I made this article because lately I've been seeing MMPR fan-cast in CBM, so this made my head put together some ideas for what this new tv series would look like.
I think that Edgar Wright should direct this movie because he did such a wonderful job with Scott Pilgrim vs The World and that he did some great work by using CGI in his movies.

To start off I would like to share some ideas on what would their suits would look like,let's face it, they would look ridiculous if they didn't change it a little bit. I want the suit look more modern like the new Power Rangers we've seen in the past few years like in Power Rangers Samurai, the suits look more modern looking rather than people wearing tights. Maybe they should just use the ones from the MMPR Movie they look more modern and much more realistic and then I have also come up of something that I got from Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, they should have some kind of ultimate armor or kinda like their battlizers but not just for Red Ranger this time but, like I said, all of them .
So I've seen some people in Deviant Art make some "modifications" for the suits and out of all of them for me, these suits look awesome.
Now I have some ideas for some Megazords too, so I was thinking they should just use the original zords from the show and just tweak them a bit to make them look realistic. I was thinking it would look like this:
Or maybe this one but it looks kinda like a "Bay-Former"
And I saw some old designs (I think) for the show or maybe for Zyuranger and they look awesome and a bit realistic.
And now for the cast. Some of them are from other people's fan-cast, I put them in because I think these actors look perfect for the characters and because I agree with the people who chose them, so here it goes.
1.) Red Ranger/Jason- Darren Criss
Reason: Well I chose him because he's a great actor and that I think he can nail this role and I know he doesn't have martial arts experience but, hey they give these guys training for these things.
2.) Pink Ranger/Kimberly- Lyndsy Fonseca
Reason: I chose her mostly because she's good actress and that she can handle doing fight scenes like from Nikita, she does a great job in some fight scenes there. And also she's hot and that's what Kimberly is all about she's this some kind of cheerleader type of girl so yeah.
3.) Yellow Ranger/ Trini- Ellen Wong
Reason: Well we all know she's known for Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and I chose her because she can you know fight, she was a bad-ass in that movie and he can use double weapons like the two sword she used at the final battle in the movie.
4.) Black Ranger/Zack- Arlen Escarpta
Reason: Well actually I haven't seen him in other movies other than Final Destination 5, and I thought he was good in it and I hope that he can play a cool guy that can kick ass.
5.) Blue Ranger/Billy- Andrew Garfield
Reason: To be honest I have only seen him in one movie, and that's Social Network and I think that he's done a great job there, he played a nerd that when he needs to fight for himself he can, and that's what Billy is, a nerd that can stand up for him ad for others when he needs to.
6.) Green Ranger/Tommy- Aaron Johnson
Reason: Well he "Kicked-Ass" in Kick-Ass( HUH! HUH! XD) and he looks good in green.
7.) Zordon- Patrick Stewart
Reason: Well he has this deep voice that he used from the TMNT movie as Winters and it kind of reminded me of Zordon and that his voice sound like he can give some memorable lines like with the old Zordon and like Yoda, Yoda has great words of wisdom that helped Luke Skywalker, and his voice just gets to you know and it can deliver great lines that can help the Rangers to realize stuff.
8.) Lord Zedd- Willem Defoe
Reason: Well he did a great job as Green Goblin in the first Spider-Man movie and I thought he makes a good villain and he's got this some kind of psychotic voice and Zedd also has that and I think he can use that if he was casted.
9.) Rita Repulsa- Helena Bonham Carter
Reason: We all know her from the Harry Potter franchise, and we know that she can play this crazy ass villain that can bring terror to the world and stuff.
10.) Bulk and Skull- Jonah Hill and Michael Cer
Reason: I loved this guys from Superbad they make a great duo and I know that this guys can make the audience laugh if they guys are back together.
So that's about it, I hope you guys liked this article and may the Power protect you all.