In response to the voting, Batman is now going up against some of Marvel's rogues gallery. Can he survive? Thank you for all the voting and support with these polls.
Batman is one of the toughest non-powered heroes within the DC Universe as well as one of the smartest. There is no debate he is the greatest detective but there is some debate as to whether or not he has the ability to defeat the likes of Superman and other high powered heroes. Batman may not be able to defeat them, but he does have a contingency plan in case any heroes decide to go rogue. A prime example of this is within the pages of JLA: Tower of Babel. Within this story arc, we find Batman's has been keeping records concerning the strengths and weaknesses of his allies in the JLA, including plans to neutralise his allies in a fight. Another case of Batman's intelligence is he keeps a kryptonite ring in his utility belt in case he has to face Kryptonians or even the man of steel himself.
But can he defeat them with these contingencies in place? And what if Batman somehow makes it into the Marvel Universe? More than likely, Batman would get a feel for his surroundings and learn to adapt as he always does. The following fights will be left to the fans as to who is the better fighter. Assume Batman has been in the Marvel Universe for a month and has been in hiding, while gathering data on his coming opponents. If he were to face some of these characters, would he actually win, or would he fall? It's time for you to Batman tough enough?
"Sometimes, I admit, I think of Bruce as a man in a costume. Then, with some gadget from his utility belt, he reminds me that he has an extraordinarily inventive mind. And how lucky I am to be able to call on him." --Superman

Crossfire vs. Batman:
3 Votes (7.89%)
35 Votes (92.11%)
Crossfire attempts to keep his distance and wait for the dark knight to show up at a specific point so he can snipe him, but before he knows it, Batman is right behind him. Crossfire tries and take quick aim but it's pointless because Bruce is already within striking distance. The fight was over before it even started...
Dr. Doom vs. Batman:
Dr. Doom
42 Votes (75.00%)
14 Votes (25.00%)
Batman takes to the offensive to try and gain the upper hand but Doom will not have it. Bruce does manage to lay a few punches on him though. Enraged that he has been touched by a mere man, Doom calls forth his sorcery and puts an end to the dark knight, but doesn't kill him. Instead, he sends Bruce away, showing everyone that Batman was beaten by Doom and letting him live with that.
Dr. Octopus vs. Batman:
Dr. Octopus
15 Votes (38.46%)
24 Votes (61.54%)
Dr. Octopus uses his tentacles forcefully to keep the dark knight at bay. For awhile it is working. The only thing Bruce can do is hurl batarangs toward Octavius while trying to formulate a plan. Eventually he comes up with a tactical strategy. Bruce disperses a massive amount of smoke pellets and while doing that, he manages to drive Doc Ock back a bit to get him out of the smoke. While he's doing that, he is backed into a wall where Batman has already threw an exploding batarangs (tactically placed to bring the building down). It explodes and drops 3 floors of rubble onto Octavius as Batman is leaving the area...Ock is out cold.
Electro vs. Batman:
12 Votes (33.33%)
24 Votes (66.67%)
Before this fight even began, Batman made sure to lead Max as far away from energy sources as much as possible. The best thing he was able to do was lead Electro near a park by pretending to run from him. The two fighters begin their battle once they arrive and sparks are flying everywhere. Before the fight, Bruce also dropped his electrical gadgets because he knew Electro would try and use those against him. As the electricity is constantly hurled towards bat, he bides his time and waits for the moment to strike. He disappears into the shadows near a pond. Just as Electro attempts to light up the night sky, Batman pounces on him full force and knocks Max into the pond, letting him electrocute himself.
Green Goblin vs. Batman:
Green Goblin
27 Votes (55.10%)
22 Votes (44.90%)
Although Batman is used to insanity from the Joker, he's never faced Norman Osborn. Both men fling projectiles at each other and continue to miss. Batman lunges at Norman and both men start to go toe-to-toe. Batman lands a few real good combos but its not having any affect on Osborn. Norman punches back and breaks a few of Bruce's ribs. As they combatants are fighting, Norman calls his glider to him and hops on. Batman hitches a ride is shot through the air. Gobby decides to destroy his glider so grabs Batman with all his strength, aims it down towards a nearby building and collides. The injuries are minor for the Green Goblin but more severe for the dark knight, who is in real bad shape. Before the Goblin decides to kill him, he flees the scene because some of the local heroes are nearby and he's too injured to face them. When Spidey is first to arrive on scene, he sees no one is there.
Grey Gargoyle vs. Batman:
Grey Gargoyle
12 Votes (40.0%)
18 Votes (60.0%)
Batman knows about Paul's touch so he does his best to keep his distance as he hurls batarangs to keep the Grey Gargoyle at bay. At the same time, Paul is turning multiple objects into stone and throwing them back at the dark knight, hoping to land a few hits, but the bat is just too quick. Batman manages to keep his distance for an hour and Paul changes back to his human form. Before he gets the chance to transmutate again, Bruce in already on him and delivers a kick to the ribs, knee to the nose and elbow to the temple.
Hammerhead vs. Batman:
7 Votes (21.21%)
26 Votes (78.79%)
Hammerhead may have an adamantium skull, but it doesn't stand a chance against Batman. Hammerhead, although a skilled fighter, attempts to make contact with the dark knight but Bruce continues to dodge and inflict damage every time. As the fight goes on, Hammerhead continues to weaken and lose steam. After about 30 minutes, Hammerhead is pretty much exhausted and it doesn't take much for Batman to end the fight.