Captain America: Fan Trailer Description by InTylerWeTrust82

Captain America: Fan Trailer Description by InTylerWeTrust82

This is what I would like to see in the trailer for the upcoming film "The First Avenger: Captain America." Included are my musical choice to go along with the trailer, images I would like to see, and my short cast for the film.

By InTylerWeTrust - Aug 17, 2009 11:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Keep in mind, I'm not the best at this and this is my first article. Dialogue isn't my specialty, so try to concentrate on the scenery and stuff like that.

-----Start trailer by following a scrawny young man as he tries to sign up for the Army.

The camera passes a newspaper showing the date 1944.

-----The young man starts to write his name on the sign up list but is cut off by a man in an Army uniform. Rejected.

As the young man walks away, another soldier of a higher rank stops him.

"You want to cut me down like the rest of 'em, don't ya," says the young man.

"Hehehe, no, in fact, quite the opposite. You want to join the Army, don't you, son?"

"I just want to serve my country, sir, but look at me. How am I a soldier?" says the young man.

"You're right, you aren't a soldier. Not yet. But what if I told you we had a special program for someone like you? What if I told you we could make you a soldier, but a super-soldier?" says the Army officer.

"Well, I'd say you're joking with me. Who the heck are you anyway?" says the young man.

"I am General Ross. Do I look like a man who likes to joke? You can make the choice, either become a hero on the front lines of battle, help your country win this war, and extinguish evil, or live the rest of your life, wondering what might have happened to you, and what you could have become. So, what do you say, are you in, or out mister-

"-Rogers. Steve Rogers. You can sign me up."

-----Cut to small containers of liquid being taken out of cold storage. They each have the initials SSS on them.

Rogers is seen drinking a small vial of the serum, and then injections are also shown. Finally, Rogers is shown in a small chamber being lit up with rays (Vita-Rays) And he is shown to gain muscle and size as he is being given the rays.

-----Cuts to black. A voice says "G-g-General, I-I think it worked..."

-----Cut to shots of boots, then the camera keeps cutting in and out, moving it's way up, until finally it's a full shot of Cap in his WW2 gear.

General Ross says "You have just officially become a member of the U.S. Army...Captain America."

-----Cut to D-Day carrier. Soldiers are staring at Cap in awe and whispering to each other.

One young soldier says "The name's Bucky Barnes. I'd only heard rumors about you, can't believe you're in my very squad. Did you hear that the Germans have a super soldier of their own? They say he's called the Red Skull, hopefully their wro-" until Cap immediately shoves his shield in front of Bucky to block an incoming bullet.

Cap says "If you're not more careful, you'll never find out."

-----Cut to Cap storming up the beach, going faster than any other soldier and taking out Nazi's one by one.

-----Cut to Red Skull and a female Nazi officer. During this scene, you can't see Red Skull's face, until the end of the scene.

The woman says "This American must be taken care of as soon as possible. He is causing us quite a lot of trouble, and if he isn't dealt with, we will surely lose the war."

Red Skull says "Do you think I don't know that? *TURNS TOWARDS WOMAN/CAMERA* I was reborn from this formula, I can deal with him."

-----Cut to Red Skull and Baron Zemo in quick shot.

-----Cut to Cap and Red Skull fighting viciously with each other.

-----Cut to final shot of Cap diving out of exploding helicopter into arctic waters.

Movie title appears and date of film.

After title/date is shown, there is a fast shot of Cap throwing his shield at the camera.


And that is my fan trailer.

I want to address a quick thing regarding the helicopter. I know there weren't helicopters during WW2, but I figured that they could use Howard Stark (Tony Stark's father) to say that he brought about the helicopter. That would be a neat little Easter egg for fans and would tie Cap and Iron Man together.

There is this one song that I have stuck in my head that I think would go great with this trailer in some form. It's the new single from my favorite band Breaking Benjamin's upcoming album "Dear Agony." It's called "I Will Not Bow" and I think it would be awesome to hear in the trailer.

Now here are some images I would like to see in the trailer:


Captain America : Jensen Ackles (duh)

Bucky Barnes : Jamie Bell (Bret Harrison 2nd)

Red Skull : Mads Mikkelsen

Baron Zemo : Ralph Fiennes

General Ross : William Hurt (General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross's father)

Howard Stark : John Slattery (Playing him in Iron Man 2)

Femme Fatale (don't know a specific character) : Eva Green, Angelina Jolie, or Carla Gugino

Well, that about does it. Comment below and tell me what you think. Keep in mind that this was my first attempt at something like this :) Thanks for reading.
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CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 12:00 AM
AWESOME TYLER!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST!!!!!!!!!

Only thing is I don't think Ross would be a General that early. Otherwise PERFECT idea for the trailer. Great song too. I love Dance with the Devil (perfect Deadpool song) by Breaking Benjamin.
CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 12:01 AM
Oh yeah, you made a mistake on Cap and Red Skull. It should say Sam Worthington and then Jackie Earle Haley. LOL!!
InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 12:10 AM
Thanks Critic :)

With Ross, I meant it as his father, it would bridge Hulk and Cap together.

Dance with the Devil is an awesome song. I like "Polyamorous" for Deadpool.
CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 12:27 AM
Haven't heard that one yet, will check it out. Though I get what you mean by Ross, I think he would be a Lieutenant or Sergeant then.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 12:34 AM
Polyamorous is one of my fav. BB songs. The guitar is freaking sick in it.

CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 2:04 AM
So Cold from Hellboy is also another good one of theirs.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 2:13 AM
Yeah, it is a very good one.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 2:20 AM
Thanks teabag :)

I'm hoping to get more comments on this one than my others :)
CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 2:23 AM
@Tyler: You probably will.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 2:24 AM
I've got to pimp it out on other articles and advertise it :)
CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 2:28 AM
Hell Yeah ya do!!!! :)
InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 2:32 AM
Maybe I should start putting it at the bottom of all my comments hehe ;)
CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 2:37 AM
That'd work.
superdog - 8/18/2009, 8:01 AM
good stuff. my only critic is it seems like the whole plot of the movie is in the trailer. it starts with what i would assume is almost the opening scene of the movie then ends with what i assume would be the closing scene of the movie, with the basic plot points in the middle. i would be a little weary of that. otherwise i think its great. that is a good recruitment scene, spot on.
Shaman - 8/18/2009, 9:16 AM
I'll agree with SupeDog but i kinda like it. Things will need to be left out for obvious reasons but other than that it would be cool to see! A pitty no one can make a decent fan trailer like the GL one. It would require a shit load of cgi onto many shots of Jensen in Supernatural to make it. With adding the suits and stuff.
LEEE777 - 8/18/2009, 10:46 AM
Oh way to knick my CAP trailer poster! ; D


Also NEW FLAH!!!

DDL beat Him for RED SKULL by 50 VOTES!!!

LEEE777 - 8/18/2009, 10:48 AM

AshleyWilliams - 8/18/2009, 10:51 AM
good job dude
InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 11:06 AM
Lee: Mikkelsen still won the poll, get over it.

superdog: Yeah I see what you mean hehe. I guess I would cut out the helicopter scene.

Shaman: Thanks, yeah, I would never be able to actually make a video fan trailer.

NewAvenger4: Thanks man.
flames809 - 8/18/2009, 12:13 PM
kool tyler
CRITIC17 - 8/18/2009, 1:06 PM
JoshWilding - 8/18/2009, 4:36 PM
TYLER: awesome man!!! :) This is pretty much 99% how i both want and imagin the movie will be like! Add a second long clip of Cap doing THIS into the trailer and it'll be 100%, lol!

InTylerWeTrust - 8/18/2009, 4:39 PM
What did you think of the music choice Josh?
DDD - 8/19/2009, 4:42 AM
Sorry i didn't write this earlier but I didn't realize there were comments in Fanfic...first time I've been here...I'm new ya know

Excellent job Tyler...I would cut the trailer off tho at where Cap and Red Skull are fighting like Supedog and Shaman said...don't add Cap falling out of the exploding 'Copter...that takes place at just about at the end of the movie...don't want to telegraph the ending (everybody who reads comics would know this but the general moviegoers might not know it.) :)

I would end the Cap-Red Skull fight with it looking like red Skull is actually about to win the fight...leaves that tension hanging there..then wham the shield at the camera...then date and Title...leaves the regular moviegoers a bit stunned and just a little wondering...

Gotta leave a little bit of a cliffhanger for the regular non-comic people to want to see the movie to the end...but that's just me...I like leaving cliffhangers and stunning people as much as possible in my own writing...but you do that a lot too!

Fantastic job!
YohonKalic - 8/19/2009, 4:28 PM


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