FAN CAST: Justice League Europe The Movie By LEEE777

FAN CAST: Justice League Europe The Movie By LEEE777

Justice League Europe was a DC Comics book run that was a spin-off of the comic book Justice League America (Justice League International). After the membership of the Justice League had grown to an unwieldy number of characters, DC split it into two teams. The original Justice League of Europe consisted of: Captain Atom (field commander), The Elongated Man (with his wife Sue assisting), Power Girl, Flash (Wally West), Rocket Red, Animal Man, Metamorpho, Wonder Woman (who left after only one mission) and then later members of the original team included: Crimson Fox, Blue Jay and Silver Sorceress. Come on in and see the casting...

By LEEE777 - Jan 22, 2010 09:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Wikipedia

Justice League Europe was a DC Comics book run that was a spin-off of the comic book Justice League America (which was then named Justice League International (vol 1) for issues #7 to #25).

Justice League Europe was published for 68 issues (plus five annuals) from 1989 to 1994. Starting with issue #51 the title was renamed Justice League International (vol. 2). Like Justice League America, the series featured tongue-in-cheek humor but was a much more action-centric series than Justice League America. The action-themed nature of the series was most overt with the series' most famous arc "The Extremists". The arc featured the JLE fighting The Extremists, a cadre of psychopathic villains patterned after Marvel Comics villains; Doctor Doom, Magneto, Doctor Octupus, Sabretooth and Dormammu.

The team was originally headquartered in Paris, France but later moved to an abandoned castle in Great Britain. Now down to the casting:

James Caviezel as Captain Atom:

Post-Crisis: This modern captain's name is established as Nathaniel Christopher Adam, a United States Air Force officer of the Vietnam War era. Adam has been framed for a crime he didn't commit and sentenced to death under the watch of Col. Wade Eiling in 1968. As an alternative to execution, he is invited to participate in a military experiment with little chance of survival, in exchange for a presidential pardon. The experiment involves testing the hull of a crashed alien ship's durability by exploding a super nuclear bomb under it. Adam survives as the metal melts into his body and the excess energy throws him forward in time 18 years (not incidentally, this coating with alien metal gave the revised character a full-body silvered metal look distinctly different from his previous incarnations).

Adam finds himself a man out of his time and in the hands of Eiling, now a general and the second husband of Adam's now-deceased wife. Everyone had assumed that Nathaniel Adam had died on the day of the experiment, so his presidential pardon was never issued and the current government refuses to acknowledge the previous administration's promised pardon. Seizing the opportunity at hand, the government uses the outstanding murder/treason charges against Adam to blackmail him into acting as a government-controlled superhero codenamed Captain Atom.

James Caviezel, amazing actor and loved his many roles and he was great in the "Outlander" movie. He has that Atom look about him as well as you can believe this man is a captain in the military. Yeah i was all for Channing Tatum as Atom till i saw Joe and i thought hell no that dude cannot act. Anyway i believe Caviezel is a superior pick even if tatum could. James Caviezel is Captain Atom!

Cary Elwes as Elongated Man:

As a teenager, Ralph Dibny adored contortionists, or people who displayed feats of agility and suppleness. He learned that all of the body-benders he spoke with drank a popular soda called "Gingold." Ralph set to work learning chemistry and developed a super-concentrated extract of the rare "gingo" fruit of the Yucatan, which gave him his elasticity.

Ralph Dibny was one of the earliest Silver Age DC heroes to reveal his secret identity to the public, and also one of the first to marry his love interest. He and his wife Sue Dibny effectively became partners, solving mysteries and participating in Justice League adventures as equals. They were also notable in having a stable, happy, and relatively trouble-free marriage — an anomaly in the soap operatic annals of comic books. Fans of the characters often referred to Ralph and Sue as the "Nick and Nora Charles of the super-hero set" (a reference to The Thin Man movies).

Cary Elwes, i remember him in the movie "Comic Book Villains" and loved him in it, he's also been in many movies and TV shows including X-Files. Peterparker420 found this gem of a pick and i've got to admit damn near perfect. He's so Ralph on so many levels, i reckon he's a quality enough actor to own this part an to justice to thhe role, thanks PP. Elwes right now is filming "Tough Trade" then next after that "Fallen Moon."

Taylor Cole as Sue Dibny:

Sue is the wife of hero Ralph Dibny, The Elongated Man. She is a brunette socialite from Westchester County, New York, United States. She has at times worked for the Justice League as an administrator. Ralph and Sue share a very loving relationship, often being compared to Nick and Nora Charles. It all started when Ralph crashed her debutante ball, using the pretense of jewel thieves to catch a glimpse of the lovely Sue. What followed was a whirlwind romance, with Sue and Ralph married a short time later, with Barry Allen serving as the best man. What followed was a life of adventures and superheroics, as Sue stuck by Ralph's side as he traveled around the globe as part of the Justice League. This leads to the various dangers associated with the lifestyle, including her near death at the tentacles of an alien parasite and being kidnapped by a supervillain, Sonar I, to become his consort. Through it all, Sue and Ralph stick together, even when the going gets tough. Many readers considered their loving relationship a breath of fresh air in an era when comics were becoming darker. Recently, Sue and Ralph were involved in a battle for Opal City, home of many of the Starman characters. Ralph meets with Hamilton Drew, a legendary detective based in Opal City, and the Dibnys are instrumental in saving Opal City from an attack by various supervillains. After the affair, Sue and Ralph move into the city, content to spend their lives together as superhero detective and wife.

Taylor Cole who has been "Heroes" and "12 Rounds" amongst other things screams Sue Dibny. You can see her and Cary Elwes getting it on, oh and lucky Elwes. She can certainly bring the character to a whole new level and bring her beauty too. Next up shes in "Melvin Smarty."

Christina Hendricks as Power Girl:

Power Girl is the Earth-Two counterpart of Supergirl and the first cousin of Kal-L, Superman of the pre-Crisis Earth-Two. The infant Power Girl's parents enabled her to escape the destruction of Krypton. Although she left the planet at the same time that Superman did, her ship took much longer to reach Earth-Two.

Crisis on Infinite Earths erased the existence of the Earth-Two Superman, and Power Girl's continuity was thus substantially disrupted. Initially she believed herself to be Superman's cousin, as she had been before the reboot. However, her background was retconned; she was told that she was the descendant of the Atlantean sorcerer Arion, and was frozen in suspended animation for millennia until the present day.

After the Justice Society disbands, Power Girl would join the Justice League. Later, while a member of Justice League Europe, she suffers a near fatal injury while battling a mystical being. Superman must assist in her medical treatment, using his heat-vision to perform surgery on her otherwise-invulnerable tissues. Although she recovers, Power Girl is significantly weaker, as she lost her vision powers and could not fly for a time.

Watch "Mad Men" talented actress and obviously has the assets for this the Power Girl role lol, but joking aside, not only does she has the boobs, she can really act and bar some porn star i cannot see any other actress even close to this part but her, oh and go beyond the red hair, she'll be blonde, Christina Hendricks is Power Girl, you will believe a girl can fly!

Sam Worthington as Animal Man:

Animal Man (Bernhard "Buddy" Baker) is a DC Universe superhero. As a result of being in proximity to an exploding extraterrestrial spaceship, Buddy Baker acquires the ability to temporarily “borrow” the abilities of animals (such as a bird's flight or the proportionate strength of an ant). Using these powers, Baker fights crime as the costumed superhero Animal Man.

Sam Worthington you say, i say yes. You say he's picked for everything much like Ryan Reynolds or Jensen Ackles, that is true but, this is the most perfect DC pick i could see Sam ever playing, not only has he got that Animal Man about him, he's star power would bring this movie and the character to the masses. Yes i have cast him before but only in a Marvel role, so no worries there, guess which role that was. Anyways Sam the man is Animal Man, balls of steel i tell ya, balls oh steel!

Ryan Kwanten as Wally West (The Flash):

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Barry gave his life to save the earth. Initially unaware of this, Wally was coaxed by Jay Garrick into assisting the heroes against the Anti-Monitor's forces. During the final battle with the Anti-Monitor, Wally was struck by a blast of anti-matter energy, which put his disease into remission. In the aftermath of the conflict, Wally took on his fallen mentor's costume and identity.

Wally West became a less powerful new Flash than his predecessor. For example, instead of being able to reach the speed of light, he can run just faster than that of sound. Also, the character has to eat vast quantities of food to maintain his metabolism.

Those changes were quickly followed up the Flash's superhero exploits, and the state of Wally's wealth. West won a lottery, bought a large mansion, and became something of a playboy. The character's finances and luck continued to ebb and wane until Flash (vol. 2) #62, when his playboy ways ended and his fortunes stabilized. Kwanten, well all you've got to do is watch "True Blood" Wally West is right there in all his glory. No actor could ever play Wally like Kwanten, he lives and breaths Wally West, no only would he own this character, he's got enough character to turn this Flash into a franchise all by itself.

Eric Bana as Rex Manson (Metamorpho):

Rex Mason was an adventurer who was hired by business tycoon Simon Stagg to retrieve a rare Egyptian artifact. Mason also started dating Stagg's daughter, Sapphire Stagg.

In an Egyptian pyramid, Rex Mason was knocked out by Simon's brutish bodyguard, Java, and eventually exposed to a radioactive meteorite called the Orb of Ra, which transformed him into the Element Man. He gained the ability to shapeshift and change himself into any element found in the human body, or any combinations thereof. It was later revealed that Mason was but one of many metamorphae, created by the sun god Ra to serve as warriors in his battle against the god Apep, "the serpent who never dies."

Metamorpho, unlike other super-humanoids described in DC Comics, could not assume a fully human, normal appearance. As such, he regarded his metamorphic powers as a disease, and sought a cure for his condition. (A common theme in science fiction and comic books.) He considered himself a non-human freak because of his abilities and wanted to be restored to normal. For that reason, he rejected an offer of membership that the Justice League of America extended to him. Come on, Bana would make the greatest Rex, he has the acting ability, plus the bod and its long past his Hulk days, this guy would rock as Metamorpho.

Kochenov Tamerlan as Rocket Red:

Dimitri Pushkin (Rocket Red #4), became a member of the JLI after the previously assigned Rocket Red #7 was revealed to be a Manhunter android. A kind-hearted and jolly man with a taste for American culture, Dimitri serves with the Justice League International for many years.

When his armor is destroyed by Lobo, he replaces it with a more advanced model made on Apokolips. This happens during a small-team Justice League mission to save Mister Miracle. He also suffers the complete destruction of his battlesuit while facing Time Commander. This was when Dimitri is serving with Justice League Europe for a while. There he makes friends with Animal Man, aka Buddy Baker, in a similar manner to the friendship of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Dimitri and Buddy initially bond over their mutual similarities of wives and children.

Kochenov Tamerlan, a Russian English speaking actor that fits the bill for the part, he has the chops and the built too, i can see him and Sammy best of superhero pals.

Lucy Griffiths as Wonder Woman:

Wonder Woman is a member of an all-female tribe of Amazons (based on the Amazons of Greek mythology), created by Marston as a "distinctly feminist role model whose mission was to bring the Amazon ideals of love, peace, and sexual equality to 'a world torn by the hatred of men.'" Her powers include super strength, super speed, stamina, and flight. She is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat and in the art of tactical warfare. She also possesses an animal-like cunning and a natural rapport with animals, which has in the past been presented as an actual ability to communicate with the animal kingdom. She uses her Magic Lasso (which forces those bound by it to tell the truth), and a pair of indestructible bracelets.

Yes i still like Jodi Lynn O'keefe and would love her to get the role but, Lucy Griffiths, English actress born in Brighton has all the qualities Wonder Woman would have. She can really kick ass as seen in the "Robin Hood" BBC TV series and played Jane Tarrant in the "Collision" series. This girl as the amazon cute factor, she can act and fight, i say great Wonder Woman!

Audrey Tautou as Crimson Fox:

Identical twins Vivian and Constance D'Aramis shared the role of Crimson Fox to allow each something of a normal life, although Vivian was much more enthusiastic about their superheroic life. Crimson Fox originally appeared as part of Justice League Europe.

The sisters ran Revson, a major Parisian perfume company (which may perhaps explain the origin of their pheromone powers). In order to make their heroic actions easier, they faked Constance's death, so that one of them could operate as Crimson Fox while the other attended business functions. Readers of her/their comic book appearances could easily tell the difference between the two due to Vivian's more pronounced French accent. She was also always portrayed as a more carefree and outgoing woman than her sister. Both sisters (first Vivian, and later Constance) fell in love with fellow hero Metamorpho.

Okay Crimson Fox would have to turn up more-or-less at the end of the movie but Audrey Tautou great French actress, done many French and other movies and you may know her best from "Amelie." Can't think of any other actress but her for the part ever seen i saw "Amelie" i though Fox. Shes got the cute look and see could play the twin sisters hands down easy.

Despero as all CG with voice of Kevin Grevious:

In his early appearances, he appeared of normal build. His current bulked-up look is a result of having bathed in the Flame of Py'tar, a power-giving flame from his native planet Kalanor, which he enslaved and conquered with his psychic abilities. In his first appearance the Justice League liberated the planet from his rule, and he swore vengeance ever since fueled by his burning, all-consuming hatred of the Justice League.

Justice League America #38-42 established the character as being driven by a deep hatred for the Justice League, to the point that his hatred allowed for him to survive death and regenerate his body through sheer willpower. He attacked the Justice League as he had known it (previous incarnation - "Justice League Detroit" ) and then sought them out, eventually battling at the United Nations building (New York). The battle ended only through Martian Manhunter employing his telepathy to trick Despero into thinking he had successfully killed not only the Justice League, but all life on Earth, causing him to let go of his hatred and regressing to the form of a fetus. The fetus Despero was then given to Manga Khan in exchange for his robotic man-servant L-Ron.

Okay this has got to be all CG for this one, no human is big enough to fill Despero's shoes, if he wore any, anyway with the voice of Kevin Grevious he would really be bad ass and give the JLE a big run for their money.

LEEE777 - Damn i hope you liked it because that took me a long time to do, yeah i should just put some pics up, but i can't lol, wish i just could. If you have not seen some of the other fan castings i've done have a check below if you get the time, thanks.

Click on any links you want!





























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LEEE777 - 1/22/2010, 9:07 PM
; )
RedDevil - 1/22/2010, 9:16 PM
Bro this is awesome espcially The Flash casting!
LEEE777 - 1/22/2010, 9:34 PM
DudeOlympus @ Cheers bud, appreciate it!

Yeah i reckon he'd make a great WALLY WEST, he cracks me up on TRUE BLOOD! : D
luffycapri - 1/22/2010, 9:45 PM
Nice cast you got there.
longbowhunter - 1/22/2010, 9:50 PM
As Rocket Red was prone to saying,Hokey Smokes, your pick for Sue Dibny is a looker! I like Worthington, but I think he is a little too macho for Buddy Baker. HUGE Animal Man fan by the way. Really like the picks for Elongated Man and Flash. Oh and I find Bana's acting a little stiff for Metamorpho.
Swiftsword777 - 1/22/2010, 10:01 PM
very nice cast LEEE your flash pic is great doesnt get any better than that
Betty - 1/22/2010, 10:15 PM
InTylerWeTrust - 1/22/2010, 10:21 PM
Pretty cool.

I picture Cap. Atom as having this All-American vibe to him, and I don't really associate Caviezel with All-American. Maybe he could pull it off, but I don't see it.

Age has not been kind to Elwes, he's really gotten out of shape and is not in the same form as he was back in the day. If he could get skinny again, I can see it, but, as it stands, I still have to go with Dennis Leary.

Cole seems a bit odd when matched with Elwes. Far too much of an age-difference. It's like having Megan Fox as Catwoman to a Christian Bale Batman, it seems illegal. And I thought you said she can't act LOL ;)

Hendricks would be wasted on such a shallow character like PG. Yes, she has the, er, "assets", but she's far too talented to be a character who's only notable traits are her tits.

I don't hate Worthington as Animal Man, but he really doesn't look the part, I think McPartlin would be perfect. Got the look, and it falls within his acting range, unlike (IMO) Captain America.

So I see you're still supporting your pick who's still 4 years older than mine hehe ;) Nah, but I do see Kwanten as Wally, just prefer Evans much more.

I'd prefer to see Bana as someone like Lex Luthor (for instance) than Metamorpho. I feel he deserves a big juicy role like that. Or an older Batman.

Have no idea who that guy whose name is too complicated to spell and that I'm too lazy to copy and paste is.

Haven't seen Griffiths act, but her face looks a little too scrunched for my tastes, and she's a bit on the short side at 5'6".

Don't know Tautoo (funny name)

Good Despero choice.
ecksmanfan - 1/22/2010, 10:25 PM
Them is some tig ole bitties! Nice work man!
LEEE777 - 1/23/2010, 4:49 AM
Wtf , tis is wayyyy down da page already!!! ahhhh! : D

HOKEY SMOKES @ Cheers Longbow, I like BANA as REX, its not too big a role, cant see him in a big DC role after HULK, hey thanks for ya comment man!!

SWIFT @ Thanks bud!! ; )


TYLER @ Thanx for ya comment, wasted, HENDRICKS and POWER GIRL are perfect for each other dude!! POWER GIRL is an important character in the DC Universe???
Um yeah thanks for ya comment lol! ; D

ECKS @ Cheers dude an yeah lol! ; D

invalensname - 1/23/2010, 5:39 AM
@Lee- great casting, as always. Glad to see someone other than Cuthbert for Power Girl. Hendricks is the chest... err... best choice for the role!
TANKGIRL - 1/23/2010, 5:48 AM
thumps up from me
TANKGIRL - 1/23/2010, 5:51 AM
Power Girl thats my pick too i like christina she would make great powergirl
1chris2 - 1/23/2010, 5:53 AM
really good casting leee.cheers : )
TANKGIRL - 1/23/2010, 5:55 AM
1chris2 check my catwoman cast
LEEE777 - 1/23/2010, 7:00 AM
VAL @ Cheers man!! Hey CUTHBERTS SUPERGIRL you know that!

GLAD ya really like POWER GIRL!!; D

TANK @ Great CATWOMAN casting and thanks, hey, if you say thumbs up, at least give me a thumbs up, Thats how it works! : D

1chris2 @ Ya welcome man, and thanks for your comment!!

NICHOSLY @ Cool dude, kudos!!!

Wheres your LINK dude, where is it, id like to look!! ; )

JoshWilding - 1/23/2010, 8:19 AM
Great cast LEE! I dont know all of these characters but I especially like your Power Girl and Wonder Woman choices! :)

Dude you should, ahem, "Update" this...that would movie it up the page! ;D
LEEE777 - 1/23/2010, 8:31 AM
TEABAG @ Funny and cheers lol! ; D

JOSH @ Thanx man, means a lot!! ; )

Yeah seriously i go to sleep, come back and some guy has posted 6 quickies, i mean its obvious people are going to get pi$$ed off with the guy for doing that, especially all us casters that take days on them!!

He's new, but come on, common sense...
LEEE777 - 1/23/2010, 8:51 AM
ANIL @ Cheers bro!!! Glad you loved it! Hey thats cool, NAMOR is a MARVEL character, ya know never thought of him as NAMOR, but i would work, great stuff! Yep you love the ladies heh heh, cheers man!!! ; )

LEEE777 - 1/23/2010, 9:34 AM
TEA @ That PIC of SAM DA MAN getting his nuts cracked was for you brother lol!!
THEPHOENIX - 1/23/2010, 10:41 AM
Perfect cast Leee! PERFECT!

I like em all! Especially Ryan as Walley, brilliant!

I wish HAWK still did fan castings... he was one of the first.

Not too keen on Jim as Cap Atom though, it seems like a waste of his talents, but then again I am not familiar with the character. I am an X-Girl at heart!
LEEE777 - 1/23/2010, 12:18 PM
OZ @ Thanks man!! ; )

Yeah she does lol, but shes a great actress so better not! : P

PHOENIX @ Whoaa, Cheers!! Appreciate it big time, an your one of the tough nuts to crack lol, really really glad ya like 'em, yeah anyone thats not sure on RYAN has only gotta see TRUE BLOOD to see, great show! ; D

Hey HAWKS not doing any castings? Damn i like HAWKS castings, though as long as we get some in his scripts/stories stuff, that'll be cool, loved his X-MEN 5, awesome stuff!!!

Yeah nothing wrong wiv being a X-gal lol, X-Universe is cool! You should really pick up though some CAP ATOM comics though, he's a great character, the 90's stuff is the best, oh and JLE of course! : D

Thanks again for commenting guys!!

prototype87 - 1/23/2010, 1:54 PM
i know ur always dedicated for this! award winning article bud!
DDD - 1/23/2010, 2:29 PM
Leee@ after seeing Jim Caviezel buffed out and military
looking for the movie De Javu I think he would make a
great Captain Atom! Great pick!

Hendricks sure has the brest...I mean best assets for
Power Woman!

I never thought of Lucy Griffiths for WW but she does
fit the part! She was wonderful on Robin Hood and man,
would I like to see her in the WW costume!

Great cast and I loved JL Europe, especially Crimson Fox's costume!
LEEE777 - 1/24/2010, 7:37 AM
OZY @ I did you basterd!! ; D

PROTO @ Cheers man, im blushing, really cheers dude!! Luv ya latest VID bro!!!

Left a comment on YOU TUBE too.

DDD @ Cheers dude, really appreciate it man!!

Yeah i used GRIFFTHS actually as WW in the RED SON casting i did wayyy back, still luv O'KEEFE for the role too, but GRIFFTH could take that part on easy, yeah i loved her in ROBIN HOOD too man, pity they killed her off in it, still its cancelled now init??

Got that MELIN sh1t, i mean its not too good, ive tried to watch it 6 times, only once i got through an episode lol, damn miss HOOD! Think i'd luv to see her in the WW outfit too heh heh! ; )

DDD @ I loved JLE too man great stuff!
DogsOfWar - 1/24/2010, 3:59 PM
Good cast LEEE. I like the Bana pick the most.

Haven't seen lucy griffiths but she looks dead on for WW

Like the Elwes pick maybe 10 to 15 years ago. He seems a little too old now.

Maybe you or Josh should do an editorial to teach a proper fan cast. I love stuff like this since I don't read a ton of DC-good info.
peterparker420 - 1/24/2010, 5:53 PM
From my IDENITY CRISIS cast !!..LOL
he IS the perfect choice for enlongated man


LEEE777 - 1/26/2010, 4:16 PM
Thanx @ DOGS!! yeah check out ROBIN HOOD for GRIFFITHS, shes a pretty good actress, yeah ELWES is getting on, though RALPHS no spring chicken, cant see anyone else for the role, i mean a lot of ppl want EKHART, you know TWO FACE from DARK KNIGHT, but he's even more older, plus he's played DC already. Do editorials, lol funny! ; )

Thanks again man appreciate it!

PP @ Thanks dude, yeah i know, great choice man, told ya i was gonna use your RALPH, gave you credit up top if you didn't see and thanx again man for your great comment!

lc - 2/18/2011, 2:57 PM
@lee dont think you care what i think
but well done i guess!
TheTalent - 2/18/2011, 3:06 PM
Greast casting Lee. I would love to see a JLE movie.
prototype87 - 2/18/2011, 3:10 PM
thanks again for the original x-men picture i was looking for
lc - 2/18/2011, 5:36 PM
@lee why cant you put up more pic's?
wtf do you mean you wish? you know [frick]ing wishs dont come true!...
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