I know, I know, Elisha Cuthbert is probably one of the very best choices for Supergirl. However, there are a handful that could brilliantly portray Kara but Karen Starr proves to be a tad harder to cast on account of her more affirmative and passionate nature as opposed to Kara's holier and more innocent personality even though... they are the same person... just from different universes... yyyyyyeeeeaaaaah, I know. Of course, she could portray both, but I feel that slight differences in facial attributes could be welcomed.
Now I KNOW what you all are thinking...if we can make men fly in body armors and green behemoths going at each others' throats believably, surely a pair of gargantuous boobs wouldn't pose much of a problem. In short, here's...
My sketch of Elisha Cuthbert as Power Girl!!!
Thanks HAWK for the brilliant casting idea ;)