Each Green Lantern wields a power ring that can generate a variety of effects, sustained purely by the ring wearer's strength of will. The greater the user's willpower, the more effective the ring. Come and check out the Green Lantern Corps huge fan cast...

By LEEE777 - Dec 10, 2009 10:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Wikipedia

The Guardians of the Universe are one of several races that originated on the planet Maltus, and were among the first intelligent life forms in the universe. At this time they were tall greyish blue humanoids with black hair. They became scientists and thinkers, experimenting on the worlds around them. In a pivotal moment, billions of years ago, a Maltusian named Krona used time-bending technology to observe the beginning of the Universe. However, this experiment unleashed disaster upon all existence. Originally, the experiment splintered the Universe into the Multiverse and created the evil Anti-Matter Universe of Qward. Following the retroactive destruction of the Multiverse, it was revealed that Krona flooded the beginning of the Universe with entropy causing it "to be born old".

The male Maltusians argued about how to deal with the situation. One group decided to dedicate their eternal existences to contain evil; this group fractured into the Guardians of the Universe and the Controllers. The females, however, saw no need to involve themselves and, since the Oans were by then immortal and had no more need to reproduce, left their mates and became known as the Zamarons. Relocating to the planet Oa at "the center of the Universe", the Guardians dedicated themselves to combatting evil and create an orderly universe. During this period they slowly evolved into their current appearance.

In their first attempt to enforce their will and guard against menaces of all sorts, about 3.5 billion years ago the Guardians created a legion of robotic sentinels called the Manhunters. At first serving faithfully to enforce order, in time the Manhunters came to resent their servitude and the moral restrictions the guardians decreed of them. They were also found to be inherently flawed due to their inability to recognize or feel emotions. They rebelled against the Guardians and fought a millennia long war that culminated with an attack on the planet Oa. The Guardians overcame their android servants, stripped them of their power, and banished them across the universe. Eventually, the surviving Manhunters formed their own robotic society and pursued their own interpretation of their original mission (which often included interfering with and foiling the plans of the Guardians).

Chastened by the failure of the Manhunters, the Guardians decided that their newest force of soldiers for good would consist of living beings, ones who had free will and strong moral character. To arm this new legion of celestial knights, the Guardians created the Power Rings, rings of inconceivably-advanced technology that allowed their wearers to project green beams of energy with which the bearer could conjure objects of any size or shape, limited only by their imagination and willpower.

Although the connection between the Guardian Oans and the origin of the Green Lantern symbol has yet to be clarified, it has been revealed that the lantern itself has its roots in the first life in the universe. Allegedly, the first life in the galaxy emerged on an unnamed foggy world, and when they developed a police force - the first in the universe - the constabulary carried a lantern lit with a green chemical flame, hence a corps of Green Lanterns. It is intimated that this idea was adopted and spread throughout the galaxy as a symbol for law and justice and its ability to pierce confusion and uncertainty, eventually resulting in the formation of the Green Lantern Corps, with requisite Power Rings and Lantern-shaped batteries along traditional lines. Initially consisting of only a few dozen agents at a time, the Corps radically increased its numbers approximately 1000 years ago. The Guardians sought to bring order to the planet known as Apokolips. Home to Darkseid, a galactic tyrant, Apokolips was and is a stronghold of evil. Green Lantern Raker Qarrigat sought to remove Darkseid from power, only to be humbled by Darkseid's might. Raker returned to Oa, where he convinced the Guardians that taking Apokolips would require an army. Authorized to start a massive recruitment, Raker and his fellow Lanterns inducted thousands of new members, bringing total membership up to 3600.

Many thanks to Wikipedia for the information on the history of the Green Lantern Corps.

Well i don't have 3600 Green Lanterns below lol, but there is a huge amount. This by far took me the longest to do and by far the biggest thing ever, even bigger than the Avengers casting i did. Took a couple of months on and off, just getting the pictures and photos is the easy part, doing all them names etc is by far very time consuming and i did plan to do the whole cast like i normally do but by then if i did, it'll be 2011 and the movie would've been released already heh heh. Anyway enjoy, the Green Lantern Corps is officially open.

The alien Green Lanterns by the way will be done the way Davy Jones himself was done in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," CG and special effect and prosthetics together to give it that much more real feel we all need and want.

Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan:

Harold "Hal" Jordan, a second-generation test pilot, having followed in the footsteps of his father, Martin Jordan. He was given the power ring and battery (lantern) by a dying alien named Abin Sur, whose spaceship crashed on Earth. Abin Sur used his ring to seek out an individual who was "utterly honest and born without fear" to take his place as Green Lantern. Jordan became a founding member of the Justice League of America and as of the mid-2000s is, along with John Stewart, one of the two active-duty Lanterns in Earth's sector of space.

He is DC Universes second Green Lantern and the first human ever inducted into the Green Lantern Corps and founding member of the Justice League of America. Bearer of a Green Lantern ring, he patrols and fights for justice on Earth and outer space for all of Mankind.

Well Ryan Reynolds is Green Lantern, and I can't wait for this epic in the making space opera called "Green Lantern."

Bradley Cooper as Guy Gardner:

Guy Gardner was the second choice to replace Abin Sur as Green Lantern of sector 2814. Gardner was originally supposed to receive Abin Sur's ring, but Jordan was closer. This placed him as the "backup" Green Lantern for Jordan. But early in his career as a Green Lantern, tragedy struck Gardner as a power battery blew up in his face, putting him in a coma for years. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Guardians split into factions, one of which appointed a newly revived Gardner as their champion. As a result of his years in a coma, Guy was very emotionally unstable, although he still mostly managed to fight valiantly. He has gone through many changes, including wielding Sinestro's yellow Qwardian power ring, then gaining and losing Vuldarian powers, and readmission to the Corps during Green Lantern: Rebirth. He later became part of the Green Lantern Honor Guard, and oversees the training of new Green Lanterns. Gardner is designated as Honor Guard Green Lantern.

What can i say on this one, the guy was born to play Guy Gardner, he has attitude and a right asshole too-boot and a fantastic actor, just check out such films as "The Hangover" and "Midnight Meat Train" to name just a few. Perfect Guy Gardner!

Taye Diggs as John Stewart:

John Stewart is an architect and veteran U.S. Marine who was selected by the Guardians as Hal Jordan’s backup after Guy Gardner was seriously injured in a disaster. Although Jordan objected after seeing that Stewart had a belligerent attitude to authority figures, the Guardians stood by their selection.

This guy Taye Diggs can act his ass off, not only that but he looks spot of for the character, it's like he flew out of the pages of a DC comic book. Just check out the show he on called "Private Practice" the man is John Stewart through and through!

Nathan Fillion as Alan Scott:

Alan Scott's Green Lantern history traditionally began thousands of years ago when a mystical "green flame" meteor fell to Earth in ancient China. The voice of the flame prophesied that it would act three times: once to bring death (a lamp-maker crafted the green metal of the meteor into a lamp; in fear and as punishment for what they thought sacrilege, the local villagers killed him, only to be destroyed by a sudden burst of the green flame), once to bring life (in modern times, the lamp came into the hands of a patient in a mental institution who fashioned the lamp into a modern lantern; the green flame restored him to sanity and gave him a new life), and once to bring power. By 1940, the lantern passed into the possession of Alan Scott, a young engineer. Following a railroad bridge collapse in which he was the only survivor, the flame instructed Scott how to fashion a ring from its metal, to give him fantastic powers as the superhero Green Lantern. He adopted a colorful costume and became a crimefighter.

Alan was a founding member of the Justice Society of America and of course this is the younger version of Alan; Nathan Fillion, he's destined to have that power ring on his finger.

Chris Pine as Kyle Rayner:

Kyle Rayner is a struggling freelance artist when he is approached by the last Guardian of the Universe, Ganthet, to become a new Green Lantern with the last power ring. Ganthet's reasons for choosing Rayner remained a secret for quite some time. Despite not being cut from the same cloth of bravery and fearlessness as Hal Jordan — or perhaps because of that — Rayner proved to be popular with readers and his fellow characters. Having continually proven himself on his own and with the JLA, he became known amongst the Oans as The Torch Bearer. He briefly operated as Ion after using the power of the entire Green Lantern Corps.

Well i have got to admit i really do like Milo from "Heroes" but he makes a much better movie Nightwing and Kyle's too close to the character in "Heroes," so this is why i have cast Chris Pine, just as perfect for the role, just a bit of black hair dye an wham!

Mila Kunis as Jade:

The daughter of Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden would discover she shared her father's mystical connection to the Starheart, which gave her the abilities of a Green Lantern. Choosing to follow in her father's footsteps, she became the superheroine Jade. She would later fight a manifestation of the Starheart and lose those abilities.

Mila Kunis painted green and in skin tight spandex, think about it. Oh my, she's a good little actress too.

Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog:

A towering alien with a brutish and porcine appearance, Kilowog is renowned throughout the Green Lantern Corps as the primary trainer of the Corps' newest recruits. The Guardians of the Universe recruited Kilowog, a gifted genetic scientist, from the planet Bolovax Vik, located in Space Sector 674. Kilowog was trained by Lantern Ermey, who would often use the word "Poozer", which meant "useless rookies" (A word Kilowog would later adopt, albeit in a friendlier way).

What can i say, he is Kilowog.

Tara Reid as Arisia Rrab:

Arisia is originally from the planet Graxos IV. Her father, Fentara, served as the Green Lantern of Sector 2815. In Blackest Night, it's revealed that (in a rare occurrence) all of the Green Lanterns preceding her father belong to their lineage as well. After her father meets his demise while serving the Corps, her uncle Blish is the next chosen to serve as the Lantern of her sector. Blish too eventually gives his life serving the Corps and Arisia is selected as his replacement on her next birthday, making her at least the fifth member of the family to serve as a Green Lantern.

Tara Reid you go, an i say a hell yes, she looks the part, can act the part and has them big... um bright eyes. You will believe she is Arisia Rrab.

Angelina Jolie as Boodikka:

At three centuries of age, the warrior Boodikka of the planet Bellatrix was originally recruited by the sphere-like Chaselon of Barrio III to join the then-reconstituted Green Lantern Corps. Not long before, Boodikka had belonged to something called the "Bellatrix Bombers," a group of women mercenaries for hire by planets to clear the spaceways of hostile forces. The "Bellatrix Bombers" had broken up at some point, the majority of the team apparently having been killed along the way.

I don't know what it is about Angelina as Boodikka, don't really like her cast in comic book roles but for this part she just screams Bookikka. She'd fit that tight costume pretty well too!

Justin Timberlake as G'nort:

Hal Jordan explains that G'nort became a Green Lantern due to the influence of his relative who was a famous member of the Lantern Corps. Despite his obviously limited intelligence (not intelligent enough to read a map) and profoundly lacking tactical judgment, the character is consistently depicted as brave, loyal, and honorable. This fact is overlooked by most heroes, although Superman has pointed it out on occasion.

Early in his career, G'nort becomes inadvertently mixed up with the League's battle against the Manhunter planet. Anyway i would never pick this guy for any role period but with G'nort he just fits lol, can't explain it he just does and he's had a couple of movies under his belt too, an he's not too bad in them either, check out a comic book movie called "Southland Tales."

Elias Koteas as Abin Sur:

Originally a history professor on the planet Ungara, Abin Sur is appointed Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814 in the mid 1860s. As a child, he became best friends with Ruch Ehr and later, by association, Munni Jah. The two of them were a couple and Abin secretly loved Munni, but never spoke overtly of this.
Recruited by the Green Lantern known as Starkaor, he is known to have come to Earth on several occasions in the American Old West.

While on patrol, he is attacked and pursued by the being known as Legion while on its way to Oa. Badly injured and with his spaceship seriously damaged, he makes an emergency landing on the nearest habitable planet (Earth). Due to his injuries, Sur was aware that his death was inevitable and he uses his ring to search for a successor. The first possibility was Clark Kent. Since he was not native to earth, he is not chosen. The next candidates were Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner. As Jordan was closer, the ring chose him as the most suitable replacement right before Sur's death.

Elias has been connected to "Green Lantern" and if he did get a part, this part of Abin Sur is made for him. Quality actor for a quality part.

Kate Walsh as Katma Tui:

Katma Tui hails from the planet Korugar, in the area of space designated Sector 1417 by the Guardians of the Universe, the extraterrestrials from the planet Oa who oversee and administer the Green Lantern Corps. Korugar was also the home planet of the renegade former Green Lantern Sinestro, who used his Green Lantern powers to enslave his planet, and rule over them as a tyrant, unbeknownst to his Guardian superiors. Tui eventually leads a rebellion against Sinestro, and even testifies against him before the Guardians. Sinestro is imprisoned in the antimatter universe, on the planet Qward. Green Lantern Tomar-Re nominates Tui as Sinestro’s replacement as Green Lantern of Sector 1417, and Tui accepts.

Katma Tui is slain by the villain Star Sapphire. Katma, at the time unpowered, is sliced to death while in her kitchen. Star Sapphire did this simply to make a point to Hal Jordan. Ouch, anyways you may have seen Kate in many things and at the moment she too is in "Private Practice," great show, great actress and she'd do this character justice.

Bridget Moynahan as Laira:

Laira is born on the planet Jayd in space sector 112. She is trained by her father Kentor Omoto to take over his role as a soldier of the Guardians of the Universe; a Green Lantern of her sector. Her training is also one strict with tradition and honor. During her training she becomes exceptionally adept at her native martial arts. Throughout his time with his daughter, her father never hides the fact that the ruling council of his planet are not doing things the way he would. He sees their rule as weak and disreputable.[1] After the disappearance of her father during the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the proclamation by the Guardians that he is dead, she is considered for the post of ring bearer and Green Lantern of her sector. Her instructor turns out to be Ke'Haan of Varva: Kilowog's second in command, known for his tough as nails training. Eager to please and finding a kindred spirit of honor within her teacher, she becomes his prized pupil.

Nice bod, nice actress, nice role!

Doug Jones as Salakk:

A famous pessimist and loner, Salaak is a creature of protocol and laws. A veteran Green Lantern he has served in many Corps campaigns over the years. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths he protects multiple sectors, but found the experience depressing. After this, he went to Earth looking for company amongst his fellow Green Lanterns. He served with the contingent of Green Lanterns assigned to Earth and became good friends with Ch'p of H'lven. For a time Salaak lived in the future, filling the identity of Pol Manning as Hal Jordan had before him. While in the future, Salaak was married to a human woman.

This man Doug Jones can pretty much play any alien perfectly, this ones fantastic for him.

Josh Duhamel as Sodam Yat (Ion):

Sodam Yat makes his first appearance in regular DC continuity in Green Lantern Corps #12, and part three of the Sinestro Corps War (Green Lantern Corps #14), when Kilowog gathers a group of Lanterns to strike back against Sinestro's forces attack in Space Sector 2263. Salaak singles out Arisia to keep an eye on the newly graduated Lantern Yat, while she wonders why Yat is so important. Salaak has been charged by the Guardians of the Universe to keep Qull's prophesy from coming to pass, but keeps this to himself, only saying that one day she may know why he is so special. In Green Lantern Corps #16, he destroys the core of Ranx the Sentient City, ending the battle of Mogo.

Josh can easily play this guy down to a tea, man the guy needs a ring on his finger.

Anne Hathaway as Kraken:

Part of the duo (with Raker Qarrigat) dedicated to bringing peace to their homeworld of Apokolips, she becomes an Alpha Lantern to further this goal, unaware of the toll it will take on her emotions. Later, in Final Crisis, she is possessed by the malevolent spirit of the New God Granny Goodness, who uses her to subdue the Green Lanterns of Earth, Hal Jordan and John Stewart, and capture Batman for use as a scientific test subject by her master, Darkseid. When Jordan is put on trial for an attempted murder actually performed by Kraken/Goodness herself, she is unmasked by Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner before sentence can be passed, and attempts at her primary mission, to obtain the central Green Lantern Power Battery for Darkseid. She is then defeated by Jordan and taken into custody by the other Alpha Lanterns.

Anne, never cast her in anything, but could play this character really well. Only comic book movie character i could really ever see her playing.

Kevin Durand as Jack T Chance:

Jack T. Chance is from the planet Garnet, also known as 'Hellhole' because it is one of the worst criminal worlds in existence. Repeatedly the Guardians of the Universe dispatched Green Lanterns to this planet in hope of redeeming the world, but each attempt ended in failure, usually fatally for the Green Lantern. The last Guardian-sent agent used his dying breath to instruct his ring to find a replacement among Hellhole's inhabitants uniquely suited to the challenges of the world (in other words, one not limited by the Green Lanterns' usual moral strictures). The ring chose Jack T. Chance. When the ring bonded with him it created a standard Green Lantern uniform and explained his duties to him. Chance rejected the idea of a uniform, refusing to wear anything other than his own trashy clothes with a single small added symbol.

Now calm down TYLER lol, i have only cast him in this if he doesn't get the Lobo job (which he's perfect for). Anyway this is the next best thing and Jack's a lot like Lobo just with a power ring!

Zachary Quinto as Tomar-Tu:

Tomar was instrumental in the fall of the mad guardian as he was contacted by Hal Jordan to monitor for the arrival of Guy Gardner who was to arrive from earth to help Jordan deal with the mad guardian. When Gardner finally arrived Tomar gave Jordan the signal necessary for him to create a diversion and tap into the central power battery.

Now this is the perfect part for Quinto, he would steal this part and bring in depth, just check out his acting every week in "Heroes."

Lucy Lawless as Lianna:

After Kyle Rayner relights the Central Power Battery on Oa, all the dead Guardians are restored to life. However they are restored as children in a mix of male and female, instead of adult males (their original form).
Kyle Rayner and Jade visit the planet Oa and meet several of the Guardian children. Kyle is surprised to see that one of them, Lianna, has already developed the ability to use a small amount of her powers. At this point, she still looks the same as the others.

Lawless could handle this role easy and yeah i know i have cast her as another DC character, but that was an Elseworlds Wonder Woman so i don't count.

Susan Ward as Soranik Natu:

A neurosurgeon by trade, Natu, like the rest of her race, saw the Green Lanterns and everything associated with them as a symbol of oppression, because the first Korugaran to have been a Green Lantern was the renegade Sinestro. Sinestro, unbeknownst to his superiors, the Guardians of the Universe, who recruit and administrate the Green Lantern Corps, used his GL power ring to enslave his people and rule over them as a dictator. As a result, he is known among Korugarans as "The Wicked." Susan Ward is wicked!

Jackie Earle Hayley as Ganthet:

Ganthet is one of the Guardians of the Universe. However, where most of the Guardians are very stern 'by-the-book' characters, Ganthet has a personality that is more human-like, including displays of empathy and concern for an individual, instead of only thinking of the Green Lantern Corps. In various DC crossover limited series, Ganthet is shown as being part of the Quintessence, a group of near-omnipotent beings who oversee the results of what happens on Earth.

Okay many people cast Hayley a lot but this ones different, he's gonna be a small alien dude. Heck Jackie will own this part hands down.

Okay, this is going to take forever going through every single one, so i'll now just put the names to the characters and if you've got any question on these lesser known Green Lanterns, i'll let you know.

Aaron Yoo as Burkett:

Adrien Brody as G'hu:

Alyson Hannigan as Adara:

Amaury Nolasco as Graf Kreon:

Amy Weber as Brik:

Andy Serkis as Cundiff Cood:

Anthony Michael Hall as Barreer:

Ashley Greene as Anya:

Audrey Tautou as Celeste:

Aurora Snow as Lashorr:

Billy Zane as Aa:

Brad Garrett as Yalan:

Brent Spiner as Stel:

Carel Struycken as Barin Char:

Carrot Top as Medphyll:

Chad Faust as Ard Rennat:

Dkrtzy-rrr will be messed up computer distorted kind of type voice:

Damian Lewis as Kreon:

David Hayter as Tomar-Re:

David Wenham as Charlie Vicker:

DJ Qualls as Morro:

Doug Jones as Isamot:

(Yes he can play two different aliens in this movie, the guy is a god!)

Emma Caulfield as Alia:

Eric Bana as Vath Sarn:

Gina Torres as Fatality:

Howie Mandel as Bruks:

Ian Somerhalder as Gretti:

James Corden as Chthos Chthas:

James Purefoy as Ash:

Jeremy Renner as Sayd:

Jamie Bamber as Amon Sur:

Jane Lynch as Avir:

Javier Bardem as Graf Toren:

Jeff Goldblum as Breeon:

Jeffery Colms as Galius Zed:

Jesse Ventura as Deeter:

Jim Sturgess as Varix:

John Dohring as Blish:

Jon Heder as Dob Zagil:

Jordana Brewster as Droxelle:

Karl Urban as Relok Hag:

Kate Mara as Alisandr:

Conan Stevens as Arx:

Krista Allen as Krista-X

Laurence Fishburne as Meadlux:

Lester Speight as Branwilla:

Lexa Doig as Cary Wren:

Michael Berryman as Ares Bandet:

Micheal Bailey Smith as Ke'Haan:

Mini Anden as Amnee Pree:

Paul Telfer as Ayria:

Paul Giamatti as Appa Ali Apsa:

Peter Dinklage as Amanita:

Puffball Collective as far as i know don't speak so it's all CGI:

Rain as Jong-Li:

Rhona Mitra as Kaylark:

Richard Burgi as Davo Yull:

Robert knepper as Driq:

Roland Kickinger as Adam:

Ryan McParlin as Daniel Young:

Scott Grimes as Dalor:

Sean Penn as Ermey:

Stephen Moyer as Raker Qarrigat:

Tom Hardy as Rond Vider:

Tom Waits as Archon Z'Gmora:

Zooey Deschanel as Horoq-Nnot

Right, all the next lot are either talented voice actors, or actors or both and all Green Lanterns below all all going to be computer generated with the actors voices:

Dennis Haysbert voice of Turytt:

David L Lander voice of Ch'p:

Charlie Adler voice of Bivvix:

William Schallert voice of AR-N-O-Q:

Chuck McCann voice of Apros:

Clancy Brown voice of Hannu:

Cole S McKay voice of Brokk:

Earl Boen voice of Chogar:

Frank Welker voice of Mogo:

Guy Hebert voice of B'DG:

James Woods voice of Chaselon:

Jeff Bennet voice of B'RR:

John Larroquette voice of Gpaak:

Kurtwood Smith as Bogosar:

Melachi Throne voice of Barin:

Matt Frewer voice of Brin:

Michael Rudder voice of Flodo:

Paul Dobson voice of D'aran-Tuu:

Peter Berg voice of Leezlepon:

Scott McNeil voice of Cimfet Tau:

Scott Schwartz voice of Ash Pak Glif:

Stephen Briggs voice of BBZD:

Steve Blum voice of Ahtier:

Tom Kenny voice of B'Shi:

Tony Jay voice of Ekron:

Edward Asner voice of Eddore:

John Krasinski voice of Charqwep:

Will Arnett voice of Cherniss:

Now to the Villains:

Hugo Weaving as Sinestro:

When Hal Jordan joined the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was assigned to be his instructor. Jordan was horrified at his new mentor's totalitarian methods, though Sinestro maintained that his iron-fisted rule was necessary to protect his people from alien forces. During his training, Jordan helped Sinestro repel an attempted invasion of Korugar by the alien warlords known as the Khunds. When Jordan called for help from the other Green Lanterns, Sinestro's dictatorship was exposed and he was forced to appear before the Guardians for punishment. Katma Tui, the leader of a Korugarian resistance movement who felt that
Sinestro's "protection" kept her people from growing as a society through contact with other alien races, was recruited as his replacement in the Corps. Though Katma Tui eventually grew into one of the most respected Green Lanterns, she and the rest of Korugar initially resisted her appointment to the Corps; due to Sinestro's actions, Korugar had come to consider the symbol of the Green Lantern Corps an emblem of terror and oppression, similar to the swastika of the Nazi regime on Earth.

Hugo Weaving is Sinestro!

The Manhunters will be totally CGI:

The Manhunters were the first attempt of the Guardians of the Universe to create an interstellar police force that would combat evil all over the cosmos. Their name and much of their code of behavior was modeled by the Guardians of the Universe on the Manhunters of Ma'aleca'andra (Mars) (This creates an apparent
chronology problem, since the Manhunters were created many millions of years ago, while the Green Martian race came into existence from the Burning Martians only about 20,000). For thousands of years, they served the Guardians well. However, the Manhunters became obsessed with the act of 'hunting' criminals. Their code, "No man escapes the Manhunters" (corrupted from the original), became more important to them than seeing justice done.

Eventually, the robots conspired to rebel against their masters, but the Guardians defeated and destroyed most of them. Those that survived hid away on many planets, slowly rebuilding their forces and spreading their beliefs to others. Since then, the over-riding goal of the Manhunters has been to take revenge on the Guardians, as well as on their replacements, the Green Lantern Corps.

Olivia Wilde as Lyssa Drak:

Lyssa Drak was recruited by Sinestro to join the "Sinestro Corps" which is based in the anti-matter universe on the planet of Qward.

Lyssa Drak is the keeper of the Book of Parallax for the Sinestro Corps, to which she is chained for life. This book contains the lifestories of many of the Sinestro Corps' finest members and tells stories.

Check out Olivia in the series "House" or the up and coming "Tron," great girl, great actress, plays evil really good.

Kevin J O'Connor:

Hammond is a petty criminal on the run from the law when he discovers the fragments of a strange meteor in the woods (part of the same meteor that lands in Africa, super-evolving Gorilla Grodd and the other gorillas of Gorilla City). Observing that radiation from the meteor has caused the nearby plants to evolve rapidly, Hammond decides to kidnap four scientists and expose them to the meteor. The radiation causes their intellects to evolve, but also has the side effect of sapping their wills. Hammond is able to force the scientists to use their heightened intellect to create amazing new inventions, which Hammond sells for his own profit.

Kevin damn fine actor and man he's like looking into a comic book mirror!

Megan Fox as Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris):

As Ferris Aircraft's Vice President, Carol Ferris, the only child of aerospace mogul Carl Ferris, hired Hal Jordan and quickly found herself attracted to the fearless test pilot, who was secretly the superhero Green Lantern. However, the young couple’s romance quickly became complicated when Carol took over the company from her father and the Zamarons crowned her the new Star Sapphire. When the Zamarons discovered that she was in love with Green Lantern, a servant of their estranged friends, the Guardians of the Universe, they sent her to defeat Green Lantern in battle as Star Sapphire.

Over the years, Star Sapphire and Green Lantern would duel again and again, but each time Jordan would defeat Ferris and revert her to normal.

Now this is going to be a love her or hate her pick lol, but i truly believe this is the only comic book character bar maybe a villain in Wonder Woman she could ever play. Before you jump on the 'i hate Megan Fox' bandwagon, think about it. She has a killer bod, she's a bit of a you know what and people hate her (well some). It's the perfect role for her as Star Sapphire, you will truly hate her and she could turn out to be one of the best comic book villains in Hollywood history. I would never cast the girl in any comic book movie ever, but i would for this, people would love to hate her playing the super-bitch of all female super-villains!

Carla Gugino would've been great but she makes a to good of Catwoman.

Scott Porter as Dr Polaris:

Neal Emerson and his brother John were raised by an abusive father (although a later flashback shows him raised by an abusive aunt). This apparently drove Neal Emerson within himself and led to the creation of the personification of his own dark side. Emerson left the United States for a year and returned to find he was an uncle. His brother John and sister-in-law Katherine had adopted a baby and named him Grant. Emerson was not around much for his nephew over the years, but he was quite fond of the boy.

As a medical student, Neal Emerson develops a fanatical interest in magnets, despite the teasings of his classmates. Emerson is convinced exposure to magnetic fields will give him more energy. He later holds crowd-drawing lectures on "Health via Magnetism." Due to his medical background and belief in magnetism, Emerson adopts the name "Doctor Polaris." He even designs a special costume and mask to wear for his public appearances.

Scott Porter is the answer to DC's Magneto.

David Boreanaz as Black Hand:

William Hand is born an inventive genius; developing a penchant for speaking in extremely old clichés later in life. William's family, the Hands, are renowned in Coastville (a suburb of Coast City, California); however, he grows to dislike them early in life. He feels the best way to distance himself from them, especially his three brothers (David, Peter and Joe), is to start a life of crime. After extensive study, he becomes an expert criminal and evades police at every turn. Eventually, his criminal behavior escalates into becoming a costumed supervillain; dubbing himself "Black Hand" (an inside joke he conceives that refers to his status as the "black sheep" of the Hand family).

I wouldn't cast Boreanaz in anything but i think he's got the talent to ham this character up to the max and also play the evil bit too, he is Black Hand.

Brian Thompson as Atrocitus:

When the rogue Manhunters rampaged through Space Sector 666, Atrocitus was one of only five beings in the entire sector to escape death. He and the other four survivors formed a terrorist cabal known as the Five Inversions, bent on the destruction of the Guardians of the Universe and all who served them, with Atrocitus serving as their leader. The Five Inversions performed a ritual which allowed them to peer into the future and discover the prophecy of the Blackest Night, which decreed that all life in the universe would end. Forming an "Empire of Tears", the Inversions attempted to destroy the Guardians, but were defeated and imprisoned on the planet Ysmault.

Thompson could play this part perfect!

Heres a few extras:

Dennis Leary as an older future Guy Gardner:

I have always thought of Dennis as the best Guy Gardner for years, but times gone on, pity he would've owned the role, but theres no reason he couldn't be Guy Gardner through time from the future, now that would be cool.

Jason Issaccs is my second choice for Sinestro:

James Preston Rogers is my second choice for Jack if Kevin Durand got Lobo!

Hey, got another Guardian for you too, yes there is many but Wallace Shawn would make a good one!

LEEE777 - Well that took forever to do, hope you enjoyed it! ; )

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KeepItReal - 12/10/2009, 10:54 PM
OMG! I love Tye Diggs! yeah baby! nice article LEEE but I dont really like Ryan Reynolds for GL. doesnt look right somehow.

nice picks for :David Boreanaz as Black Hand and Jason Issaccs for Sinestro. Dennis Leary is one cool cat too!

RIGHT ON with Olivia Wilde as Lyssa Drak!

Megan Foxx?! really?
ManofTomorrow - 12/10/2009, 10:59 PM
Great casting dude!

DAMN...that must have taken forever, but i must say, one of the best fancasts ive seen...congrats!
DogsOfWar - 12/10/2009, 11:05 PM
Holy power lanterns LEEE! That is impressive.

Nice work-Even though Reynolds has it, wouldn't you want Fillion for Hal?
THEHAWK - 12/10/2009, 11:10 PM
I only logged on to this site to comment on two of your choices.

1) Star Saphire. SHe is nothing like Fox, have you read anything with her in it? Carol Ferris is an assertive and strong woman, but she isn't a bitch. She is a highly intelligent woman, who succesfully managed her father's multinational aircraft company for years. SHe has a broad emotional range, which is why she was chosen to be the Star Saphire, because of her emotions. Fox is no where near qualified to play her, period.

2) Black Hand is much more of a major character than you made him out to be, and Boreananz may not be a good enough actor to portay his depth. And if you don't think Hand is a major character in DC comics, he is directly responsible for a little event called BLACKEST NIGHT!

Other than that good choices.

I'm leaving again.

HAWK out
shahrazstate - 12/10/2009, 11:11 PM
I think Brad Pit would be a good choice for Sinestro
ecksmanfan - 12/11/2009, 12:19 AM
@LEEE-- Taye Diggs=EPIC!!! Never thought of him for Stewart! Nice! Overall nice work. I don't know too much about the Green Lantern stories, but it all looks good.

Although Tara Reid, can't really act. I'd say she's great eye candy, but have you seen that botched boob job?!?
DDD - 12/11/2009, 12:38 AM
Wow, I'm exhausted from reading all these!
Geez! This is huge! Good cast! Where on earth
(maybe that wasn't the right term--lol) did
you find all these ppl!

I give you huge credit for actually finishing

Don't like Megan Fox for anything! I absolutely
despise her and I don't really find her that
attractive! A woman's attractiveness is her whole
package and I just can't stand to hear her mind
coming out through the words from her piehole!

But Olivia Wilde, now that's a whole 'nother story!
Wowser!!! :D
DDD - 12/11/2009, 12:40 AM
By the way, Keven Peter Hall is
deceased. Leee@!

Need to find someone to replace him.
Batmanknight - 12/11/2009, 6:23 AM
DDDDDDAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNNNNN LEE this was an amazing fan cast. Probably the best I've ever seen.

There are so many i cant even remember if i didnt like some of them

I will be the person to think that Megan Fox WILL be good for Carrol Farris one day. I dont think yet though. She needs to get older and get more experience first.

Overall amazing job.
LEEE777 - 12/11/2009, 6:40 AM
Guys @ I didn't cast RYAN REYNOLDS, he is cast lol! ; D

Hey i hate MEGAN FIX too, and i knew she'd get the hate she deserves lol, but thats why i think she'd make the best STAR SAPPHIRE, coz we all luv to hate the bitch lol!

; D

Like i said, would want CARLA, but i really love her now as CATWOMAN not STAR SAPPHIRE. Pity she wouldve done the character justice though!

DOGS OF WAR @ Yeah i wouldve want FILLION as HAL but he makes a great young version of ALAN SCOTT too man, think of him in the early JSA days, he was mean't for a power ring!!

ECKS @ Thanks dude Kudos!!! An lol no, but she can fix that, hey shes got the big round eyes and anything can be CGI'ed in the movies dude, hey i like her acting, i do i do, lol! ; D

OZY @ Thanx dude!!! Nah REYNOLDS wont drop GL, whys everyone that against him?? I think now times passed a bit, that he'll make a great performance as HAL JORDAN!

ManOfSteel @ Thank you man @ Really appriecate that! Yeah it took [frick]ing forever lol, but it was worth it, been meaning to do this an finish it for three months now lol! Thanks again man!!!

KEEP @ Cheers hun! Yeah TYE DIGGS quality actor, reckon he'd own that part an bring a lot of depth for JOHNS character, thank you for your comment KEEP, yeah, i knew MEGAN FOX would be hated lol, thats why i put her up, i hate her too heh heh! ; D

SHAHRAZ @ Cool idea!!

HAWK @ Cheers for coming in man and thanks! Yeah ive got tons of GL comic books over 500, I picked FOX coz of the hate factor, the rest can be sorted out lol, well she is a actress, man, [frick]ing hate her though for any other cbm role ie, BATGIRL, WONDER WOMAN etc etc.

As for DAVID, yeah i think that too dude, can never see him as WONDERMAN or nothing but he is a hammy character, BLACKEST NIGHT is only recent, so dont really havta really worry about how he is today in a GL movie. If he does his ANGEL acting, he'd be just like the BLACK HAND i luved in the JLI days!! But you have got big points, i kew both was a risk to put up,, i had other choices!

An whats up man?? You okay dude, let me know or even e-mail me man??!

DDD @ Opps, ill havta sort KEVEN out when i come back, gotta go out soon and thanx dude!!!

yEah OLIVIA all in blue heh heh heh!

DDD @ Finding them took forever, as for the name etc that too lol, was gonna do the whole lot, but i wouldve been finished next Christmas if i did that lol! : D

Yep i dispise her too, that why i think she could work, ive seen her cast in many cbm roles, but most don't work for her, i think this could, god i hate her too lol! ; D

Many thanx for your comment dude and yeah been working on this on an off for a few months, you know tiny bit here and there since way before all my other castings cept the first 3 or 4 i did at the start, been telling FROGMAN ive been working on it an finishing it for months now lol.

LEEE777 - 12/11/2009, 6:45 AM
BatmanKnight @ Cheers dude, thanks a lot bud, it took so long to do this but its so great once it done lol!! : D

Hey when are you gonna be doinga nother casting man, let me know?!
lc - 12/11/2009, 7:35 AM
tell me something lee dont you like to see your next birthday!!.so while you was doing this i had to put up with you on here none f*cking stop!! till all bloody hours at night an in the morring,tell do you want to be by yourself for the rest of your f*cked up life!!,oh one for the boys eh you bloody muppet they wont save you from me hints the hard ass slap you got! and i wouldnt answer me back ppl if you know whats f*cking gd for you!!.END OFF.@leee
KeepItReal - 12/11/2009, 8:18 AM
for lc:

to make you smile.

for LEEE:

something to cheer you up after you get your butt beat! LOL!

Spilox - 12/11/2009, 8:28 AM
Wow! this must have taken a real long time buddy :D. Nice job man.
Neverwould have thought of Tara Reid or Justin Timberlake hahaha. Only in the mind of LEEE can the most unlikely castings turn out to be good ones :P.
DogsOfWar - 12/11/2009, 8:59 AM
@LEEE-I, for one, am not hating on Reynolds as GL. I actually think he will do a fantastic job. I just figured Fillion was your first choice but I see where you are going.
Tobuttica - 12/11/2009, 9:09 AM
Holy shit. Great casting, although, I don't like Tara Reid for Arisia. I don't want her going near anything that is awesome. There are so many better blondes that could fill that role. Also, Megan Fox!?! C'mon, she's hot, but that's it. A head full of rocks as one of the GL greatest enemies/loves? I really like Welker for Mogo, and I was hoping there'd be some love for Peter Cullen. I'd say Kristen Bell for Arisia, because a) she's hot, b) she's got geek cred, and c) she's a much better actress than Reid. As for Carol Ferris/Star Saphire, how about Kate Beckinsale. She'd look super hot as well with almost nothing on. I just wouldn't be able to take Fox seriously as guru of an aircraft company.
ironknight27 - 12/11/2009, 9:46 AM
Damn Leee good job but that must have taken you a while to complete!
6of13 - 12/11/2009, 9:56 AM
Incredible casting.
I think studios should pay attention to these fan castings because this is phenomenal casting.
I never thought of Tye Diggs. And you are right, he is a good actor.
I was casting my own Green Laterns (humans only) and I picked Omar Epps for John Stewart. I don't know if you watch "House" LEEE, but I thought he would make an awesome John Stewart. His other acting work is also really good.
And then, I picked another actor for Alan Scott, only because I was trying to go for an ORIGINAL choice of my own. I chose Scott Bakula for the role of Alan Scott. Partly because he does look like he has wisdom to impart on the other laterns etc.

Batmanknight - 12/11/2009, 10:12 AM
Thanks Lee

I am currently doing a casting but im keeping it kind of secret so no one takes the idea lol.

That casting will probably have to wait until i finish my Superman story and other stories im writing.

I'd like to hear your input on some of my choices in my Superman story if you don't mind. Your better at casting than i am and i think i need some help.

Also, are you and lc married or something?
LEEE777 - 12/11/2009, 10:28 AM
Spilox @ Thanx buddy hehehehhehehhe an it took way too long man lol, never again! ; P

DDD @ Man, thats sad news about HALL man, he will be sorely missed, not on my PC at the mo, not home so cant really change him yet. Loved ENTERPRISE (an not a TREKKIE lol) and QUANTUM LEAP!

KEEP @ Lmfao,,, um... thanks, lol!

Dogs @ Cool dude! ; )

TOBB @ Thanks man, and great alternatives dude, though i really like REID for the part, its a weird one, dont know who that actress is though you said, i'll check her out bro!

IRON @ Cheers man!!! Took too damn long lol!! ; D

6of13 Thanks dude! Cool pics!! Like ya STEWART pick dude, not sure about BAKULA, but i wouldn't no, he's a great actor!!

Just started watching HOUSE, its quite a cool show man!!

LEEE777 - 12/11/2009, 10:33 AM
BatmanKnight @ Cool bro, e-mail me dude!! Im not that much into e-mailing but if ya are i take a look lol! An yeah that'll be cool dude looking forward to ya SUPES story an no not married, the gf man, though a years time hopefully!!

yEAH KEEPING YOUR CASTINGS IS BEST TO KEEP IT TOP (oops caps) secret as someone will always beat ya on here lol, happened to me many times!

Look forward to hearing from you bro!
6of13 - 12/11/2009, 11:16 AM
@LEEE You are definately going to like House.
LEEE777 - 12/11/2009, 11:41 AM
ANIL @ Thanx dude!!! ; )

80f13 @ Only seen a couple but yeah its a great show, i know, ive got a lot to catch up on lol! : D

Hey, other great shows if ya don't watch 'em are: DEXTER, CHUCK, HEROES (well i like it still lol), V (Not too bad) and cant wait for HUMAN TARGET and CAPRICA in Jan!!

Damn, i miss PRISON BREAK!
Runefyst - 12/11/2009, 12:05 PM
Leee@ I don't have the time to read this right at the moment (I'm at work and can only look at things briefly) because it's huge, but it looks great from what I glanced! Good work!

BTW, glad to hear you're gonna read Homeland, it's a great book, I'm looking forward to hearing what you think. ;)
InTylerWeTrust - 12/11/2009, 12:25 PM
Not bad.

I have preferences for pretty much all the main Green Lanterns, like Kilowog, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kyle, and Alan Scott, but I guess I wouldn't mind your choices for those characters.

But 2 of them I absolutely can not agree with.

One of them is Megan Fox. Sure, she is a bitch if there ever was one, and Star Sapphire is a bitch, but they aren't going to introduce Carol as SS first. She'll be regular Carol at first, not Sapphire. Fox can't act, she doesn't fit Carol at all.

The other is Tara Reid. She just can't act at all. And anyone who starred in Alone in the Dark should not be connected to Green Lantern. He's too awesome of a character to be tainted by cardboard acting.

But decent cast overall.
legionbecks - 12/11/2009, 12:27 PM
nothing against but i think ryan reynolds might do a pretty good job on GL unless the producers and the writers dont f##K it up ;p. by the way what i said was to ozy
legionbecks - 12/11/2009, 12:29 PM
and i am not sayin the swearing part was for ozy i was just saying the part of casting of ryan reynolds. the swearing part was just a comment am just making it this cleas ;)
LEEE777 - 12/11/2009, 1:35 PM
Thanks an cool @ RUNE! I'll let ya know!

TYLER @ Thanx man!! An ive put ISAACS up there too dude!

Awwww i like TARA REID! : P

Cool @ LEGION lol! ; D

MarkCassidy - 12/11/2009, 3:06 PM
Great stuff Lee, some cool choices there..but what the hell is with the porn stars!
AshleyWilliams - 12/11/2009, 3:20 PM
Great Cast my man!Jason Isaccs IS Sinestro!Weaving IS Brainiac!
John Krasinski is Ted Kord/Blue Beetle though!
I gave you the Chris Pine/Kyle Rayner pick didn't I? :)
Chris Pine For Captain America AND Kyle Rayner!
Frogman - 12/11/2009, 4:16 PM
this musta taken you ages man! Nice work! - one thing though you do realise Sayd is a female guardian so Renner playing her might be weird :P
lc - 12/11/2009, 5:16 PM
lol thanks keep it really did make me smile lol x

yeah ror i was thinking the same god love him he wont have a d!ck for long when i cut it off him lol
juggy4711 - 12/11/2009, 6:38 PM
Lol A bunch of great picks. But FTW are...

Aurora Snow and that is creative casting.

ETA Porn Stars? As in plural? Does Fox or Jolie count?
AshleyWilliams - 12/11/2009, 7:17 PM
Jeremy Renner is Gardner!!!!!!
ASSASSIN666 - 12/11/2009, 11:39 PM
LEEE- I am in awe of this casting. This has to be the most ambitious casting ever, you're the man \,,/
LEEE777 - 12/12/2009, 3:48 AM
NightAvenger4 @ Thanks man, and yeah, i did see PINE somewhere for hat role, must've been u dude! ; ) I really like MILO from HEROES for KYLE but he makesa too good a version of NIGHTWING for the big screen, he cant have both lol, an PINE is pretty perfect for it!



ROR @ Cheers dude an heh was wondering when someone picked up on SNOW! ; D

You don't dissapoint dude! Heh heh, is a 20 second job, she can pull it off! ; )

juggy4711 @ Lol! ; D

FROGMAN @ You wouldn't believe man!! And thanks dude!! Well RENNER is a bit of a girl blouse lol, sh1t might havta change it lol! : D

Hey, sorry about the wait dude, i know i was telling ya for ages that i was doing this GREEN LANTERN casting, glad you saw it dude, was waiting for your comment and cheers again bud!

ASSASSIN666 @ Thank m'man, you is da man!!!

Cheers man for that, means a lot dude, kudos!

LEEE777 - 12/12/2009, 5:33 AM
DDD @ I've updated it fella, got a new ARX too, damn shame about Kevin Peter Hall, he will be missed!
DDD - 12/12/2009, 6:36 AM
Leee@ again let me give you cheers for casting this
incredible fancast! I hope LC doesn't beat you too bad!

It surely does take an enormous amount of time to do
one of these fancasts, at least the right way it does!
I got in huge trouble with my girlfriend awhile back
for spending too much time on my project!

Oh, well, I don't have her for a girlfriend anymore so
I've got plenty of time to spend on these fancasts but
actually I don't have a lot of time 'cause I'm usually
so busy with my work! Oh, well, I just keep on keepin'
on but I really like putting these fancasts together!
It's quite fun to do, for me!

Great replacement for Arx! Conan is the man (a very giant man! lol)!

BTW, is that Aurora Snow I see in she doing
regular acting now or that just wishful thinking
on your part? :D lol
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