So as most of you know after marvel had pretty much own the summer with the avengers DC comics/Waner bros. have issued that they are now going ahead with there own little team-up of crime fighters also known as the justice league. but if this is something they truly want to accomplish and well they have some major over hauling they need to do before anything else can go forward here is what in my opinion needs to happen.
1) A shared universe so far all dc has done is make there heroes as if they are in there own world which although some where were great don't get me wrong but this one of those moments that some body either DC or WB needs to step in and say something
2) start getting other heroes out there beyond just its in the works stage
and not just sups and bats i kept tabs on the San Deigo comic con this year an offense to DC but Marvel kind of kick the crap out you guys in presentation i mean really the not only announce what was in there works but they even had logos for them test footage concept drawings and even suit on display they cam prepared all DC had to show was superman which i am excited for but you guys could have been showing something else regarding a flash wonder woman the statues of the green lantern heck i would be glade to hear something about aqua-man and I'm not even a fan of his.
3) a worlds finest Batman/superman team up. okay so I'm a bit on the fence about this because doing this before a JL movie might be a good natural segway. Because one the justice league doesn't form like the avengers do
they just kind of happen but on the bad side of doing this DC has something Marvel doesn't Batman and superman these guys are esaliy the most well know heroes around the world not kidding there's not an area that you can go and some one isn't going to know the iconic bat emblem and S shield because of that right there any time there in the picture with the other heroes the presence its going to be more domanit over the others they've got to figure out how to make them blend more with the team and doing a bats/sups team-up before hand might not be the best thing to do.
4) WB let DC make to movies this might be hard to swallow but take a bit of a footnote from Marvel here the reason there cinematic universe work so well was be cause they made them the comic-book company you know the ones who make to bloody stories. What Paramount/Disney did was pretty much say well help distribute and endorse and as long as you bring in the money you wont hear from us that's whats got to happen the end.
5) now here this is what think needs to happen with each character
SUPERMAN: okay as far as sups goes Chris Nolan and Zach Snyder are reintroducing him next summer which i am excited for so far its already looking better bu the moment and if Man of Steel dose well the this needs to be the spring board again no more individual universes start connecting them.
Actors to play him
Henry Cavil
BATMAN: now that Chris and Bale has pretty much decided to hang up the cowl
a new batman will need to be sought out now the biggest argument going around is do we expand or reboot well first off what ever they decide they need to leave it alone for awhile bales batman is still to fresh and doing a complete redo in the next 2 years would be kind of a slap in face in my opinion. but if it were me i would go ahead and make the Justice league movie with bats in it an then go back and do him individually because at this point if people don't know how becomes Batman by now then to me that's there loss as far as reboots go i would do one where batman can be incorporated with the other heroes and maybe make his gadgets a bit more sifi but i wouldn't make it a complete reboot I would still find a way to so that Nolan's bat still somewhat happened yeas he did that good of a job. his next few villains would also be more of the super ability side of things because if the caped crusader is going to be hanging around the other heroes that have actual powers then we need to so batman can handle those kinds of villains not just phyco clowns ninjas and terrorists. and yes of course robin will need to show up eventually.
actors that could play him. well since Bale has pretty much said hes done
who could be the one to take over
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: okay i know he was john Blake and that he found the bat cave at the end but i wouldn't quite mind seeing him as short of a young Bruce Wayne he might make a a pretty good Batman.
Michal Fassbender: mmmmm I'm not quite so on board i mean he might make a good Bruce in a 007 kind of way but not so much the bat side of things.
Hugh Jackman: okay before anybody bites my head off he is on the lower end of the list because i know he pretty much owns the wolverine role.
Eric Bana: he kind of looks like bale a little and we know he can get pretty angry and he already played one Bruce its one we would like to forget but none the less i could kind of see it.
GREEN LANTERN: okay so we can all establish that last years attempt at Hal Jordan left a pretty bad taste in everybody's mouth but there still seems to be some spereation as to where to go from here and so far Ive heard 3 options (C) sequel okay so this wouldn't be my first choice just because trying to redeem that is going to be to hard to convince people to buy into to it but the studio did say they where planning on making it darker and based on the ending it could pit Hal against Sinestro which could be Ryan/Hals shinning moment but i still don't think it merits a sequel. (B) a sequel that acts as a reboot now marvel tried that twice with the punisher and ghost rider and so far that made things kind of confusing and didn't leave much better of a view but maybe DC can get this right if they choose to go that rout. (A) reboot this would be my option i would have no issue on if its to soon or not to say lets go back to the drawing board on this one better story, better casting, better everything really but thats just me.
people who could play Hal Jordan
Chris Pine: no seriously go watch the new star trek and tell that's not exactly Hal Jordan those two characters are about on in the same
Ryan Reynolds: again I'm all for a second chance and there were some parts that weren't all that bad.
FLASH: okay this is one of those get beyond the dream stage and start getting something done hes been in talks since i was a freshmen in high school i understand you guys need to make sure you make a good story and a good movie and that you dont want to rush things but whose to say you cant put out a logo or announce a director something its time to stop dragging our feet on this
actor to play him Barry Allen
Ryan Gosiling
WONDER WOMAN: again same as the flash
Actress to play her
Kate Beckinsale: come on somebody tell me I"m wrong she practically oozes out amazonian princess warrior just saying
Gina Carano: okay yes see not much of a actress but she is trying at and we all know she can kick butt literally so with a bit of creativity i could see it.
MARTIAN MANHUNTER: okay if they decide to go this rout then he need to be CGIed a lot like what they did for the silver surfer and add a voice over it
people who could voice it
Laurence Fishburne: yes i know hes playing parry white in the upcoming MoS movie but whose to say he cant do both he has that deep voice that they always portray him to have.
Aguaman: in all honesty i dont want him as part of the formation maybe in a sequel or something but not in the original sorry but he is by far the lamest hero ever in my opinion i mean really even his side kicks are cooler than him so yeah
so that's my view on things let me know what you guys thinks