Spider-Man: Revenge of the Goblin, Part 2 of 3

Spider-Man: Revenge of the Goblin, Part 2 of 3

My second part of this story. I put it up now as many of you true-believers couldn't wait for Part 2. SO here it is, read and enjoy.

By CRITIC17 - Sep 03, 2009 10:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Myself

Well… for what you have all been waiting for. Part 2 of Spider-Man: Revenge of the Goblin. Read on and enjoy some more… Oh and just so you guys know, the Beetle I use in this story is the original (Abner Jenkins), just so you know.
If you didn't read the first part, then heres the URL: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/criticworld/news/?a=9765

Act 3:
After helping pick up the damage (and pay for it, courtesy of Tony Stark), Spidey and Iron Man take Hulk into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. Apparently he was broken out by Dr. Octopus. Tony then believes Ock is behind the bomb… So he has a search for Ock begin, with Spidey going around all five boroughs to look for possible connections to Ock. First though Spidey heads back to the Bugle to check on things. Once there, Jameson tells Peter to go and get pictures at the opening of the zoo over in the Bronx. So, Peter heads to the Bronx. On his way there though, he meets a new gang: the Techno-Geeks. Like the High-Fliers, they have access to the latest technology. Though, they are significantly different. After tussling with them, Spidey heads to the zoo. Once there, Peter takes pictures of the exotic environments, and animals. But, Kraven the Hunter (Alyosha Kravenoff) arrives to steal the animals. The animals were apparently poached and were taken to the zoo by greedy criminals who plan on getting money from the zoo. Spidey fights Kraven and eventually wins. And Kraven is arrested… Peter then returns to the Bugle and receives his pay for the night. While sitting on the rooftop of the building, Black Cat appears. She explains that strange creatures are appearing around Queens and Staten Island, and that the Lizard may be responsible. So they head to Queens. Meanwhile, in a hospital room, the Punisher wakes up and breaks out, killing 10 guards in the process. He then heads to his supply warehouse in Staten Island. Once arriving in Queens, Black Cat shows Spidey the weird creatures. It turns out they are the same experimental creatures Venom siced on Spidey years ago (anyone remember the 2000 PS1 game called Spider-Man?, these creatures appeared in that game). BC (Black Cat) and Spidey fight off the creatures and learn that someone has been killed in Staten Island. Thinking it’s because of the creatures, Spidey and BC head to Staten Island. Once there, they arrive at the Punisher’s warehouse where police and a dead body are found. Detective Lee explains that the Punisher killed this man and is inside with heavy artillery. Spider-Man just walks in. Black Cat follows. Once inside, the Punisher begins fighting the two, the take him down quickly, but Punisher shoots Spidey in the leg and BC in the stomach. He then tries to escape but Spider-Man chases after him and throws a motorcycle at him. This knocks out the Punisher, and Spidey grabs him and checks on Black Cat. But she has disappeared. So, Spider-Man returns to Stark Tower. But on his way the ground starts rumbling and Spidey and Punisher fall below into the Subway. Turns out Shocker and his gang: the Shockers (great name huh…) are trying to bomb the subway. Spidey and Punisher (who is now awake) chase after him (Spider-Man convinces Punisher to help him stop Shocker), on top of a subway train. They fight off numerous rounds of Shocker’s gang members, and then the worst happens. Lizards creatures show up. Show Spidey (with a bullet still in his leg) and Punisher (who is a little light-headed from the motorcycle hitting him) fight off gang members (who also fight the creatures) and Lizard’s good ole’ creatures. Eventually, everyone (or thing) is defeated. So, Shocker blasts the subway train and it crashes through the street and above ground. The Punisher then shoots Shocker. Shocker then blasts Punisher into a car and Spidey knocks Shocker back into the subway system and fights him there. Shocker brings down many walls while fighting and Spider-Man is able to tip the subway car over onto Shocker, beating him instantly. Shocker is taken into custody, and a tired Spidey grabs Punisher and heads to Stark Tower. Once again, he doesn’t make it there. Green Goblin shows up to fight Spidey. Spider-Man fights him off while Spidey protects Punisher. Eventually, the New Avengers arrive (consisting of Luke Cage, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Woman, and Sentry) and help Goblin. Goblin is able to fight them off long enough to escape. Punisher is taken into custody while Peter is taken to Stark’s personal Medical Ward.
Peter wakes up to find his Iron Spider suit repaired. Wolverine comes in and Peter explains his “FUN” he had over the past night. Wolverine says that they should go after the Lizard. So Peter suits up into his Iron Spider gear and he and Wolverine head to the sewage plant in Staten Island. Once there, they find an entrance to the sewers, but there are no workers in sight. So they continue down deeper and deeper into the sewers. They run into many of Lizards creatures while making their way down. Finally they spot the Lizard (after only 5 hours of searching) and chase him across the sewers. They chase him to his hideout, where he has over a hundred people held prisoner. Wolverine cuts off Lizard’s tail, but then Lizard injects Wolverine with the Legacy virus (well, a different strain of it) causing Wolverine to collapse and faint. Spidey then fights Lizard off throughout his massive hideout, while trying to develop some sort of cure for Wolverine. Eventually Spider-Man stabs Lizard with his pinchers and forces Lizard to create a serum. Lizard (while starting to faint) explains how and Spidey makes it. Wolverine is saved and together they release the people Lizard had captive. Dr. Connors is taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D. Spidey then goes to the George Washington bridge (the same bridge where Gwen Stacey was killed) and reflects on past events. Then Green Goblin shows up and attacks Spidey. They battle across the bridge while Goblin taunts Spidey that he (Spider-Man) killed Gwen Stacey. Spider-Man gets so enraged that he stabs Goblin multiple times with his pinchers. Goblin collapses and starts to bleed to death. He then asks Spider-Man why he killed his son. In more anger Spidey stabs Norman in the chest. Iron Man arrives (having been following Peter) and tells Peter to finish the job and kill Goblin. He states that he can’t, and picks up Goblin and takes him to a nearby hospital. Tony then tells Peter that Dr. Doom was apparently in New York at the time of the explosion. This leaves good cause that he’s the culprit. So Peter and Tony (as civilians) go to the Baxter Building. While there they ask the FF the best procedure as to stopping Doom and making him talk. Reed Richards explains that Doom will probably never talk, but just beating him at his own game is the best procedure to defeating him. While Tony is talking to Reed, Peter goes to the roof and speaks with Johnny Storm. They chat about life. But, suddenly Dr. Doom shows up. Apparently he somehow bugged the Baxter Building and listened to Reed’s and Tony’s conversation. Johnny flames on and attacks Doom. Peter’s clothes change into his Iron Spider suit and he helps Johnny fight Doom. They take on Doombots before Johnny melts Doom’s suit enough that he almost dies. Doom admits to having to do with the explosion, but wants to join up with whoever did it. Peter angrily attacks Doom but Johnny stops him. Doom laughs his head off as Reed has him taken away. Peter then leaves to webswing. While swinging, Peter takes on the Techno-Geeks again. After beating the pulp out of a gang member, he reveals who their leader is: Mysterio. Suddenly, a puff of smoke appears and as the mist fads, we see Mysterio. Mysterio then says that he has a secret and won’t tell Spider-Man. Angrily, Spidey tries to grab Mysterio, but his hands go right through him. Suddenly Spidey is surrounded by many Mysterio’s. The Beetle flies in above and waves to Spidey. He then jumps to grab Beetle, but he flies away. Mysterio then gives Spider-Man a choice: Follow Beetle to the Empire State Building or fight Mysterio in his hideout in the Bronx. Spidey chooses Mysterio and goes off to fight him. He arrives at Mysterio’s hideout (he got there by following Mysterio’s illusion) and breaks in. Once inside, Spidey fights off Techno-Geeks and weird robots. Also he takes on many copies of Mysterio. Finally he reaches a boxing-like ring. Mysterio (the real one this time) appears with boxing gloves on. Spidey immediately hits him and hurts his hand. Mysterio then hits Spidey and it feels like a truck has just hit him. Spidey and Mysterio then fight (which mainly consists of Spidey dodging Mysterio’s hit) and realizes that the disco ball above them could be a force-field. So Spider-Man breaks it and slams his fist into Mysterio’s globe. Mysterio falls over and laughs his head off. Spidey grabs him and paralyzes him with his pinchers. He then asks him set the bomb off. Mysterio just laughs and says: You better get to Beetle, or a very tall structure is gonna go bye-bye. Spidey leaves immediately, heading towards the Empire State Building. Once there he sees the top half fall off towards the street. Using every once of strength he has, Spider-Man webs and grabs the top of the building and lifts it safely to the ground. Then the building erupts in flames as Beetle stands in the fire laughing. Spider-Man attacks him and brutally beats him, Beetle then says: Now we begin Part 2. Suddenly, Beetle clicks a button and he gets electrified and dies right in Spidey’s arms. Spider-Man rips off Beetle’s mask and give him CPR with no use. He then stands and looks at the sky and screams: WHY!!!!!!????

Act 4:
Beetle’s body is given an autopsy. Cause of death: Electrocution. It is revealed that Green Goblin escaped from holding, fighting off and putting both Spider-Woman and Luke Cage in the hospital. Unsure of what to do Peter goes (back in his red and blues) to speak to Daredevil in Hell’s Kitchen. Once there, Daredevil tells Spidey that the Mobsters Gang (headed by Hammerhead) is apparently going to rob a bank in Staten Island tonight. So, they head there and stop the robbery. They also find out where the mobster’s hideout is. They head there and bust in. Everyone’s tommy-gun is on them. Hammerhead steps into view and tells his gang to attacks the two. Spidey and Daredevil easily dodge them and take them out. Then Hammerhead attacks the two. They easily stop him. Hammerhead then clicks a button. Tombstone then walks out of a nearby room and slams Daredevil hard in the chest. Spider-Man takes him on and almost beats him. But Tombstone hits Spidey in the chest too hard. As Hammerhead gets up Daredevil kicks Hammerhead into Tombstone taking them both out. The two are then taken into custody. Now all the gangs members are either defeated or dead: Shocker, Beetle, Black Widow II, Hammerhead, and Mysterio. But Daredevil fears the worse as Hammerhead mutters Kingpin as he is taken away. Peter visits Dr. Strange on insight of the so-called Part 2. Strange says that evil and death are coming but he (Spider-Man) will have to stand strong and fight for his life and his city. He also warns Spider-Man about his loved ones. Spider-Man asks him what about his loved ones, but Strange says that if he tells him, then it will destroy the time-space continuum. Peter then hears news from Cap that Doc Ock has a hideout near the docks over in Brooklyn. He goes there and with the help of Cap breaks in and finds only a single room with Ock sitting in a chair. He looks up and suddenly a pumpkin bomb flies in behind them and explodes knocking out Spidey and Cap. They both wake up in adamantium chains. Green Goblin explains that he built and set off the bomb. He says that Part 2 will happen tonight and then Part 3 will begin. Angrily Peter tries to grab Goblin, but he is punched by Ock. Goblin says that no matter what, Spider-Man will die tonight. He says that the war has begun. Suddenly Black Cat breaks in and attacks Goblin and Ock. Daredevil and Iron Man are also with her. They set Spidey and Cap free and start to fight the two. Goblin sets the hideout on fire and starts the fly off but Iron Man destroys his glider. Spidey and Ock get trapped inside. While outside Goblin (without a glider) takes on Cap, Iron Man, and Black Cat. Spidey and Ock duel to the death. Ock pulls the burning roof down on Spider-Man and escapes. But Cap and Black Cat stop him and destroy his arms. Iron Man takes down Goblin, but Goblin sets off a device (the same one that disrupted Spider-Man’s spider sense when he threw the pumpkin bomb in) and it disrupts the signals in Starks suit, shutting it down. Spider-Man slams his pinchers through Goblin’s chest while shouting out: I’ve had enough of your sh*t!!! Goblin falls to the ground and calls Spider-Man a coward. Goblin, then clicks a button and Iron Man blasts Spider-Man away. He then attacks Cap and Black Cat. Ock grabs Goblin and they flee. Then Tony gets control of his suit again. Tony takes his helmet off and Spider-Man punches him in the face. Tony falls over and says that he’s sorry. He says that he couldn’t control the suit. Spider-Man then says: Get better control. Daredevil then says that Foggy just called. The gang leaders have been released from prison and area rioting in Manhattan. Apparently there are over a thousand people rioting and fighting. So, Spidey says, a gang war is Part 2. Were screwed Iron Man then says. They get Wolverine and head to Manhattan. Much of it is in flames, except there area no people around Fisk Tower. Cap, Wolverine, Black Cat, and Iron Man deal with the gangs; while Spidey and Daredevil head to Fisk Tower to confront the Kingpin. Once inside, they fight their way to Fisk’s office. Inside is Kingpin. He laughs as his two most hated enemies walk in. Bullseye is also in the room. He then attacks Spidey and Daredevil and almost defeats them. But Bullseye loses and Daredevil kicks him out of the office. Kingpin then says that he started this war just for Goblin. He says that Goblin needed a distraction. What Spidey then asks? Nothing in particular Kingpin says. What!!!??? Spidey yells. He then rushes at Kingpin and stabs him with his pinchers, Daredevil pulls Spidey off and slams Kingpin in the face. Kingpin falls to the ground and laughs. Suddenly, multiple gunshots ring outside and Cyclops (who was fighting the gangs) drops dead. Kingpin then collapses on the floor and his fist opens. Inside is a picture of Mary Jane. Peter then calls her immediately, while Daredevil goes outside to help the other heroes. MJ answers and says she is ok. Peter explains that she may be in danger. MJ says: How can I be in danger when I’m in one of the safest buildings on the planet. Peter, relieved, tells her he loves her and hangs up. He then goes outside where the main 4 gang members area about the fight it out. Spider-Man jumps in between them and fights all of them at once. He beats them and yells to the gangs to stop or he will personally take them all on at once. So, they stop… and start to dissipate as gang members are arrested. Peter’s spider sense rings, so he uses his senses (by also speaking with other spiders in the area) and learns that part of Stark Tower has blown up. With the Avengers right behind him, Spidey heads there as quickly as possible. Once there he goes inside only to find Doc Ock and Green Goblin. Goblin is holding an unconscious Mary Jane and Ock is holding an unconscious Aunt May. Peter lunges at them, but Ock’s arms stop him. Goblin then flies off. Ock lets go of Spidey and Spidey grabs Aunt May from Ock and sets her down. He then grabs Ock and says: Where did he go!!!!!??? Ock begins laughing and Spider-Man beats into his face until it’s a bloody pulp. The Avengers arrive and pull Spidey off of Ock (it takes the whole team to do it). Ock mutters out Liberty… Spider-Man rushes out to the Statue of Liberty where his arch-nemesis holds the woman he loves…

Wow… that only took 3 hours to type. Part 3 will be up tomorrow sometime. Hope you like this part.

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CRITIC17 - 9/3/2009, 10:49 PM
Now this looks long on here!!!!! :)
LEEE777 - 9/3/2009, 10:59 PM
this is like the EMPIRE STRIKES BACK part! ; )

Very cool CRITIC! 3 hours, damn good stuff dude!!!

Love all the cameos man!

Well done 2 thumbs up, cant wait for the third installment!
CRITIC17 - 9/3/2009, 11:04 PM
@LEEE: THANKS MAN!!! The third will be the final act and will be short... but thanks for reading all of this man. I figure Detective Lee is named after you... ;)
CRITIC17 - 9/3/2009, 11:05 PM
Part 3 will be up in about 10 hours
CRITIC17 - 9/3/2009, 11:42 PM
Just finished PArt 3, it will be uploaded tomorrow, for now, later everyone!!!
DDD - 9/4/2009, 12:07 AM
Wow, Cirtic, this is really intricately wound together! Good story...jumps along at a breakneck pace!
CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 12:13 AM
Thanks DDD!!! I just wanted it to go over the course of about 3 days, no stopping, just going, going, going... glad you liked it man!!! Part 3 is up tomorrow... :)
Ryden - 9/4/2009, 2:33 AM
@Critic-This is awesome man, reeally, really good job, this most certainly a Spidey Epic ;)
jallanr - 9/4/2009, 7:40 AM
this really is amazing, critic. the only compaint i have about it is punishers portrayal. what i mean is, he wouldn`t kill a group of guards, for example, but other than that, im luvin it cant wait for part 3!!

woo hoo!
CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 8:24 AM
@jallanr: I know, I was gonna have him under mind control, but I figured I could save that for a possible sequel

PArt 3 is now in FAnFic
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