The Spectacular Spider-man 2
2 months after the events of SSM, Peter is enjoying his duel life as Spider-man, he’s earning a suitable wage at the Bugle, his grades are steady, and he’s being getting home on time for his curfew. And his love life with Gwen Stacy has never been better.
It begins with Peter taking on a gang war in the middle of the street. He impressively takes them all down quipping all the time. He webs them all to the ground and gets cheers from some of the crowd and he swings off.
He arrives on the roof of the school just as the bell rings and he hurries out of his costume. Then there’s a brief scene with Peter, Gwen, Kong, Liz Allen and Flash who all seem to be on relatively friendly terms, except of course Flash who still bullies Peter every chance he gets, he is adamant that Peter breaking his jaw was a fluke.
After school, Peter and Gwen make arrangements to meet up at Gwen’s house to watch a movie together. Peter picks up a copy of the Bugle on the way home and sees the headline, along with his photos of yesterday’s gang war, “Spider-man causes gang brawl!” He grimaces at the fact J.J still refuses to see Spidey as a hero.
Meanwhile another person is reading the Daily Bugle as he sits in his office. Wilson Fisk aka the Kingpin is quite annoyed at Spider-man and his interfering ways. True, he should be more annoyed at both his gangs losing their temper with each other and causing such a public ruckus, but Spider-man has put both gangs in prison and each of them had a good amount of drugs they were supposed to be selling.
His receptionist buzzes and tells him Gargan is here to see him and he tells her to send him in. Gargan has clearly not been in a healthly way and is quite thin and seems fairly unstable. He asks Kingpin for money to take down Spider-man, knowing Kingpin would probably want him to stop interfering with his deals. Kingpin asks what he’ll do with the money and Gargan tells him he wants to buy a prototype of a suit from Roxxon. Kingpin has contacts within Roxxon and tells him he can get it for him for free but whatever road Gargan chooses, Fisk will own him and operate under his will. Gargan accepts.
Peter is swinging about the city when his Spider-sense goes off and he arrives at an armoured van being robbed. The two officers are knocked unconscious and he quickly dodges a sonic blast, revealing the robber to be Shocker. Spidey comments on how this is the 4th time Shocker has committed a felon and not been charged with anything. A bystander, after Spidey delivers a backflip kick to Shocker, comments that maybe he should actually take him and hand him to the police. Spidey thanks him for his suggestion and swings off, taking Shocker to the police.
That night, Peter and Gwen are watching the movie and making out from time to time. Gwen tells Peter she loves him and taken aback, yet over the moon, Peter tells her he loves her as well. As that’s happening, Kingpin and Gargan and at Roxxon and a scientist is helping Gargan into a biotech suit. It’s metallic and with shades of blue and green and has a helmet along with a 12ft long curled tail that can inject various poisons and fire lasers. Gargan undergoes an operation that fuses his head and brain into the helmet so he can control the tail and various weapons with his mind. This causes him to go a bit crazier and once the procedure is done, he runs off to find Spider-man.
Peter arrives home from Gwen’s house to find Aunt May asleep on the sofa, just before he turns the T.V off, the news comes on and a reporter is reporting on a man running about in a metal suit with a tail whom the media are nicknaming “Scorpion.” Scorpion is attacking people in the middle of Times Square and holding several people hostage and yelling for Spider-man.
Peter wakes Aunt May and sends her off to bed. He then pretends to go to bed himself before leaping out his bedroom window in his costume and swinging off.
Spider-man arrives on the scene and he and Scorpion duke it out, Scorpion getting more and more outraged at the wall-crawler as it goes on. Gargan screams stuff like “You murdered my family! You ruined my life!” and Spidey hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about. They end up scaling the buildings surrounding Times Square before they fall and fight in mid-air. Spidey fires a web line and saves them both from most of the fall before he drops Scorpion the last 20ft and then lands on top of him, webbing down the tail and ripping out the poison and twisting the inner tubing that fires the lasers. With scorpion defeated and the police moving in, Scorpion mutters to Spider-man that he killed his family. Spider-man asks his name and he replies defiantly “Mac Gargan.”

Peter finally realises and swings off. He guesses that Norman Osborn (aka Green Goblin) must have done it before their big fight and he must have known Peter wouldn’t have had the guts to do it himself. But why would Gargan think Spider-man did it. With this clouding his mind, Peter returns home and goes to sleep.
A few days later Kingpin is getting more and more angry at Spider-man wrecking his Empire. He decides to get rid of Spider-man through other means. He secretly starts to fund illegal superhuman testing in order to control more powerful criminals that can give Spider-man the run around and hopefully destroy him. His first human experiment is Arnold Mulhern, one of his dim-witted thugs. Arnold believes he’ll become more powerful and agrees to the experiment to bond a super thick polymer to his entire body bar his face. Arnold asks to be called the Rhino, and asks for two steel horns on his head. Kingpin allows this and decides that Rhinos first mission should be to break Gargan out of jail.
After the experiment Rhino charges to the prison and breaks through the walls. He laughs as bullets bounce off his hide and he finds Gargan. He tells him that Kingpin has gotten him another scorpion suit and that Rhino himself will be helping him get even with Spider-man. Both of them escape and return to Kingpins hidden warehouse where the experiments are being conducted. Another suit is waiting for Gargan .
The next night, Peter is telling Aunt May about how him and Gwen saying they loved each other. He’s excited and May is proud of him and tells him Uncle Ben would be proud. She also remarks that Peter looks like his father at that moment.
Suddenly Scorpion bursts through the wall into the Parker household. He threatens Parker and tells him to find Spider-man. He knows Peter takes the photos of spidey due to the by-line under the photos and used the Kingpins resources to find out where Peter lives. He tells him to tell Spider-man that a lot of people’s lives are in danger if he doesn’t come to Grand Central Terminal tomorrow. He then leaves the Parkers shaken and Aunt May suffers a heart attack. Peter calls an ambulance and soon she’s in hospital in critical condition.
Gwen visits along with Aunt Mays friend Anna Watson and Peter sits at her bedside for several hours in worry. When she wakes up, Peter only gets to talk to her for a few moments before she falls back to sleep. The Doctor tells Peter she needs a lot of rest and so does Peter and suggests he goes home. Peter reluctantly agrees and heads home. The next morning, Aunt May is awake and recovering. Peter visits her and they chat about the Scorpions attack. Peter tells her that he has informed Spider-man and he’s going to beat the Scorpion within an inch of his life. Aunt May hopes he doesn’t and takes the Scorpion down using less painful methods.
Spider-man swings into GCS at the time Scorpion ordered and the people there look up and cheer at the web-head. Suddenly Spider-sense goes off and the scorpion appears, the tail missing Spider-man by nanoseconds. The two duke it out for a while before Spidey is tossed across the station. Everybody is already evacuating and suddenly the wall behind Spidey explodes and Rhino charges from the dust, roaring and stuff. His face is insanely red and sweaty and Spidey does his best to fight them but with some powerful blows from Rhino and the speed and agility from Scorpion, he’s worn down pretty quickly. Spidey manages to escape out into the street and scale a few buildings to get away from Rhino. Scorpion is quite wary about following but does so anyway.
On top of several rooftops, Spider-man attempts to talk to Scorpion, telling him he didn’t kill his family and was framed by Norman Osborn. He tells Scorpion that Osborn was the Goblin and was trying to blackmail him into killing people. Scorpion refuses to believe Spider-man and Spidey sees that Gargan has lost too much of his mind to see the truth or just doesn’t want to see it. He manages to temporarily subdue Scorpion and hops down to stop Rhino who’s causing chaos by throwing cars around, destroying buildings, fighting policemen and damaging fire Hydrants as he attempts to cool himself down. He spots Spider-man and charges at him.

This small fight between Spider and Rhino is interrupted by Scorpion, who stands on the rooftops firing poisonous darts out of his tail. He hits a policeman, Captain George Stacy and Peter does his best to get him out of harm’s way. As hands Stacy over to several other policemen he realises it’s not poison, it’s a paralysing dart. He gets an idea and lures Scorpion down to the ground. Eventually, after much acrobatic dodging, Spidey pins Scorpion down, grabs the tail and rips a few wires out of the tail. This causes the mechanics in it to overload and fires dart after dart. Rhino starts charging towards the two and Spidey aims the tail at Rhinos face. He hits rhino twice in the face with the paralysing dart and the darts, along with heat exhaustion get to rhino and he collapses just inches from the pair.
Scorpion pushes Spider-man off him and the web head delivers several punches to the face as he asks where he got those scorpion suits and where Rhino came from. Gargan stupidly tells him about the Kingpin in an effort to scare Spider-man and make him think he’s well protected whatever the outcome of this battle is. Spider-man ultimately knock him unconscious.
With the battle over, costume in tatters and George Stacy sent to hospital. Peter swings off back home to recover as the police and SHEILD take the two supervillians into custody. He later goes with Gwen to visit Captain Stacy and Aunt May in hospital. May is recovering well and will be able to go home in a few days.
The final scene is Kingpin sitting in his office. He smashes his T.V when he sees the news footage of both his experiments being taken into custody. He decides Spider-man defiantly has to be taken down. He calls his scientists and asks “is Dillon ready?”
It shows the scientist on the phone looking into a room with a man strapped into a harness, terrified and screaming. Scientist says “Yes” and pulls a lever. The man in the harness is suddenly engulfed in a bright light and crackle of electricity and his scream echoes around the warehouse.
Some notes….
SHEILD only appears briefly at the end taking Rhino and Scorpion into custody….to further cement the MCU. I like the idea of SHEILD taking the defeated supervillians into their own prison. It’d look really amazing to see a breakout on screen.
George Stacy is introduced in this movie and is similar to his appearance in the t.v show Spectacular Spider-man. He doesn’t die….
Kingpin is mainly his Ultimate version with a bit of Ultimate Justin Hammer as in he’s the one creating supervillians illegally. Kingpin has currently created Rhino and had a hand in creating Scorpion and I think it’s obvious who his next experiment is…
Opposite to Kingpin, Rhino is much more like his 616 version and very dumb. His motivation is mainly just to become undefeatable and cause as much havoc as possible. He’s fairly simply minded.
Scorpion is kinda a cross between his 616 version, Spider-man 3 the game version and some of my own ideas…his the movies sympathetic villain…..
So yea…there's probably a few kinks in there so....but thats the basis of it...