Iron Man 4 - Fan cast & Why it should happen!

Iron Man 4 - Fan cast & Why it should happen!

After Iron Man 3 some of us were done with the Iron Man solo films and said "we'll just see him in Avengers." here's some reasons i think he deserves a 4th film and some Fan casting as well, Check it out!

By TheePeterParker - Mar 30, 2014 07:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

  After Iron Man 3 some of us may have been done with the solo films, Iron Man 2 wasn't all that great but we all know the first was amazing, And i am not going to break down into facts on why we should get a 4th, but what i will say is that Tony Stark / Iron Man was our first MCU film and character to be introduced, He more than anyone deserves another film, Now you can say..

"Yeah he was, but the timeline is moving on.. It's all about captaina america and thor (and other characters)"

 But come on, that's not true... Tony Stark has one of the most awesome characters ever and with a good story and cast (and done right) Iron Man 4 could be amazing!

- What it has to have in it, and do, in order to come back for a 4th Film.

 We love Iron Man 1 right? but not as much the next two films, so thats what we do.. We go back to how Iron Man 1 was with the orginality, with a hint of  'Captain America : Winter Soldier'  but i know some of you haven't seen that yet..   Iron Man (2008) was great because it was driven, Tony Stark didn't want his tech being used for what it was being used for (and of course the other things that happen in the film)

  Iron Man 4  - if it happened -  Needs to have that angry Tony Stark, there need's to be something that pisses him off, not like Iron Man 3 angry scenes more like the Iron Man 1 angry scenes where he finds out abou this Tech and the terroists and what they are doing and shoots his TV and that whole Bad-Ass scene of him killing terroists..

Possible Plot

- After the events of Avengers : AOU, Tony goes back to living life as normal as he can while still involved with the Iron Man suit, But when random attacks come at him he realizes they all have something in common... They conncect to previous baddies (iron man 1, iron man 2) he begins to question where it is all coming from.

 Obviously that's not a super put together plot, and i don't mean, connect to his past like Iron Man 3 where his "demons that he's created come back to stab him in his back" like Aldrich Killian..  No, no, no!

 What i mean is he gets these small attacks from different baddies and when he figures out they're identies he realizes they all have something in common they all (and just a couple) in some how connect to Obidiah Stane (Iron Man 1) and Ivan Vanko (Iron Man 2)

 And what i kind of see is Zeke Stane, Obidiah's son comes to Malibu and is kind of the boss man who is teams up to have people try and kill Iron Man? or not the boss man but is a big part and his working for someone else who wants to kill him too... Anything really, these are just things that i would find cool.

 An Excuse on  where Zeke has been all these years, is you never really hear Obidiah has a wife so maybe he is divorced and isn't close to his son and maybe that's what drives his anger  - just an idea but something like that, There's a lot they could think of in that area of what drives him and such...


-  Honestly i don't know why you would mind Jai Courtney playing Zeke Stane? He's a great young actor, everything i've seen him in is solid.. And i feel he could play a good "Angry" and intimadating Character..



- I don't think he's a terrible actor, i watched alll the seasons of Prison Break and i think he is good, and he could pull it off but nothing really pulls me in about him, he's just an option and honestly I'm not like dying for him to play Zeke..


- Other Villains, CRIMSON DYNAMO

Actors :  Barry Pepper (or) Pasha D. Lychnikoff

 Even one actor could play him, and the other a different villain.. Maybe we could see other villains like GHOST, ARTHUR PARKS and BURRIS BULLSKI?

Those aren't literal decisions of mine, but i could find it cool.. anyone as long as there are a couple of smaller villains, formed into sort of a team by Zeke Stane? and yeah so something like that..

 I would love for Jon Favreau to come back, but if he were to do things like he did in Iron Man 1, not the second film and if he could i would love for him to come back and direct the 4th..

Or if not him... How about the Russo Brother's?

they are busy with Captain America 3 and please don't use the     "They cant.. they can't direct more than one chracter."   Because that's not true, of course they could and it would be awesome!

 There  are so many other things i could get into, like another pick for a director but that wasn't my focus those are just ideas..

Sorry i didn't get into more detail, I didn't have much time and i am busy but i wanted to get it out there and give you a hint at what they could do!? Comment any thoughts you have thanks :)
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EdgyOutsider - 3/30/2014, 8:08 PM
Iron Man 2 was decent and Iron Man 3 was better. But, hell to the no
ruadh - 3/30/2014, 8:20 PM
"here's some reasons i think he deserves a 4th film"/"i am not going to break down into facts on why we should get a 4th"

So...wait...I don't...I don't get what you're saying then.

I think it's pretty tired to hate on Iron Man 2 at this point. It wasn't as strong as the first, but I don't see why so many feel it's so horrible. I totally dig Black Widow, I enjoyed the humor, and I appreciated the connections between SHIELD and Howard Stark. And to me, Iron Man 3 is just slightly less enjoyable than 2, which I like just a bit less than the first. So, whatevs.

For an Iron Man 4, I really have no idea on villains. I'd appreciate something kinda new, but sorta got a taste of that with IM3 and Extremis. I wouldn't mind Rhodey stepping in as Iron Man 2.0, and Tony sticking to the sidelines. It feels like a plot that should happen right after Iron Man 3 though, so either they sneak that movie out in the next year, or that's exactly what's happening with Iron Man in Age of Ultron. Naturally, Rhodey would go AWOL, and in the end Tony would have to just go ahead and suit up, and deal with his friend. But that may be a bit of a retread of the ending of Iron Man a sense.

I also don't feel the ending of Iron Man 3 meant no more suits, and clearly AOU is showing that. It just meant no more distractions, no more neglecting his relationship or even his health in an effort to prepare for every possible threat.

Do people really think directors can't do more than one character? Are these people who have seen less than five films their entire life? I could see where people might think "oh, they can't do action since they've only done comedy". It's incorrect, but there's some logic to that. Of course, Favreau had only done Elf at one point. Every amazing action or thriller director out there had their FIRST action or thriller film they made. I also just love armchair filmmakers who are the authority on what creative people are and aren't capable of.

Anyway, I think Ghost is a really intriguing villain, and would always be up for a return from Justin Hammer. The anti-Stark. And still really hoping for him to somehow get out of prison, and finagle a top spot again, and even possibly being the MCU surrogate for Norman Osborn, thus heading up a government team of "superheroes", as Iron Patriot. and you know, the team are actually made up of reformed criminals, such as Bullseye (by this point, the Daredevil netflix series WILL have been released), etc. Obviously this is another bit of a retread though, since Hammer kinda pulled the criminal thingie with Whiplash.
Destined - 3/30/2014, 8:23 PM
So over Iron Man solo films. His white bronco was the first and it's sad the last 2 couldn't be as memorable, but what's done is done. I don't mind him popping up moderately as Tony/Iron Man in other films, but it truly is all about other characters at this point. Marvel is ready to spin that rotation.
WYLEEJAY - 3/30/2014, 8:44 PM
I would love to see Iron Man 4. I think Ghost, Zeke Stane, and Radioactive Man are villains that would work well. Yeah I brought up Radioactive Man again. I just dont want him to go to waste. Not necessarily all three villains though. I would just love to see a live action version of these characters. They would make for an interesting story.

No to Favreau though. Iron Man was so good, because he didnt have to worry about the bigger picture. He just had to focus on his film, and thats what he was good at. Thats why the second suffered a bit. Cause the studio was stepping on his toes. He just wanted to make his sequel. Marvel was obviously looking at the bigger picture, and they put pressure on him. Thats why they chose directors that people thought were odd choices. You have to be a collaborative director for these films. These have to be treated like big budget television episodes that over arc. Thats the only way it works, the only way to keep the continuity intact. You cant have a director thats going to go do things their own way. Thats the same thing that happened to Edward Norton on playing the Hulk in Avengers. Hes a micro manager. He likes to change the script, and do things his way. Not enough room for Norton AND Downeys personaltities on the set of one movie thats already hard enough to pull off correctly. RDJ was the breakout star of the MCU, so Marvel obviously chose Norton as the one to be replaced. Collaboration......both the directors and the actors chosen have to be able to respect that. Or else we lose our continuity when a director with too much creative control does what they want, at the expense of the over arcing story in all these films.
yonny616 - 3/30/2014, 8:47 PM
Wentworth Miller? Ummm no. The dude is a bad actor. Like REALLY bad. Plank from Ed, Edd & Eddy could have acted circles around him. He was so monotone and wooden in Prison Break I could not see why he was cast.
Lhornbk - 3/30/2014, 9:07 PM
@Gliderman, lol. Actually no, I'm not. I think a 4th Iron Man will happen. I just don't think it will happen anytime soon, and I doubt it happens with RDJ. And I could easily see it using Stane's son, although the only son I knew of was Ezekiel. He and Crimson Dynamo are both in the Iron Man 3 video game for tablets (along with Living Laser and Modok, who *spoiler* turns out to be Killian.) Actually though, if or when they do another film, I would almost rather see him fighting an army of some kind (maybe A.I.M., maybe some other group) instead of just someone else in armor. I have no opinion on your fancast.

I think some people get confused about my opinion of IM 3. While I did like it, I didn't love it and I do consider it the worst IM film. But, my problem with it has nothing to do with the Mandarin twist. I don't care about the Mandarin at all. My problem is that it had virtually no action with Tony actually wearing his armor. If it would have allowed Tony to get in a suit at the end and help take out the extremis soldiers and Killian, and would have had a scene of Rhodey in action in his suit (beyond just flying off with the president), I would easily rank it above IM 2. As is, I rank it just below IM 2. And it was much better than TDW.
Lhornbk - 3/30/2014, 9:10 PM
Oops, just realized, you were using Zeke as a nickname for Ezekiel. I would have no problem with him showing up at some point, although maybe heading up a whole group, instead of it being just him vs. Tony.
WYLEEJAY - 3/30/2014, 10:03 PM
@Dethpillow. Yeah your right. Too many similarities with the whole sins of the father, and getting revenge for what you did to my daddy bit. If I were to write the story, I would have Zeke hiring Ghost, to steal secrets from corporations that are contracted to build weapons for the goverment. Someone had to step in after Stark stopped doing it. Zeke gets too cocky though, and Tony finds out who he is, and feels like its up to him to stop him. He confronts him, only to find out......the real Mandarin was pulling the strings behind the scenes. The Mandarin wanted the weapons, and he was the one providing Stane with the targets. Mandarin made sure Tony Stark found the info on Stane because he knew Stark would feel obligated to stop him.

This would avoid the revenge arc. Just straight up manipulations to gain more power. With Shield out of whack it would be the perfect time to attempt it. Tony and Stane would weaken each other, then the Mandarin would finish them both off. Unfortunately for him Stark outsmarts him, and physically over powers Stane.

I think Stanes powers should be comic accurate, I dont see why Mandarins cant be either. Or Ghost.
WYLEEJAY - 3/30/2014, 10:06 PM
We would definitely need a scene earlier in the film of Stark trying to stop Ghost at one of the locations. Need some action. At least two battles with Stane throughout the film.
gamecreatorjj - 3/30/2014, 11:05 PM
Ezekial, Hammer, and Killian are brought together by Temugin to build him 10 rings of unimaginable power in return for Tony Stark's head.
MCott - 3/31/2014, 11:02 AM
I'm sorry to tell you, but... Crimson Dynamo (as much as I want to happen too) probably won't happen. Because Vanko was a combination of Whipslash and CD.
Interestein - 3/31/2014, 3:24 PM
I think we got a good trilogy, he doesn't need any more films, 6 (not incl. future cameos) is good enough for me.
dracula - 3/31/2014, 7:46 PM
iron man 3 rocked
LegendaryOutlaw - 4/3/2014, 3:48 PM
I understand why people didn't like Iron Man 3 and Iron Man 2, but I liked both a lot. What I don't understand is why people blew it out of proportions. Sure the Mandarin never ACTUALLY showed up, but it was a clever twist. I think the REAL Mandarin will show so I don't see the worry. I like your idea, but I'd much rather see something along the lines of Justin Hammer returning with Ezekiel Stane being introduced and they partner up.
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