I know I only posted my Batman cast yesterday but I decided to get this out before I forgot about it.
Superman: The Last Son of Krypton(2013)
Superman must battle the combined forces of Brainiac and General Zod.
Superman: The Man of Steel(2014)
Lex Luthor is back, and creates Metallo and Bizarro in an attempt to destroy Superman.
Batman: The Caped Crusader(2014)
Batman takes in an orphaned boy, Dick Grayson, and trains him to be his sidekick, Robin. They must team up with Lt. Gordon and DA Harvey Dent to take down the Penguin.
Superman: Apokolips(2015)
Superman must battle Darkseid to free his cousin, Supergirl.
The Flash(2015)
Wally West must find out who's responsible for his uncle's death and capture Prof. Zoom.
Batman: The Dark Knight(2015)
Batman and Robin team up with Batgirl(Barbara Gordon) to take down their former ally, Harvey Dent, AKA Two-Face
Green Lantern(2016)
Hal Jordan replaces Abin Sur as Green Lantern of Sector 2814 and must defaet rouge GL Sinstro.
Superman: Doomsday(2016)
Superman is seemingly killed by Doomsday. Steel and Superboy emerge and must work together to defeat the Cyborg. Meanwhile, the Eradicator merges with Dr. David Conner and hopes to revive Superman.
Batman: Vengence(2016)
The Joker returns and paralyzes Barbara Gordon. Batman and Oracle must work with new Robin Jason Todd to stop him.
World's Finest(2017)
Superman and Batman must work together to defeat Zod and Ra's Al Ghul.
Wonder Woman(2017)
Princess Diana is tasked with escort pilot Steve Trevor back to th US and protect him from Ares.
The Flash Returns(2017)
He's back and teaming up with Impulse, Flash must stop the new Zoom, Hunter Zolomon.
Superman: Unleashed(2018)
Energy powers manifest and Superman must discover how to control them.
Batman: The Red Hood(2018)
Jason Todd is back and, along with Cassandra Cain, decides to eliminate
organized crime, starting with Black Mask and the Riddler. Batman, Nightwing and Oracle must train Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown to help them as the new Robin and Batgirl.
Justice League(2019)
Green Lantern and Black Canary reform the League to take on Titus.
Now for new casting choices:
Dan Turpin and Maggie Sawer-Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay(Law and Order:SVU)
They're great on "SVU" and have already played cops.
Bibbo Bibboski-Barry Corbin(Ben 10: Alien Swarm)
Old and tough, old and tough.
And now, for my manips:
Clark on the farm:

Clark at the office:
Well, that's it.