X-Men 3 begins here
6 years have passed since X-Men 2
The X-Men are: Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl and Havok. They have been defeated in battle by the evil Count Nefaria, who plans to launch a stolen nuclear missile at the white house.
Only Cyclops escaped. Informing the x-men's mentor, Charles Xavier, that the others had been captured, Cyclops and Xavier head out to recruit a new team of X-Men to battle Nefaria and save the other X-Men. They find:
Colossus: Peter Rasputin is a young man. he lives on a farm. his younger sister, Ilyana is about to be ran over by a tractor when he saves her taking the blow from the tractor. he survives this because he can turn his skin to metal. he leaves to join the X-Men. Colossus is a friendly man who becomes best friends with Wolverine.
Nightcrawler: Kurt Wagner, was found in a river and adopted by the Wagner family. They owned a circus in which he performed and gained the nick-name, "The Flying Nightcrawler". He was out to get some food from the shops when he was attacked by an anti-mutant mob who wanted to burn him thinking he was a demon. Kurt was saved by Professor X. He is a strong catholic and believes that there is good in everybody's heart and that everything happens for a reason/
Storm: Ororo Munroe started off as a pickpocket in Africa, years later she was worshipped as a god by one of the small African tribes due to her ability to control the weather. She agreed to join the x-men. there is a bit of romantic tension between her and Wolverine.
Wolverine: Logan is a secret agent in Canada codenamed Wolverine. He is first seen when Xavier watches him takes down the beast known as Wendigo. He is offered a place in the X-Men and, much to his boss' dismay, he accepts. he prefers to work alone and constantly at odds with the team leader, Cyclops. there is a bit of romantic tension between him and Storm.
Banshee: Sean Cassidy is a Irish mutant and the cousin of Black Tom Cassidy. He wails creating sonic vibrations powerful enough to shatter glass or propel him through the air in flight. Banshee happily agrees to join the X-Men. his daughter, Theresa Cassidy is offered a place on Muir Island, where young mutants live happily and learn to control their powers from training instructors. Sean expresses interest in some day becoming a training instructor.
and Thunderbird: John Proudstar is an american mutant with superhuman strength and endurance. He is arrogant and doesn't get on with Cyclops. He dreams of dying a heroic death.
The New X-Men defeat Nefaria and free the original X-Men. Nefaria manages to launch his nuclear missile though, Thunderbird jumps onto it as it takes off and reprograms it to fly into the ocean. Thunderbird goes down with it and dies. The original X-Men state that they are retiring and the New X-Men should become the Permanent X-Men.
Professor x uses Cerebro, a machine he and Beast made a few years ago that can locate mutants, and finds a teenage girl in trouble. The girl is Kitty Pryde. Xavier sends the X-Men to save her. She has been offered a place in the hellfire club by Emma Frost, the White Queen. She refused the place and Emma says she has to kill Kitty then so that no one finds out about the Hellfire club but the X-Men arrive and save her. Emma Frost escapes.
Shadowcat: Kitty Pryde is a normal teenager, she goes to school, comes home, meets up with her mates, gets mad at her mum and then sleeps. Her life changes a lot when she discovers she is a mutant with the ability to become intangible meaning she can phase through objects. she is approached by Emma Frost, white queen of the Hellfire club, with an offer to join the Hellfire Club. Kitty refuses and Emma tries to kill her. she is saved by the X-Men and becomes a member of the X-Men, She thinks Colossus is hot.
Emma Frost: The White Queen of the Hellfire Club, Emma has been sent to offer Kitty Pryde a place in the Hellfire Club. Kitty refuses so Emma has to kill her to protect the secret of the Hellfire Club's existence. She is really just causing a distraction for The Other members of the Hellfire Club's inner circle.

Meanwhile the Xavier institute is attacked by Charles' half-brother, The Juggernaut. He slowly fights through all of Xavier's defences. When he reaches Xavier he is wearing his helmet which blocks Xavier from his mind, but Jean Grey, Marvel Girl, arrives and removes the Juggernaut helmet telekinetically. Charles then puts The Juggernaut's brain to sleep. Jean explains she came because the voice of the Latin phoenix in her head is getting louder and starting to speak English. Before Charles can comment, the Hellfire Club's inner circle arrives and gases the two of them taking them prisoner, leaving a note for the X-Men saying not to interfere or the Hellfire Club will be forced to kill them.
The Juggernaut: Cain Marko is Charles Xavier's half-brother who found the ruby of Cyttorak transforming him into a human juggernaut. He went mad and went on a rampage and Xavier was forced to stop him. He was broken out of his cell by the Hellfire Club and sent to the Xavier Institute to defeat his defences allowing the Club members to enter and kidnap Xavier and, more importantly, Jean.
Marvel Girl: Jean Grey was a member of the original X-Men. She is the love of Cyclop's life and a powerful telepath and telekinetic. She hears the voice of an ancient latin phoenix come to cleanse the world in her head. The phoenix, she will soon discover, is not just a voice in her head. She and Xavier and kidnapped by the Hellfire Club after defeating the Juggernaut.
The Hellfire Club: The Hellfire Club is a secret organisation of mutants who train younger mutants to be soldiers of "The Immortal Phoenix". They were told of a phoenix that would cleanse the world by iliminating all those impure. They were also told the phoenix would use a young, class 8, female, telepath. Their Inner Circle consists of: Sebastien Shaw, the White King, Emma Frost, The White Queen, Jason Wyngarde, The Black King (Mastermind), and Selene, The Black Queen.
X-Men 4: Dark Phoenix begins here.
The X-Men, with the new addition of Shadowcat, return to the xavier institute to find the note left for them. They track down the hellfire club and attack. the X-Men are defeated except for Wolverine and Cyclops who keep on fighting. Then Jean arrives. She has been brainwashed by Mastermind and now believes she is the mutant christ. Cyclops is defeated by Jean and Wolverine is shot. Believing him dead, The Hellfire club dumps Wolverine's body in the sewer. They prepare the ritual to bring the phoenix from Jean's inside to Jean's outside.
Mastermind: Jason Wyngarde is a mutant with mind-altering powers. He was a member of Magneto's brotherhood but only as a spy for the hellfire club. He was searching for the prophesised girl. He suspects it may be Jean but her powers do not appear to be level 8. but as the years go by her powers only improve and Wyngarde decides she is the girl. He informs the other members of the Inner Circle and they devise a plan to kidnap her. He then alters her mind to make her think she is serving the greater good and the phoenix force is god and must be reborn.
Wolverine heals up and returns to the Hellfire Academy. He is just too late to stop the ritual from being completed. he does however manage to free the others. Jean becomes the Dark Phoenix and kills Mastermind. She threatens to kill Sebastien Shaw, but he and the ladies run away and escape.
Cyclops tries to reason with the Phoenix but she simply pushes him aside. She states all are impure and she is the deathbringer. She knocks all the X-Men unconscious and flies away. When they awake they find they are not alone and the Shiar Imperial Guard have arrived.
Shiar: The Shiar are an alien race ruled over by Princess Lilandra. Their police force is the Imperial Guard led by Gladiator. The Imperial Guard are currently tracking down the Phoenix. a murdering space entity wanted for many crimes including genicide.
The Shiar are here to kill the phoenix and if that means killing Jean too then they won't hesistate. Cyclops persuades them to give them 12 hours to separate phoenix from Jean. They track down Jean and she swears to kill them if they don't leave. Cyclops says they're not leaving without her. Jean fights them and defeats them all. Cyclops talks to her and manages to bring Jean back for a few seconds who begs him to kill her. Cyclops refuses so Jean lifts his visor teleinetically and his optic beams kill her as he is just too slow shutting his eyes. He is forever cursed to live with the guilt of her blood on his hands even though she wanted it. The Imperial Guard leave as their mission is done and The X-Men return to the Xavier Institute.
Next: To The Future!