Hi guys,this is my first article here on CBM ,so it's a pleasure to meet you.
The amazing spider-man to me is the spider-man movie that we want,Sam raimi gave us the spider-man movie that we needed at the time.
When people say a reboot is unnecessary I understand that they have nostalgic fervor for the Raimi trilogy but I don't understand why people aren't open for something new. In all honesty I remember my six year old eyes light up when spider-man first went to theaters on May,3,2002.
Andrew,Emma,Marc and the RED EPIC(!)cameras all have something to offer to the fans and to the spider-man franchise as a whole. This movie will be truer to the amazing spider-man comic while fusing yet another great comic, ultimate spider-man into its storyline lending a more believable approach. When people say that the amazing spider-man will be the first class of 2012 ,I say that the amazing spider-man will be the movie that all other comic book movies get compared to...
So this is the article sound off below .