Greetings Krang Followers!
Things are moving along very well here at Krang 2012! The first piece of news is very exciting! According to the most recent Real Clear Politics map, Montana, Arizona, Missouri and North Carolina are all now officially solid Krang states! The RCP map shows them in Krang's iconic pink color, and though we haven't read the details or map key, clearly this must mean these are solid Krang states. Now, clearly, there are a lot of red states for Romney and blue for Obama, but with these pink states leading the way, it's only a matter of time before more states join the cause!

As you all know by now, Krang has been trying to get included in the presidential debates without any success. He was excluded from both presidential debates so far and his VP nominee, Slash, was excluded from the Vice Presidential debate in spite of the fact that he's proven to be at least as articulate as Joe Biden. Though we are still trying, it is unlikely that Krang will be included in Monday's debate either, even though he has more foreign policy than both Romney and Obama combined. After all, has either of them been to another dimension? No! (though Romney does have some money stashed in a Dimension X bank account).

So, to combat this suppression of Krang's voice, Krang is going to lay out a foreign policy like no other president in history. All politicians ever seem to do is take from the people, but Krang is going to give something back. Every human who pledges to vote for Krang between now and next Friday will be entered in a contest to receive Antarctica as a gift. That's right! While every other human on Earth will be a slave to Krang, one lucky person will be made Governor General of Antarctica. Though you will be free to rule Antarctica as you please, understand the Krang will still be Supreme Ruler and has the autonomy to take away your general status without warning or reason.
So, hurry up and pledge your loyalty to Krang, Antarctica could soon be yours!
From the desk of
Krang 2012 Campaign Manager