Spider-Man: The Second Trilogy Concludes

He's survived a Goblin, an Octopus, a sand storm, a best friend, Venom, a Lizard, a hunter, and Carnage! All in a days work for the webslinger, right? So, now, as Spiderman's popularity is at an all time high, and JJs hatred of him is, too, how will Spidey deal with the most sinister threat he's ever faced, The Sinister Six!

By tasman71 - Apr 03, 2009 10:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

We open with the scene of Octavious sinking into the bay at the end of Spiderman 2.

Otto's eyes are closed as he sinks into the depths. Suddenly, the arms twitch and come to life. They quickly take action and move along the bottom and up the bank, coming out of the water underneath a pear. The arms quickly go to work resucitating Otto. Finally, Otto coughs up water. He opens his eyes, looking around confused. His arms move before his face and Otto shows a look of remembrance. "Spiderman," he says, "he did this. He ruined me. He killed me. Tried to destroy all my work." He looks at his arms. "Yes, he is resourceful, powerful. I must study him. Like all good experiments, patience will pay off in the end." He gets up and walks off into the night.

We switch at EU. In the lab, Peter is helping Prof Conners put some stuff away. The lab has been repaired. Conners says he hopes Pete will consider being his full time assistant for his senior year at EU. Pete says he'll think about but life can be crazy sometimes. Pete leaves and enjoys the day as hops on his new scooter and heads off to the Bugle.

In the EU lab, a figure walks in and asks for Prof Curt Conners. Conners ids himself. The man introduces himself as Doctor Ottoman{Octavious with a fake beard and mustache}, a fan of Conners work. Conners says he is honored and that Ottoman looks familiar, have they met. Ottoman says maybe at a convention and that he is curious about Conners work with regeneration. Conners says that is on hold until he works out the problems. Ottoman asks about his meeting Spiderman. Conners says that Spiderman saved his life twice and considers him a friend and a true hero. Ottoman says that is too bad and very good. Ottos arms swarm from under his trench and wrap up Conners as Otto removes the disguise and trench, revealing Doc Ocs original outfit. Conners is stunned to see Otto, thinking he was dead. Doc Oc tells Conners that rumors of his demise are all Spiderman's fault and now eveything Spiderman holds dear will pay the ultimate price before Spiderman can do anything about it. Then, Spiderman himself will die! Doc Oc gags Conners and goes out the back door.

Switch to the Bugle. Pete walks in and JJ and Robby are discussing something. Pete overhears them talk about Vulture, Shocker, and Scorpion being released into the custody of a federal agent and then disappearing but the feds knowing nothing about it. JJ says he bets it was Spiderman in disguise freeing his cronies who try to make him look like a hero. Robby says then why not free Electro, Rhino, and Hydroman, too. JJ sees Pete and tells him to get out there and do what he does best, take pictures of Spiderman and his cronies so he can expose the masked freak for the fraud he is. Pete says he thought JJ had changed his mind after Spiderman saved JJs life. JJ tells him he only ran that article because Spiderman made him and he shoos Pete out of his office. Robby only shakes his head in disbelief.

Pete stops to talk to Betty who asks about MJ. Pete says she's been gone a month and misses her like crazy but MJ is really learning and growing with the Shakespeare Troupe. Betty asks when he's going to marry MJ. Pete says he's been thinking about after college, or as soon as she gets back. Pete picks up his check for his last batch of pictures and sees the latest headline on the current Bugle front page on Betty's desk, "Spiderman Cronies Missing: Shocker, Scorpion, and Vulture set free!" Pete shakes his head and leaves.

Switch to the warehouse. Inside, Conners is tied up in a corner watching the six figures who are his captors.

Doc Oc tells them that Conners is but part of the bait and tells Chameleon that his job will be to bring Capt Stacey, he tells Vulture that he must get Jameson from his high rise office, he tells Mysterio and Scorpion to follow Peter Parker and figure out how he communicates with Spiderman. He tells Shocker that his job will be to set off some dire emergencies guaranteed to attract Spiderman's attention. He tells them that ever since the Spider sent him to the bottom of New York harbor, he has been working to this point, watching the Spider, learning all he could, who the players in the Spider's life are and trying to figure out his weakness. He says that using the Osbournes was only because of the connection through Parker to Spiderman but it proved to be most interesting to see the Spider's reaction to seeing them. He says the releasing of Cassidy only added fuel to the fire when the maniac killed Ms. Stacey, someone the Spider rescued and seemed to have had a special relationship with. To insure Parker's cooperation when the time is right, he will secure what he knows will coerce him to bringing Spiderman to his final resting place.

Switch to Spiderman meeting with Bruce and discussing the missing villains and the absent MJ. Something catches Spiderman's eye in the distance. It looks like a dust storm. Or a sand storm. Spidey shakes his head and tells Bruce if he doesn't check it out it could turn to have been Sandman returning after all. Spidey swings off to investigate. He gets near the storm, which is hovering over Central Park and has gathered a crowd of onlookers. Spidey says that's wierd because Sandman always had some sort of form but this is just a mass of blowing sand. Spidey goes to the ground to investigate from underneath. As he walks beneath the swirling sand, he is followed by curious onlookers. Suddenly, the storm fades away without a grain of dust or sand falling on them. Spidey is confused and begins looking around. He sees a small cube crystal-like cube on the ground nearby and picks it up. After looking it over he tucks it away and swings off.

In the tree line, Mysterio watches with Scorpion and laughs. He tells Scorpion that they will be able to track that cube wherever it goes, which means they be able to track Spiderman wherever he goes. Scorpion says following Parker was a dumb idea any and this much better. Mysterio says yes but they still need to follow Parker because he always seems to be wherever Spiderman is. They walk off through the trees.

As the camera pans up to the city line, an explosion, smoke, and fire erupt from a tall building. Switch to street level as people are running in panic as fire turcks zoom in. People are trapped above the fire line. The fire chief hurries his men to get the hoses going. As they scramble, Spidey swings in with witty banter and goes above the fire line. He sets up mutliple web lines for people to slide down on. As the flames rise he has to make the lines thicker. With two people left, he leaps out as the flames engulf that floor. He lands safely with the final two and the chief thanks him. Another explosion nearby causes both to turn to see another building on fire. Spidey tell the chief he'll help all he can until the fire turcks get there. Spidey swings off.

At the other building, Spidey wings in and begins gettin the people out above the fire line. Fewer than last but still a lot. With the last one down, the fire trucks arrive. As they get to work, another explosion draws Spidey's attention. He swings off. This goes on for for a total of five explosive fires. After the last one, Spidey swings off exhausted. From the shadows of a nearby alley, Shocker watches him go. Shocker says for him go on and be the hero and be everywhere all in one day because soon the Spider's days will be done.

Fade out and in to Capt Stacey's NYC precinct. An FBI agent enters Staceys office and introduces himself as Agent Cam Leon. He tells Stacey that they have someone in custody that may help unravel the mysterious escape of the villains but he won't talk to anyone but Capt Stacey, something about being a street snitch. His boss sent him to bring Stacey to their temp hq. Stacey gets his hat and heads off with Agent Cam Leon.

Switch to an alley near the Bugle. Parker walks out and heads for the paper's building. In a nearby alley, Mysterio and Scorpion watch. Scorpion thinks that the Spider's lair may be somewhere around the back of that alley because Parker just came out of there and that's where the tracker said the Spider went with the cube. Mysterio looks at the tracker and notes that Spiderman must have given the cube to Parker to investigate because it's moving with Parker now. Scorpion notes that Doc Oc said Parker was some king of science student. They watch as Parker goes in to the Bugle.

JJ is meeting with a gentleman in his office. JJ addresses him as Mr. Toombs. Toombs is trying to convince JJ that men can fly with something more than a jetpack, plane, or glider or even superpowers. He walks over and opens JJs big window and beckons JJ over. He tells JJ to look out and up and tell him what he sees and feels. JJ does so. When he turns around, Toombs has discarded the suit and coat and the Vulture stands in full gear. JJ screams as the Vulture runs, grabs JJ, and leaps out the window.

Several minutes later, as the staff are freaking out, Peter exits the elevator. When they tell him the Vulture just took JJ. Pete inconspicuously slips away. Spiderman swings out a Bugle window and off in the direction Robby said the Vulture went.

On street level. Mysterio and Scorpion watch as Vulture carries JJ away. Then, they see Spiderman swing off in that direction. Scorpion notes that that's wierd cause he hadn't seen the Spider leave the alley. Mysterio says that even wierder is the tracker says the cube is moving with Spiderman. They exchange a puzzled look.

As Spidey is looking for the Vulture, an explosion turns Spidey's attention to a nearby bridge and a loaded school bus is perched half on half off the bridge. Spidey swings off to help. He does not notice Shocker speeding away in a convertible.

Switch to the airport and Aunt May greet MJ as she arrives. They talk about surprising Peter tonight for an early birthday party. When they get to Mays car, all four tires are flat. May tells MJ she only has one spare. A cab pulls up and the cabbie looks at the flats and tells them he take them anywhere they need to go for free because he can't stand vandals and hoodlums. They thank him and load into his cab. The cabbie says no problem and hits the auto lock. The cabbie turns and says where to{Doc Oc in the beard again}. They tell him and the cab heads off. Doc Oc listens to them chat about Peter and Europe and they don't seem to notice where they are going. Finally, MJ says this isn't the way to Mays house. She looks at the cabbie to see a mechanical arm remove the Ynakees hat and beard to reveal Octavious. MJ freaks as Doc Oc says no but it is the way to his house. They drive on as Doc Oc laughs and May and MJ freak out and can't open the doors.

Switch to Spidey and Bruce. He tells Bruce he is exhausted and the city is going nuts. He says with Shocker, Scorpion, and Vulture out there, and all these accidents too, he's about ready to go to Europe with MJ. He looks at the time on a nearby bank building clock and realizes he is late for his meeting Conners. Spidey swings off, telling Bruce he has it made, only having to deal with pigeons.

At the EU lab, Pete walks in and finds everything in order but no Conners. He goes about campus looking for him. Mysterio and Scorpion are nearby. Scorpion says it's almost impossible that that little geek Parker could be Spiderman. Mysterio says it's all that makes sense considering the tracking of the cube. They decide to report back to Doc Oc.

Pete returns to the lab and decides to wait on Conners. He remembers the cube and pulls it out. He looks at it and decides to break it down. {Here, we finally get a good scene exhibiting Peter's scientific genius.} Pete discovers the cube has been transmitting a signal and also can transmit holographic images. He activates the image and finds himself in a sand storm. He deactivates it and is able to trace the signal to wherever and whoever it's transmitting to. Pete realizes this is a new threat and pokes around the lab, looking for a way to counter and see through the holographic images.

Switch to the warehouse. May, MJ, Capt Stacey, JJ, and Conners are tied up and listening to the Sinister Six.

Doc Oc doesn't believe that Parker is Spiderman, though what Mysterio and Scorpion can't be a coincidence. They break down their plan. They will take the hostages to OsCorp. They will lure Spiderman there using Parker. They will group JJ, MJ, Conners, and Stacy together. Vulture, Scorpion, and Shocker will be the main assault force. Mysterio will work his magic to their advantage. He and Chameleon will take May to the heart of OsCorp. If Spiderman is Parker, he will fight extra hard to get to her. When he faces Doc Oc, he will see May, but it will be the Chameleon. If he calls her Aunt May, they will know for sure the identity of Spiderman, which will make killing him and all those he holds dear sweet revenge.

MJ and the others look very afraid.

Switch to the EU lab. The sun is coming up on a beautiful Saturday morning. Pete is exhausted as he puts some things in a bag. He sees the sun and yawns. He gets ready to leave the lab when the lab phone rings. He answers. He looks stunned when he hears the voice say hello. he recognizes Octavius voice.

Doc Oc says that only Spiderman can save five very important people. If Parker and Spiderman don't show up at his best friends legacy, May Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Curt Conners, George Stacey, and J. Jonah Jameson will all be a memory by midnight. Doc Oc hangs up and Peter looks devastated, then angry, then focused.

Peter pulls out the cube and his camera. He takes pictures of himself, acting worried, pacing, watching, sqautting, and praying. He then uses his cameras digital connection to put the images into a loop and downloads it into the cube. He then plays it back through the cube and Peter is astonished by the quality of himself doing all the things he took pictures of. He smiles and says Doctor Octavious, it's time you found out that Parker and Spiderman really are two different people.

Fade to OsCorp at sunset. Pete is in black, scouting the area. He sets the cube up under a light post for good effect. He tests the remote he made to turn the signal on and off and the holographic projector. He then takes off out of OsCorp and returns at dusk to the outside the entry of the main building.

Spiderman calls Doc Oc out. He turns on the transmitter and projector with his remote. Suddenly, Peter Parker is nearby under a light.

Doctor Otto Octavius walks out. He asks Spiderman if he is surprised but tells him he shouldn't be because true genius will never die. Spider asks what happened to the good man who is Otto Octavious. Doc Oc tells him that man became something more, Doctor Octopus, forever, all thanks to the wall crawler trying to kill him. Spidey tells him he doesn't have to do this, that if he lets the hostages go, he can leave in peace. Doc Oc asks where Parker is. Spidey points to "Parker" under a light post. Doc Oc laughs and says he is glad they are both here. Spidey says "Parker" will stay out of the way while he deals with him. Doc Oc tells spider to come into his parlor, said the Ooctopus to the Spider. Spidey asks where the hostages are. Doc Oc tells him he'll have to fight for them and runs into the building. Spidey takes off in pursuit and runs into an indoor jungle.

A voice cries out 'Be carful, Spider, it's a jungle in here.' We see the jungle, then get to see what Spiderman sees as the camera does a zoom through his mask, through some kind of lense, and to Pete's eye, at which point it turns around and looks through the lens to see the interior of the building, sans holographics. We see Scorpion, Shocker, and Vulture all maneuvering around Spiderman. We switch back to our view.

Without warning, Spidey goes on the offensive by webbing up Vultures wings as he flies overhead, nails Shocker with an exploding web bomb that sends him coated with webbing into a steel beam, and nails Scorpion with a web bomb to the head cocooning his head and knocking him out.

Spidey tells Doc Oc that the safari is because all the wildlife is extinct. Doc Oc tells Spidey to come and find him.

We see Spidey moving through the 'jungle'. We see Mysterio sneak over and cut Shocker free from a tree. Vulture is ungobbing his wings slowly. Spiderman is near MJ, Stacey, JJ, and Conners. His spider sense goes off and he narrowly leps a sonic blast from Shocker and ducks a razor wing swipe from Vulture. This sets off a big running battle. Finally, Spidey takes them down by getting between them and ducking out when Shocker fires, downing Vulture. He then web grabs Shocker, yanks him over, grabs his hands, and crushes his sonic emitters before headbutting him into unconsciousness. He webs them both up and frees the four hostages. He asks where May Parker is but they don't know. MJ tells him to be careful.

Spidey turns to see Mysterio trying to free and revive Scorpion. Spidey says he doesn't know who is under the fishbowl but he's going to make sure he drowns there. Mysterio stands and turns, moving through the jungle like he thinks Spidey can't see him. He tells Spiderman he is Mysterio, master of of sound and light, and Spiderman is no match for such a genius. Spidey says if he's a master, why can he see Mysterio in his fishbowl head! Mysterio turns to run but Spiderman swings after him, scoops him up, and webs him up in the rafters.

Spidey hears a cry for help that sounds like Aunt May. He swings through a door into the chemical processing section and sees May hanging over a vat of chemicals. Doc Oc is on a catwalk laughing.

He tells Spidey he never expected the others to take Spiderman down, just ware him down for him to get the kill. He attacks and they have a humongous battle that destroys OsCorp. They wind up on opposing catwalks. Doc Oc tells him to pick a Parker and he leaps out a window while one of his arms slings a blade, cutting the rope May was hanging on. Spiderman lunges for May and manages to grab a hand while holding on to a railing. He tells May to hang on. She says "Peter, I'm too weak to hang on." Spidey, without thinking, says "Hang on, Aunt May, I've got you." When Spidey looks down, it's no longer May. Spidey realizes what he has done and screams "Who are you? Where's May Parker?" The Chameleon laughs and says "I am the Chameleon, assassin and spy, hired to take you down forever." He brings up a gone but Spidey lets go and kicks him down, sending the Chameleon hurtling into a vat of chemicals. He watches Chameleon scream in pain as he slowly dies, sinking under the toxic brew.

Spidey crushes the railing and roars "Octavius!" As he goes outside. Once there, he sees Doc Oc under the lamp post he left the cube. Doc Oc has the cube as Spidey lands feet away. Doc Oc tells him he always knew Peter Parker had unlimited potential, he just never realized how great it was, that Parker could reverse engineer his own inventions.

Spidey roars in rage and charges, resulting in a battle that totally destroys the rest of OsCorp. The final stage of the battle plays out: Spidey webs and spins Doc Oc around so his back is facing Spidey just as Spidey senses danger and leaps, allowing Scorpions acid blast to nail Doc Ocs arms CPU, which sends Doc Oc into screaming convulsions; simultaneously, Spidey webs Scorpion by the tail and yanks, sending Scorpion flying but, instead of letting go, Spidey yanks hard, ripping the tail from Scorpions suit and sending the villain crashing to the dirt in spasming convulsions. Spidey stands triumphant in the midst of the destruction.

Spidey walks over to Octavius and picks up by the throat and demands May Parker but Doc Ocs mind appears fried. He toss the villain aside and screams in rage! MJ comes running up and tells him she and the others found Aunt May in Octavious limo and they are with her now but she came to let him know. Spidey collapses on his knees exhausted. MJ drops to her knees and hugs him. He ease back and takes off his mask and asks her to marry him. She says yes. They kiss as the scene fades out.

Fade into the wedding of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. The movies slowly fade as the walk the aisle, having just been proclaimed Peter and Mary Jane Parker. Even JJ is crying. As the 'Just Married' scooter head off carrying the couple, Peter's voice over leads us out:

"Who am I? I am Peter Parker. I am Mary Jane Watson's husband. I am May and Ben Parker's nephew. I am a Daily Bugle photographer. I am Prof Curt Conners lab assistant. I am Spiderman. Most of all, I am simply me and I always will be."


Well, hopefully, Sam and the powers that be might get my synopsis for the Spiderman The Second Trilogy and put them to good use. Hope you enjoyed them all. Keep watching Mindworld for more from my mind to the world!


nuff said!

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quinnymahon2008 - 4/3/2009, 12:20 PM
i loved your three stories only one problem doc ock already knows pate is spider-man remember the end of the 2nd movie
tasman71 - 4/3/2009, 12:54 PM
He knew. Until his temporary "death" wiped that bit of short term memory, as things like that medically can. He only remembers Spiderman. It's a standard comic book twist employed nicely.

In the opening scene, we relive the death and resucitation. When he revives, he only recalls Spiderman.
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