Find out how the Second Shift team gains key information in their pursuit of the evil Turmoil team.

By BenjiWest - Sep 20, 2014 02:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Hello CBMers!!!
For the uninitiated, Watchtower Tales is a fan fic serial about a group of Justice Leaguers I refer to as the Second Shift. The team consists of Zatanna, Hawkman, Atom, and Black Lightning. Each story often featuring another character joining the group for some general hijinks. Lately the group has put into motion a series of events creating a more detailed narrative now. The team is now relaxing after having stopped the nefarious plot of the Turmoil team. Little do they know however, the Turmoil team has just been employed by an intergalactic threat...

The "Javelin" spacecraft carrying Hawkman, Black Lightning, and Stargirl arrives at the planet of Oa. The spacecraft comes to a stop on a landing pad, and the passengers exit making their way to the main building of the Green Lantern Corps. Hawkman and Black Lightning walk side by side as Stargirl follows slightly behind, she is tapping away at her smart phone.

Looks back at Stargirl, then at Black Lightning. "Teenagers, huh? What would the world be like without them?"

"Well, for one, no Justin Bieber. Less Mountain Dew. No text language. You know it took me three years to figure out what "smh" stood for, my daughter would put it in her texts constantly." Looks to Stargirl. "Alright Court, it's time to put on the game face. I know the League is given you this big opportunity because of all the attention and celebrity you've gained. So, lets get off the phone. Superhero time."

Slightly rolls eyes. "You guys wouldn't understand. My BFFs, you know, Jennifer Lawrence, Selena Gomez, Lea Michelle, yeah those BFFs, they're having Defcon six probs right not. Someone has released nude pics of them on the internet. The creep of creeps."

"Ahh...Jennifer Lawrence. She should've returned at least one of my ninety two attempts to contact her. Yeah I know what's she hungry for, I'd be able to get her out of them "Hunger Games".

Puts her phone into her back pocket. "Eww...J-Law is super sweet. As if she would ever be seen with you."

The trio arrive and enter the entrance to the Green Lantern Corps facility. Inside Hal Jordan waves to them down from the hall as he walks towards the superheroes. Hal shakes each of their hands.

"Good to see you again Black Lightning and Hawkman. Nice to see them giving you a big opportunity here Stargirl, I know you'll do well. Let me take you to see Sinestro, he's got some disturbing information."

They walk down a long corridor passing a variety of odd members of the Green Lantern Corps. Varied sized and colored creatures with an array of strange weird forms. They come to a large door, that Hal uses his green ring to open, creating a large hand to do so. They enter a vastly large area with one green floor path surrounded by ten storied walls. Each story containing a long rail and a line of prison cells. The cells appear as black covered squared glass.

Looks around in all directions. "What is this place, Hal?"

"Oh, this is the Oan Intergalactic Penal Facility."

"Penal? I don't think I want to be in here..."

Chuckles. "No, no. Just think of it know, a big space prison. Where we keep some of the evilest creatures and people in the universe."

"So, which cell is George Lucas' then?"

Laughs. "Oh, he continues to elude us. Trust me, the creation of Jar Jar would get him ten years , at least."

"Who's George Lucas?"

The three of them stare at Stargirl.

"What? Oh, was he like a president or something?"

The three groan lowly. They arrive at a cell and Hal uses his ring and it makes the glass go from black to clear. Inside the cell, Sinestro stares at the group, his hands placed behind his back.

"So man, you got something to say to us?"

Stares at the group with disgust. "I thought they were sending the Justice League. Not super friends rejects."

"Ah, you seem a little sour. Probably still upset about losing your pretty yellow corps to Mongul. You must've lost a, "who's more pink" contest."

"Hardly. The inferior life form caught me by surprise. Plus, he was stronger and bigger than I had originally thought..."

"That's what she said!" Looks around at the others holding up his hand for a high five, none even smile or return the high five. "Aw! It's still golden!"

"Ugh. Simpleton. He also had help. He converted half my army to his efforts. And he was working with a powerful and dangerous ally. One he still abides now. One who is currently pulling the strings of his new master plan for galactic domination, the plan that I believe may involve the Turmoil team you recently lost. And that ally certainly isn't the incompetent Kanjor Ro he's recently been working with. No, someone far more crafty and evil. But you'll have to figure who it is on your own, I'm not gonna help you that much. But I will tell you..."

Suddenly Stargirl's cell phone begins to ring, playing the song "Rude" by the band MAGIC! as the ringtone.

"No!!! Where is my mace!! I must destroy that song."

"Sorry, my bad guys. I forgot I had the ringer still on. I'm so sorry." She pulls out her phone and turns off the ringer.

"Get on with your info Sinestro."

"Of course. You should be aware that Mongul has come into possession of five separate and different power rings. Yellow, violet, orange, red, and black. And I'm sure the one he truly submits to, has big plans for using them. Plus the number of rings they have matches the number of members to that Turmoil team. So, I suggest you find  Mongul, who's back in his Warworld craft, and do something."

Hal returns Sinestro's prison room glass back to black.

"I think you guys need to find Mongul as soon as possible. Those are the more dangerous rings, especially the black power ring. I'm sorry I can't help out, I got a big case. A strange case. I mean, really out there. Dealing with interdimensional travelers. A group of heroes from all different dimensions. A super powered talking rabbit crime fighter and a black Superman."

"A black Superman? That's cool."

"As well, he's the president of America back in his dimension. You can't make this stuff up...well, I guess you could, but you'd probably have to be on some super acid or something. These dimensional heroes, they travel in a spaceship, piloted by a talking chimp!"

"Kinda sounds like my honeymoon. Except, you know, it needs more nakedness...and chimps."


Pulls out a small communications device, the League Com. "Cy, listen, we got some bad news about some missing power rings, Mongul, and some highly disturbing info about Cawkman's honeymoon. We're on our way back to the Watchtower."

Voice through the communicator. "Copy that BL. You can regroup with the other team about the information they got from Rann."

"Nothing good comes out of Rann. They probably caught some kinda dirty flu. Oh, I know Rann created the Bird Flu. They had it out for Thanagar. They're straight up hawkist."

Laughs. "Lets get back. Come on."
Atom pilots a "Javelin" spacecraft on route to the planet Rann. Passenger to the trip are Zatanna and Vibe. As Zatanna leans back and closes her eyes, she is visited by an astral form of John Constantine, whom only she is able to see.

"Hello darling, thought I'd pop in for a spell. Get it, dear? Spell? Magic it real? Is it a trick? Is it funny? Can I make an elephant disappear?"

"What do you need John?"

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to help me out on this case. Chasing the Easter Bunny's evil little brother, Kale Bunny. He's broken out of magic confinement. He's got his eyes out on turning chocolate bunnies and whatnot to kale, veggie crap treats. The bastard!"

"While that sounds so appealing, I'm afraid I can't help. I'm in outer space. On my way to Rann. Tracking the Turmoil team. They're missing."

"Aw, outer space? You know how I love space. Growing up I must've watch that one space show a million times. That beloved know?"

"You mean Star Wars or Star Trek?"

"No love, I'm talking about "Biker Mice From Mars". Lovely name, innit? In any regard, have fun, bring me back a moon rock."

"Take care John."

Looks to the back of the spacecraft from the pilot's seat. "You ok, Zee?"

"Oh I'm fine Ray, was just having a magical conversation with John Constantine."

"Ok. You looked like you were in quite the trance. But I did want to tell you guys, we're here."

Atom maneuvers the spacecraft onto a landing pad at what appears to be a Rannian airport. The three exit the craft and are immediately met by Superman and a Rannian named Dewfarth. Dewfarth is wearing a long red jumpsuit with white gloves and boots.

"Morning guys."

"Whoa! Daaammnnn! It's Superman!! Wow!"

Shakes Vibe's hand. "Vibrator? Right? Good to see you getting this great opportunity and working with the second shift team. Lets go guys. Dewfarth has something to show us."

They all walk together toward a tan building. They enter into large white room with a large table in the center surrounded by multiple chairs. Atom, Zatanna, and Vibe sit in line on one side of the table. Superman stands in the corner and Dewfarth stands at the head of the table.

Whispers to Atom. "Superman shook my hand man!"

Whispers. "Yeah. Plus he called you Vibrator. Savior of the female orgasm." Laughs.

"Such a relief you didn't have Hawkman come out on this one. Almost all of Rann cannot tolerate him. We called him "Cawkman".

"That's funny, cause he calls himself Cawkman. To show of his machismo or cockiness."

"We just called him that cause we thought he was a dick."

Dewfarth presses the table top before him, and it brings up a holographic display at the center of the table. The display shows five planets and a few scattered stars.

"This is sector 1408. Uninhabited by intelligent life, but home to five different planets. It has long been rather desolate, so much so, the guardians haven't even assigned any Green Lanterns to the sector in many years. But recently, through use of the Zeta Monitor, we've noticed alot of activity in the sector. And the presence of a rather large unknown spacecraft. Each planet is also showing signs of activity." He highlights the holographic images of each planet as he continues.  "There's one with nothing but water and what looks like graveyards being made. Another looks to be transformed into something like an Earth jungle. And oddest yet this one, as what we can only say, looks like it has a working Earth carnival or circus on it. We thought the Justice League should be notified immediately."

"Certainly. Looks like a rather routine reconnaissance type of deal. I'm certain the second shift can easily take care of it. No problem, we'll get it checked out Dewfarth. Thanks for the notification." Looks to Atom. "Ray, get with Cyborg, give him the heads up about all this. Then you guys can head back to the Watchtower, get the rest of your team and check it out."

"What are you going to do Superman?"

"This should be an easy assignment. I got to keep watch out over Metropolis, one of my oldest enemies is on the loose out there. And, I've got to workout."

"Superman works out?"

"Not just a workout, Vibrator. A super workout." Winks at Vibe.

Superman exits the room, leaving Vibe, Zatanna, and Atom staring at one another.

"Looks like it's just back to us. Another adventure for the second shift."

"Yep." Pulls out his League Com. "Hey Cyborg, we got the info here, looks like we're going to have check out some strange going ons in sector 1408."

Voice over the League Com. "Copy that Atom. Return to the Watchtower to regroup with the others. They've got some info that may help out."

Inside the Warworld craft, Mongul stands besides Kanjor Ro, both looking out into space. Behind them a silver chair floats down to their level. Brainiac sits on the large shining chair that has a high back. From the high back of the chair, three silver tubes run into Brainiac's head.

"You know, they know by now that we're out here. They'll be coming soon."

"They have not the slightest clue however to why we are truly here. Let them come. The peons you gathered from Earth should suffice in providing enough of a distraction." Brainiac flies off in his chair.

Looks at Kanjor Ro. "You know with a chair like that, I wonder what his toilet looks like. Probably has a tube up his ass."

Thanks for the read everyone!!! Greatly appreciated! And sorry about the long wait, had a lot of work related issues.

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DCGuy - 9/20/2014, 3:18 PM
Wow this was amazing! I busted a gut twice with the Superman Vibrator name xD I just pictre him being so nice saying it xD great stuff Benji keep it up!
BenjiWest - 9/22/2014, 12:12 PM
Thanks guys!!! truly appreciate it! thanks for hanging in there
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