Guys and Girls this is not fan cast for any movies its a fan cast of CBM users which is only my opinion i might have some of you guys and girls but please dont mind it I am just posting the most common users i use on the recent articles and commentators, peace. So without further due...
SHAMAN the man: Why I choose the man of steel, well in my opinion he is a hell of contributor and he is the most respected guy I have seen around here, as I said this is just my opinion.
Rorschach01 the cool guy: hmmm I dont know why i choose spiderman for him but he is cool and funny, spiderman is one of the coolest and funniest character in the marvel universe.
LEEE777 the capiiiitttaaaaiiin: DO i need to say more why I chose Captain America?
Keven: Sometimes keven can be a hard ass but he gets to the point, as batman, keven would play the good cop or bad cop (in this situtation the good commenter or bad commenter) he say the right things, sometimes which might piss you off but he will be right.
Jman: Well jman is a leading guy here in CBM so why anyone else other than cyclops.
InTylerWeTrust82: Tyler is the man I could not find anyone else better other than bob himself, the Wolverine.
InstigatorGIRL: DO I need to say more why i chose WW for InstigatorGIRL, dont make me say more because I dont know what to say other than that.
Howlett04: Flash is the man for howlett.
Ryden: Check his dp ;)
Spock: I wanted to chose someone from star trek but I didn't feel like choosing a character from star trek because it didn't feel like spock so i give Constantine, John Constantine.
Superdog: Green Lantern, Hal Jordan.
Teabag: This is one of "Do I need to say more" kinda line situation, because Teabag always crack up something, right teabag, right? ;).
Thehawk: Well Thehawk=Ironman.
SirPrize: = Blade
TheMyth: Do I need to say more? if so check the DP pic of TheMyth ( I saw this computer animated drawing of Gambit, and I just couldn't resist posting this pic for TheMyth).
Shibazz: I dont know anything about shibaz but is a hell of a contributor and a commenter.
Gunsmith: Dont know much about Gunsmith but I wanted to cast him as a powerful character, so who could be other than the great HULK, hmm ok dont answer that you guys ;p.
Grif:= The THING.
DDD: Can anyone else think anyone better than DD for DDD ;p...
Betty: Sometimes comes up with hilarious jokes and stuff, So who else other than wise cracker and the one who tortures the THING?
Anil Rickly: I dont know much about Anil Rickly but I had to cast him, someone powerful, so Green Lantern John Stewart.
Access: I dont know much about access but by the look on his dp, i had to choose something which matches his dp. So i chose Dr. Strange, he would have swear on my article if i choose HARRY POTTER.
Comichic: Well I had to choose someone for ComicChic, so I got none other than Mary Jane for ComicChic.
PS: be lenient guys and girls.