There has been many talks lately about the upcoming Batman vs Superman film being delayed, possibly tied in to a Justice League film along the team being more of a UN type of group. At this point, I can see Warner Bros. and DC possibly going on the New 52 route on the team, depending on who they want on the roster. Here is my cast on a potential Justice League film.
Well this has been an unexpected week as Lex Luthor and Alfred have now been officially cast in the Batman vs Superman film. If there is anything I've learned from castings like this is that you should never underestimate an actor's ability of doing roles that are completely out of left field and that is what is all about; casting someone that no one in their mind have ever thought of, but could actually be very good for the role.
For example; everyone doubted on Heath Ledger when he was announced as the Joker, but he managed to pull off an amazing performance and even won an Oscar at that, may he rest in peace. Even people doubted on Robert Downey Jr. when they announced him as Iron Man, but he proved all the naysayers wrong afterwards and became one of the top highest grossing actors. Same thing for Michael Keaton and the list goes on. Inspired casting is always a good thing to keep in mind at.

Henry Cavill-Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El
Need I have to say about him? He is basically the Superman of our generation. His portrayal of him in Man of Steel was definitely on point regardless of its flaws. He literally owned the role as he embodied the character physically and emotionally. Needless to say, I cannot wait to see more of his performance in the sequel, including his take on the mild-mannered reporter.
Ben Affleck-Batman/Bruce Wayne
I understand a lot of people have been in disappointment since the announcement, but I am one of those people that has accepted and believe that he will do great in the role regardless and he could surprise us. I know he has been in some bad movies in the past, but that's just any other actor/actress, including the greats as well too. However, he has managed to overcome them throughout the years as not only he has become a phenomenal actor, but a legit director as well too.
Gal Gadot-Wonder Woman/Diana of Themyscira
I feel that she will really do wonders (pun intended) for the role as I am much excited to see her take on Wonder Woman.
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan
Although it wasn't his fault that the film didn't do justice, I think it is best to say no one wants to see Ryan Reynolds reprising the role. Anyways, I would like to go with someone original for the role instead of obvious choices (Chris Pine, Bradley Cooper) that nine times out of ten would likely never happen. In this universe, I can see Hal Jordan being a United States Air Force test pilot on active duty working for General Swannick and all.
Jai Courtney
A young up and coming actor, unknown to the public, been in films and television like Spartacus, Jack Reacher, a Good Day to Die Hard, and the upcoming film, Divergent. I feel that he could pull off pull Hal's personality well along with having the built and with a role like this, it could really help him becoming more to known to the audience like Cavill did with Man of Steel.
Taylor Kitsch
I know he has been in some bad films in the past, but the majority wasn't his fault and he worked with what he had. After seeing his performance in Lone Survivor, great film by the way, it should really turn people's heads about him. I think he'd be a great Hal just thinking about it.
Jake Gyllenhaal
Like Ben Affleck, he has become a great actor over the years, especially being in films like Jarhead, End of Watch, Source Code, Zodiac, Prisoners, and such more. He has the looks down, definitely can pull off the cockiness, and even has a favorable presence to him, if that makes sense.
James Franco
I know I'm going to get a lot of flack on this, but I think if they are going to go with an out of left field choice, James Franco could be one of them. Everyone knows he's no stranger to comic book films like Sam Raimi's Spider Man trilogy and the Green Hornet. He's definitely one of the most versatile actors out there as he can do drama, action, and comedy very well so I can't deny the man's work ethic. I believe he would do really well as Hal because he has the looks of a rebel, the personality, and a presence that makes him favorable.
Kevin Zegers
This has been given me a lot of thought about this so I'm mainly just thinking about outside the box on this one. He is generally a very talented actor, sort of an up and comer being in indie films and all. I feel with this role that it should really help putting him on the map a lot more.
Matt Damon
In case if they want to go with a seasoned Hal Jordan, similar to his buddy, Ben Affleck playing Batman, I can see Matt Damon pulling this off. No doubt about it, Matt Damon is one the most remarkable actors out there. A little long in the teeth, but he's very well fit for the role physically and emotionally.
The Flash/Barry Allen
Honestly, this was a little hard to cast because I was aiming to cast someone young for the role, but not too young, as many comics have depicted him as being the youngest member out of the group, mostly the comic relief.
Dan Stevens
A new upcoming actor, known for his performances on television and film like Downtown Abbey and the Fifth Estate. I feel like this could be more of a breakout role for him as he has the looks and persona about him.
Justin Timberlake
I know I am going to get a lot of backlash on this, but just think about it. Personally, I would not be against the idea of J.T as the Flash. Ironically enough that he was in the Social Network with Spider Man (Andrew Garfield), the Lone Ranger (Armie Hammer), and Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg), his personality could work very well as Barry as he has the looks. He was one of the contenders for GL a while back before Reynolds was cast and also worked with Affleck in Runner Runner. The way I see it is like this; if people can get over Ben Affleck playing Batman, they can get over J.T playing the Flash.
Jake Abel
From what I said previously, the Flash has been normally described as the youngest member out of the group so I chose Jake Abel for the role. He's actually a very good actor as he has that personality similar to Barry (or even Wally).
Anton Yelchin
Another young actor (and a year older than Grant Gustin) that I chose for the role. Being in films like Charlie Bartlett, Terminator: Salvation, and the Star Trek franchise, you cannot deny that he is very talented. I've always thought he brings such likability to each role he's in and he would be perfect for the Flash.
Andy Samberg
This probably may sound crazy, but I think Andy Samberg would be interesting to see as the Flash. It may be out of left field to people, but I think he could really surprise a lot of people with this role. I mean he's very funnily talented, has the looks, the mannerisms, and the likability to pull this off. I know many people would be against it, but just trying to have an open mind.
Aaron Tveit
Some of you probably may recognize him from Les Miserables and Graceland, but I feel that he would make the character more likable in similar to Grant Gustin's take on Arrow. He has the looks, built, and personality to pull it off.
Jason Momoa-Aquaman/Arthur Curry
I like this guy. So there has been some rumors about him being considered for a role in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman film much as he keeps on denying it. Best known for Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones and Conan the Barbarian (even though the film was mediocre), I actually think he is more suited for Aquaman. It would really help redefining the character in what he really stands for. Plus, it also helps by giving him a more exotic Atlantean look.
Sinqua Walls-Cyborg/Victor Stone
Mostly known as Boyd on Teen Wolf and Sir Lancelot on Once Upon a Time, he is a much serviceable actor as I look forward to see him getting more roles. Definitely has the look, stature, and personality down to a T.
Denzel Washington-J'Onn J'Onzz/John Jones
This was a little challenging to cast. Denzel has always been a very solid, terrific actor in his films. Now there was a rumor not too long ago about him being considered for John Stewart, but I feel he is more suited for J'Onn or even Lex Luthor for that matter, in case if Joaquin Pheonix turns down the role of course.
Dwayne Johnson-Green Lantern/John Stewart
I know what you're all thinking; "he's too big" or "not black enough". I find it nothing but just a bunch of malarkey saying he wouldn't be good enough. Dwayne has proven to be one of the most top highest grossing actors along being the savior of franchises (Fast & Furious films, GI Joe). He could easily rebuild GL from the ground up.
Andre Braugher-Darkseid
Now this, I will tell you, was very hard. When I think of Darkseid, I think of his voice in similarity to James Earl Jones, Michael Clarke Duncan (may he rest in peace), and Michael Ironside. I thought Andre did a great job voicing him in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse and his voice would be perfect on the big screen along with CGI and such.