When Charles Xavier (Professor X) first began his lifelong quest for the peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants, he never could foresee how many would become his students. Never did he think that he would have to deal with death while fighting for his dream, especially the death of his own students. Reeling from the recent deaths of two of his students, Phoenix (Jean Grey) and Thunderbird (John Proudstar), who lost their lives in missions as X-Men, Charles Xavier would be very grief-stricken and anguished. Having no time to grieve, Professor X and his X-Men would be attacked by the parasitic alien race known as the Brood. Professor X would survive, but believing the X-Men to be dead, he had all but given up on the idea of ever teaching again. The efforts of his one-time lover and current best friend, Moira MacTaggert, persuaded him to take on two of her charges. Both Xi’an Coy Mahn (Karma) and Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane) would be Xavier’s new students and would attend the Xavier Institute. Shortly after the two girls settled in, Xavier received a letter from one of his longtime friends, Black Eagle. It stated that he had just been given custody of his granddaughter, Danielle Moonstar (Psyche), and that she was a mutant. The letter asked if Xavier would be willing to take her as a student and teach her how to use her burgeoning mutant powers. Xavier set off to meet her immediately, bringing along his two current students with him. When the trio arrived, they found that his old friend, Black Eagle, had been murdered at the hands of Donald Pierce, who was a long-standing villain of the X-Men. He held the title of White Bishop in the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle. Upon further investigation, they ran into Black Eagle’s granddaughter, Danielle, who was alive and hiding. After a brief talk, Dani agreed to go with Professor X and his two other charges. She wished to track down her grandfather’s killer and make him pay for what he had done. Soon, they found yet another individual who was attacked by Pierce: Roberto da Costa (Sunspot), a youthful mutant. He had been out with his girlfriend, Juliana Sandoval; they were both attacked by Pierce and his mercenary squad. Sunspot was able to survive the attack thanks to his mutant powers, but his girlfriend was not so lucky. Pierce killed her on the spot while Sunspot watched, helpless. Sunspot also joined the team of young mutants led by Professor X. They were able to track down Pierce's headquarters, and decided to attack it directly as a group. Once they arrived, they encounter Pierce's mercenary squad and made short work of them. Amongst the squad was Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball), a mutant forced by Pierce to attack Xavier and his charges. Pierce commanded Cannonball to kill Xavier, but he refused and teamed up with Xavier’s growing force. Together, they managed to defeat all the mercenaries. Xavier battled Pierce alone and defeated him with the use of his vaunted mental powers. The students would come together through unlikely events, and would stay together under the teaching of Professor Charles Xavier.

New Mutants cast:
Colm feore as Professor Xavier
Alex Kingston as Moira MaCtaggert
Travis Van Winkle Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball)
Samuel Guthrie was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, the eldest of eleven children to Lucinda and Thomas Guthrie, a coal mine worker.
After the death of his father, sixteen-year-old Samuel Guthrie became the man of the house to his large family, which included former X-Men characters Husk and Icarus. To help support his family, Guthrie decided to work in his father's occupational field as a coal miner. The dangerous nature of the occupation caught up with him one day when Sam found himself trapped in a collapsing mine shaft. While trying to rescue his fellow worker, a friend of his father's who had introduced him to the job, Sam subconsciously activated his mutant ability to propel himself at superhuman speeds and used it to escape the pair to safety.
He looks very young for his actual age and Sam were the oldest new mutant and He is very decent and actress and believe he can pull off the cocky persona of Sam and the southern accent
Elizabeth Sage Galesi as Danielle Moonstar
Danielle Moonstar was born in Colorado to members of the Cheyenne Nation. The first time Dani's powers manifested, she saw the image of her parents dying. She saw a huge bear standing over the bodies of a horse and an eagle; representing her mother came (from the horse clan) and her father (of the eagle clan). Shortly thereafter, her parents took a trip into the mountains and they disappeared, presumed to be dead.
Moonstar joins the new mutants after he grandfather dead
A solid relatively unknown actress been in Into the West and in a lot of Indian type of movie she has the proper look and played Indian role before so why not mirage?
Kelly Vitz as Karma Xi'an Coy Manh
Karma is a mutant with the ability to mentally possess other beings. A founding member of the New Mutants, she is one of the few confirmed and openly lesbian characters. She has repeatedly been a librarian at different schools and now aids the X-Men in San Francisco.
Before you sue me, I know is Karma is Vietnamese and she speaks French and little bit of Vietnamese and English I went with Chinese actress I saw this pick in one of forums because I loved Sky High movie and I loved Kelly in it. For example Alan cumming played Nightcrawler a German character which Alan is not and with little French class and proper look and personality she would be awesome
Diego González Boneta as Roberto da Costa (Sunspot)
Roberto da Costa came from a rich family in Brazil. He was a very skilled soccer player with a promising future, until the day his mutant powers manifested. During a game, he was taunted by a player on the opposing team and ended up beating the player down. He was shunned by everyone around him except his girlfriend Julianna. He also attracted the attention of Donald Pierce, a member of the inner circle of the Hellfire Club. Pierce tried to kidnap DaCosta, but failed in his attempt and took Julianna instead. Charles Xavier intervened, he sent his team, the New Mutants, to help DaCosta stop Pierce.
Please don’t sue me yeah I know I know I didn’t pick Brazilian-black actor for role I pick the young decent Mexican actor Diego González Boneta he has proper look and personality for role
Karen Gillan as Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane)
A member of the original New Mutants, Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) has the power of lycanthropy. Currently a member of X-Factor.
Karen is good actress and might little bit tall for wolfsbane but just use the necessary movie tricks to make her appear shorter as Rahne and she seems sweet and innocent and scotishly enough for rahne and I think she work work to the advantage of Rahne werewolf form
Oksana Akinshina as Magik Illyana Rasputin
Illyana Nikolievna Rasputin, the indomitable mutant known as Magik, is a superhumanly powerful mutant with the power of teleportation, and an unbelievably powerful sorceress at the same time. She has a potential that has yet to be reached. In her short life, she has seen and been through many things. From the experience of being kidnapped at a very young age by the evil Belasco, to life in a "Hell" dimension named Limbo for 7 years. Her gifts were exploited, and her soul was corrupted by black magic, turning a portion of it evil. After becoming the first victim to die of the Legacy Virus, she was eventually resurrected by her former master several years later. She is currently a member of the New Mutants.
Oksana is amazing talented actress. She is Russian I specifically wants a Russian actress to play this character and oksana has proper look and proper personality to pull of this character
Skyler Samuels as Magma (Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla)
Magma has the ability to transform into molten rock & has control over the Earth. She was one the New Mutants, but left them to join the Hellions. She has since been a teacher at the Xavier Institute and rejoined her team-mates from the New Mutants.
I will give a kudos to Eyeofhorus fo this pick such a good pick I think Magma is vixen type range and bitchy persona and skyler is good at pulling off those kind of type character and has proper look to the character
Christian Cooke as Douglas Ramsey
With the cerebral ability to understand all languages, Cypher was considered to be one of the weakest New Mutants. He was best friends with Warlock, but was killed while defending Wolfsbane in battle. He was forcibly resurrected during Necrosha, and soon returned to the X-Men as a powerful strategist.
Christian has it he is seems this charming and handsome boy which Douglas is he has the look and may not the proper acting but he can play it I believe he can
The original group of Hellions were apprentices of the Hellfire Club and students of its White Queen Emma Frost. While attending classes at Frost's Massachusetts Academy, these young mutants secretly trained in the use of their powers in an underground complex beneath the school. They were longtime rivals of the Professor Charles Xavier's students, the New Mutants, and once held their own against the X-Men. The original Hellions were:
Empath (Manuel de la Rocha); a handsome, yet cruel and arrogant young Spanish man with the ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of others. After a brief attempt at reforming he is currently incarcerated in the X-Men's virtual reality prison on Utopia. He is also one of only two original members still alive.
Catseye (Sharon Smith), an American girl who could transform her body into a purple feline or semi-feline state and shift her size between that of a house cat or a panther, with razor sharp claws, enhanced senses and physical attributes, and a prehensile tail. Catseye originally believed she was a cat with the ability to transform into a human.
Jetstream (Haroun ibn Sallah al-Rashid), from Morroco and could generate bio-thermal energy that allowed him to propel himself through the air and move at superhuman speeds. Aided in flight by bionically-implanted jets that focus his energies and a cybernetic guidance system.
Roulette (Jennifer Stavros), an American girl from Atlantic City who could psionically influence probabilities, usually through colored disks of energy she generated and threw towards her targets: white disks for good luck, black disks for bad.
Tarot (Marie-Ange Colbert), from Lyon, France. She could psionically manifest the images on her tarot cards as physical constructs, and possessed a limited precognitive ability focused through her cards. She was resurrected by Christopher Aaronson, but returned to death after he was depowered by the events of M-Day.
Thunderbird (James Proudstar), the younger brother of deceased X-Man John Proudstar (the original Thunderbird), who possessed similar superhuman physical attributes, senses, and healing ability. He and Empath are the only surviving members of the original team. He reformed and has served on the several X-Men teams and is currently a member of the latest incarnation of X-Force.
Jessica Marais as Emma Frost
I totally loved her in Legend of seeker she was awesome at playing bitchy and manipulate character and she totally pretty creature and looks exactly like Emma hands down
Gael Garcia Bernal as Empath
Christian Serratos as Catseye (Sharon Smith)
Madhur Mittal as Jetstream (Haroun ibn Sallah al-Rashid)
Alycia Purrott as Roulette (Jennifer Stavros)
Chaske Spencer as Thunderbird (James Proudstar)
Lea sedyoux as tarot