MrDonut Presents: 'The Fantastic Four'

MrDonut Presents: 'The Fantastic Four'

A fan cast for the Explorers Extraordinaire

By MrDonut - Dec 25, 2013 12:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Those of you who checked my previous fan casts will know for my casts I’ve taken on a bit more a generic view with casting, those of you who don’t, just to make it clear; rather than cast one specific film entry in a franchise I decided to cast of characters I’d expect to be around in a ‘5 year’ window of the Marvel universe/existence of the Avengers (yes, I’m inspired by the New 52), and who will hopefully crop up in Marvel’s future films.

Now, the Fantastic Four have always been a bit of a funny team for me; growing up, I was never really a fan of them and to this day, that’s still debateable. Nonetheless, I love the premise behind the team and their position in the Marvel universe if not always their execution. Whilst I’ve enjoyed both incarnations of the Four from the 90’s animated show and the more recent one, my interest in the characters mainly stems from reading the Ultimate universe comics; admittedly not always good, but interesting at least and the main source which I’ve drawn inspiration from for my cast.

Anyway, given that the last two Fantastic Four films were complete crap I’d love to see this series get the reboot it deserves. Personally speaking, if a Fantastic Four film was made to be like a cross between J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek, The Incredibles, Chronicle and Prometheus, then I really think we’d be in for treat. Not only do I think this would allow for a perfect tone for the series but also the perfect balance of darkness and lightness and just give the series and the characters in turn, the credibility and love they deserve.


Hugh Dancy as Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic

Dancy only caught my attention with his role as Will Graham in Hannibal; quite frankly, whilst I've been aware of him, his work there blew me away. It’s clear to me now that he’s a really talented and pretty underrated actor. As seen in the aforementioned show alone, Dancy can play unconventional and socially awkward geniuses very well and also knows how to handle dark material well too. End of the day, given that he already knows his way around light material and more than proven his talents with darker material I think he’d be a very interesting choice for the role and definitely be able to bring more depth and a bit more edge to the role and just make Mr Fantastic that much more interesting and appealing.

Rachel McAdams as Sue Storm/the Invisible Woman

What can I say? Whilst not necessarily a very original choice for the role, McAdams is very hot and talented and can play outspoken, feisty and intelligent well, as seen in her roles in; State of Play and Sherlock Holmes in particular. Ignoring that however, like Dancy, McAdams is fairly versatile; capable with both light and darker material, so personally speaking I think she’d be a great choice for the role and bring a nice balance to the character too.

Hunter Parrish as Johnny Storm/the Human Torch

I’ve seen Parrish in a few things now and it must be said, he needs to be cast in this role. Not only does Parrish strongly resemble the character but he can play a smartass like a pro and is pretty charismatic and more than capable with comedy and even drama as seen primarily through his work in Weeds. Also, the fact that (to me at least) he has a slight resemblance to McAdams makes me think he’d work even better in the role as he genuinely could pass of as her brother (something which clearly wasn’t the case with Chris Evans and Jessica Alba). So, Parrish as Johnny Storm? Definitely something I’d like to see happen.

Joel Edgerton as Ben Grimm/the Thing

Edgerton has quickly become one of my favourite actors. He’s proven himself to be a very capable actor and has a definite knack at playing the tough guy with a heart, like a pro. His work in Warrior in particular however is what convinced me he’d be the ideal candidate for the role, as there he basically displayed all the characteristics needed for a role like this and brought the necessary kind of underdog presence needed. Put simply, if given the chance, I think Edgerton would own the role and very likely, potentially be the best if not of the best casting choices in history.

Gary Oldman as Franklin Storm

Note: Whilst I realise in the regular Marvel universe the character doesn’t have too large a role, in the Ultimate universe he is essentially Reed Richard’s mentor and partially responsible for bringing the team together, so this is definitely something I’d like to see translated to the big screen.

So, Oldman as Franklin Storm? Well, like we all know Oldman is one of the greatest and most versatile veteran actors around. He’s really underappreciated and talented and is great at playing intelligent and wise characters with presence, so in a role like this? I think it’s safe to say he’d absolutely own.

Jennifer Morrison as Alicia Masters

I mainly know Morrison from her work in House and How I Met Your Mother and whilst this is a slightly limited view of her talents, she’s nonetheless effectively proven herself to be a very capable actress. However, I mainly cast her here because of her role in Warrior. Whilst again, it can be said she was slightly limited in what she had to do/work with, she still pulled it off and worked pretty well alongside Edgerton, so frankly, I’d like to see her work with him again and just bring some of that realness and chemistry they had in that film here.

Denzel Washington as Nick Fury

Replacing Sam Jackson? Not an easy job, but if there is one actor in Hollywood who could surpass him as super spy Nick Fury it’s Washington. He’s a badass and has proven himself time and time again and with roles in films like Training Day and Safe House in particular showed me what he could do as Fury and I loved his characters in both films so would love for him to eventually get the role.

Rhona Mitra as Maria Hill

First off I just want to say Cobey Smoulders is a hot but cringe worthy actress whereas Mitra on the other hand, is a really great actress. She won me over a long time ago with her work in Doomsday and more recently Strike Back. If given the chance I’m certain she could deliver with the role in spades, because let’s face facts; she’s hot, she’s tough and she can act- already an improvement from Smoulders.

Lance Reddick as Uatu the Watcher

Reddick is a really great actor and I could give thousands of reasons why I’d love to see him cast in the role but let’s keep it simple; Fringe. Reddick’s role in that show really struck a chord with me and convinced me he’d really shine in the role. Yeah, admittedly he wasn't an Observer but he's got a really great and powerful voice too so personally, I think he'd own in this and just be really great as the glue that binds the MCU together.

Adrian Brody as Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt

Unfortunately this choice wasn’t as original as I thought, but it is very good and definitely one that needs to happen. Since The Pianist I’ve only thought of Brody in the role. He’s a ridiculously talented actor but for some reason doesn’t quite as much attention or roles as he really deserves. He’s very versatile and talented and can even handle action as seen in Predators, but I cast him primarily as he comes across as very intelligent and patient; something which I associate with this character and so, personally speaking if cast, I think he’d hit it out the park.

Charlize Theron as Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon/Medusa

Theron is a very talented and beautiful actress; I’ve seen her in a lot of things now and it’s pretty clear she’d be outstanding in the role. Her work in Snow White and the Huntsman and Prometheus in particular however made me think she’d own the role. Quite simply, she comes off as a pretty damn classy and has a certain regal presence that just makes me think she’d be more than capable of embodying the character very well and in turn make the character that much more interesting.

Gabriella Wilde as Crystalia Amaquelin/Crystal

I’ve only seen Wilde in a few things now, but it’s become clear she’s definitely a young actress to watch. Not only is she very beautiful, she’s pretty talented and has a certain innocent and flirty appeal to her which makes me think she’d be really great in the role, really that simple.

Richard Armitage as Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom

I've seen Armitage in quite a few things now, and he's definitely proven himself to be perfect for this role. He’s a very talented actor and knows how to play intelligent, manipulative, badass and classy and regal anti-heroes/villains very well, but personally speaking, I cast Armitage as I think he would be able to work off Dancy really well in the role and definitely bring some more depth and presence to the role too. So, put simply, Armitage is more than qualified for the role and would definitely own it; he even resembles the character quite strongly, so hopefully it is something that happens somewhere down the line.

Noomi Rapace as Lucia Von Bardas

The Millennium trilogy, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows and Dead Man Down have more than proven how talented and versatile Rapace is to me. She can play tough, gritty, intelligent, suave, damaged and mysterious all very well and to me, that more than qualifies her for the role; so, I’d be more than willing to see what she could do here.

Luke Evans as Namor/the Submariner

Since Evans role in Immortals I thought he’d be great as Namor, he did nothing but reinforce this view in my mind with his extremely badass turn in Fast and Furious 6. He’s clearly a rising talent and if given the chance, I think he’d be more than capable of making this role his own.

Andy Serkis as Arthur Molekevic/Mole Man

Whilst Serkis is mainly known for his motion capture work, he’s also pretty good actor without any computer magic too. Regardless of this, I’ve seen Serkis in a few things now and it’s clear he’s pretty damn talented; he can play intelligent, sleazy, creepy, eccentric and odd characters pretty well, so in a role like this I think he’d be more than capable of playing a creepy genius who isn’t quite as laughable as you’d expect.

Jackie Earle Haley as Annihilus

Haley is one of the most underappreciated actors around. Admittedly he’s played a lot of similar character downs the line but I think he can bring a nice touch of darkness and humour and charm to his roles too (though the latter aren’t really necessary for a role like this). His work in Watchmen, Little Children and Human Target in particular convinced me he’d the best man for the job.

John Malkovich as Phillip Masters/the Puppet Master

Malkovich is great at playing weird and wacky, intelligent villains very well. He always knows how to bring that perfect balance of creepiness, humour and drama to his roles and put simply if cast here I think he’d have a hell of a good time and just really shine and give us an entertainingly weird villains to watch. His work in Con Air, Johnny English and Red in particular made me think he’d own the role.

Ruth Wilson as Rhona Burchill/the Mad Thinker

Note: Whilst the regular version of the character is male, I’ve opted to go with the Ultimate version as not only does the regular Marvel universe version seem a little generic to me but the Ultimate version just comes off as a little more creepy and interesting too- she’s essentially, a rival/spurned lover of Reed’s, who splices people’s brains with her own to be more intelligent and uses the remnants of her dead brother as an android to do her bidding.

So, I haven’t seen Wilson in much outside of Luther, but she’s more than proven her talents there. Her role as the psychotic Alice Morgan there was essentially an ‘audition’ for me for her in this role and if given the chance to play this character at least half as similar to her take as Alice Morgan, then well, we’d really be in for a treat.

Gaspard Ulliel as Maximus Boltagon/Maximus the Mad

I won’t lie; I’ve only seen Ulliel in Hannibal Rising but hell, he left a lasting impression on me. He’s a fairly talented young actor and has definitely got a creepy charisma factor to him so I’d be willing to see what he could do, especially given that he shares somewhat of a resemblance to Brody. So, if given the chance I think Ulliel could really impress.

Peter Mensah as Kl’rt/Super Skrull

Mensah really is the only choice for me here; he’s a ridiculously underrated badass who unfortunately gets the short end of the stick with most of his roles. He always brings a solid world weary and authoritative presence to his roles (as seen in Spartacus), so I could definitely see him making the character more memorable and appealing and really just bring some nice emphasis to the notion of the character being a veteran warrior.

David Tennant as Bentley Whittman/the Wizard

With Tennant’s work in Dr Who and Fright Night in particular, I’ve wanted to see him in this role. He’s a talented and charismatic individual and definitely knows how to play eccentric geniuses who are borderline crazy and has even dabbled well with dark material. Essentially, he has knack at playing characters like this and if cast I can really see him having fun with it and just making the character very entertaining and appealing.

August Diehl as Ulysses Klaw/Klaw

I’ve only seen Diehl from his work in Inglorious Basterds but he certainly left a lasting impression on me from that. He can play cold, calculating, deceptive, ruthless and intelligent very well and just looks like a creepy bastard, so I’d be willing to see what he could do in the role.

Benedict Cummberbatch as Kang the Conqueror

What can I say? Cummberbatch won fanboys over a long ago when he first hit TV screens in Sherlock and since then he’s only continued to impress, most recently in Star Trek: Into Darkness. End of the day, he can play cold and calculating like a pro and he genuinely comes off as intellectually superior so I’d love to see him take on the role and think he'd make the character shine.

Only thing I’d say is I’d prefer a more drastic change up to the character’s look; essentially something a bit more futuristic looking- Kris Anka’s redesign would be a great place to start – Click Here to See

James Callis, Anna Torv, Aaron Paul and Adrian Holmes as Simon Utrecht/Vector, Ann Darnell/Vapour, James Darnell/X-Ray and Michael Steel/Ironclad (The U-Foes)

Callis, Torv, Paul and Holmes; all talented actors who don’t quite get as big a spotlight as they deserve. Callis proved himself to me a long time ago with his work in Battlestar Galactica, Torv won me over with Fringe, Paul with his work in Breaking Bad and Holmes whilst notable for any role in particular, has a knack for playing complex tough guys pretty well and is definitely a solid actor as seen via his work in True Justice and Elysium. So, put simply, if cast I think these four actors would own their roles and just serve as a great parallel to the Fantastic Four and prove to be some really great villains for them to face.

Jared Leto as Norin Radd/the Silver Searcher

Note: No, I haven’t made a typo; I get that the character is mainly known as the Silver Surfer, but I’ve opted to go with the character’s Ultimate name simply as given his job, it just seems more credible (and less cheesy) to call him the Searcher as opposed to the Surfer.

So, Leto? He’s one of the most underrated and transformative actors around, I’m not sure why he doesn’t get more of a spotlight but whatever, he’s a talented individual who can handle both dark and light material so would be a credit to any cast.

Michael Wincott as Galan/Gah Lak Tus

Note: Rather than the classic version, I like what was done to the character when he merged with his Ultimate incarnation in Hunger, and hope this is a change that makes it to the big screen.

Now, I’ve seen Wincott in a bunch of things over the years, but the main reason why I think he’d be good for the job is both due to his memorable voice and his role as Top Dollar in The Crow. His performance there just speaks for itself.


So, that’s my ideal cast for Fantastic Four. I hope you enjoyed checking it out, and if you did look out for my X-Men cast!

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kong - 12/25/2013, 12:57 AM
Odin - 12/25/2013, 3:47 AM
Luke Evans as Namor, ooh that's good, that's almost brilliant.
mumbz - 12/25/2013, 4:46 AM
Wow someone needs to get this made!!
MikeZ - 12/25/2013, 5:22 AM
- My picks for the F4 would be: Matthew Morrison (Glee), Jennifer Morrison (Once Upon a Time), Travis van Winkle (Friday the 13th) and Eddie Cahill (CSI: Miami).
- Morrison would work as Alicia Masters. I would give it a shot.
- If we're setting this in a new cinematic universe, why not go with the 616 version of Nick Fury?
- I think I suggested Rhona Mitra as Maria Hill at one point.
- Adrien Brody and Charlize Theron would make an interesting husband and wife team as Black Bolt and Medusa.
- Richard isn't the most original pick for Dr. Doom, but why not?
- Not sure if I see Noomi as an evil queen figure like Lucia Von Bardas.
- Interesting Namor. Whaddya think of Sam Witwer as Namor?
- I forgot to have seen David Tennant in Goblet of Fire, so pardon if I don't see him as a villain like Wizard. But I think he'd be great as another F4 character: Impossible Man.
- I don't know if I can see Jared Leto as Silver Surfer.
TheSoulEater - 12/25/2013, 6:27 AM
I actually disagree with NONE of these choices aside from maybe switching Doom and Kang
MrDonut - 12/25/2013, 9:20 AM
Forgot to mention up top, but happy holidays to everyone!

Lol, thanks.

Yh, when it hit me, it was like a 'lightbulb idea' moment lol, he'd be perfect in the role, and though I didn't include the character initially in my Justice League cast, when looking back on it, I was thinking Evans would be good for Ocean Master, so also thought he'd be good for Namor too lol...

Thanks! I hope the reboot does follow suite with some of the ideas and castings I have in mind, but I dunnno... Just have a funny feeling with that it'll be half-assed or just not in line with the traditional depiction of the four...

- I don't watch Glee and whilst aware of Morrison, haven't seen him in anything so am not too sure about his talents, but he reminds me too much of the last Mr Fantastic, so personally I'd like somone different; Dancy fits the bill for me with that.
- I wouldn't mind Morrison as Sue, she could work it well, it's just I cast her as Alicia cos I really liked the idea of her being paired up with Edgerton again.
- Winkle can defo do the douchebag role, not sure if he can do anything else, but I wouldn't knock that casting. Either way, he looks and I imagine is a little older, and given that I've set a specific kind of time frame for my casts, I've cast pretty much everyone a little younger.
- Cahill is really cool for the Thing, he looks a little younger than he is, so that's a little deterring for me for this role, but yh... I wouldn't mind seeing him doing it, especially since he's got the voice/accent down... Oh btw, don't you mean CSI: New York?
- I've mentioned it on another cast I think, but I'm sticking with Black Fury as that is the version I was actually introduced to via the comics, so am more familiar and comfortable with this incarnation of the character, but as well as that with the white version, I actually wouldn't know who to cast; there are a lot of popular choices for the role and all of them are pretty fitting, so I'd struggle to be original there lol.
- Ok cool, well, I obviously cast her cos I think she works lol.
- I actually really would love them to be cast, I can't see anyone else working those roles like those two!
- I actually went back and forth between him and Jonathan Rhys Meyers tbh, but ultimately went with Armitage as I thought he fit the role better, plus I wanted someone a little older.
- I get where you're coming from there, but went with as I think she could bring an intense kinda intelligence to the role; being evil and what not can come later.
- I haven't seen enough of Witwer to know if he's really good or bad tbh, plus he was in Smallville when it went bullshit, anything I see him in would be pretty badly stained by that lol.
- I don't actually know who Impossible Man is so wouldn't be able to weigh in on that casting lol, but I cast him as I see Wizard to be like an evil version of the Doctor and his character from Fright Night, so I figured he'd be perfect as like a evil genius showman lol...
- Leto is really underrated, I think he'd blow people away in the role and bring a lot of light to a very underrated character; I've got a low of CBM related roles in mind for but this is one that just really fit for me and seemed most appropriate, you should out some of his later/more recent filmography and I think you'd understand why I went with him.

Cheers for posting your thoughts though, always goods to (hear?)/read people's thoughts on my castings lol.

Lol, thank you. I wouldn't mind them in each others roles; they'd still work it, but I just prefer them where they are lol.

Hmm... Ok, I actually thought Dancy and Edgerton in particular were original, oh well... Still, I cast Oldman as I just think he's a brilliant actor who fits the role perfectly, but also his tenure as Gordon, technically is up lol.

But, yeah, I understand where you're coming from with Alicia Masters, and I actually debated with myself about casting a black actress, but I prefer her being the biological daughter of the Puppet Master and so struggled to think of a good black actor for that role (Malkovich is the only choice for me for that role btw), so kept her white tbh.

Didn't realise Moleman was called Harvey Elder; I was introduced to the Ultimate version also and there he's called Arthur Molekevic lol... But yh, I wouldn't mind him doing the Thing's mo-cap either, but personally I prefer the actor portraying the regular version of the character to do the mo-cap too, just to keep the portrayal of the character consistent and natural, if that makes sense...

Anyway, thanks commenting, appreciate the feedback!
thatguywhositsbyhim - 12/25/2013, 11:57 AM
I was never a big "Ultimate" guy, but Ultimate Thinker is the one villain I will concede is substantively better than the original.

Another really strong cast overall (you're becoming a favorite of mine!), I'm particularly digging Evans as Namor and pretty much all your Inhumans are spot on. I like Diehl as Klaw, though I think he might be too young.

My biggest criticism would be Gary Oldman (one of my all time favorite actors), who I think would be wasted on a part like Franklin Storm. Still a minor quibble with an otherwise awesome cast. Keep it up!
MrDonut - 12/25/2013, 3:37 PM
Oh ok cool! I wouldn't mind if they drew from both universes in regards to the character's characterisation but personally speaking, I'd stick with the name 'Molekevic' at least, just seems like something Johnny would use as inspiration to call him 'Moleman' by lol... But yh, I totally agree with you about Doom, should be classic, though again, I'd prefer a bit of an Ultimate influence with his origin; I just love the whole 'descendant of Dracula' angle they had lol.

Anyway, glad you like my ideas, hopefully the eventual reboot shapes up to be a little similar to them, but as I said before, from what we've heard I'm not feeling too optimistic, but will what and see.

I mainly got into the Ultimate universe because of Spider-Man, the Ultimate version is infinitely better than the regular incarnation (especially more so now) and tbh, after the 90's animated series it was basically what got me into comics for the stories as opposed to the just the art, so that's why it inspires most of my Marvel casts... But yh! Lol, she is a creepy weirdo who I would love to see grace the big screen some day!

Glad you like the cast man, digging the compliments lol.
Thanks! I figured it was best to go with 'classy' actors and actresses for those roles lol, and the ones I chose just seeemed very right... Can see where your coming from with Diehl, but he's actually a little older than he looks plus given the character's appearance I think make up could do the rest; I mean Hollywood did make MILFy looking Diane Lane look old and semi-MILFy in Man of Steel lol...

Again, can understand your concerns with Oldman, but going back to what I wrote up top; he's a pretty big player to the Ultimate version of the team, he essentially 'assembles' them and is Reed's mentor- admittedly, he too does die (which I'd also want to come in to play in some form if ever the character is brought to the big screen), but I literally thin you need someone like Oldman for the role.

Thanks for commenting though, appreciate the feedback!
MikeZ - 12/25/2013, 5:11 PM
@ MrDonut

- When did Jennifer Morrison and Joel Edgerton work together?
- Well, I saw Travis' work in Transformers and Friday the 13th - as well as catching his name in a fancast - and it just clicked.
- Right, CSI: New York! Also, I don't think Thing has to be late 30's-early 40's.
- Well, I don't disagree with Richard Armitage. Like TVW, Armitage has popped up a lot as Dr. Doom, and I think it would work.
- Sam Witwer voiced Starkiller in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
- Impossible Man is meant to be an annoying character from the Fantastic Four universe. Kinda like one of Gilbert Gottfried's characters he plays (Iago).
MrDonut - 12/25/2013, 7:43 PM
- Morrison was Edgerton's wife in Warrior.
- He could work it, I actually remember he was decent in Friday the 13th, but the more I think about it I think he'd be better suited for Flash Thompson, specifically Venom Flash Thompson; he seems a little 'too tough' for me for Torch, I associate someone who would be good as a 'cooler' or douchey Spider-Man for Torch more tbh lol.
- If we're talking a young or just starting out Thing, I think someone in their mid to late 30's would be right, but for older I'd say mid to late 40's, but I personally think that as I always see the Thing to be the oldest of the Four, maybe it's cos of Michael Chiklis I dunno... All I know is with Edgerton, whilst I'm not too sure of his age, he has that kind of weary, , run down, underdog kinda presence so comes across older to me, and also very fitting for the role.
- Yh, he's unfortunately not as original as I'd have liked lol!
- Lol... I'm familiar with the series but I'm not really too big on Star Wars...
- Oh ok lol, guessing he's one of their older cheesy foes...
Pasto - 12/26/2013, 7:47 AM

You never cease to make me say 'WOW!' and 'Show me the money!'. This is simply brilliant. If Fox EVER wants to make top dollar with the FF, they should consider this cast and idea.

Well-[frick]ing-Done sir.
MrDonut - 12/26/2013, 11:19 AM
Thanks bud! Lol, I hope for whatever reboot we get it does follow suite with at least some of the ideas I have in mind, but like I've mentioned above, with all these rumours that they're looking to go very different, I have a very strong feeling that it'll be a while till we something resembling the 'traditional version of the team yet modern... Anyway, thanks for the compliments dude, means a lot!
BATMANx - 12/26/2013, 1:11 PM
What A Good Cast.. You should do a X-men cast next
chrismatj - 12/26/2013, 4:28 PM
As always, I was completely blown away by how great this cast was. This was completely awesome. And, oddly enough, I had plans to make a FF fancast of my own, and we have the same choices for the four. This absolutely blows my cast out of the water though. Everything is so well thought out and perfectly put together. Thumbs up as usual dude! Great job! Can't wait to see what your next fancast will be! :)
MrDonut - 12/26/2013, 10:14 PM
Thanks! Yh, that's the plan lol.

Thank you, kind sir :D
I guess great minds really do think alike lol, would still love to check out the rest of your cast; you should drop it somewhere down the line. Still thanks for the praise, means a lot- my next cast btw, should be on the X-Men, so keep a look out for that!
avo - 12/27/2013, 3:08 AM
superbatspiderman - 12/27/2013, 9:46 PM
Finally an original fan cast! I gotta say your choices are pretty good. I am really liking Luke Evans as Namor.
MrDonut - 12/28/2013, 7:44 PM

Thank you! Glad you're not the only one lol.
MrBlueSky - 1/1/2014, 9:36 AM
Awesome cast, dude! We have the same picks for the Human Torch and Doctor Doom. ANd I have to say that I love your Silver Surfer and Galactus picks. Great job!
MrDonut - 1/1/2014, 2:21 PM
Thanks man! Where you been hiding? Haven't seen you drop a cast in a while lol; would be good to see something new from you. But yh, they are popular choices lol... Still, glad you like the picks and seriously, would love to see/know what you're working on next, been a while since I've seen you drop a cast.
MrBlueSky - 1/2/2014, 5:35 PM
@MrDonut I've been busy with school. I plan on doing a cast for Bioshock Infinite (which is an awesome game).

BTW, in your X-Men cast, I hope you don't go on a long tirade about how much the X-Men films suck (I hate it when people do that. It's gotten to the point where it's now beating a dead horse).
MrDonut - 1/3/2014, 1:04 PM
Oh ok cool, I feel that; am student myself lol, only managing to plug out fan casts laty via my PS3's been weird lol... But yh, not too familiar with the game but will give it a look when you drop it!

Lol! I agree with you there dude, but tbh, I never hated Singer's take on the X-Men, he did a solid job; could've been better but I enjoyed it for what it was, would've preferred it to be a little more faithful to what I grew up with, but hell, most of it was pretty entertaining so I can't really complain :)
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