agent Carol Danvers now known as Warbird.”
Some of the team members glanced at Warbird briefly, she shrugged coyly in response.
Fury looked at the alien “Captain, do you have anything to say?”
Marvel nodded and stepped forward “I am proud to be serving with such a group of honorable warriors. My people, the Kree, set a lot of importance on strength, and I can see that I will be among some of this planet’s greatest.”
Captain America stood and walked over to Marvel and shook his hand “Well Captain Marvel, it is a pleasure to have you on the team.”
Fury motioned for them to sit as he spoke “We have hard times ahead. I’m going to let you go. You need to rest up and relax, we may have to strike at a moments notice. That‘s all for now, I‘ll let you know more when I learn more about what we are dealing with.”
The team began to file out, as they did Fury spoke “Agent Carter, could I speak with you for a minute?”
Sharon waited until the others left before Fury told her why he held her back “Sharon, I am reassigning you to Hawkeye’s protection detail, Widow will be the Avengers new quartermaster and contact with SHIELD.”
Sharon nodded “Yes sir” she said quietly.
Fury sighed “And while you are on the helicarrier, I want you to do some special research for me. I’ll send you hard copies of the specifics.”
Tony stepped outside the conference room when he was ambushed by Pepper Potts “Tony, have you been avoiding me?”
Tony laughed lightly and shook his head “No, just whatever it is you want me to do.”
Pepper sighed and handed him a stack of papers “These need your signature, and you have been invited to Hammer’s unveiling party on his space station.” Tony rolled his eyes at this as Pepper continued “I told them you accepted.”
Tony looked at her as if she had killed him “Why?” he said, feeling betrayed “I hate him, and he nearly had me killed. He may have succeeded if his tech wasn’t so crappy.”
Pepper nodded “I know, but its good PR on our part. You have to go, end of story.”
Tony sighed “Fine, but I’m taking my armor.”
Pepper left Tony there and returned to her office. When she closed the door, Amora the enchantress was revealed to be behind it. Pepper looked at her with a blank stare as the Enchantress smiled “Did Stark agree?” Pepper nodded, to which Enchantress said “Good, now there are a few other tasks I have for you to do mortal. Then I want you to leave the city.”
Warbird sat in interrogation with ‘Wonder Man’ whose real name he revealed to be Simon Williams. He will talk, but only with Warbird.
So Warbird is sitting across a metal table from Williams. Williams is chained to the table with large cables that glowed with energy. He sighed and tried to run his hands through his hair, only to remember that his hands had him bound to the table. He groaned “Look, Zemo didn’t tell me anything, I didn’t want to do it anyway. He was blackmailing me. The power upgrade he gave me is killing me, unless I get regular treatments from Zemo himself.” he motioned from Warbird to the door “So, can I go before I die?”
Warbird smiled as she said sarcastically “Oh, well, you’re dying, that makes a big difference. I’ve lost two friends to your team.” she turned to leave, but was stopped when Williams spoke.
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what they would do. I was there to keep you and Thor out so there wouldn’t be a need for violence.”
She turned back to see him looking at her with sincere regret. She closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them she gave him a steely gaze “Well, it looked like you failed at that.”
She turned and left. She sealed the door and made her way to the main hall connecting to the holding cell. She opened the door to be met by Captain Marvel. She smiled and nodded at him “Captain.”
He smiled back “Carol.” he let her pass and followed her as they walked down the hall.
She glanced back over her shoulder at him as they walked to the living quarters area of the Avengers section of Stark Tower. She struck up a conversation “So, you decided to join our team.”
He shook his head “It’s all Fury, I’m not technically a member. So how’ve you been?”
She spun around and faced him “Oh, so now you want to know about me. What about when you put me in the hospital for six months? Your transfer to the Pacific was pretty convenient.”
Marvel looked down and to the side “I hurt you. I didn’t want to do that again.”
She pressed him up against the wall hard enough for the metal alloy to buckle “You tried to make an alien power engine, it exploded and I got super powers. Yeah, you really ruined my life.” she said sarcastically.
He looked down sadly “I know I did.”
Carol pulled off her mask with the hand not holding Captain Marvel against the wall, shaking her head “I forgot, sarcasm’s lost on you Kree. Let’s see if you understand this then.” she leaned in and kissed him. She pulled away saying “Have you gotten your new room?”
He nodded “Yes, but I’ve yet to see it.”
She smiled coyly and batted her eyes “Well, lets go see it together.”
Tony sat in his lab with Black Widow going over the data stolen from Whitman’s theft. Suddenly the building began shuddering with enough force to rattle the pieces of heavy equipment in the lab. The tremors continued with some semblance of a rhythm.
Widow and Tony both looked up then at each other. Both said simultaneously “What the hell?”
Tony shook his head “ After some of the stuff I’ve seen, I honestly don’t want to know.”
Captain America was saying good bye to Sharon Carter on the heliport, when the shudders struck the building “What in the world?”
Sharon chuckled “Sounds like Carol is making up with Marvel.” she saw the confused look of Cap’s face “They used to date.”
“What are they… oh.” he said as realization dawned on him.
Before he could say anything more a helicopter approached. It landed on the pad and Henry Gyrich stepped down from it. He had a briefcase in one hand, he adjusted his tie and smoothed out the wrinkles in his suit with the other. He glanced at Captain America and Sharon Carter and walked to them. He stuck his hand out “Henry Peter Gyrich… I’m here to straighten out some things.”
Captain America smiled and shook his hand “Steve Rogers.” Sharon shook his hand as well “Sharon Carter.” she said with a nod and a smile.
Gyrich frowned “I don‘t remember your name being on the roster.”
She nodded “And we need to keep it that way.”
Before Gyrich could reply the entire building shuddered hard enough for Gyrich to fall to his knees. He scrambled to his feet “What the hell was that? Are we under attack?”
Sharon smiled and laughed “No, something else.” she looked at Cap, and leaned over and whispered what was going on into Gyrich’s ear.
Gyrich’s face turned red and his eyes widened with alarm “Sex?” he shouted “Public display of affection will not be tolerated!” he said as he brushed himself off and went inside muttering “Some changes will have to be made around here, that’s for sure.”
Well that was the end for part one!
Part 2 will be up in a few days!
Here is a casting video featuring "Don't Fear the Reaper" by the Blue Oyster Cult:
Let me know what you think below.
Here is a complete list of my Fan Fictions that I have done here on
Here is my list of Stories I have written on CBM
Justice League of America Vs the Legion of Doom parts 1-3 (Never finished)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Batman3: End of Days
Batman 4 Darkside of the Mind
Batman 5: Shadow of the Bat
Shadow of the Bat: Part 1
Shadow of the Bat Part 2
Batman 6: Knightfall
Batman Knightfall Part 1
Batman Knightfall Part 2
Superman: The Man of Steel
Superman: The Last Kryptonian
Other DC:
Aquaman: King of Atlantis
Short Stories:
Lobo’s Blackest Night, or: Lobo’s Posthumous X-Mas Special
Ghosts of Yesterday (Featuring Zatanna and Question)
Batman Stranger Days
Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD
X-MEN Story Universe
X Men 4: The X-Factor
X-Men 5: The Day of Futures Past
Deadpool and Domino’s Gratuitous Story
X-Men: The Adventure of Cyclops and Phoenix
I have done numerous casting on this site as well, they are very enjoyable and I put a lot of thought into them.
330 X-Men Characters!
THEHAWK Casts the ENTIRE 108 Members of the Justice League
Casting the New Gods of Apokolips
Flash's Rouges
Batman's Rouges Gallery
Killer Instict
Wonder Woman's friends and foes
The Endless
The Marauders
Secret Six
X-Men 4 Cast
HAWK out