Rough outline I wrote for a Batman reboot.

Rough outline I wrote for a Batman reboot.

I had an idea for a reboot film after Nolan's series concludes. I'm by no means a professional writer and wrote the basic plot out strictly for fun and to see what others thought. Let me know what you guys think. I know it won't ever get made but as I said, it's all in fun.

By trytan - Jan 10, 2011 06:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Please remember that I am not a professional writer and have takesn no writing classes. I wrote the basic plot out as if I were describing a film. I hope you like it and feel free to offer complements and critisism as well.

So the film would start, Bruce Wayne has been Batman for two years, the mob is dwindled down to almost nothing. Bruce's childhood friend and college roommate Harvey Dent has been DA for 1 year and the media is mostly crediting him for the plummet in the crime rate. When asked about Batman Lt. Gordon and other police officials claim there is not Batman, it's all rumors the mob men claim in attempt to get an insanity plea.
At Rupert Thorne's office, which overlooks Gotham bay, Thorne is meeting with the heads of the two remaining "families" when Roman Sionis enters wearing an all white suit and accompanied by a large black man who is wearing cargo pants and a grey tank top. He introduces himself and says that Thorne and the others services are no longer needed as he will take over the crime families now and merge them into one. The men pull guns out asking him what makes him think he can when a bullet comes through the window killing one of the men. Roman simply replies "that" and Thorne puts his gun away while the other mob leader stares in shock. Roman says that the reason the families are failing is because they are doing things the same old way they always have been and someone is now stopping them by thinking outside the box. The only way to win is to follow suit and he then offers them a position within the families which will then be called "the Society" but that they would take orders from him and their names would no longer exist. If Batman wants to wear a mask and have a cute name, the Society would to. Thorne asks how many men Roman had with rifles waiting to snipe, and he replies with "Just one, an ex ranger sniper named Floyd Lawton, but you can call him Deadshot." he then has his bodyguard who is only to be known as "Croc" throw them out of his new office. Roman puts a black skull mask on and tells Thorne before he leaves to know that Roman Sionis is no more, there is only Black Mask.
Bruce is throwing a charity ball for Harvey as the two talk about their childhood to Harvey's soon to be wife. The two of them grew up with a third friend who has since moved away named Tommy. Alfred was like a second father to Harvey just as he was a father to Bruce after Tom and Martha's death. Harvey's cell phone rings and he tells Bruce that he has to leave early because of a situation that requires his participation involving Rupert Thorne. Bruce tells Alfred that he has a feeling it may require the Batman's participation as well and slips into his study where a large grandfather clock against the wall is moved automatically and the opening to the bat cave is unveiled. The cave would still be basic and only have an assortment of desktop and laptop pcs. no batmobile yet, only a black motorcycle, and the bat suit: A gun metal grey armor suit, black boots, gloves, and cowl with cape and gold belt with pockets. Batman mounts his bike and rides out of the cave.
Dent arrives outside of an abandoned factory where Thorne is seen on the roof being held at gunpoint by a man in a mask. Gordon informs Dent that it is the first time he can recall a hostage situation where the hostage is a known criminal and that the masked man says he wants no money, no ransom of any kind and that he only wants to publically demonstrate what happens when you rat out the Society. It's reveled that Thorne had given Dent information after Black Mask's take over about everything that happened and now the Society planned to kill Thorne for it. Just as the man prepares to shoot Thorne, Batman drops down and fights the man quickly before tying him up. Gordon and Dent watch in disbelief as this is the first time they have physically seen Batman. The masked guy is taken in and identified, the next day Dent is holding a press conference to announce the capture of both Thorne and the Society member and decides to make the knowledge of the Society known but a police informant has already told Black Mask and Deadshot takes a shot at Dent. Batman interferes and a battle between Deadshot and Bats goes on. Batman finally throws Deadshot off a roof and uses his grapple to catch him and hand him over to the police. Dent thanks bats face to face and Batman tells him to continue what he is doing and the Society will fall one by one until they get the leader.
At Wayne Enterprises Bruce meets up with Luscious Fox to discuss the new project the two are working on for the son of a wealthy politician. Fox says he was about to decline the deal because Wayne Enterprises hasn’t done private contracts but Bruce asks what the son is wanting. Fox tells him the young man wants a stylish car that resembles a mix of a viper and a lambo but his father, having had threats on his and his families lives, demands it be entirely bulletproof. Bruce tells Fox to sign the deal, and to have the Wayne team build 2 proto types for the politician to choose from, but to only show 1 of them to him. Wayne says he would take the second one and the left over metal for “Decorative purposes” after. Fox smirks and agrees.
Thorne gives Dent Black Mask’s real name in exchange for a plea bargain and protection. Bruce overhears via a bug he placed on Dent’s coat and moves in himself leaving the cave in his new batmobile which looks like an all black colored cross between a viper and a lambo with giant wings on the back. Batman arrives at Black Mask’s office he took over from Thorne and Black Mask has Croc attack Batman. The final battle would be between bats and Croc and would be long enough for Black Mask to have a chopper prepared and fly away. Croc would charge bats as fast as he could before bats dodges at the last minute and Croc falls out the window of Black Mask’s office. Batman tries to catch him with his grapple but misses and Croc falls into the bay. Gordon and his men enter the office as Batman is attempting to stand up but he has been beat up so bat he can barely stand. Gordon tells his men to go to the roof and try and catch Black Mask. Batman and Gordon have a brief exchange and agree that bats was “never there”. Batman says that as long as the city isn’t safe he will walk in the shadows, handing Gordon and Dent Black Mask’s men and Gordon says that he and Dent will continue to deny bat’s existence, but that the media will continue to speculate as they do with any rumors. Batman just says “whatever gives them hope” and leaps out the window. The film would end with Dent holding another conference announcing the capture of Floyd “Deadshot” Lawton and that it is just the first of many Society members that will be brought to justice and to reiterate that there is no batman. His closing line would be that he vows that he will not rest until the people of Gotham feel safe, to walk the streets once more.
Mid or post credit hidden scene would be Gordon setting down at his desk when an email alert sounds from his computer. Gordon opens the email and the camera slowly zooms to the screen. The email reads:
“Lieutenant, there is a question I have long sought the answer to yet I am answered only with lies. I will ask you now, not is there, but WHO IS BATMAN?”
The question mark is a large green one at the bottom of the email with a smiley face for the dot, as the camera zooms closer the smiley face winks.

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RunDTC - 1/10/2011, 7:13 PM
I like it. Not too much going on and sets the stage for at least 2 sequels. Can't wait to see what you have next.
Vafrous - 1/12/2011, 1:40 AM
I agree...
trytan - 1/12/2011, 2:23 PM
Thanks guys. I actually am working on 3 more to make it 4 only because the ideas I had would be too much to cram in three. Each one I will try and add a "hidden scene" to end it.
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