Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern. He’s already cast, and you know what? I’m glad he was cast. Yes, I said it. I am glad Ryan Reynolds is going to be Hal Jordan. People seem to be blacking out Reynolds’ serious roles and purely focusing on his goofball comedic roles. They seem to forget Smokin’ Aces, Amityville, the Nines, etc. He really can act. Hal needs a great actor to portray him, and Reynolds is a great actor. He’s also a big comic fan, and genuinely seems excited and passionate for the role. He’ll be a great Green Lantern. I believe in Ryan Reynolds.
Evangeline Lilly as Carol Ferris/Star Sapphire. I know she isn’t one of the finalists to play Carol, but she still would be my top choice for the role. Watch Lost and tell me she wouldn’t be a great Carol. Lilly has spunk, strength, intelligence, wit, and puts up a tough exterior to conceal inner conflict (especially in Season 1). That’s vintage Carol Ferris right there. I can also picture her as having excellent chemistry with Reynolds as Hal. However, if I had to go with one of the 5 actresses who are the finalists for this role, I’d go with Keri Russel (used to prefer Eva Green, but changed my mind).
Jason Isaacs as Sinestro. Too perfect to explain.
Adam Beach as Tom Kalmaku. He’s rumored to have the part, and I think he fits it, so why not?
Nathan Fillion as Martin Jordan. Fillion would have been an awesome Hal, but since Reynolds has the part, why not go for Hal’s dad? It would be a great little nod to the fans who wanted Fillion as Hal (trust me, there were a lot of them), and I just see him in this role. It’s both solid casting and solid fan service. Win win.
Paul Giamatti as Hector Hammond. I heard they went for a younger Hammond in the earlier script for the Green Lantern movie, but it has supposedly gone under big rewrites, so they could have changed that. In case they did, and made Hammond a slightly older guy, I can’t think of anyone better for the role than Giamatti. He is adept at playing the sleaze-ball jerk villians (Shoot ‘Em Up) and Hammond is pretty much a sleaze-ball jerk. And just imagine Giamatti with the CGI huge head, do your pants not explode from awesomeness?
Matt Bomer as Kyle Rayner. I originally wanted Milo Ventimiglia for this role, but I decided Bomer would be better. He’s the same age as Reynolds (32) and is almost exactly like Kyle physically (he’s half an inch taller than Kyle, but facially looks remarkably similar to KR). Bomer has great charisma, and would make a great hero. His best work is a brief stint on Chuck, and he 2009 show White Collar. Since he looks just like Kyle, and makes a good hero, it makes sense to cast him as Mr. Rayner.
Idris Elba as John Stewart. Elba is already going to appear in the upcoming Marvel blockbuster “Thor”, so he’ll have experience with CBM’s. I personally am not worked up over him playing Heimdall, a white character. It’s just not that big a deal to me, Heimdall isn’t famous for being white anyway. Elba is a great actor, and that’s what counts. His best work was on the TV-show The Wire, where he portrayed an intelligent, devoted drug kingpin. John Stewart is intelligent and pretty devoted to his work as a GL, maybe not a drug kingpin, but you get the idea. Elba also looks just like Stewart from the comics, almost as if he jumped off the comic book page.
Bradley Cooper as Guy Gardner. I know, I know. I’ve been promoting the idea of Jeremy Renner as Guy Gardner for a while now. Renner would still be an awesome Guy, but, after watching “The Hangover” again, I have to say Cooper is our man. He was funny, a loud-mouth, and had a bit of a douchey tinge to him. He’d be a great fit for the loud-mouthed, douchey Green Lantern.
Bruce Greenwood as Alan Scott. Watch Star Trek, the dude IS Alan Scott.
Colm Feore as Abin Sur. My biggest criteria with casting Abin Sur was the voice. His voice needed to be awesome, since (A) A-S doesn’t have much screen time, and (B) he’s that kind of character that gives off an experienced and wise vibe, and I think Mr. Feore fits the bill. His voice has a soothing undertone, and it does give off wisdom, power, and I would believe him to be the established, respected Green Lantern that Abin Sur is. Plus, you wouldn’t have to CGI him or anything. Feore would look perfect in make-up required to be Abin Sur (his skin color is different from humans), he’s got the perfect head shape. He’s also 6’ tall, which doesn’t hurt.
Dennis Haysbert as Kilowog. Haysbert voiced Kilowog in the awesome Justice League animated series, and I absolutely loved him every time he appeared. Haysbert was a joy to listen to as the big lug. He made Kilowog one of the most enjoyable, funny, and coolest characters to appear on the show. I can’t imagine anyone else doing as terrific a job as him. Michael Clarke Duncan seems to be the fan favorite, but I still prefer Haysbert, because of the great memories of him on Justice League. He might not fit Kilowog’s physical requirements, Duncan beats him there, but I always envisioned stunt men doing the motion capture or other physical work for Kilowog and a different actor doing the voice. And that actor should be Haysbert.
Missy Peregrym as Jade. Best known for her role on the sadly cancelled show Reaper, Peregrym would fit this part like a glove. She’s hot, and is a very talented young actress. She can portray humor, emotion, etc. She’s also good at being tough and independent, which would be essential for any actress who is playing Jade.
Doug Jones as Tomar-Re. Just think about it. Jones has the calm, amiable voice that fits Tomar-Re excellently, and is a master at playing other-worldly characters. You wouldn’t even need to use that much CGI with Jones as T-Re. The only part that might require a digital touch would be the head, but everything else could easily be done by Jones in person. Jones would be near perfect for one of the first aliens that Hal befriends. I can just imagine Hal bumping into Jones mid-flight on Oa and conversing later as good friends.
Olivia Wilde as Katma Tui. Wilde is an excellent actress, watch House for proof. On House, she shows confidence, strength, intelligence, but puts up a tough exterior to hide a wealth of inner conflict, as demonstrated by her “self-destruction” story arc. She gives “Thirteen” a lot of depth and makes her a really 3-dimensional character. I have no doubt she would do the same with Katma Tui. She also looks like the character, and is smoking hot, which is a plus.
Zachary Quinto as Salaak. Salaak is a Green Lantern who put great emphasis on protocol and laws. He’s often a pessimist and a loner. This positively screams Quinto to me. All the evidence that Quinto would knock this out of the park is in a little movie called Star Trek. As Spock, Quinto portrayed a character who was strict, felt alone very often (because of his half human, half Vulcan heritage), and prioritized logic above all else. This is classic Salaak. Quinto would own this role, no doubt.
Alan Rickman as The Guardians of the Universe. Really, Alan Rickman as Carol Ferris would be epic. The man personifies win. But, since I have Lilly for Carol, I think there’s more than a good spot for him as the Guardians and of course, Ganthet. His voice is calm, yet confident and all-knowing. Pretty much omniscient. The Guardians absolutely need an epic voice behind them, they’re little blue guys with white hair, how else would they be cool if they didn’t have awesome voices? And Rickman is that voice. His work on Harry Potter alone as the cunning Professor Snape shows me that he’d be pretty much perfect for this role.
Kevin Grevioux as Atrocitus. Grevioux has that deep, strong voice that can scare the living crap out of you. It’s quite powerful to hear. Yes, he’s a perfect Killer Croc, but these 2 would never share the same scene, or probably not even the same movie. He’s menacing and threatening, perfect for Atrocitus, the Red Lantern.
Keith David as the Manhunters. If you have heard any voice work from David, you know why he should voice the Manhunters. End of discussion.
Now time for the Justice League!
Brandon Routh as Clark Kent/Superman. Unfortunately, it grows more unlikely every day that we won’t see Routh don the cape again. Personally, I think that’s a shame. Even though Superman Returns was less than stellar (I thought it was a good movie by itself, but a bad Superman movie), Routh was great in the title role. He was charismatic, entertaining, and, simply put, felt like Superman. If Singer had let Routh step out of Reeves shadow and given him a better script, he would have been even better. He does bear a striking resemblance to Superman, even more so now than in Returns. He’s tall, buff, and has a strong yet noble voice, all things required for Supes. The biggest thing for me is that I have not heard one suggestion for the Man of Steel that I think would be better than Routh. Henry Cavill? More on him later. Tom “Wooden” Welling? Don’t make me laugh or cringe or puke. I know it’s very unlikely Routh will be Superman, so please don’t waste your post by only telling me how improbable it is. Brandon Routh is Superman.

Henry Cavill as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Oh God I can hear it now: “You can never replace Bale! He’s the most epic Batman of all time! He can play Batman forever even when he’s 60 years old! No replacement ever!” This is my opinion, and my opinion is that Bale sort of sucks as Batman. He’s not as bad as Clooney or Kilmer, since he does do an excellent Bruce Wayne, but I think his Batman sucks. Get over it. Moving on, Cavill would be an awesome Batman for the united DC Film Universe. For starters, he seriously looks exactly like Bruce Wayne. He also has enough charm and charisma to play Bruce with finesse. He’s the perfect Bruce Wayne. He may not be as perfect for Batman, but he still would be a great Dark Knight. He’s got intensity and toughness to make the role his own. All evidence to this would be found in “The Tudors”. So please, try to critique the actual choice of Cavill instead of criticizing me for not choosing Bale.
Jamie Alexander as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. I don’t really have a clear cut choice for Wonder Woman. She really is one of the hardest characters to cast in CBM’s. I’ve gone from Taylor Cole, to Bridget Regan, and now to Alexander. Like I said, I’m not 100% sold on this choice. But I do think Alexander would be a very good Diana, especially after Thor, in which she will portray Sif. She is definitely going to be doing plenty of fighting and action, which is a plus. If Thor is a hit (which I think it will be) I can totally see it opening a lot of doors for Alexander. I think she’s a great actress, she was very good on Kyle XY and was memorable in an episode of Bones. She’s also 5’9” which is a pretty good height, and I think she has the Wonder Woman look. Remember, I’m not totally sold on this choice, but I wanted to get a new choice out there that I do think is good.
Patrick Wilson as Barry Allen/The Flash. I did want Scott Porter for Barry recently, but I changed my mind to Wilson. He first came to my mind in a Flash: Rebirth cast by joncav182 (link: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fan_fic/news/?a=12220) and I’ve been thinking it over, and I really like it. Wilson would be a fantastic Barry. In a little film called Watchmen (maybe you’ve heard of it?), as Dan Dreiberg/Nite-Owl, Wilson was kind, sympathetic, compelling, and heroic/bad-ass at the same time. I can totally see him as Barry, and him having some good chemistry with Reynolds as Hal, since Barry and Hal are buddies in the comics.
Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern. Already explained up top.
Michael Fassbender as Aquaman. Fassbender is a total bad ass, his performance as Stelios in 300 cemented that for me. He kicked loads of Persian ass and was one of my favorite Spartans in the whole movie. Aquaman is going to be a very tough character to sell to most people, seeing as he isn’t viewed as one of the “coolest” characters in DC, but I know Fassbender would be able to make him awesome. He’d make Aquaman a bad ass, like he was in the Justice League animated series.
Doug Jones/Carl Lumbly as J’onn J’onzz/Martian Manhunter. I would like to see Jones do the physical part for MM, either mo-cap or simple make-up. However, whereas with Tomar-Re I had Jones as the vocal and physical part, with MM I’ll only have him as the physical part. Like with Haysbert as Killowog, I’ve grown attached to Lumbly’s voice as the Martian Manhunter. It was so perfect, giving the right amounts of solitude, intelligence, understanding, and this alien quality to it. He really made the part his own, and was one of the most like-able, sympathetic, and one character you could totally connect with emotionally. I’m sure there are other choices, but Lumbly is simply my favorite.
Josh Holloway as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow. Holloway has the right swagger and charm to play Ollie perfectly, but does also have plenty of intensity and grit for Green Arrow. As Sawyer on the show Lost, Holloway is great at playing the loner who does act heroically sometimes, but also has a mean streak. In a particular episode of Season 1 (called “Confidence Man”), Holloway demonstrates his ability to bring depth to his characters, since he portrays Sawyer with a desire to be hated to atone for his actions in the past. Holloway is able to make you hate Sawyer one minute, then turn around and fell sorry for him or even root for him the next. Not to mention how he looks exactly like Ollie.
And here is Shaman’s great sketch of Holloway as GA:
Casey Affleck as Ray Palmer/The Atom. Don’t be swayed by his last name, Affleck is an amazing actor. He had terrific performances in “The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford” and “Gone Baby Gone” which was directed by his brother, Ben Affleck. Seriously, this guy is awesome. I’d totally buy him as the super-intelligent scientist that Ray Palmer is, and he looks like the spitting image of Palmer as well. He’d own this role.
Gerard Butler as Katar Hol/Carter Hall/Hawkman. He’s perfect for Hawkman. Butler has the intensity, powerful voice, very strong build, and overall acting style needed for Hawkman. Just watch 300. There’s your Hawkman.
Yvonne Strahovski as Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary. Look at the picture, then tell me she’s not perfect for this part. I dare you.
Dennis Leary as Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man. I think Leary has the right type of sarcastic humor for the role, and also the right look. He’s incredibly enjoyable to watch on screen, especially on Rescue Me, which is one of the best sources to see his awesome comedic timing.
Peter Mensah as Red Tornado. He’s got a very cool voice, and has a robotic tone to it, fitting Red Tornado considering he’s an android. Mensah also fits the bill physically too, since I think his face would be perfect for Red Tornado, and he’s very tall at 6’4”. You guys might remember him as the Messenger from 300, or maybe the military guy who told General Ross that he “Pulled you one ace” in “The Incredible Hulk”.
Jessica Biel as Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl. Biel isn’t the best actress out there, but she’s pretty decent, and I think Hawkgirl falls within her acting range. She’s good at playing tough women who can kick your ass, and can look really, really hot while doing it. I’m sure there are better choices out there, this is just the one I thought of.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Zatanna. MEW is my perfect Mary Jane Watson, but that’s Marvel, so it doesn’t count. MEW is great at playing spunky girls with an attitude and independence, fitting Zatanna’s spunky personality. Winstead’s also super duper gorgeous. Just imagine her in fishnets…Yes, it just happened to my pants as well…
Zoe Saldana as Mari Jiwe McCabe/Vixen. It’s been quite the year for Ms. Saldana. First, she starred in the major critical and financial success “Star Trek” as Uhura. She was awesome as the witty, tough, and Spock-lovin’ communications officer. She made us know just why Uhura is on the Enterprise in the first place. Then, she wowed us all as Neytiri in Avatar, where she gave one of the best performances this year, and it was CGI! Saldana has the perfect look and attitude to portray the feisty Vixen of the Justice League.
John Krasinski as Ted Kord/Blue Beetle. Krasinski has the sort of sarcastic, sardonic, and laid-back humor that would contrast well with Booster Gold’s (Kord’s sort of partner/friend) more irreverent, loud-mouthed humor. On the hit show The Office, as Jim Halpert, Krasinski has awesome comedic timing, but is also great at playing the nice guy who you can’t help but like all the time. He’d be an excellent Blue Beetle.
Owain Yeoman as Captain Marvel. First suggested by our own teabag, Yeoman would be a great fit for Captain Marvel. His best work is on the Mentalist, he’s very good on that show. He’s tough, intelligent, and I think he looks quite a bit like Captain Marvel. Yeoman is also 6’4”, which is a pretty good thing.
Oded Fehr as Kent Nelson/Doctor Fate. I know, another actor playing the character they voiced on the animated series. But I don’t care, because Fehr was awesome as Fate. He had the perfect touch of mystery and had a very mystical undertone, perfect for the magical Fate. Since Fate is behind a mask almost all the time, I thought it made sense to put the actor’s voice as the biggest priority, and Fehr, since his voice was so perfect on the show, instantly came to mind.
James Roday as Michael Carter/Booster Gold. Watch Psych on USA, the guy IS Booster Gold. Just give him some blonde hair.
Classic Booster Gold right there.
Jensen Ackles as Nathaniel Adam/Captain Atom. Okay, hear me out for a second. I know a lot of people are tired of seeing Ackles’ name cast as a bunch of characters lately. I did, after all, change my Captain America choice from Ackles to Damon, did I not? Well, okay, regarding this choice, I think Ackles fits Capt. Atom well. Although, I don’t know much about him from the comics, my biggest source from which I based this choice on was the Justice League Unlimited series, so if something I describe CA as isn’t consistent with the comics, it’s because I don’t know much about the comic version. In the animated series, Capt. Atom was a tough former member of the U.S. Air Force, and had a slight Texas accent, so I gather that he was the All-American type. Ackles is very tough on Supernatural, and pretty much plays a soldier any way on the show. He’s got a square jaw and sounds like an All-American IMO. So, I think he fits Capt. Atom, at least the JLU version.
Mila Kunis as the Huntress. Mila certainly more than looks the part, I think most of us can agree on that. She’s gorgeous, and looks just like Huntress from the comics. She can also certainly act. Kunis was one of the best parts of That 70’s Show for years, and she was great in Forgetting Sarah Marshall as the out-spoken and unrestrained Rachel. She can also do action as well, as demonstrated by Max Payne (I’m not using that horrible movie as an example based on quality, just to show that Kunis can fight).
Daniel Craig as Orion of Apokolips. Craig is one of my favorite actors, and I liked him a lot even before he completely owned the role of James Bond. He was fantastic in Layer Cake especially. Then, he was cast as Bond, and we got one of the best Bond performances since Sean Connery. As Bond, Craig was still suave and charming, yet was a complete bad ass who would stop at pretty much nothing to accomplish his mission. Orion is a huge bad ass, and is pretty fierce, fitting Craig’s style. Craig also has a very strong and intense voice to match his bad-assness.
Mark Valley as Jay Garrick/The Flash. I know a few people here want him as Captain America (I personally don’t) but that’s Marvel, so don’t get all up in arms. I don’t think Valley has the chops for Cap, and he is too old, but he’s decent enough to be Garrick. I think he fits Jay Garrick physically, and acting-wise too.
Ryan McPartlin as Buddy Baker/Animal Man. Another choice I see gaining support for as Cap, I, like with Valley, don’t think he quite has the acting chops for that role, and I think he looks too young. But, for Animal Man, I think he fits just fine. McPartlin looks just like the character, and is really funny on Chuck, I would totally buy him as Animal Man.
Chris Evans as Wally West/The Flash. Evans is perfect for Wally. He has every single requirement for this role down. He’s got Wally’s humor down to a science, yet is more than able to be serious and not have an iota of humor (as in Sunshine, which is a brilliant movie BTW). Yes, it may be similar to him as Human Torch, but you absolutely can’t deny how qualified for this role Evans is. He’s the single most qualified actor to play Wally, without a doubt, and is the best choice by far.
Adam Baldwin as Rex Mason/Metamorpho. Baldwin is a great actor, especially on Chuck as Agent John Casey, where he is gruff, straight-forward, cynical, yet also sarcastic. I think this personality would fit excellently with Mason’s character, and Baldwin also fits this part physically as well.
Elisha Cuthbert as Kara Zor-L/Power Girl. She’s hot, a decent actress (no more, no less) so why not? And no, she shouldn’t be Supergirl.
Amy Adams as Barbara Gordon/Oracle. Adams can portray intelligence, sassiness, and toughness easily, she’d fit right in with Barbara’s personality. She also looks like the spitting image of Babs from the comics, red hair and everything. Oh, and she has 2 Oscar nominations. Just saying.
Will Arnett as Patrick O’Brien/Plastic Man. Arnett is one of the funniest comedic actors I have seen in a while, he makes me laugh to no end. His awesome comedic timing and humor is perfect for Plastic Man’s offbeat, and slap-stick adventures. And Arnett looks totally like the human version of Plastic Man.
Henry Simmons as John Henry Irons/Steel. He’s a pretty decent actor, has the build, and looks like Steel jumped off the comic page.
Ian Somerhalder as Richard “Dick” Grayson/Nightwing. Somerhalder looks definitely perfect for Nightwing. He has this dark, sharp look in his face that reminds me a lot of the character. So physically, he’s perfect. I think he also fits Nightwing very well acting-wise. He has a lot of talent IMO, it really shines in the first season of Lost. As Boone Carlyle, Somerhalder was relatable, and, despite his youth, was always striving for maturity and helped out the other survivors whenever he could. Vintage Nightwing right there.
Taye Diggs as Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning. He can act, and looks perfect for the part. What else do you want?
Scott Porter as Roy Harper/Red Arrow. Porter is a very good actor, his best work is Friday Night Lights, and while I think he would be a good Barry Allen, I think he’s a bit young and I like Wilson for that role better now. For Red Arrow, I think he fits just fine. Porter’s a big fan of comic books anyway, and reminds me, physically, quite a lot of Roy.
Amber Heard as Kara Zor-El/Supergirl. I did want Kristen Bell to play Supergirl, and I still would love to see her in the role, but Heard really caught my eye when jazzman suggested her. Seriously, she’d be a great Kara. She looks the part to the T, and has a lot of rising potential. Next year, she’s starring opposite Johnny Depp and Aaron Eckhart. That’s pretty damn impressive. But regarding her already released work, Heard was great and memorable in Pineapple Express, where she was funny and made the most of her role. She was also very good in her serious role in Alpha Dog. I think she’d be a great Supergirl.
Well, that’s just about it. Thanks for reading.