FAN CAST: X-Men Reboot by Jolt17

FAN CAST: X-Men Reboot by Jolt17

Hit the jump to check out my picks of the casts for an X-Men Reboot movie!

By Jolt17 - Apr 09, 2011 07:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

The X-Men are a superhero team in the Marvel Comics Universe. They were created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, and first appeared in The X-Men #1 (September 1963). The basic concept of the X-Men is that under a cloud of increasing anti-mutant sentiment, Professor Xavier created a haven at his Westchester mansion to train young mutants to use their powers for the benefit of humanity, and to prove mutants can be heroes. Xavier recruited Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast and Jean Grey, calling them "X-Men" because they possess special powers due to their possession of the "X-Gene," a gene which normal humans lack and which gives Mutants their abilities. Early on, however, the "X" in X-Men stood for "extra" power which normal humans lacked. It was also alluded to that mutations occurred as a result of radiation exposure. The first issue also introduced the team's archenemy, Magneto, who would continue to battle the X-Men for decades throughout the comic's history, both on his own and with his Brotherhood of Mutants (introduced in issue #4).

As for their appearances in the movies media, the X-Men have been adapted into a series of films, starting with X-Men in 2000, followed by X2: X-Men United in 2003 and X-Men: The Last Stand in 2006. Despite the series' fairly a commercial success and the first two films were highly praised, the third movie started to become a letdown to many fans. A spin-off movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine was later released, again becoming a commerical success however being a major letdown to many people. And soon another movie, X-Men: First Class which serves as a prequel to the series is set to be released; however, up to this point some fans have been crying for a reboot since the series have taken too many liberties as well as continuity confusion. For that, I decided to make this fan cast, which contains my picks to fill in the roles of the X-Men if a reboot is really to be made (If possible, my wish is this reboot to be made by Marvel Studios).

Thanks to Wikipedia for all the introductions.


A bit note before we're starting off, yes this is the line-up of the five original X-Men, however in my mind it is not neccessary to portray them in their teens age; I instead picked the actors in around their 20s (Not including Professor Xavier, of course).

Professor X/Charles Xavier:
Paul Bettany

Professor Charles Francis Xavier, also known as Professor X, is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero known as the leader and founder of the X-Men. Throughout most of his comic book history, Xavier is paraplegic, although his body houses one of the world's most powerful mutant minds. As a high-level telepath, Xavier can read, control and influence human minds. A scientific genius, he is also a leading authority on genetics, mutation, and psionic powers. Over the years, Charles makes a name for himself as geneticist and psychologist, apparently renowned enough that the Greys were referred to him when no other expert could help their catatonic daughter, Jean. Xavier trains her in the use of her telekinesis, while inhibiting her telepathic abilities until she matures. Around this time, he also starts working with fellow mutation expert, Karl Lykos, as well as Moira MacTaggert again, who built a mutant research station on Muir Island. Apparently, Charles had gotten over Moira in his travels to the Greek island of Kirinos. Xavier discusses his candidates for recruitment to his personal strike force, the X-Men, with Moira, including those he passes over, which are Kurt Wagner, Piotr Rasputin, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, and Ororo Munroe. Xavier also trains Tessa in order to spy on Sebastian Shaw. Xavier founded Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, which provides a safe haven for mutants and teaches them to master their abilities. In addition, he seeks to foster mutant-human relations by providing his superhero team, the X-Men, as an example of mutants acting in good faith, as he told FBI agent Fred Duncan. With his inherited fortune, he uses his ancestral mansion at 1407 Graymalkin Lane in Salem Center, Westchester County, New York as a base of operations with technologically advanced facilities, including the Danger Room - later, Fantomex mentions that Xavier is a billionaire with a net worth of 3.5 billion dollars. Presenting the image of a stern teacher, Xavier makes his students endure a rigorous training regime. Xavier's first five students are Marvel Girl, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, and Angel, who become the original X-Men. After he completes recruiting the original team of X-Men, he sends them into battle with Magneto. Throughout most of his time with the team, Xavier uses his telepathic powers to keep in constant contact with his students and provides instructions and advice when needed. In addition, he uses a special machine called Cerebro, which enhances his ability to detect mutants and to allow the team to find new students in need of the school.

The actor has an undoubtedly skill and quality, as well as a fitting look for the Professor himself. And he is not too young to portray Charles in my opinion as he's close to 40 (While my X-Men picks are still around their 20s; giving a 20 years age range between them), plus he doesn't look too young too.

Cyclops/Scott Summers:
Paul Wesley

Cyclops (Scott Summers) is a fictional character, a superhero who is the field leader of the X-Men in the Marvel Comics Universe. A mutant, Cyclops produces a powerful beam with great destructive power from his eyes referred to as an "optic blast". In uniform, he wears a unique ruby quartz battle visor with a lens which runs from eye-to-eye giving him a one-eyed appearance, hence the codename "Cyclops." Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, he first appeared in The X-Men #1 September 1963. Originally dubbed Slim Summers, by X-Men #3 his name was changed to Scott and Slim was referred as a nickname. Scott is the first X-Man recruited by Charles Xavier, and as one of the original five X-Men, Cyclops has had a large presence in X-Men-related comics since their inception.
Cyclops is typical of the archetypal hero in American popular culture as opposed to the tough anti-authority anti-heroes that emerged in American popular culture after the Vietnam War. Cyclops' nature is that of the authority figure who follows a strict set of rules. He has also been featured in almost every adaptation of the team in other media. In practically every incarnation of the character, he has almost always been shown to be not only Charles Xavier's most loyal student, but also the one who most believes in his dream of mutant and human equality. Xavier is known to view Scott as one of his most, if not the most prized pupil. The relationship is not mentor to protege but akin to that of a father to son. Xavier hand picked Scott to lead his X-Men and to carry on his ideals. He is the son of Corsair (Major Christopher Summers) of the Starjammers; the brother of Havok (Alex Summers) and Vulcan (Gabriel Summers); the father of Cable (Nathan Summers); and the widower of Madelyne Pryor and Jean Grey and a long time friend with Beast (Hank McCoy). In alternate realities, he has also been the father of Marvel Girl and Ruby Summers, and the biological parent to X-Man and Cable's clone Stryfe. From time to time Scott's loyalty to Xavier has cost him dearly. He has remained by Xavier's side and eventually moved out of Xavier's shadow as the singular leader of the X-Men.

Now don't get me wrong, he may has that Edward Cullen feel in him, as he portrayed a similar vampire character in Vampire Diaries. However, I sometimes see the TV Series when my sister is watching it, and I see Wesley's performance was nice. Additionally, he also played a character who has a problem in controlling his powers in the series, much like Scott. He'd own it in my opinion.

Marvel Girl/Jean Grey:
Emily Blunt

Jean Grey is a fictional comic book superheroine appearing in books published by Marvel Comics. She has been known under the aliases Marvel Girl and later, Phoenix and Dark Phoenix, and is best known as one of five original members of the X-Men, for her relationship with Cyclops, and for her central role and transformation in the classic X-Men storyline, "The Dark Phoenix Saga". Jean Grey is a mutant born with telepathic and telekinetic powers. Her powers first manifested when she saw her childhood friend being hit by a car. She is a caring, nurturing figure, but she also must deal with being an Omega-level mutant and the physical manifestation of the cosmic Phoenix Force. She faces death several times in the history of the series, first in the classic "Dark Phoenix Saga" but due to her connection with the Phoenix Force, she, as her namesake implies, rises from death. Jean is an important figure in the lives of other Marvel universe characters, mostly the X-Men, including her husband Cyclops; her mentor and father-figure Charles Xavier; her close friend and sometimes romantic interest Wolverine; Storm, who is her best friend and a sister-like figure; and genetic children Rachel Summers, X-Man, and Cable.

Now it is not much to be said for this one, Blunt has all the quality and physics to fill in the role of Jean. She's also one year younger than my Cyclops pick, so it will be quite ideal for a couple like them. 'Nuff said.

Angel/Warren Worthington III:
Armie Hammer

Warren Kenneth Worthington III is a fictional character, a comic book antihero in the Marvel Comics universe. Originally known as Angel and later Archangel, Worthington is one of the founding members of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-creator Jack Kirby, he first appeared in X-Men (vol. 1) #1 (September 1963) as Angel. He first appeared as Archangel in X-Factor (vol. 1) #24 (January 1988). A mutant, Angel originally possesses a pair of large feathered wings extending from his back, enabling him to fly. He is the heir and CEO of the multi-billion dollar Worthington Industries. This privileged background results in Warren being stereotyped as an arrogant and self-absorbed playboy during his early years with the X-Men. This personality was ultimately replaced with a more introspective and brooding personality in the late 1980s, when the character was revamped into the more grim and gritty "Archangel" persona.

It's kind of tough actually in looking an actor for this role. But Armie Hammer fits the look of Warren and also has the looks to be a billionaire playboy like Warren is, as well as skills and quality to portray the character. The only thing is that he's quite too tall and bulky as people said, which makes it kind of weird when compared to the other actors. But in my opinion, he's Angel; he won't spend that much time on the ground, so it's passable.

Iceman/Bobby Drake:
Max Thieriot

Iceman (Robert "Bobby" Louis Drake) is a fictional Marvel Comics superhero, a member of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, he first appeared in X-Men (vol. 1) #1, (September 1963). A mutant, Iceman has the ability of cryokinesis where he can freeze anything around him and can also turn his body into ice. Although he is an Omega-level mutant, Drake has yet to tap his full mutant potential. He has, however, begun to take more interest over the years in developing his abilities. Robert Drake was born in Floral Park, Long Island, New York, to William Robert Drake and Madeline Beatrice Bass-Drake. He is Jewish on his mother's side and Irish Catholic on his father's. Bobby's powers first manifest when he is on a date with Judy Harmon, and a local bully by the name of Rocky Beasely tries to take Judy away for himself. Knowing Judy cannot put up a good fight, Bobby points his hand at Beasely and encases him in a block of ice. Later, the local townspeople, having heard of the incident, come looking for him in the form of an angry mob. The local sheriff has no choice but to put Bobby in jail for his own "protection". While Bobby sits in his cell at the sheriff station, the outer wall is blown open, and a man named Scott Summers (Cyclops) walks in and offers to take Bobby with him. After Bobby turns him down, the two mutants get into a short battle, which is soon ended by Professor Charles Xavier. After Xavier has sat down and talked with Bobby and his parents, Bobby's parents suggest that he go with Professor Xavier to his "school for gifted youngsters". Bobby takes the suggestion and leaves with Professor Xavier and Cyclops to become the second member of the X-Men. He is later joined by Henry "Hank" McCoy, Jean Grey, and Warren Worthington III as the founding members of the X-Men. Iceman quickly befriends Hank McCoy (Beast), and the two serve as comic relief for the team. Drake, however, remains self-conscious regarding the fact that he is the youngest member of the group. Appearing in his original snow covered form, he first battles Magneto along with the rest of the team, and later the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Jumper was not that good indeed, however after the film was aired once more several weeks ago in my local channel, I witnessed Thieriot performed nicely. Portraying the younger version of the main protagonist in the film, Thieriot managed to portray a teen with a problem with his powers, so filling the role for a young mutant like Bobby isn't tough for him. He'd also fit the looks of the youngest mutant in the team nicely.

Beast/Henry McCoy:
Joshua Jackson

Beast (or The Beast), Dr. Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy, is a comic book character, a Marvel Comics superhero and a member of the mutant team of superheroes known as the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in X-Men #1 (September 1963). When first introduced, the Beast — a mutant — possesses ape-like superhuman physical strength and agility and oversized hands and feet, though he otherwise appears to be a normal human being. Throughout his history, the Beast undergoes progressive transformations to his physiognomy, permanently gaining increasingly animalistic physical characteristics. These include blue fur, feline facial features, pointed ears, fangs, and claws. His physical power increases to even greater levels, as do his senses. Despite his inhuman appearance, he is a brilliant man of the arts and sciences; he is a world authority on biochemistry and genetics, the X-Men's medical doctor, and the science and mathematics instructor at the Xavier Institute (the X-Men's headquarters and school for young mutants). He is also a mutant political activist. Fighting his bestial instincts and fears of social rejection, the Beast dedicates his physical and mental gifts to the creation of a better world for man and mutant. He also has a witty sense of humor.

Jackson's quality as an actor is not questionable I guess, not only shown by the awards he has received for his performance. Additionally, if my memory works well the character he portrayed in the TV series Fringe also has the similar genetic disease, much like McCoy. Throw in his fitting looks; he'll make a great Beast.


Magneto/Max Eisendhart:
Viggo Mortensen

Magneto (born Max Eisenhardt, also known as Magnus and Erik Lehnsherr) is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is the central villain of the X-Men comic, as well as the TV show and the films. The character first appears in X-Men #1 (Sept. 1963), and was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby. A powerful mutant with the ability to generate and control magnetism, Magneto has been the X-Men's most prominent enemy ever since his first appearance. In his early appearances, his motives were bent on megalomania, but writers have since fleshed out his character and origin, revealing him to be a Jewish Holocaust survivor whose actions are driven by the purpose of protecting the mutant race from suffering a similar fate. His role in comics have varied from supervillain to antihero to even hero. Magneto first appeared in the debut issue of X-Men in 1963, along with the titular team. Through the decades from the 1960s, Magneto has appeared in several issues of the original X-Men series, generally known as Uncanny X-Men, as well as in such spin-offs as X-Men, Astonishing X-Men, Alpha Flight, Cable, Excalibur, and The New Mutants; many X-Men miniseries, and several other Marvel titles. His first solo title was a one-shot special, Magneto: The Twisting of a Soul #0 (Sept. 1993), published when the character returned from a brief absence; it reprinted Magneto-based stories from Classic X-Men #12 & 19 (Aug. 1987 & March 1988), by writer Chris Claremont and artist John Bolton.

No one would be able to say that Viggo isn't a great actor, and he has proven his quality. Many pick him for Lex Luthor or General Zod or even other roles, but I see him as Magneto. Apart from his talent, he's got the perfect look as well for Magneto.

Mastermind/Jason Wyngarde:
David Thewlis

Mastermind is a Marvel Comics supervillain, an adversary of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, he first appeared in X-Men #4 (March 1964). He was given his "real name", Jason Wyngarde, by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. The original Mastermind was a mutant with the power to generate complex telepathic illusions. He was a founding member of the first Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and later a probationary member of the Lords Cardinal of the Hellfire Club, where he played an important role in the "Dark Phoenix Saga." The visual appearance of Jason Wyngarde was originally based by artist John Byrne on that of British actor Peter Wyngarde, who played the leader of the Hellfire Club in an episode of The Avengers. Peter Wyngarde is best known for playing Jason King, whose character visually resembles that of Jason Wyngarde a great deal. After Wyngarde's death from the Legacy Virus, his three daughters appeared, two of which possessed his father's illusion-creating abilities (Martinique Jason uses his code name, while Regan Wyngarde calls herself Lady Mastermind) and third is the X-Man, Pixie.

Now I'm not a fan of Harry Potter, but I have to pick him for the role. I mean look at him, he's got a very great resemblance to the character, and besides he is a good actor. So go pick him.

Quicksilver/Pietro Jango Maximoff:
Tom Felton

The character first appears with his twin sister, the Scarlet Witch, as a part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in the title X-Men. The siblings are mutants, with Pietro possessing superhuman speed and Wanda able to control probability. The pair are recruited by their father Magneto, and after several brief appearances in the title X-Men, depart when Magneto and his lackey the Toad are abducted by the cosmic entity the Stranger. Pietro and his sister reform and are recruited by Avenger Iron Man to join superhero team the Avengers.

Well, seriously I'm not a fan of Harry Potter and think it's kinda bad, however Felton is one of the good bits of the series in my opinion. He really is able to portray a dark character, as well as the son of an antagonist. Plus, it seems that he has a resemblance to Viggo Mortensen, whom I choose to be Magneto, so it will be easy to portray them as father and son.

Quicksilver/Pietro Jango Maximoff:
Jake Abel

In terms of similarities with Scarlet Witch, Abel looks more like it. Plus, this Percy Jackson is well-known for portraying an evil youngster, so of course he'll also make a great younger Pietro.

Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff:
Camila Belle

Magda — pregnant with the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver — takes sanctuary at Mount Wundagore in Transia, the home of the High Evolutionary, after seeing her husband Magnus use his magnetic powers for the first time. The twins are born, and as Mt. Wundagore is the prison of the Elder God Chthon, his residual energies alter Wanda and will later give her the ability to use magic in addition to her mutant abilities. Fearing that Magnus would discover the children, Magda leaves the sanctuary and dies of exposure to the elements. The twins are attended by Bova. Bova soon assists the World War II superheroine Miss America through labor, but the birth results in a stillborn child and Miss America loses her own life in the process. These complications are thought to be due to radiation poisoning deliberately caused by the villain Isbisa, the enemy of Miss America's husband Robert Frank, AKA Whizzer. Bova hides the truth from Frank and claims that only the mother has died, and that he now has twin children. Frank is shocked at the death of his wife and flees at super speed. As Wundagore was no place for human infants, the High Evolutionary places them in the care of the gypsies Django and Marya Maximoff, who raise the twins as their own children. The twins are forced to flee a mob when Wanda uses her powers to protect herself and accidentally causes a fire that kills their adoptive gypsy mother. Once Pietro (Quicksilver) and Wanda (The Scarlet Witch) reach adolescence, they discover that they are in fact mutants. Pietro possesses superhuman speed, while Wanda learns that she can control probability. When the pair display their powers in public, and are again attacked by a superstitious crowd, they are saved by their father — now the supervillain Magneto — although neither Magneto nor his children are aware of their connection. Magneto then recruits the pair for the first incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The Brotherhood battles the X-Men on several occasions, and the twins become reluctant members of the Brotherhood and only remain because of their obligation to Magneto. When Magneto and his lackey Toad are abducted by the cosmic entity Stranger, the Brotherhood dissolves and the twins declare that their debt to Magneto has been paid.

It's kind of tough in picking this role, since Wanda is Pietro's twin sister, and so I had to find an actress that at least looks similar to my Quicksilver pick, as well as having the quality. Belle has that quality to portray the character, the physical attributes as well, and she can at least fit to be the twin of my Pietro picks.

Blob/Fred J. Dukes:
Jorge Garcia

The Blob (Frederick J. Dukes) is a Marvel Comics supervillain, an adversary of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, he first appeared in X-Men #3 (January 1964). A mutant originally depicted as a morbidly obese circus freak, the Blob claims to be immovable. He possesses an extreme amount of pliable body mass, which grants him superhuman strength and his own gravitational pull. Possessing the mindset of a bully, he mostly uses his powers for petty crime and as a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants and Freedom Force.

Do I need to say more? The Lost actor will easily create a natural Blob, all he needs are to shave his beard, cut his hair and dyes it red.

Toad/Mortimer Toynbee:
Andy Serkis

Mortimer Toynbee was born in York, England, and was quickly abandoned by his parents and spent many years in an orphanage, where he was constantly tormented by other children due to his ugliness and strangely shaped body (as his mutant appearance was present from birth). He was considered to be mentally inferior due to his extreme shyness and mild learning disabilities during his primary school years, though he was actually quite intelligent. He dropped out at an extremely early age and decided to fend for himself. Based on years of abuse and knowing full well he was a freak, Mortimer developed a severe inferiority complex, becoming servile to anyone that showed him the slightest bit of affection. Later, he was recruited into Magneto's original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, becoming Magneto's sycophantic 'toady'. Toad believed that Magneto loved him, while the mutant mastermind considered this henchman little more than a human shield. He also developed a crush on his teammate Scarlet Witch, but she did not return his feelings as she was repulsed by his appearance, mannerisms, and lack of hygiene. As a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Toad aided Magneto in repeated clashes with the X-Men. At one point, Magneto and Toad were captured by the alien Stranger as part of his collection. Magneto managed to escape, but coldly left his lackey Toad behind. When Magneto was re-captured by the Stranger, he took Toad with him during his second escape, but by then Toad's attitude towards his master had already begun to change. Toad aided Magneto against the X-Men once more, but realized that Magneto didn't care at all for him and rebelled against Magneto, and fled his lair with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. However, he was soon captured by Sentinels, and then freed by the X-Men. He was later captured with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

Now tell me what is less in this. Serkis has all the looks, and his movements and overall performance as Gollum in the Lord of the Ring pretty much mirrors Toad's. Easy choice.


Wolverine/Logan/James Howlett:
Christian Kane

Wolverine is a fictional character, a superhero who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Born as James Howlett and commonly known as Logan, Wolverine is a mutant, possessing animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, three retracting bone claws on each hand and a healing factor that allows him to recover from virtually any wound, disease or toxin at an accelerated rate. The healing factor also slows down his aging process, enabling him to live beyond a normal human lifespan. His powerful healing factor enabled the supersoldier program Weapon X to bond the near-indestructible metal alloy adamantium to his skeleton and claws without killing him. He is most often depicted as a member of the X-Men, Alpha Flight, or later the Avengers. The character first appeared in the last panel of The Incredible Hulk #180 (his first full appearance is in issue #181, November 1974) and was created by writer Len Wein and Marvel art director John Romita, Sr., who designed the character, and was first drawn for publication by Herb Trimpe. Wolverine later joined the X-Men's "All New, All Different" roster in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975). X-Men writer Chris Claremont played a significant role in the character's subsequent development, along with artist/writer John Byrne, who insisted on making the character older than the other X-Men. Artist Frank Miller collaborated with Claremont and helped to revise the character with a four-part eponymous limited series from September to December 1982 in which Wolverine's catch phrase, "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice," debuted.

Yes, you've guessed it. It's kind of hard to find the replacement for Hugh Jackman indeed, but I found Kane, who is a fan-favourite, and oh of course, he's got all to fit Logan. Though he's not short enough, but when compared to the others, he is still a shorty. Pick him, and he'll make a nice cameo in the end of the movie.

Jolt17: Still looking for the picks for Unus the Untouchable, The Vanisher (I'm considering Rodrigo Santoro for this), and other characters, tell me if you have some ideas. And also, put your comments and critics below!

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Jolt17 - 4/9/2011, 7:48 AM
Guys, also check out my newly updated FANTASTIC FOUR and JUSTICE LEAGUE fan casts!

; )
yankeemanf - 4/9/2011, 7:51 AM
i agree with all of these except maybe paul wesley basically cuz idk who he is and plus he has too big of an age difference with emly blunt lookswise...i think a great cyclops would be sean faris
Retardo - 4/9/2011, 8:01 AM
Armie as Angel is a bit iffy for me; he can definetely play the character well, but he's too tall 4 the role... lol... sorry its a bit of nitpicking, but when I do fan casts I try 2 keep it in line with the character biographies lol... Nice stuff though! Three in row, u r on a role lol! ;)
Jolt17 - 4/9/2011, 8:12 AM
@yankee He's 28...Blunt's 27! Is that too far?

Still, thanks dude!

; )

@SUP3R Now that's also my problem also...HAMMER is damn tall, tho I thought he won't be standing much and will fly more right lol?

Also can't find another for Angel, so I go with him!

Nonetheless, thanks superbuddy!

; D
Lewis25 - 4/9/2011, 10:37 AM
this is pretty much perfect in my opinion nice job.
yankeemanf - 4/9/2011, 10:57 AM
@jolt17 rele? he looks more like 20 or 21 and i knew she was late 20s
JWStubner - 4/9/2011, 11:34 AM
Wow those are some shitty picks, not all of them, but most of them. Your Brotherhood picks are pretty good but the rest of them are obvious and only seem to be inspired by appearance. I for one cannot wait to see Micheal Fassbender's performance as Magneto and James Mcavoy as Xavier. I'm sure I'm far from the only one.
Shadow11 - 4/9/2011, 12:05 PM
Xavier- Liam Neeson all he has to do is shave his head bald completely and he would make an awesome Professor X

Cyclops- Matt Long from Ghost Rider, he played young Johnny Blaze

Jean Grey- Gemma Arteton

Beast- Joe Manganiello

Angel- Armie Hammer

Wolverine- Christian Kane

Rogue- Nina Dobrev

Iceman- Zac Efron

Pyro- Taylor Lautner

But the rest of the cast I agree with it especially Viggo Mortensen as Magneto
CrossOver - 4/9/2011, 1:57 PM
IMO I say find a younger toad.
My pick is Daniel feuerriegel. He's notshort, about 6 ft, but squat him down like toad does, he'll be good.
Jolt17 - 4/9/2011, 6:24 PM
@Lewis Thanks dude!

; )

@yankee Yeah, he's that old pretty much fitting!

@JWSEasy, I'm open to critics, hey thanks for that!

But I'm not only depending on looks, I've seen all of them and gotta say they have skills!

@Shadow Just not picking LIAM since he's Ra's in Nolanverse, you know that!

MANGANIELLO doesn't have a scientist face for HANK imo...but the rest, good point ups as well!

I tried to avoid EFRON and LAUTNER lol, and LAUTNER won't fit PYRO imo, he's blonde right?

And thanks buddy!

; D

@Rh0ki I was also saying that, it's damn hard to find TOAD, believe me Toad was the last one I casted lol.

Thanks for that, gotta check that guy!
Jolt17 - 4/9/2011, 6:37 PM
@Lewis Thanks dude!

; )

@yankee Yeah, he's that old pretty much fitting!

@JWSEasy, I'm open to critics, hey thanks for that!

But I'm not only depending on looks, I've seen all of them and gotta say they have skills!

@Shadow Just not picking LIAM since he's Ra's in Nolanverse, you know that!

MANGANIELLO doesn't have a scientist face for HANK imo...but the rest, good point ups as well!

I tried to avoid EFRON and LAUTNER lol, and LAUTNER won't fit PYRO imo, he's blonde right?

And thanks buddy!

; D

@Rh0ki I was also saying that, it's damn hard to find TOAD, believe me Toad was the last one I casted lol.

Thanks for that, gotta check that guy!
prototype87 - 4/9/2011, 7:25 PM
nice choices man! although i still like Patrick Stewart as Professor X.
btw i'm almost done with my x-men 616 fan trailer.
here's a link to my youtube channel if you're interested.
JerzyXL201 - 4/9/2011, 7:28 PM
Paul Bettany as Pro. X is an interesting choice but still too young in my opinion. I'd pick Ben Kingsley (pretty obvious) for the role instead. Max Thieriot & Tom Felton are great choices. Viggo Mortensen is played out in these fancasts but he'd play a good Magneto nonetheless. I didn't like the Blob or Toad picks. Armie Hammer seems too bulky to play Angel. I'd go with someone more slim & slender. I love your choice for Wolverine. And as for Cyclops, I think Brandon Routh would do a great job instead.

GREAT job though. It was definitely different from what I've seen before.
Jolt17 - 4/9/2011, 8:30 PM
@proto Me too, who doesn't love Stewart for the Prof!

Checking it, buddy!

; )

@Jerry Oh yes, thanks for the input!

Wow, I'm kinda surprised on that Blob and Toad, still thanks anyway.

Well finding ANGEL is tough, HAMMER is bulky and damn tall, nevertheless he still seems nice!

Still hoping for ROUTH to be SUPES once more in JLA or what, yeah he's freat tho!

Thanks dude!

; D
TheOmegaOne - 4/9/2011, 11:03 PM
Paul Bettany is the best choice for a younger Professor X but my favorite choice for the role is Colm Feore with Daniel Day Lewis playing Magneto.
DDD - 4/9/2011, 11:29 PM
Paul Bettany, quite good choice.

Quite nice fancast JOLT@!
CaptainAmerica - 4/10/2011, 2:22 AM
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! <3
Jolt17 - 4/10/2011, 5:29 AM
@Omega Yes!

Rarely see DDL and FEORE is the frost giant king in Thor now, so I'll go with Viggo still!

Nevertheless, thanks for the input!

; )

@DDD Thanks buddy!

@Captain Lee who? Lol!
CaptainAmerica - 4/10/2011, 7:30 AM
Jolt17 - 4/10/2011, 5:26 PM
@Captain ; )

@Spades LOL, what a great husband you have there!

Thanks for that btw!

; D
BatSupe3 - 4/10/2011, 5:41 PM
I like this cast, it has kind of a gritty feel to it in my opinion. I really like Paul Wesley as Cyclops, I agree he is really good on The Vampire Diaries. I think with the rest of your cast I would pick Abel for Quicksilver, though Felton would definitely be good too...again, nice cast!
Jolt17 - 4/10/2011, 7:12 PM
@BatSupe Yes, WESLEY is CYKE in my eyes!

Thanks buddy!

; D
Shadow11 - 4/10/2011, 7:17 PM
Zac Efron as Iceman
CherryBomb - 4/11/2011, 5:51 AM

Love all the choices!
Especially Camilla Belle as Scarlet Witch!
She's so beautiful and definitely has the whole look down and she looks beautiful in red.

Shadow11 - 4/11/2011, 1:58 PM
Tom Felton as Quicksilver, perfect choice, I love that choice, he so fits that role and he would make that transition away from Potter easily by being put into this role
Jolt17 - 4/12/2011, 1:44 AM
@Cherry YES!

@Shadow Picking him for QUICKY is good for us and him as well!

; D
Shadow11 - 4/12/2011, 7:58 AM
Iceman I could see Zac Efron in the role, Zac Efron just looks so much like Bobby Drake, and as well he looks like Shawn Ashmore to a certain degree that Zac Efron could be Bobby

Rogue if you bring her in, then Nina Dobrev from Vampire Diaries, to play her, she would make the perfect Rogue

Pyro, I have just the guy, to play him. Alex Pettyfer as Pyro, he would be so awesome in the role

Magneto I would cast Jeremy Irons to replace Sir Ian McKellen, Irons he just looks so much like Magneto in terms of an older Magneto

Professor X I would cast Malcolm McDowell
Jolt17 - 4/12/2011, 5:20 PM
@Shadow Don't see ZAC for ICEMAN that much, sorry dude, still cool head-ups!

Yes, she'd own ROGUE! Will throw her in later!

PETTYFER sounds more like a younger ANGEL to me...and isn't he too young for PYRO?

Cool MAGS and X, tho I'll still go with my choices above.

Cheers for the inputs buddy!

; )
Shadow11 - 4/14/2011, 11:57 AM
Yes the reason why I casted Pettyfer as Pyro, and why I casted Zac Efron as Iceman, and the reason why I chose Dobrev as Rogue is because in the earlier X-Men series, Pyro, Iceman, and Rogue were all students in the same class and we're all close in age, so that is why I casted those people

Daniel Day Lewis as Magneto, I can get behind that casting

But for Professor X instead of Malcolm McDowell, I would cast Liam Neeson as Xavier, and have Liam Neeson shave his head completely bald, so that way he is Professor X
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