John F. Kennedy is president of the United States, having succeeded the tragically slain Richard Nixon, who won the 1960 election but was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, during 1963. Luthor has devised and executed several plans to thwart Superman, none of which have worked. Only the United States and Chile remain independent from the Soviets, and both are on the brink of political collapse, while President Kennedy is forced to grant independence to Georgia (an ironic reference to the real-world Soviet State of the same name), and he acknowledges that there have been similar secessionist pressures in Detroit and Texas, riots in California, and even a "communist sympathizer" terrorist attack on the White House. He has also married Marilyn Monroe, and divorced Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.

By contrast, the Superman-commanded (Global) Soviet Union has grown without resorting to war, and has virtually eliminated poverty, disease and the like. The cost of this progress is an increased infringement on individual liberties, and Superman is fast becoming a Big Brother-like figure. A brain surgery technique that turns dissidents into obedient drones, or "Superman Robots", is in use.
Wonder Woman and Superman have now become a duo, using their superpowers to save lives in addition to their ambassadorial and governing duties. Wonder Woman has become enamored of Superman, but he considers her simply as a comrade, and is oblivious to her love for him. Lois Luthor succeeds Perry White as the editor-in-chief of a failing Daily Planet, while her estranged husband feverishly works on his obsession.
Many thanks to Wikipedia, and guys check out a great comic, read Superman: Red Son.
Jim Caviezel as Superman:
In Red Son, Superman's rocket ship lands on a Ukrainian collective farm rather than in Kansas, an implied reason being a small time difference (a handful of hours) from the original timeline, meaning Earth's rotation placed the Ukraine in the ship's path instead of Kansas. Instead of fighting for "...truth, justice, and the American Way", Superman is described in Soviet radio broadcasts " the Champion of the common worker who fights a never-ending battle for Stalin, socialism, and the international expansion of the Warsaw Pact." His "secret identity" (i.e. the name his adoptive parents gave him) is a state secret.
What can i say about James (Jim) Caviezel, great actor just check out "Outlander" to see that, plus he's an up and coming star next in "The Prisoner." He is the Red Son Superman!
Henry Cavill as Batman:
Batman appears as the child of parents murdered by Roslov. His anarchical terrorism creates difficulties for Superman. Batman later inspires an entire team of Batmen. He is smart and resourceful enough to avoid being caught by an all-seeing, all-hearing regime, and uses his wit to momentarily seize Wonder Woman and Superman. He hides in an abandoned underwater Batcave, and Alfred is still his servant/butler. He is described by Superman as "anarchy in black". His character provides the chaos towards Superman's order, ironically in the same manner that the Joker does towards Batman in DC's regular continuity. This is perhaps hinted at by the fact that Batman is smiling in many of his panels.
Well Cavill is a great replacement when Bales had enough, but until then he makes a amazing Reds Batman. To check out his best work check out "Tudors" and you'll see why he is Batman.
Lucy Griffiths as Wonder Woman:
One of Superman's chief allies is Wonder Woman, who is a Soviet "Peace Ambassador" from Themyscira. Her mother, Queen Hippolyta, also makes appearances in the first two installments of the trilogy. Wonder Woman's support for Superman is however based in more than pure idealism; merged completely in camaraderie, Superman is oblivious to her love for him.
Hot actress, has Diana's look down to a tea, she can act and fight too and you will believe she is Wonder Woman in that very tight Spandex.
Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern:
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) appears as a pilot and vengeful ex-prisoner of war chosen by Luthor for his extraordinary powers of visualization (developed by fantasizing in captivity) and for having the uncompromising willpower (which Luthor lacks) to operate the power ring. He comes to lead a super-powered army of Luthor's devising, the Green Lantern Marine Corps, some members being named after other Green Lanterns (Scott, Rayner, Gardner and Stewart). Jordan's predecessor as Green Lantern of Sector 2814, Abin Sur, also makes a brief appearance as a deceased unnamed alien in Area 51, whose spacecraft (the ship from the Roswell crash) provides Luthor with a power ring and battery.
Many wished Fillion got picked over Reynolds for the "Green Lantern" adaption, i think this is the next best thing. He's still Hal, even though i personally think he's perfect for a young Alan Scott but this is an Elseworlds movie so it's cool lol. Anyway perfect Red Son Hal Jordan and i, like many of you think Nathan Fillion is destined for a power ring!
Brandon Routh as Bizarro:
Bizarro is, along with other villains in Superman's rogues gallery, a being created by Luthor to rival the Soviet Superman.
Love it or hate "Superman Returns" it was hardly Routh's fault. The guy is a perfect Superman through and through and i reckon just for kicks and a great crowned puller, we get Routhy in the Supes get up again in "Red Son" but this time is Bizarro time. Heck you wont even know it's him with all the special effects make up on an stuff, oh yeah baby, Routh for Bizarro, how bizarre.
Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor:
Lex Luthor is a genius American scientist and who better to play him than the voice of Lex toon Luthor himself Clancy Brown.
Yes you may go well he's a bit too old, but in this case it fits and works and i have yet to cast Clancy as Lex in any of the castings, so dues due he's Lex here. As "Superman: Red Son" starts in 1978 and finishes in the present, well 2001, he's perfect for the older Lex and all Warner Bros. needs to do is do a X-Men 3 on him like Fox did to Prof X & Magneto, plus how cool and a switch that would be, he'd be CG-worked on for his younger scenes and everyone else will have to be made and worked on for the older scenes except Clancy himself of course. I for one would love to see that.
Brainiac as completely CGI and a non-actor with a computer generated voice:
Yep, clean and shiny and simple for this one.
LEEE777 - Well thats it boys & girls, hope you liked it and be nice, i bite! ; D