The Justice Society Movie part 3

The Justice Society Movie part 3

The third part to my JSA movie, with Nabu's army taking shape a forgotten king must remember how to lead before all is lost (be sure to read both part 1 and 2 first)

By Karlel01 - May 14, 2012 04:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Justice Society Of America

This scene starts inside a giant Egyptian temple, the same temple from the beginning of the movie only now in the present time and is much like the rest of Egypt old, forgotten and in ruin.

Carter: ‘Where are we’.

Fate: ‘You do not recognize your own home my king’.

Carter: ‘My home…. My home is a small apartment on the 7th floor on Braine street’.

Fate: ‘That is the home of the disguise you’ve become, not this place is your realm and its history is shared by yours’.

Carter: ‘History’?

The pair stop walking and both stare at a large monument with glyphs and carvings everywhere.

Carter: ‘So when are you going to tell me about this other guy I was’.

Fate: ‘I’m not going to tell you’.

Suddenly all the carvings and glyphs begin to glow.
Fate grabs Carters hand and forces him to touch the shining wall.

Fate: ‘I’m going to show you'.

In that moment flashes of images blasted into Carters head, he saw himself as a king, he saw his kingdom, the wars he fought in, years of wisdom refreshed his mind and finally he saw who he was near the end of his reign…. Hawkman.

Fate: ‘And her Carter, remember her’.

Suddenly Carters dreams flashed before him the woman of the sand, again and again he saw her face but every time he did more and more he knew and remembered her.

Carter finally shouts ‘SHAYERA’! and with that the light from the wall dimmed and the images assaulting his mind stopped. He falls to his knees weakened by the whole ideal and Doctor Fate just stood still by his side.

Fate: ‘And now you see don’t you, your destiny isn’t to be some museums errand boy, this world needs you as do I’.

Carter looks up at Nabu and snarls.

Carter: ‘Where is she’!

Fate: ‘First things first my friend, not all what was taken from you has been reclaimed’.

Then behind them a sliding stone wall opens and inside can be see a room of gold and artifacts, but in the epicentre stood something more precious than either, a stand of shining armour strapped to a harness which bore to giant hawk wings and right next to it stood a large otherworldly mace weapon.

Carters eyes widened with satisfaction and walks into the room and dons the suit accepting that who he was would be who he’d again become ‘Well that’s a start’.

Fate: ‘We haven’t started yet, you’re a king and every king needs his army’.

Carter: ‘For what’.

But as Carter spoke Nabu cast another spell and the pair were once again transported out of the temple.
Now were back with Alan Scott, Ted Grant and Wesley Dodds still stuck in the strange mystical tower and still arguing as too who one another was and where they were.

Ted begins crashing though the room in anger trying to find an exit door but there wasn’t any.

Alan: ‘Theres no point in escaping mate, wherever we are and whoever brought us here wasn’t your average kidnapper, they even overpowered my ring that in itself is pretty impressive’.

Ted: ‘Don’t joke around with me rich boy, you don’t wanna help great but shut that mouth of yours real quick’.

The two square up.

Alan: ‘Seriously I am not the person you want to give the hard man act to, I just met a few guys who tried the same thing and I soon had them running’.

Wesley: ‘Enough you two, the last thing we need is us fighting each other, the truth is we don’t have any answers and were not going to get any until whoever took us comes to say hello so for now let’s just keep cool, when we get our chance to escape we’ll need all the energy we can’.

As Wesley finished his speech a golden light once again comes into view and two figures can be made suddenly appearing in front of Ted, Alan and Wesley, as the light fades we see its both Carter in his Hawk armour and Doctor Fate.

Fate: ‘A noble speech Wesley Dodds, but there is no escape from my tower for you are not trapped here.

Alan: ‘What do you want with us’.

Fate: ‘There is nothing I want with you Alan Scott, but I do need your true self’.

Alan: ‘I don’t know what your talking about’.

Fate: ‘Of course not Green Lantern’.

He then turns his head towards Grant.

Fate: ‘And you, a man so conflicted with himself he no longer knows what it is he wants from life, the passion to be the best is lost when you become the best does it not Edward Grant’.

Fates head finally ends turned to Dodds.

Fate: ‘And at last the monster, a man who sides with the angels but is in no way one of them, a man who desires nothing but to bring pain to the dark hearts of men but accepts that his heart is just as black.

Wesley: ‘It seems you know more about us then we do of you’.

Ted: ‘And we want answers’.

As Ted rushes aggressively towards Nabu, Carter steps in his path and meets Ted face to face.

Ted: ‘And who are you, his lapdog’.

Carter: ‘Let him explain, now step back or ill make you work for that tough guy image’.

Ted Laughs.

Ted: ‘Will you now’.

And with that Ted swings at Carter with a right hook and cracks him hard on the chin, Carter lunges at him to return the blow but he was up against a world champion and even though his memory was restored his mind and body were still that of a young explorer and was no match for him.
Ted easily dodged Carters attack and counters throwing him across a room and sends punch after punch causing Carter to fall to his knees in pain.

Ted: ‘You get up or give me attitude again, I’ll send you back down to the ground you got it’.

But as Ted started walking once again to where Nabu was standing he turned around to see Carter rising back up to his feet.

Ted: ‘You can’t say that I didn’t warn you’.

And once again Ted delivers a few more crippling punches one again slamming Carter to the ground in pain.
This time Ted didn’t just walk away from him but stood his ground, there was no way he thought this fool is getting up again but surely once again Carter stood up refusing his defeat.

Ted grabs Carter and holds him in a tight lock slamming him against the wall and screams ‘just give in’.

Fate: ‘Carter remember how you fought remember how you were trained your were better than this and you still can be, you just have to unleash it’.

Suddenly Carters face got more angry and savage, he was no longer just lifeless in Ted Grants tight hold but started grabbing his fists and the two began testing each others strength and determination to see who would give up, this wasn’t a fight between a world champion and a nobody, now Ted was the underdog as now he was grappling with someone a lot more savage and wiser than him and in a split second throws Ted back up against the opposing wall, Ted now heated with rage but smiling to the fact he finally had a challenge ran towards Carter again but this time he was ready and throws a huge punch crunching Ted in the stomach and slowly knocks him to the floor.

Suddenly a voice booms from Nabu.

Fate: ‘ENOUGH, I didn’t bring you here to fight one another I brought you here to save one another.

Wesley: ‘I can’t speak for everyone here but I don’t need savin now you said were not trapped here, does that mean we can leave whenever we want’.

Fate: ‘Yes it is your decision, but if you leave then the pieces to your salvation will not fall into place and so the puzzle will remained incomplete’.

Wesley: ‘What the hell does that even mean’.

Ted Grant then interrupts ‘enough questions if we can go then we go’.
Nabu let out a very slight sigh and looked down in disappointment ‘very well just desire it in your heart to leave this place…. And you shall return from where I took you’.

Suddenly both Dodds and Grant disappeared without hearing further what Nabu had to say, they had no interest they were confused, unsatisfied and just believed that there was no point in either of them being there for whatever reason…. They were both wrong.

Next Alan Scott approached Carter and Nabu.

Alan: ‘Again, no disrespect but I’m doing fine with what I’m already doing, with the ring and the star heart I can pretty much take on anything this planet throws at me’.

Fate: ‘What will be thrown at you Lantern shall be not of this world and if you let your ego overcome your ability to listen to my warning, the repercussions will be’….

But before Nabu could finish speaking Alan already wished to leave and was gone leaving just him and Carter Hall.

Carter: ‘I am sorry Nabu’.

Fate: ‘My king I fear in time we shall all be sorry’.

Scene ends (The point to this meeting and how it ended is that all the members have there own issues or egos and are instantly threatened by one another resulting in Ted Grant having a short fuse and fighting Carter Hall, Wesley Dodds uninterested in anything Nabu had to say and stating he didn’t want to be in a team and Alan Scott thinking just because he had a Lantern ring he didn’t need anyone’s help.)

(It also shows Carters lack of leadership when it was needed, he has regained all his memories, his training and finally every bit the savage warrior he once was proved by beating Ted Grant, but his greatest asset as a King is still dormant and so shows Carter still needs to accept fully who he was as King Khufu.)

Were now taken to what all the members are doing now, we start with Ted Grant training at his gym he is still unhappy and training for another fight he was bound to win.

Were then taken to Wesley Dodds drinking in a bar drowning his sorrows.

And finally Alan Scott back in his business suit and back in his company building, he is talking to a few people and is clear he is waiting for an arrival of a very important guest, a CEO from another company where Alan is hoping to do a big business deal and instructs all his staff that when his guest arrives on what to do where the business meeting will take place etc, he then leaves the office building and across the roads pulls up a black limo.

Out walks a strong built man and much like Alan was wearing a very smart suit, as the man goes to greet Alan they shake hands.

Alan: ‘Mr Wayne its good to see you again’.

Thomas: ‘Please call me Tom, (gestures to the company estate) shall we’.
As the pair walk through the building they continue to be formal to one another.

Alan: ‘I hope you had a safe flight from Gotham’.

Thomas: ‘Yes it was fine thank you, it was a little uneasy leaving my wife in her condition but I do realise the potential that your company is worth investing in’.

Alan: ‘Her condition of course congratulations on the pregnancy’.

Thomas: (laughs) ‘Thank you the only thing me and Martha are stuck on is a name but we have a few weeks until we have to make any decision’.

The pair head up an elevator and up to one of the top offices of the skyscraper and enter a small but very expensive looking office.

Tom: ‘So what can Wayne Enterprises hope to gain by merging with yours’.

Alan: ‘Straight to the point very nice, well first off as strong as your company is, like everything it does have its weak spots, places that my offices can strengthen and with our contacts we can help you globalise projects far easier and smoother here instead of Gotham’.

Tom: (smiles) ‘Alan all of this is just routine, I’ve already expressed my interests and I realise the benefits all what matters to me now is the level of trust that we can both place in one another’.

However at that moment a large explosion is heard out in the city below and as the two men jump out their seats and look out the window they see in horror the streets in a great panic cars bursting in flames and as they both looked up their fear increased as several large spaceships appeared from the sky.

We then skip to scenes with Ted Grant at his gym and seeing the spaceships descend also followed by Wesley Dodds running out the bar to witness what was happening, it was an invasion.

Suddenly small shadows come flying out the ships by the dozen, winged humanoids started attacking the city, surrounding buildings and trapping fleeing men and woman.

Now the action begins and we see a group of Thanagarian soldiers encircle a small crowd and gesture to restrain the humans, but as the faces of the prisoners dropped in horror a golden light hits of the soldiers and sends him crashing down the street, as the Thanagarian platoon look up towards where it came from there is Doctor Fate.

As the Thanagarians prepare to strike back a loud cry can be heard behind them as they looked up they saw a warrior much like their own but yet different…. Its Hawkman.

Both Nabu and Hawkman strike at the platoon beating them one by one however as they look up they see that there are plenty more around them and have now caught there attention and they ready themselves to fight once again.

We then go back to Alan Scott and Thomas Wayne underneath the rubble in the crumbling building and unconscious through the explosion, after a few seconds Alan wakes up, and starts screaming at a lifeless Thomas fearing him dead.

In time Tom comes too and Alan crawls his way over.

Tom: ‘What happened’.

Alan: ‘I don’t know a bomb? Come on we have to get out of here’.

As the pair rise to their feet they can hear voices through the ruins of the fallen hallways.

Tom: ‘Whos there’.

Alan: ‘Quiet’!

As Alan peeks around the corner he see’s a group of Thanagarians patrolling the rubble (of course Alan at this point doesn’t know who they are but he guesses thier a danger).

Gestering for Tom Wayne to follow him quietly they sneak past the soldiers and creep into the elevator to go down however as soon as the doors close one of the thanagarians spots them and as the lift descends they start blasting their way through the solid steel doors.

Tom: ‘What were those things’.

Alan: ‘I don’t know’.

Tom: ‘Can they get through’.

Alan ‘I had this lift to the highest standard in security, they wont get through by the time we get to the ground’.

At that moment however sparks of electricity surrounds the elevator and the power cuts making the lift stop and pitch black with the two men inside.

Tom: ‘What happened’.

Alan: ‘I guess they gave up, but stuck us in here were not getting out’.

Tom: ‘No we have to go I’m going to be a father, Martha needs me in Gotham we can’t die in here’. (He is now panicking with the shock).

Alan: ‘We won’t die in here’.

Tom: ‘How do you know that’.

Alan: ‘I have hope’.

Tom: (now no longer in panic but in a frantic and laughing state of shock) ‘Hope ha-ha what good will that do us’.

Alan looks at Tom in the near darkness and begins to reminisce.

Alan: ‘A few years ago, I was a young railway engineer and I used to work with this one guy, much older had been doing the job for years’.

Tom listens to Alan intently.

Alan: ‘Anyway one night we were working in this giant tunnel it must have been five miles in length at least, we were working all alone and suddenly the walls above collapsed on us and we were crushed underneath the rubble, when I came to my arm was broken and I had this huge reinforcing on my chest crushing me…. I thought I was going to die’.

Tom: ‘How did you get out’.

Alan: (looks at Tom and smiles) ‘My partner, he was under even more of the rocks then I was and was going to share my same fate, but I remember he just looked at me and told me to have hope’.

Alan begins to laugh hysterically ‘I thought he was crazy, desperate or both no one was going to find us for hours and I already felt myself slipping away but he never gave up he just kept telling me that we were going to get out and because of him I stayed awake the entire night’.

Tom: ‘You were rescued’?

Alan: ‘Yeah a whole team worked on getting us out and managed to free me and took me straight to hospital’.

Tom: ‘And what about your partner’.

Alan’s face went from calm to sad.

Alan: ‘He died they managed to get me to safety but they got to him too late, but ill never forget the courage he showed me, nor the strength in his character and finally the fact he saved my life…. Ever since that day no matter how things have gotten for me I always remember him telling me to have hope even now’.

As soon as Alan finishes his story the backup generators start up the the lift once again descends to the ground level and the pair rush out laughing at their fortune.

As they run to the street and see the chaos from the attack Tom yells for Alan to run with him to a USA army blockade off in the distance but Alan refuses telling him to go without him and that he had to stay.

As the army trucks pull up to pick up Tom Wayne he stares at Alan and yells out ‘THAT MAN FROM THE RAILWAY TUNNEL…. WHAT WAS HIS NAME’!

Alan calls back ‘BRUCE…. HIS NAME WAS BRUCE’.

As Tom boards the truck he quietly whispers to himself…. ‘Bruce…. Good name’.

With Thomas Wayne gone Alan searches the rubble on the ground from his building and wishfully enough there laid in the distance he saw his lantern the Star Heart and runs over to it to charge his ring. (Scene ends)
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comiccow6 - 5/15/2012, 3:41 AM
Oh, nice! Liked the Thomas Wayne Cameo. I thought it might have been Barry Allen, but that was better. I liked how Alan gave Tom the name for Bruce. This was awesome, and I can't wait to see how you handle the invasion and how the other team members deal with it. Epic? Yes. Oh, and my next Batman story is up, check it out if you get the chance!
MrEliMac - 5/22/2012, 9:31 AM
I am wondering: Do you plan to do a Justice League story to sorta show the continuation of Darkseid?
MrEliMac - 5/22/2012, 9:31 AM
Also, I enjoy it.
comiccow6 - 7/5/2012, 9:22 AM
@Karlel, do you plan to continue this? Haven't seen one in awhile.
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