In response to the voting, Batman is now going up against some of Marvel's rogues gallery. Can he survive?
Batman is one of the toughest non-powered heroes within the DC Universe as well as one of the smartest. There is no debate he is the greatest detective but there is some debate as to whether or not he has the ability to defeat the likes of Superman and other high powered heroes. Batman may not be able to defeat them, but he does have a contingency plan in case any heroes decide to go rogue. A prime example of this is within the pages of JLA: Tower of Babel. Within this story arc, we find Batman's has been keeping records concerning the strengths and weaknesses of his allies in the JLA, including plans to neutralise his allies in a fight. Another case of Batman's intelligence is he keeps a kryptonite ring in his utility belt in case he has to face Kryptonians or even the man of steel himself.
But can he defeat them with these contingencies in place? And what if Batman somehow makes it into the Marvel Universe? More than likely, Batman would get a feel for his surroundings and learn to adapt as he always does. The following fights will be left to the fans as to who is the better fighter. Assume Batman has been in the Marvel Universe for a month and has been in hiding, while gathering data on his coming opponents. If he were to face some of these characters, would he actually win, or would he fall? It's time for you to Batman tough enough?
"Sometimes, I admit, I think of Bruce as a man in a costume. Then, with some gadget from his utility belt, he reminds me that he has an extraordinarily inventive mind. And how lucky I am to be able to call on him." --Superman

Madame Masque vs. Batman:
Madame Masque
4 Votes (18.18%)
18 Votes (81.82%)
Madame Masque goes into this fight with no plan whatsoever. Giuletta attempts to take the dark knight down w/a multiple array of small arms, even clipping him a couple times, but it has no affect on Batman. Bruce moves in and takes her down in minutes.
Mr. Sinister vs. Batman:
Mr. Sinister
21 Votes (80.77%)
5 Votes (19.23%)
When the fight begins, Batman attempts to use his batarangs but Sinster shifts and moves his body around them, avoiding almost every single one. While he's dodging Bruce's attacks, he starts hurling random objects to throw the dark knight off balance a little and right at the last moment, unleashes a powerful concussive blast to put the bat out of commission.
Mysterio vs. Batman:
1 Votes (5.00%)
19 Votes (95.00%)
Quentin tries to emit hallucinogenic gas around the dark knight but its similar to Scarecrow's fear toxin (which he's pretty much immune to) so it only takes seconds before Batman lands a solid punch to the fish bowl and knocks Mysterio clean out.
Omega Red vs. Batman:
Omega Red
18 Votes (75.00%)
6 Votes (25.00%)
The fight begins with both men evading each other's attacks but Batman eventually lands a few hits after releasing smoke pellets as a distraction. Unfortunately it was a huge mistake because it brought him in range of Omega Red's coils and he gets a tight grip on the dark knight, draining most of the life force from his body. He will survive...but just barely.
Red Skull vs. Batman:
Red Skull
12 Votes (46.15%)
14 Votes (53.85%)
Both men are very skilled fighters but Red Skull's arrogance is what gets the better of him in this match. It basically comes down to blows in this fight because both men are very skilled fighters and Red Skull feels he's superior in every way. Batman realizes the Skull is stronger so he stays on the defensive for a bit to find his weak points. When Red Skull lands a fierce hit and knocks the dark knight down, he thinks he's won and lets his guard down for a split second. This time is all the bat needs because he launches with a superhuman like uppercut, a kick to the gut, then with all his might, uses his hands in the back of the Skull's head to drive it into Batman's knee. The Skull goes down and Batman shows him why he's one of the best.
Sandman vs. Batman:
11 Votes (44.00%)
14 Votes (56.00%)
Batman makes sure this fight is as far away from sand as possible so Baker can't convert any to his will. Sandman starts off by attempting a sandstorm of sorts around the bat, to try and blind him but the dark knight is prepared and switches to thermal to shield his eyes, his re-breather as well as get a bead on Sandman. Bruce then unleashes a large amount of explosive batarangs just out of the kill/injury zone to start breaking the Sandman down. As Baker starts to reform, Batman uses his grappling hook to shoot through Sandman to a nearby junction box. The box conducts the electricity to Sandman and Bruce lets go just in time. William is shocked into glass and Batman shatters him into pieces, knowing it'll take awhile for Sandman to put him self back together.
Scorpion vs. Batman:
6 Votes (23.08%)
20 Votes (76.92%)
Scorpion decides to have a little fun with his new suit and decides to try and toy with Batman rather than take him out quickly, which is a huge mistake when fighting the dark knight. After a few minutes, Mac begins to get frustrated and starts flailing his tail everywhere, just hoping for contact. He does make contact, but not with Batman. Instead, he drives his tail into a brick wall and gets it stuck. From that point, Batman pummels Scorpion until he's no longer conscious.
I have to say, these were pretty close to my predictions, except for Scorpion vs. Batman. I actually thought Scorpion would either come closer to beating him or defeating him altogether. He's not the smartest guy in the world, but he's gone toe-to-toe with some A-listers and almost won a few times.