Spectacular Spider-man 3
5 months after the defeat of Rhino and Scorpion and Peter is on top of the world. The public love Spidey so much, the bad press from the Bugle doesn’t affect their views on him. Peter is excelling in class again like he used to, his life with Gwen Stacy couldn’t be better and Aunt May is the picture of health now.
With the end of the school year coming, Peter needs to keep focused for the exams. As he’s swinging to work at the Bugle after school he sees a few police cars speeding after a getaway vehicle and he intervenes. As he starts to give his trademark banter as he lands on the hood. As he touches it, the vehicle explodes in a green fog and Peter falls to the pavement and left to do some awesome spidey dodge as the police cars sped towards him. Unsure what had happened and with the police just as clueless. Peter swings off to the Bugle.
Deep in a warehouse, Max Dillon is recovering from his experiment. He’s acquired deep scars and burns over his body, lost all his hair and keeps drifting in and out of coma. It’s hard for the doctor to keep him alive as he keeps giving out jolts of electricity. Kingpin is watching him through the glass. He remarks to the doctor about how long it’s been and the doctor says he’ll be in working order soon and claims that Max is in better condition than his newest experiment codename “sandman”. They move to the other side of the corridor and look into the fortified room. On the floor is a mass of sand, it shifts gently in the middle. Kingpin tells the doctor that none of these experiments seem to work as so far half of the patients lost their minds and another never really had none to begin with in reference to Rhinos stupidity.
Dillon suddenly opens his eyes and looks around.
At home, Peter goes down to his lab and sits at the computer, he looks over some new photos he’s taken on his camera and goes to email them to the Bugle when Gwen calls him and tells him her father is at a robbery at a (specific) bank and sounds like he needs help. Peter sighs and swings off again. As he leaves, Aunt May comes down into the basement. She thought she heard Peter come in but must have imagined it. She notes he’s past his curfew and hasn’t rang her.
Peter arrives at the bank Gwen told him and suddenly a dragon bursts through the glass and into the air. Peter panics and jumps out of the way of its huge mouth. It growls as it flies off around the skyline of the city. Peters about to follow it when a Triceratops charges out of the bank and smashes the police cars out of the way. Attached to it is a chariot with a man in the back. He’s dressed in a green one piece costume with a long purple cape and a large fish bowl on his head. You can’t see his face. Beside him on the chariot are several bags of money. Peter swings after him and lands on the back of the Triceratops (which doesn’t disappear like the car did earlier) and asks him who he’s supposed to be. He claims to be “Mysterio” and tells Spider-man he’s a criminal of the greatest calibre and the master of illusions and magic. Spidey refers to him as the master of talking in the 3rd person and goes to give him a good kick in the fish bowl but he explodes into golden dust and is replaced with a grizzly bear that grabs Spidey and tosses him away. Spidey chases after the chariot and triceratops but as they reach the end of the next street the Triceratops bursts into smoke and it’s revealed to be a steamroller pulling nothing, the chariot vanishes altogether. All the money has disappeared down an open manhole, along with the bear. Peter attempts to follow but smacks into the pavement as it’s revealed the open manhole has been painted on. Peter remarks on how he fell for that, like in the cartoons and lost and as confused as ever he reports back to the police that “Mysterio” got away.

The next day Peter and Gwen are surprised to see Harry Osborn return. Peter hadn’t seen him since the day before his dad was taken into custody as the goblin. Harry tells him that he had emergency access to his dad’s bank account and after what happened he was sent off by SHEILD to the Alps to relax and get therapy. Without a mother and a father he lives alone in the penthouse now with his family butler to look after him. With Harry back at school to do his exams and Gwen going as his date to the school prom after the exams, Peter attempts to get Harry a date to the prom.
That night Peter tells Aunt May this and she suggests Mary Jane Watson, the neice of her friend Anna. Peter asks if she is attractive and Aunt May comments “She has a wonderful personality”. Creeped out, Peter goes to the basement as May calls after him that she’ll set up a meeting with Mary Jane for Harry.
That night Kingpin gets a phone call from the doctor. Max has woken up and is able to walk and talk now.
Max is sitting there on his bed with an insulated body suit and mask on. He’s horrified at what he’s become and breaks out by taking off his mask and gloves and blowing a hole in the wall of his cell by firing a huge bolt of electricity from his hands. He learns to control his new electrical powers and runs off leaving half the warehouse destroyed. The doctor runs out to see the damage and calls the Kingpin back to tell him Max has escaped. Kingpin says that’s fine as he’ll soon come across Spider-man at some point. The doctor goes back to work on his own little harness and begins to attach one of the four new arms to the back of it, humming a tune as he works.
A few weeks later Peter, Gwen, Harry, Flash, Kong and several others all come out of the exam room. Peter and Harry are hopeful while the rest are deeply worried. With the last exam over and the prom tomorrow, Peter makes a promise with Harry to go look for tuxes later and they all head home.
On the way home Peter senses another robbery and quickly stops a truly bad attempt by Shocker….again. The guy only escaped police custody an hour ago and here he is another robbery. Spider-man tells him the jokes really wearing thin now and webs his hands and feet to the floor with his gauntlets webbed to his back.
That night Peter is heading to meet Harry to go look at tuxes when he gets side-tracked. Max, over the past few weeks, has been in hiding from Kingpin and terrified of himself. He’s tried to buy food and coffee many times but has been having problems eating due to his condition. At Starbucks he finally loses it after being unable to drink their “lousy” coffee and being stared at and whispered by other people. He believes he’s a freak and fries the person behind the counter.
As everybody flees, Spider-man arrives on the scene, asks him where he got his electric powers and quickly christens him “Electro”. The fight spills onto the street and Peter tries to lure him away from bystanders. Electro, now with more control over his powers, fires bolts of electricity and explodes cars. Electro begins to love scaring people and attacking them, claiming if they can’t see him as a person then he’ll relish being a monster as they expect. The battle culminates at the power grid where after some fancy moves, Spider-man swing kicks Electro into one of the power generators. Electro absorbs the power but Peter predicts he’ll absorb more than he can handle and “blow a fuse”, something he’s hoping won’t be end in his death.
Electro is knocked unconscious and Peter uses his webs to yank him away from the generator. The power around most of the city goes out for several minutes before the back-up generator kicks in.
The police swarm in and Peter suggests getting SHEILD in because Electro can be extremely dangerous and allow them to cart him off to god only knows where.
Peter goes to meet Harry but is too late and Harry is disappointed in him. Peter heads off home, knowing he’s put his friendship with Harry in danger but has protected a lot of people by defeating Electro.
The next night is Prom night and Peter and Gwen meet up with Harry who forgives Peter after he tells him he was urgently called to the Bugle. They stop at Anna Watson’s house to pick up MJ and Harry goes to the door. Peter, Gwen, Harry meet Mary Jane and they all head to the prom together.
Peter’s spider-sense goes off but he stays put to enjoy the night with Gwen.
From the mass of sand lying in the warehouses confined room, a hand rises, reaching out for something; it touches the side of the bed and grips it….
The next night Peter, Gwen and Mary Jane are both invited to Harrys for a pizza and a movie. Peter and is on his way there from the Bugle when he sees that Mystical dragon flying away between the skyscrapers. Peter follows after it and soon gets attacked by large purple bats. As he’s chased by them he manages to grab one and crushes it, revealing it to be an animatronic. He stays on the dragon’s tail before he crashes Mysterios hidden prop room. Suddenly Robots dressed as roman soldiers, astronauts and mummies attack while Mysterios voice echoes around the room, telling Spider-man that he’s in Mysterios domain now and won’t leave alive. He claims Spider-man will be driven insane trying to figure out what’s real and what’s not as poisonous darts are fired from a bunch African masks. He dodges them but jumps into the path of a huge hairy fist, as a large animatronic gorilla starts swinging its fists and running at Spider-man. After a tough battle with the gorilla and several ghostly velociraptors, Mysterio appears himself and creates duplicates. Several are animatronics and several and projections. Spider-man’s costume has gotten torn after the battle and he rips a bit more off and blindfolds himself so he relies on his spider-sense to dodge attacks. Several projections attack him but fade as they touch him. He dodges and defeats the robotic ones and once they are all defeated, Mysterio fights himself, defeated by one spectacular uppercut that shatters the glass bowl on his head and knocks him over.

He lands on the ground and is shown to be a really nerdy guy with greasy hair, spots and huge glasses. Defeated, he reveals he’s still in college and been fascinated with magic, illustions and special effects since he was a little kid and has become obsessed. With a crappy part-time job and no life, he uses his knack for special effects to intimidate and confuse people as he robs banks, believing money to be his only chance at happiness. As Mysterio, he got to hid behind a disguise and become a showman and be somebody he wants to be instead of his lack of confidence and fear without the mask.
Peter takes sympathy with him but tells him this was not how he should have gone about it. He tells Quentin Beck that his illusions are amazing and he should have gotten a job for a film effects designer or a theme park ride designer. Quentin tells him that it’s not enough and he plans to take over America with his illusions and trickery and become the next president, one that is feared and adored by his people. Spider-man calls the police and gives them the address of Mysterios prop house and the man himself and leaves Beck hanging from the ceiling as his mad laughter melts into sobbing.
Peter realises he’s totally missed the movie with his friends and shows up late. Harry is angry and disappointed, claiming Peter doesn’t care about hanging out with him. Peter tries to find an excuse but Harry tells him to leave and Gwen, who does understand Peter, goes with him. Mary Jane doesn’t know what to make of Peter.
Peter and Gwen go home and talk about the nights events and he’s hoping his life as Spider-man doesn’t prevent his relationship with Harry getting back on track. Gwen tries to comfort him but Peter is too upset and heads home.
As the doctor finishes his harness and puts it on, he smiles as he slowly starts to control the four robotic arms as he uses them to operate the machinery around him. He hears a knock at the door to Sandman’s room and he goes to investigate. He looks down at the pile of sand and around the room. It’s empty. As he opens the door and steps in a huge fist made of sand flies towards him and sends him flying back to his lab. He crashes into several vials of liquid which drips into his mouth as he loses conscious. Standing above him, looking around, the newly formed Sandman. He looks mostly human as his arm made of sand turns to normal.
Throughout the movie, Harry is let down by his best friend again and again which ultimately leads him to believe Peter doesn’t care anymore, especially after this difficult time with his father. Gwen tries to talk to him but he doesn’t listen, thinking she’s just trying to make excuses for him.
Electro is a mixture of 616, Ultimate and Spectacular Spider-man T.V series. The costume is from the T.V series while his appearance under the costume is much like Ultimate what with the electricity burning off his hair and giving him scars as well. He’s not the big bad as he doesn’t really set out to cause harm, he just loses his rag after his biggest fear of being seen as a freak is confirmed and once he doesn’t try to cause harm he actually quite enjoys it. By the end of the movie he’s taken into SHEILD custody and we see him arrive as he goes past the likes of Goblin, Rhino, Scorpion and Blonsky (from TIH)
Mysterio is sort of the big bad as he causes a lot of harm and damage with his special effects, animatronics and other things. The final fight is a lot bigger than I described it with a lot of weird and recognisable things coming at Spidey as he tries to get to the man behind the effects. As with all his versions he has no powers but I took my own spin and made him a college graduate with a lot of nerdy aspects.
Oh and BTW I’m from Northern Ireland and I have no clue how middle school, college, university works over in the states so that’s sort of why the education side of things is a bit weird sounding…like I don’t know if you have exams and stuff so lol……