Invaders Fancast

Invaders Fancast

a List of who I believe would be best suited for the Invaders in Cap's upcoming movie

By Hamm3rtym3 - Aug 15, 2010 10:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

This is my first Fan-Cast, So if it does not meet the standards of some, then too bad. These picks are of my personal opinion and do not reflect what we may actually see in the movie. This is only for members that have not yet been cast or announced. I know that Cap and Bucky are Invaders, but they will not be included in this fancast. I also will not include Toro, because I personally think the character is lame and a waste of a sidekick.

Before we begin, here is a brief over view of the Invaders team, from

At the end of 1941, as the United States enlisted in World War II, Captain America, Bucky, Human Torch, Toro, and the Sub-Mariner joined forces to oppose Master Man, a superhuman American Nazi who attempted to kill English Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Churchill was so impressed by the heroes he encouraged them to remain together as the Invaders. The Invaders took aim at the superhuman agents of the Axis powers, as well as engaging the enemy on the battlefield.

Union Jack - Lord James Montgomery Falsworth

During World War I, Lord Falsworth was recruited by the British army to become one of the first public superhero champions: Union Jack. His superiors decided to create a guise that would strike terror in enemy hearts as well as rally troops-- by having Falsworth appear as a personification of the British national flag.

For this casting, I wanted someone older, who looked as though he had seen his fair share of battles, as well as have a leadership quality to him that would make you want to listen to him. For this, I chose Jeremy Irons.

Film Credits include Eragon, The Time Machine, The Man In The Iron Mask, and Dungeons and Dragons

Union Jack II - Brian Falsworth

Brian was the somewhat estranged son of James, who, in opposition of his father's views towards the war effort, traveled to Germany, unknowing of his father's accolades as Union Jack. He wound up imprisoned with a man who had made his own Super soldier serum. Before his cell mate died, he gave the last of it to Brian, who drank the formula and used his new found abilities to escape, and eventually fight the german forces from within Germany as the Destroyer. When a plot by Baron Blood (his uncle) caused his father to be injured and the Invaders to help him, James told the invaders of who he was, and passed the mantle on to his son, who in turn passed on the mantle of the destroyer upon recieving his father's old costume and gear.

For the role of Brian, I wanted a young british actor who has a nice physique and looks like he could be the almost physical equivalent to ole wing-head, and has not only a sense of leadership, but looks as if he carries a heavy burden, and a bit of a dark side to him. It took me a long time, and I actually stumbled across the actor on SciFy of all places, but for the second Union Jack, I chose Jamie Bamber. Plus, he looks a bit like Jeremy Irons, and could easily pass for his son, in my opinion.

Yes, I realize this a photo of the third Union Jack(Joey Chapman), but I figured Brian would put his own slight alteration on the costume, with a combined destroyer and Union Jack look.

Television Credits include Battlestar Galactica and Law and Order:UK

Spitfire - Jaqueline Falsworth

Jaqueline is the daughter of James, and Sister to Brian. She at first had no abilities, but after an attack from her uncle Baron Blood, she was dying and needed an emergency blood transfusion. Help came in the form of Jim hammond, whose andriod blood sparked her latent mutant abilities and allowed her to run at speeds in excess of 60 mph and leave behind a fiery trail(similar to Ghost rider's motorcycle and the delorean from back to the future)

For Spitfire I wanted a beautiful british actress who looks at first to be a helpless damsel, but isnt afraid to get her hands dirty and can kick ass with the best of them. I originally thought of Keira Knightly, but after watching Prince of Persia, I'm sold on Gemma Arterton. Now all she needs is some blonde hair dye, and we're golden.

Not the most flattering picture of our heroin, but it was of the best quality I could find.

Film credits include Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time, Clash Of The Titans, and Quantom of Solace

The Human Torch - Jim Hammond

Jim Hammond was an Andriod created by Professor Phineas T. Horton, whose skin cells, upon contact with oxygen, burst into flame. Originally dubbed as a scintific menace, Jim rebelled on his creator, and fought for his humanity.

For the human torch, which I believe is the most pivotal role to cast, I wanted someone who could capture Jim's essence, and also be able to turn and pull the single greatest performance in Avengers 2 as the Vision. I want an actor with range to be able to pull off a lighthearted humble yet capable man struggling for acceptance. This same actor would also need the range to turn and pull a cold calculating almost menacing creature built to destroy Earth's Mightiest Heroes, who can fight through his evil programming and deliver what may be one of the emotional scenes as he decides he wants to be pure, and fight his creator, sacrificing himself if he must, all to protect his newfound allies. I dont recall who, but I remember someone suggesting Doug Jones with the voice of Liam Neeson. This would be perfect, and I am willing to accept if they do this, but I personally would someone with a slightly larger build. Jones, to me, is rediculously thin. So for this reason I decided to go with Wentworth Miller. His role in underworld, and his performance in Prison Break showed that this guy has the talent and the swagger to pull off nearly any role.

Film and television credits include Underworld, Resident Evil: Afterlife, and Prison Break.

The Sub-Mariner - Namor McKenzie

Namor was born the hybrid offspring of Princess Fen of Atlantis and an American seaman, Captain Leonard McKenzie. Being Half Atlantean, he is stronger and faster than humans, as well as having the abilities to breathe both underwater and above it, his body can withstand the extreme pressures and temperatures of the deep, and can fly.

For Namor, I wanted an actor who you can believe is a take no bull-spit bad-@$$, in addition to being able to pull off a sincerely heroic persona as well. for obvious reasons, I chose Karl Urban. He has pulled off both Villains and heroes very well, and is a phenomenal actor.

Film credits include Star Trek, The Chronicles of Riddick, and coming soon Judge Dredd.

Miss America - Madeline Joyce Frank

Madeline got her abilities by tampering with an experimental machine designed to give humans super abilities. As she was messing with it, lightning struck the machine, and she woke up with super strength and the ability to fly.

For Miss America, I wanted a younger spunky type of actress, a real girl-next-door type, that through her rambunctiousness manages to find the hero within her as she goes into the war as the Captain America for females to rally behind, knowing that they can do their part for the american war effort as well. I think Keri Russell would have been perfect, but she's a bit too old now(still hot though). So for Miss America I'm leaving it open for suggestions.

Film credits include Bedtime Stories, Mission Impossible 3, and We Were Soldiers.

Whizzer - Robert Frank

Robert gain the ability of super speed when his father gave him a transfusion of mongoose blood after he was bitten by a cobra on a trip to Africa.

For the whizzer I wanted a lighthearted american actor who also apears to be harboring some inner pains, but sacrifices it all for the sake of helping others. I chose Chace Crawford. I believe he was once rumored the role of Cap a while back, and hopefully Johnston and co. kept his number, because he is Bob Frank.

Film and television credits include The Covenant, Twelve, Loaded, and Gossip Girl.
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marvel72 - 8/16/2010, 6:31 AM
awesome cast mate,well done.
ROMACK - 8/16/2010, 6:35 AM
I like Urban for Namor. Nice picks!
MikeZ - 8/16/2010, 7:13 AM
I'm glad Wentworth Miller is getting the lion's share of appearances in fan casts. I just started watching "Prison Break", and the [frick]ing guy is amazing! Why isn't he in more movies? We'll see what "Resident Evil: Afterlife" has in the guy's future.

By the way, Sienna Miller for Spitfire. Height appropriate and a talented actress, even though a publicity whore.
airbeyonder18 - 8/16/2010, 9:28 AM
Nice job. I jsut don't think the Whizzer should be in the Invaders.
TANKGIRL - 8/16/2010, 1:10 PM
orignal cast and cool
DDD - 8/16/2010, 3:16 PM
Nice original picks!

Great fancast!

I like Seanna Miller for Spitfire, myself,
but Gemma is feeeiiine!!!!!
antonio - 8/16/2010, 6:02 PM
nice job.karl urban ftw!
LEEE777 - 8/17/2010, 2:09 AM
Nice one dude, very original!

Thumbs up from me! :)
6of13 - 8/19/2010, 8:31 AM
I love the Namor pick. I can see Urban sitting on the throne just like you have in the illustrated example you included of Namor.
And totally agree with everyone above - awesome fan cast.
swiftsword2626 - 8/21/2010, 12:30 AM
Thank you @Hamm3rtym3 now this is a fan cast very nice love your namor choice
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