The First Scene Travels back to Ancient Times. The Amazons and The Greeks are in midst of a bloody war, after their king Hereklitus ordered the kidnap and imprisonment Hippolyta, Queen Of The Amazons. Find out why and how the conflict will be resolved, as legends battle for honor, pride, and victory, in the Age Of The Gods.
Wondy 30 Pages by Jean Paul Mokuolu
The Assorted Scenes Contain:
Teaser Scene 1: A horror scene of epic propotion, when a deadly new biological weapon is released on an unsuspected populace.
Teaser Scene 2: Who is Bakunin? And what is he doing with Cornel Fawaz. (This scene actually comes before Teaser Scene 1 incase of confusion)
Teaser Scene 3: See a bit of Diana and Ares in Action For The First Time.
Wondy Scenes Dr. Poison Day 1
Wondy Scenes Dr. Poison Day 1
Diana Alexandra Daddario
My reason: For me people get too hung up on the "WOMAN" in Wonder Woman and they forget what the story is actually about. Everyone is always casting women who look well in to their 30s, with commanding, and powerful precense. But they forget that trully the story of WW is actually the story of an overprotected girl (child) forced by destiny to seek her own path and become a woman. Alot of people say WW isn´t relatable, but it is precisely because of this missing element that people forget that at center the WW story is just a metaphor for growing up. Daddario is perfect for that, because she still essentially looks like a girl, she´s still growing up, but she can when needed have a very imposing and strong presence. She would have been a great pick and got that balance between what people expect of the character and really exploring WW as a story about growing up.
In general: Till my dying breath I will continue to preach that not casting Daddario as Wonder Woman is the single greatest casting blunder we have seen. My worry with this casting at first was that although she has the etherial beauty necessary for Wonder Woman, does she have the acting chops? Her recent roles in a number of features and her turn in True Detective shows me, she is more than just eye candy and could very much capture the role, given she could do some kind of foreign accent. Good Luck Gal, nothing against you, but still at least physically, very poor casting.
Steve Trevor Ryan Gosling
My Reason: Ryan Gosling is actually a tremendous actor who I was a big fan of way before he came to the spotlight. Unfortunately his most recent roles have type cast him as "Cool Guy", which is fine, but I think many people who just watch his mainstream roles have come away thinking this guy can only play himself. Not true. Gosling actually has amazing range and precence when he wants to.
In general: It´s a toss up between him and Anthony Mackie, Gosling and him are the only two guys I can think of, cool enough to chat up Wonder Woman. However in the end I think Mackie, if you´re familiar with WW lore would make a good Trevor Barnes. Perhaps something that can be brought in later as someone competting for Wondie´s affections.
Hippolyta Rebecca Hall
My Reason: I always thought Rebecca would make an awesome Wonder Woman, but given Daddario just edges it for me, because she´s younger, I think Rebecca would make for an awesome Hippolyta. She has the right gravitas, and lets be honest, Becca can play just about anything well.
In general : Becca is one of the most underrated actresses in Hollywood. I´ve never seen her in a bad role. Honestly.
Herakles Liam Neeson
My Reason: Why not? Atleast I´m not making him Zeus.
In General: Honestly can´t think of anyone. To be fair to Liam, may be a waste of his talents, for such a small role.
Artemis Christina Hendicks
My Reason: She´s perfect.
In General: She´s perfect. :)
My Reason: Io, lady of the forge, chiefly responsible for the design of Amazonian Weapons and resident Genius on The Island. Themyscira a mysterious land of Poets, Thinkers and Warriors, Io was grew-up even as a child having an almost preternatural understanding of science and the natural world. Lauren Cohan is who I see in the role. I´ve been impressed by her work on the Walking Dead for a long while and I think she has all the right qualities for such a character.
In General: Nothing more to add really.
Alkyone Jennifer Carpenter
My Reason: OK, I´ve got to stop using TV actresses. Anyway Alkyone is the Amazons greatest general and strategist. However she´s hiding a dark secret side that may well prove dangerous to Hippolyta and Diana.
Actress Jennifer Carpenter has never been my favorite, but she does do emotion really well. She emotes in a way on screen that truly brings out her characters vulnerability. If she can do an accent, I think that burning intensity that she brings to screen could really capture this complex character.
In General: I think Jennifer would look alright bald and tatooed as well and lets face it she needs the work. :)
My Reason: Juliette is one of my favorite actresses and can play any role, giving every line tremondous weight.
In General: I´m in love with her. There, I admitted it, now leave me alone. ;)
Dr. Poison Mads Mikkleson
My Reason: Dr. Poison otherwise known as Professor Hans Maru may well be the most dangerous intellectual on the face of the planet. A man whose high degree of intelligence and knowledge of Germ and Chemical warfare is only matched by his desire for revenge over the death of his entire family decades ago During a savage conflict with his sworn enemiesThe Bialyans. He is a man who has been forced to look at the world obejectively and without remorse or pity, because his cause is noble. A very different type of Doctor than the one Mads is currently playing, but equally as villanous. I think Mads would do a fantastic role of reinventing this classic Golden Age WW villain.
In General : Mads is the man, when it comes to these kind of roles. I couldn´t think of a better fit.
Ares God Of War/Bakunin Edward Norton
MY Reason: As you will see from reading my script, there are many different sides to our Ares. He is a very complicated and twisted type of evil, who has many faces. Edward Norton has always been the man to fill those kind of shoes. Where you need a character to manifest very distinct sides of himself Edward is the guy, and for me the absolute best guy to fill the role.
In General: It was between him and Jaoquin Pheonix, both would be great, but Ed just edged him out slightly as I really would love to see Ed get his hands on a psychopathic anarchist God who just delights in destruction, for seemingly no reason, other than the pleasure he derives from it.