MrDonut Presents: 'Daredevil'

MrDonut Presents: 'Daredevil'

A fan cast for the Man without Fear

By MrDonut - Oct 25, 2013 12:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Those of you who checked my previous fan casts will know for my casts I’ve taken on a bit more a generic view with casting, those of you who don’t, just to make it clear; rather than cast one specific film entry in a franchise I decided to cast of characters I’d expect to be around in a ‘5 year’ window of the Marvel universe/existence of the Avengers (yes, I’m inspired by the New 52), and who will hopefully crop up in Marvel’s future films.

So, Daredevil; doesn’t seem like Marvel intend to touch the character anytime soon, but if given the right director and tone, Daredevil could very well be Marvel’s Batman. It’s because of this that I’d like for the next Daredevil film to be largely influenced by Batman Begins. Essentially, it should be dark and gritty and slightly fantastical but should allow for some lighter moments than Batman films, as Daredevil is a lighter/happier character. Anyway, with the film, just also want to mention rather than an origin I’d like to be introduced to a young Daredevil who’s been active for a while, so have cast accordingly. Personally, I like the idea of a Daredevil who’s been operating as an urban legend since his late teens and only becomes more ‘public’ after the Avengers assemble; I personally think this’d do nothing but build a richer MCU.


Charlie Hunnam as Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Hunnam has notoriously been fan cast for a variety of different comic book related roles, whilst majority of them work some of them don’t. Ignoring that, out of all the comic book characters I could picture Hunnam as Daredevil was the first (and best choice) that came to mind. Hunnam can bring a good balance of grit and sensitivity to the role. He’s proven himself to be a badass leading man with his work in Sons of Anarchy and Pacific Rim and is clearly talented and charismatic capable of even elevating simple projects as seen in Deadfall. End of the day, he’s a talented actor and knows how to handle himself and look good doing it so I think he more than appropriate to play the man without fear.

Anyway, with the suit, as expected the above image is what I hope primarily inspires the character’s next big screen look. However, after checking through some fan art, deviantART’s Kizer’s take on the character is also something I think would be a great influence for the character’s look – Click Here to See

Josh Brolin as Jack ‘The Devil’ Murdock

Brolin like Hunnam is another pretty badass actor who can balance grit and sensitivity very well. The fact that he’s pretty damn talented and looks like a tough and gruff badass just further reinforces why I think he’d be perfect in the role.

Zachary Knighton as Franklin ‘Foggy’ Nelson

Knighton is a pretty cool actor, I’ve seen him in a few things now and it’s clear he a talented actor. I think he could bring a good balance of drama and humour to the role and just overall serve very well as Matt’s best friend/closest confidante; his work in Flash Forward and Happy Endings is a clear testament to his abilities.

Ambyr Childers as Karen Page

Admittedly, I haven’t seen Childers in much but she’s left a lasting impression on both my ‘heads’ (lol). She’s pretty hot and is a decent enough actress who seems to have some untapped potential brewing beneath the surface, but ignoring that, her role in Ray Donovan was essentially an audition for the role and quite frankly, I think she’d nail it.

Robin Shou as Yamato Take/Stick

I might get some flak here as admittedly, Shou isn’t the greatest actor around. Nonetheless, I stand behind this decision as whilst his acting abilities are little more than serviceable he definitely can bring that ‘wise old master’ presence and manage it well with a role like this. I mean he’s pretty badass but he’s also pretty unfairly overlooked, I mean he was probably one if not the only good thing about Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li so I’d definitely be interested in seeing what he could do.

Lee Tergesen as Ben Urich

Tergesen is a pretty underrated actor; I've seen him in a few things now and it's pretty clear he can strike a fine balance between comedy and drama. Despite that though, he has a very natural kind of intelligent, world-weary and humble/reserved kind of attitude that he tends to bring to his characters and personally speaking, to me, this seems very suitable for this role so I'd love to see what he could do here, especially given his work in Oz and Generation Kill.

Devon Sawa as Danny Rand/Iron Fist

Sawa as Iron Fist is another role I imagine I’ll get some flak for, but hell for me it works. Whilst he’s known by most audiences as the scrawny chump from Final Destination, Sawa reinvented himself with his work in Nikita. There he effectively showcased his talents with drama, wit, martial arts and just general badassery. He’s a talented individual so I’d like to think Sawa could shine a spot light on the role and just boost the character’s popularity.

Billy Brown as Luke Cage/Power Man

Brown is a solid actor who unfortunately doesn’t get as much spotlight as he deserves and is often referred to as ‘the black guy that always dies’. Whilst slightly unknown, Brown has definitely proven he’s got the credentials for the job to me; he can play commanding and cool like a boss, badass and knows how to balance his characters well not making them too serious or light. His work in Lights Out, Dexter and The Following is a clear reflection of his talents and I feel if given the chance he could really make Luke Cage a very cool and badass hero for all audiences.

Michaela McManus as Jessica Jones

I’ve seen McManus in a few things now and I think it’s fair to say she’s an up and coming actress who’s good at proving her mettle. Her work in Law and Order: SVU and Awake showcase her potential and whilst not a proper indicator of her full abilities it convinced me she’d be a good fit for the role. I mean end of the day, she’s hot and talented; what more is really needed?

Olivia Wilde as Linda Carter/the Night Nurse

Wilde is a pretty talented actress and whilst I a role like this might not be too big a CBM related role for her, to me it fits. She’s hot, talented and versatile and genuinely comes off as being pretty smart, has worked well with Hunnam in the past and had a similar kind of role in House. So, I think it’s safe to say she more than qualifies to play the nurse to Marvel’s street heroes.

Karl Urban as Frank Castle/the Punisher

Ever since Dredd I’ve heard Urban’s name thrown around for Batman, and whilst it could work I personally don’t think he’d be able to portray the character very well (in particular Bruce Wayne). However, given that Dredd is a pretty similar character to Frank Castle, I think Urban would excel in this role. He’s versatile and pretty badass and with his roles in the aforementioned Dredd and The Bourne Supremacy I think he’d really shine in the role.

Ray Wise as Roscoe Sweeney/the Fixer

Shout out goes to MrMurdock for this one!
Wise is put simply very perfect for this role. His work in Robocop and Reaper have proved he’s great at playing sleazy bad guys, with the latter of the two also a clear indicator of his ability at playing a charming, manipulative and suave asshole with an authoritative presence with ease. End of the day, Wise was made for this role, and not casting him here would be a sin, so I’d love to see him in the part.

Ray Stevenson as Wilson Fisk/the Kingpin

Stevenson is a badass actor. A giant of man who genuinely comes off as an individual who could break you mentally as well as physically. He’s got the presence, the voice, the look (kind of; just shave his head and all) and a certain coldness to him that I think would really help him make the character his own. If cast I imagine his take on the Kingpin to be like a cross between Isaak Sirko (his character from Dexter), Gus Fring (of Breaking Bad) and Michael Corleone (of The Godfather trilogy); in other words an epic adversary for Daredevil to face.

Anyway, just thought I’d mention; I really liked the idea of the Kingpin being the guy who killed Daredevil’s dad on behalf of the Fixer in the first film so ideally would love for that idea to stick. It just personalises their history much more and would allow for some great drama between the two.

Tom Burke as Lester Poindexter/Bullseye

Burke’s a relative unknown actor but definitely has a lot of potential. I can see myself getting some flak for this role too, but [frick] it, I think it works. Burke has a knack at playing sleazy and despicable characters well but he also brings a certain roguish charm to his characters plus with his weird scar-lip he just has a classic shady look going for him. Whilst this might not be exactly what all of you see in the character I really think he’d own it and think he’d be able to make Bullseye a villain we love to hate and just really surprise audiences with the role; his work in Donkey Punch and small role in Only God Forgives in particular convinced me he’d work the role well.

Alexa Davalos as Elektra Natchios

I’ll admit I haven’t seen Davalos in much outside of The Chronicles of Riddick and Clash of the Titans but I definitely think she has what it takes to do the role justice. Admittedly, neither of the aforementioned films are great indicators of her talent, but she did well with what little screen time she had in both films, bringing a certain presence to both her characters. Like with Hunnam I think she can bring a good balance of grit and sensitivity and I think she just naturally comes off as classy and appropriate for the role, so, personally speaking, I’d really be interested in seeing what exactly Davalos could do in the role. Plus, for any naysayers out there, she’s actually Greek so would definitely be an appropriate choice for the role.

Natalie Martinez as Maya Lopez/Echo

I mainly know Martinez from her work in Death Race and Detroit 1-8-7, again not really too great indicator of her talents but good enough to prove she has got some talent and potential to grow. Nonetheless, in a role like this I really think she could shine, I mean she meets most of the criteria; hot, capable with drama and light material and reasonably capable with action. So, again, I’d be willing to see what she could do.

Christopher Meloni as Joseph Antonia/Hammerhead

Meloni is another very badass actor I’ve cast. He’s talented and versatile, pretty imposing, can handle dark material and has got a definite authoritative presence to himself which just works with the role. Need any further justification? Just look at his work in Oz, Law and Order: SVU and True Blood to see.

Eamonn Walker as Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone

Once again another badass actor I’ve cast. Yes, I realise I’m using the word ‘badass’ in this fan cast a lot, but it’s the best word I can think of to describe these actors. Anyway, like Meloni Walker too is quite talented and versatile and also brings a similar kind of presence to his roles, so in a role like this I think he’d do nothing but shine. His work in Oz and Blood and Bone in particular really just convinced me he’d be great in the role.

Mark Dacascos as Martin Li/Mr Negative

Dacascos is a pretty solid martial artist and actor. He can play baddies with ease and definitely brings a certain class to his roles. Put simply, if cast I think he’d just make a really cool villain and a great addition to the mobsters of Daredevil’s world. His work in Cradle 2 the Grave and Hawaii Five-0 in particular just sold me for him in the role.

Anyway, I get that the character is primarily a Spider-Man villain, but quite frankly I think he fits Daredevil’s world better given Daredevil has more of a connection to Asian villains via the Hand and all. So, ideally if the character is ever introduced through any films I’d like him to show up as Daredevil foe.

Kim Coates as Leland Owlsley/the Owl

I’ve seen Coates in a few things now, but ultimately I cast him because of his work in Sons of Anarchy. Coates can definitely play sleazy and shady with ease and I can really see him working this role well and think he’d be capable of bringing a spotlight to a lesser known villain.

Peter Greene as Zebediah Killgrave/the Purple Man

Greene first caught my attention with his work in The Mask and later Pulp Fiction. Whilst I haven’t seen him in anything else, both films showed off his talents well; he can play sleazy, intimidating and slightly creepy assholes with ease and when it gets down to basics, that is ultimately what this character is.

Jon Bernthal as Billy ‘the Beaut’ Russo/Jigsaw

Bernthal got my attention with his work in The Walking Dead. Whilst I haven’t seen him in anything else, I’ve definitely become a big fan of his. He’s a very talented actor and great at playing badass psychos so I’d love to see him take on this character as I think just be really great and memorable in the role.

Keira Knightley as Mary Walker/Typhoid Mary

Knightley might seem like a bit of a strange choice for this role, but I cast mainly due to her work in the underrated Domino. There she played a feisty little badass really well. Whilst she’s somewhat strayed away from roles like this I still think if cast here she’d be great as she tends to be one of those actresses that can really surprise given the right role.

Joaquin Phoenix as Larry Cranston/Mr Fear

Phoenix is really great and underrated actor. Just when you think he gives you his best, he goes and on ups himself. Just a really talented guy who can bring a lot of depth and presence to his roles. In a role like this, I think he’d really do wonders and definitely be able to bring some light to a lesser known villain. His work in Gladiator and The Master in particular made me think he’d able to great job in the role.

James Ransone as Jonathon Ohnn/the Spot

Ransone is another underrated actor I’ve cast, who I think could bring some definite charm and attention to this rather unknown villain. His work in Generation Kill, Inside Man and Treme in particular made me think he’d be able to bring a multifaceted and deeper performance to role and really just help the character become more of a breakout character as opposed to a guilty pleasure.

Matt Gerald as Melvin Potter/Gladiator

Haven’t seen Gerald in much but his role in last season of Dexter really caught my attention. I mean he’s clearly a pretty big and imposing guy but his role there was essentially an audition for this role as there he basically played a weird, gladiator-style, ear ring fetish serial killer pretty well. So, if given the chance I think he’d make for an interesting bad guy for Daredevil to go toe to toe with.

Sean Patrick Flannery, Walton Goggins and Amaury Nolasco as ‘Fancy Dan’ Rubinstein, ‘Montana’ Bale and Bruno ‘the Ox’ Sanchez (The Enforcers)

Flannery is pretty badass actor who I think would be great in leading this trio. He sold me for this role with his work in The Boondocks Saints films. Goggins is a solid veteran actor who’s played similar eccentric bad guy type roles in the past, but his work in Justified, Predators and Django Unchained in particular made me think he’d be a great addition here. As for Nolasco, well his work in Prison Break and Armoured speaks for itself. Whilst he might not be as big as his comic book counterpart I still think he’d be able to do a solid job in the role and also just work well with Flannery and Goggins as the third member of the Enforcers.


So, that’s my ideal cast for Daredevil. I hope you enjoyed checking it out, and if you did look out for my Spider-Man cast!

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LEEE777 - 10/6/2013, 2:52 PM
I like it big thumbs up!

Well 'cept for Ray as Kingpin, can't see it plus he's already two Marvel characters, don't wanna see a third :p

Plus you got Punisher in this pic, that'll just [frick] ppl up lol. Didn't like Warzone a lot (at all) but yeah rather him The Punisher ;)

Anyways great work on all the rest, thumbs still up ^5'sss
MrDonut - 10/7/2013, 12:29 PM
Thanks for checking the cast! Lol... I can certainly understand your restraints there but personally I don't think there is better choice out there, though it's unlikely this would pan out lol. Cheers for digging my work though, I appreciate the feedback.
MikeZ - 10/25/2013, 12:42 AM
- Charlie Hunnam would be excellent as Daredevil. He definitely has fighting experience down pat.
- Oh, interesting Foggy Nelson!
- I haven't really heard anything negative about Robin Shou from people around here. Great pick for him. I assume your Stick is the Ultimate version; the 616 version is Caucasian, last I heard.
- I feel Wilde deserves a slightly bigger role than Night Nurse. Plus, did that character ever work with Daredevil in the comics?
- Well, perfect role you gave Ray Wise! He even looks like the Fixer as well!
- I don't see Stevenson playing anymore Marvel characters while the current ThorBatman: Arkham games.
aNarcHy2day - 10/25/2013, 5:59 AM
It's an excellent cast, Mr Donut.

I still have my reservations on the ability of Hunnam to play an interesting lead. I think he is a bit too one dimensional to be the lead for my liking. But I get that you may see him in different light and that is completely fine.

Brolin does put the rough in 'gruff', doesn't he? Only thing against the pick is Brolin may just be TOO talented an actor to "waste" on that role, if you know what I mean.

Knighton as Nelson is good!

Damn, Ambyr's cute. 'Nuff said!

Shou definitely is a good choice. No stick from me for your pick for Stick! LOL.


Your picks for Urich, Jones and Iron Fist are at the very least, visually accurate so even if I don't know much about them as actors they get a pass from me.

Nah... Take someone more... umm... unknown for Nurse please! May I suggest Clea DuVall from Argo.

Stevenson has too many roles already, man. I really want to see if John Goodman can pull this one off! I mean, everyone keeps on claiming he's extremely talented and I don't really disagree, but if he pulls this one off its gonna be one hell of a show! Then there is Kilmer.

I can see the thought process going into the villains and I like your picks for all of them!

All in all, great cast!
thatguywhositsbyhim - 10/25/2013, 11:11 AM
Hunnam has that quality where he can work as almost anyone, and I can see him as a good DD.

Knighton as Foggy and Tergeson as Urich are pretty inspired choices, my favorite two easily of what's here.

My only two "objections" (if you can call it that), is that I think McManus is a little too pretty for Jessica Jones (who I picture as more of the "plain jane" of the superhero set); and Wilde as Night Nurse is a little obvious given her time on House (and, as RoadDogXXIV already said, it's a pretty small part for someone of her name recognition).

Overall a pretty good cast. Good job!
FlixMentallo21 - 10/25/2013, 1:35 PM
I like what I see here, really! I would replace Stevenson with someone like...well, how about De Niro? Shave him bald, and he could nail the part both in look and ability. I also give you kudos for casting a lot of little-known characters as well, such as Night Nurse. I'm planning to use Bernthal in an up-coming triple-feature fancast where I come up with movies in genres that Mel Brooks hasn't tackled yet: 40's noir, 50's B-Sci-fi films, and action movies. Bernthal's going to be the lead for the noir parody, "The Big Fade-To-Black", as a hardboiled PI named "Phil Hammer" (a nod to Phillip Marlowe and Mike Hammer).

When you have a moment, check out my latest fancast: "Alien Legion: The Series".
MrDonut - 10/25/2013, 5:38 PM
- Yep! Hunnam can defo kick ass, another reason I like him in the role lol.
- Thanks for liking.
- I see Shou as an actor like Michael Jai White; badass but only rarely he's good dramatically, so have some what of love/hate fanship for him lol. As for Stick, I'm not actually sure if there even is an Ultimate, I was just googling for a different picture and thought this one looked cool (and coincidentally kinda Asian).
- Not sure if Night Nurse has ever been in Daredevil, but I'd like a medical based character to be weaved into the MCU for the street level characters, and whilst I understand your thoughts for Wilde, I cast her as she's got solid chemistry with Hunnam and I wouldn't mind the character being a potential love interest for DD.
- Lol, thanks but you gotta give MrMurdock props for that one.
- I get the Stevenson comments, but tbh this was just pure fan casting here lol; I get it'll most likely never happen but I would kill to see him in the role- I imagine he'd be like a darker version of the character from the old Spider-Man animated series, just classy and badass lol.

Anyway, thanks for checking the cast man and will defo give your Arkham cast a look, hopefully you have something new and interesting in store for us!

Thank you kind anarchist lol. I get the Hunnam comment, but with his work in Sons of Anarchy even Deadfall, I think he'd own and just be really badass- the fact that he's naturally quite charismatic and down to earth also makes me think he'd bring a multidimensional facet to the role too.

Also understand you Brolin thoughts, can defo understand that, but I just really wanted to cast him somewhere lol, and this seemed like the best role.

Glad you like the rest of the cast though. Again, can understand the comments about Night Nurse, but yh wouldn't mind seeing DuVall do it, just opted for Wilde cos she worked well with Hunnam before.

John Goodman could've been good if he was a little younger, but if not Stevenson then Vincent D'onofrio could be cool, or if you wanna go with a black actor again then Denis Haysbert would be cool.

Anyway, again thanks for checking and digging the cast; loving the praise.

Glad you like my choice for the roles :).
McManus is pretty hot lol... Can see where you're coming from, but I couldn't think of a better choice. As for the Nurse? Well, as I mentioend before I'd like a medical based character to be weaved into the MCU for the street level characters, and whilst I understand your thoughts for Wilde, I cast her as she's got solid chemistry with Hunnam and I wouldn't mind the character being a potential love interest for DD.
Anyway, thanks for digging the cast.

Robert De Niro? Yes, I'd love him or someone like him, but I'd prefer someone slightly younger both for sequels and because I just imagine the character to be in his late 40's/early 50's.
Glad you like my idea for Night Nurse lol... She's a guilty pleasure character for me, but I think she could work if integrated how I imagine her to be lol. Still, your Bernthal casting sounds interesting, will check it when you drop it.

Cheers for the feedback though, will give your cast a look when possible ;).

Weisman could be interesting but I think Meloni is just more intimidating. Still, I assume you're talking about the pic of Daredevil? Anyway, care to share any thoughts on the rest of the cast?
MrBlueSky - 10/26/2013, 1:00 AM
Great cast, dude! I love your picks for Daredevil, the Punisher, Kingpin, and the Purple Man! I had ego admit that we have the same picks for Jigsaw and Typhoid Mary. And I applaud you for the original Bullseye pick (I have Zachary Quinto due to his work on Heroes).

Anyway, I'll be posting my cast for Maximum Carnage soon (one of the most hated Spider-Man stories around, besides One More Day). I can't wait to see your Spidey cast (I hope you have somebody good for Venom).
Shadow11 - 10/26/2013, 5:07 PM

Nice Daredevil cast for the most part especially Charlie Hunnam as Daredevil, I can actually see him as The Man Without Fear, what a great pick

For Jack Murdock, Josh Brolin an even better pick but not who I would have gone with but to be honest but still nevertheless great pick, I would have went with Jeffrey Dean Morgan

As Foggy Nelson I would have went with Seth Rogen or Sean Astin but still you have an underrated pick

For Karen Page I would have went with Kristen Bell or Elisha Cuthbert

But Robin Shou as Stick, I can actually get behind that

But for Ben Urich I would have gone with Gary Oldman or Hugh Laurie or Bryan Cranston

For Jessica Jones I would have gone with Olivia Wilde and for Linda Carter I would have went with Kate Mara

But for Kingpin I would have went with Vincent D'Onofrio or even John Goodman in the role

But Urban as Punisher, Frank Castle he gets my vote for sure
CharlesLord - 10/26/2013, 9:40 PM
Stevenson is already Volstagg (i know he was the punisher but seeing how that franchise was in limbo after his movie) so Id pick someone else for Kingpin. I like Urban as punisher, and i actually like Natalie Martinez's look for Elektra. I also dont hate the Devon Sawa pick for Iron Fist, I watch Nikita and hes actually really good, underrated pick.

Oh and Knightly as Typhoid Mary has to be the greatest pick ever lol.
TheSoulEater - 10/27/2013, 2:23 AM
Tom Burke looks like a younger Michael Shannon! Good going!
MrDonut - 10/27/2013, 11:36 AM
Thanks buddy, glad ur liking the cast! Wanted to be as original as can be with Bullseye, and given that Burke has a knack for similar kinds of characters like this it just seemed natural to cast him here.

I'm not too familiar with Maximum Carnage, but will give it a look when u upload it, as for my Spidey cast, I haven't yet made up my mind as to who should be my Venom, but keep ur eyes peeled, planning on dropping it sometime next month once I'm done with it.

Thank you kind sir :).

Glad u like my casting choices bud!
- I like Morgan as an actor, but he's someone I have a little trouble casting; no doubt he'd be a solid Jack Murdock, but I personally don't see him in that role, but then again, am not too sure who he'd be good as...
- Glad u like my Foggy; admittedly opted out from going with Astin as he's too old for my DD and too commonly used, but Rogen could be cool; wouldn't mind him doing it.
- Bell or Cuthbert wuld be great, but Childers played a similar character well before so I went with her.
- Ur choices for Urich are really good, but I can't help but think they're 'too big' actors for such a role, I get the character is a massive part of DD's world, but I cast Tergersen as I feel he'd be good as both a large part of DD's world but the smallest part of the Daily Bugle's 'holy trinity', if that makes sense lol...
- Can defo see ur Wilde as Jones and Mara as the Nurse, but I'm happy with the actors I've cast there though now that u mention it, Wilde as Jones does have a certain appeal to it...
- D'Onofrio would be my 2nd choice for the Kingpin, nice choice!
- Since his work in The Bourne Supremacy and then Dredd, I've been wanting Urban for the role; I'd just imagine he goes hard in the gym for it.

Can defo understand ur thoughts on Stevenson as the Punisher, but like I mentioned somewhere up top, that was just pure fancasting lol. Hmm... Now that u mention it, Martinez does have a certain quality to her that'd make her a good Elektra... I wouldn't mind if she got that role, but Davalos is Greek so I'd be more inclined to having her in it lol. Anyway, glad u like Sawa as the Rand, and thanks for digging the cast, I appreciate the feedback!

Not too sure if there's a Shannon resemblance, but he's got a bit of a creepy look, so that did tie into my casting process, but yh... thanks? I guess lol :).
MrDonut - 10/28/2013, 6:45 PM
Thank you, but please don't lol :)
chubeton - 10/31/2013, 8:34 PM
Karl Urban as the Punisher??....hell yes! :D
MrDonut - 11/1/2013, 5:17 AM
Glad u approve, care 2 comment on the rest of the cast?
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