So, here is the real list that matters, the top 15 CBM's of all time. It's not just the actors or the fight scenes that make the movie, it is everything. From the Producers, to the Directors, to the Actors, to the guys who make the screenplay. All of these elements must come together correctly to make these movies so good.
15. Batman: Begins (2005)
This is my favorite of The Dark Knight trilogy. The Dark Knight is also great but I find more entertainment with Neeson as Ghul than Ledger as Joker (I also think he is/will be the worst of the 3 big screen Jokers, 80's-Present). This one has quite a bit more action than the other three, and the finale to the series has WAY too many mistakes to be put on this list. The training sequences are awesome, and I love Murphy's Scarecrow too. He quite possibly was the best out of any of the villains. It felt closer to Batman comics than the other two, with Bane being diminished at the end, and the Joker being just too sadistic. The whole overall movie felt better than the latter two, and I have watched this one on repeat many a time. 7/10.
14. Hellboy (2004)
This movie just barely edges out its sequel, mostly due to it actually following Hellboy comics. De Toro is a genius and this movie is possibly the most creative out of any on this list. Pearlman brings the character of Hellboy to life from page to film. His actions, mannerisms, look, and personality are all identical to the comic counterpart. This film has great direction and never feels lost or boring, having great action throughout. Sometimes though, the creatures felt a little too fake looking, almost bordering on Power Rangers style costumes. A awesome film nevertheless. 8/10
13. X-Men: First Class (2011)
The first of three X-Men movies, this one delivered in almost every aspect. The acting and directing are superb. The costumes were also dead on, both the 60's and team costumes. Fassbender is by far a better Magneto than his predecessor and McAvoy is on par with Stewart. I also love Wolverine as much as the next guy, but it's nice to get a break. It was so refreshing to a nearly dead franchise after two complete duds. This also had a perfect blend of action, story, emotion, and funny. It's main problem: Didn't really follow the comics. At all. But this movie gets a total pass. This and DOFP should be a real lesson to Sony, and Marvel in all honesty. No offense to them, but overall, the X-Men franchise has been the best comic franchise. Very good movie. 8/10
12. Daredevil: Directors Cut (2003)
Oh yeah, it's on here. You know why? The Directors Cut is a terrific movie and is way closer to the comics. I feel bad for the director, because Regency bones him good. Anyways, this is actually a great movie. I was never a fan of the original, and it is a pretty boring mess through two hours. However the Directors is a rated R movie, as it should have always been. Affleck even seems more like Matt in this version. Daredevil has always been one of my favorite comics book characters, and this version truly gives me what I expect from any kind of Daredevil production. The only thing I would change is Garner as Elektra. She is just terrible, and it should have been someone else. And two of its fight scenes are truly a spectacle. 8/10.
11. Batman (1989)
This is in all reality, the best Batman movie. I agree with Keaton; he is Batman. Nicholson is also Joker on every level and I would take him over Ledger any day. Burton got the noir and environment of Batman perfect, and I love these action scenes more than anything from the new trilogy. The only miscue with this movie is Joker having something to do with the death of Waynes parents. I did not like that origin change. I think the acting, direction, feel, and tone of this movie are much better than the trilogy. Still the best Batflick to date. 8.5/10
10. Spider-Man 2 (2004)
This is by far the best of the original trilogy, capturing the essence of Spider-Man and how hard his life truly amazingly. The action, romance, story, directions, villain, screenplay and pretty much everything is great. I never feel bored or annoyed by anything in this movie, except for the raindrops keep falling on my head part.. This is Tobey's best performance, and it feels like you are reading a comic. The train fight scene alone pushes it to a whole new echelon. It knew what it was doing and never felt like a mess. It took many stories from the comics, and made you truly love this part of the franchise. It was truly a pity what it's sequel did. At least we have this, a true gem of a movie.
9. X-Men- Days of Future Past (2014)
The second of three, this movie was a great standout for the amazing summer of 2014. The acting and direction of this move, again, top most other CBM's. This also gets a pass on not following comics very well, because the story was awesome. This movie only had one real flaw; lack of action. There were some, and they were great, but not enough. McAvoy and Fassbender delve into their broken friendship even more, and give some of the best on-screen chemistry to date in a CBM. Hoult and Jackman were great too. It is overall another great entry into the (mostly) amazing X-Men franchise. Bring on Apocalypse! 8.8/10
8. Iron Man (2008)
This was a great way to kick off the MCU. This is the second best solo Marvel entry, and gave Iron Man the spotlight for a Marvel character. It followed his comic origins very well, and have some of the best effects of any Marvel movie. It's main flaw is also a lack of action, having some great scenes but not enough. Downey Jr is another person who really gives the character more personality than any comic writer ever did. He is the main reason Iron Man has gone from a secondary character, to the main attraction of any Marvel film. 8.8/10
7. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Who knew a film about such a small property, would be so amazing? Amazingly directed and acted, this movie truly has few flaws. It's only real one was the disappointing ending to Ronan. Otherwise, it was spot on. It has the best mix of action/comedy of any CBM to date. Groot and Rocket truly make the film, being fun and easy to love. But to me, Bautista as Drax really stole the spotlight. He did an amazing job as was actually very funny. I really hope he helps take down Thanos eventually. I have already seen this movie many times, and always thoroughly enjoy it. 8.9/10.
6. Man of Steel (2013)
For many, this is either a love or hate type of movie. I, personally, love it. This is a great take on Supes with superb acting and directing. Cavill is amazing as Superman and I can't wait to see more of him. This too was awesome at kicking off the DCCU. It's main flaw lies in the pitiful romance. Him and Adams had no chemistry, but I believe they will fix that. They fell in love after about ten minutes of knowing each other. The action is a complete spectacle and the acting is far and away amazing. I love Shannons Zod, turning him into a great CBM villain. I can't wait for more of the DCCU. 9/10.
5. The Avengers (2012)
This is possibly the most comic-like movie. Every bit of it is like reading a comic. This movie probably has more action than any other CBM. It does have a flaw of lack of story for more action. The end is literally 45 minutes of heroes fighting crap. It did display the dynamic of the Avengers to a tee and I can't wait to see more. I would also like to see Cap be more of the leader, but I doubt that happens til Avengers 3. I think Whedon did a great job, but I have full faith the Russo brothers will do it best. I also believe Ultron will be the best MCU villain yet, mostly due to James Spader. I do love this movie, and cannot count how many times I watched it. 9/10
4. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
This is actually a really great movie, and in my opinion, the closest to a Spider-Man comic. I’m probably the only one who thinks that. Not that I hate Magurie as Spidey, but by all means Garfield is better. The romance, writing, and acting were all better than all of the original trilogy. It is also quite a bit better than its successor. I don't hate TASM2 as much as most, but after watching many times, it has its mistakes. I loved the Lizard and I thought he looked pretty good. I actually think most of the cgi is pretty good. I did wish he wore his coat more. It was the perfect blend of action, romance, story, and emotional scenes. That was a major problem in TASM2. The also didn't cram in too much, and handled Ben, May, and the death of Cap. Stacy perfectly. A very great movie in all honesty. Biggest problem was Spidey's costume. 9.3/10.
3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Come on, this is a masterpiece. This is not only a very good CBM, this is flat out an amazing movie. I have have a lot of time finding a flaw, unless i truly want to nitpick. Too much Widow though, and I think Hawkeye would have been better in her place. Evans is amazing, so is Stan and Reford. The action scenes are completely brilliant, and it was like mixing Bond and The First Avenger, making it better than both. I can't wait for Civil War and I really hope this movie makes Cap the real lead character, like he deserves to be. This was the best CBM of 2014, which is actually saying a lot, and it was only behind DOTPOTA for best of 2014. It is by far the best solo MCU film, and probably my favorite to date. This is a classic of a movie, and I could watch it again and again. 9.5/10
2. Watchmen (2009)
No CBM has adapted its source material as well as this movie. Yes, the took out the monster and put in a nuclear blast. This was much better in my opinion. All of the actors knocked it out of the park, except one, with emphasis on Haley and Wilson. Snyder kills this, and effects and style were dead on. The script felt like they were just reading the comic instead of a screenplay. This is a masterpiece of cinema and I absolutely loved it. Even though I knew what would happen (Spoiler warning) to Rorschach, seeing Haley act it out still brought out an emotional response in me, and one I am not ashamed of. My only real flaw with this movie, is Ackerman. Lets be honest, she isn’t a very good actor. Snyder gave the most beloved comic of all time a true justice on screen. 9.9/10.
1. X2: X-Men United (2003)
By far and away my favorite CBM of all time. Singer has killed it all 3 times, and none more so than with this film. From its awesome opening with Nightcrawler, to it's dramatic ending with Phoenix, this movie delivers on every level. No movie mixes direction, action, acting, and romance better than this film. There is literally no flaws with it. It also has possibly the best comic fight scene ever in Wolverine vs. Strykers guards. It didn't follow the comic is was based on perfectly by any means, but if I could read this movie in comic form I would in a heartbeat. I truly believe singer understands these characters perfectly (besides maybe Cyclops) and he does this movie so much justice. I can’t even begin to count of many times I have seen this movie. This is truly the only flawless CMB, and simply put, the best. 10/10.

Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors. There is a reason I write for fun and that I am not a journalist or something. Well, that is my list, I am sure a lot will disagree but its all opinion based. Thanks for reading!