FAN CAST: Cable (Part Two) by JoshW

FAN CAST: Cable (Part Two) by JoshW

Here is the second part of my 50 character Cable fan cast! Included are 25 of the major heroes and villains from the characters most recent title covering Messiah War, Waiting For The End Of The World, X-Force/Cable, Stranded and Homecoming! (UPDATED)

By JoshWilding - Mar 11, 2010 12:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Josh Wilding

For the first part of my Cable cast just click HERE! Covered there are all of the characters from Cable's origins and early years!

Volume 1: Messiah War

Is she mutantkind’s last hope...or its final damnation? Cable, the former mercenary and time-travelling X-Man, is given the task of protecting the last offspring of the dying Mutant race, but by ensuring her survival, he may also guarantee its extinction. Bishop, the cop from the future and traitor to the X-Men, stalks Cable and the infant in the lawless New Jersey of 2043, determined that the nightmare future he grew up in must never come to pass. Now, aided by an old ally, Cable must decide if he should continue running or face Bishop, while bringing hope to a hopeless land.

Michael Biehn as Cable

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Cable is an enhanced mutant from the future. He is the son of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey.


Henry Simmons

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Morris Chestnut

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Erik King

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Lucas Bishop is a mutant from the 22nd century that travelled into the past, becoming a member of the X-Men for a time until he turned on them in order to kill the “Messiah Child”.

Kate Hudson as Sophie Pettit

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A waitress from the year 2043, she was present when a truck fell on Cable and Hope Summers and took the two to a safe place where she began to mend their wounds.

Mickey Rourke as Cannonball

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An older Cannonball helps Cable escape with the child, opting to stay and distract Bishop. After a long fight, Bishop kills him using a claw-like tentacle from his new bionic arm to rip out Guthrie's heart.

Volume 2: Waiting For The End Of The World

In the aftermath of the "Messiah Complex" war, Cyclops took a leap of faith and allowed his son Cable to disappear into the time stream with the first new mutant birth since "M" day. Weeks later, he still waits for a sign, however small, that he made the right decision. Meanwhile, Bishop returns to the present in search of a super weapon but stumbles into a trap laid by the X-Men, who frantically try to uncover the secrets of Cable’s fate. Cable has taken refuge in the hidden city of New Liberty and assumed the identity of a peaceful farmer and is married to a woman named Hope. However, that peace may not last for long…

Brandon Routh as Cyclops

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Visually distinctive due to his Ruby Quartz visor, Cyclops is a mutant with the ability to absorb solar energies and redirect them as a concussive blast through his eyes.

Miranda Raison as Emma Frost

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Emma Frost is the former White Queen of the Hellfire Clubs' Inner Circle. Emma has become a prominent member and co-leader of the X-Men.

Billy Crudup as Beast

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One of the original X-Men, perhaps most notable for his blue, rough exterior yet kind and gentle heart and intelligence.

Christina Hendricks as Hope Summers

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Hope Summers was the wife of Nathan Summers and the adoptive mother of the “Mutant Messiah”. She was shot and killed on Day 784 of Cable’s time in the future.

Colm Feore as Humanoid Blatarian US President

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The self proclaimed US President, he and his army attacked New Liberty where Cable fought them and later killed him.

X-Force/Cable: Messiah War

Cyclops has complete faith that his son, Cable, will do everything he can to protect the so-called mutant messiah - who he believes will save mutantkind. But he also knows what havoc former X-Man Lucas Bishop has wreaked in the nightmarish future. So now he's sent his black ops team, the X-Force, on a risky, time-traveling mission to save Cable and the child, completely unaware that there's something else waiting for them in the future. Something not even Bishop was counting on...

Chloe Moretz as Hope

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As a child she's already an excellent hand-to-hand combatant and despite not exhibiting further powers, Hope has become a keen observer and survivalist thanks to Cable’s training.


Christian Kane as Wolverine

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Wolverine is a mutant turned into the ultimate weapon through the Weapon X program. He found a higher purpose when he joined the X-Men.

Charlize Theron as Domino

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Domino is a skilled marksman and combatant. She also possesses the mutant ability to manipulate probability in her favour, giving the effect of incredible luck.

Adam Beach as Warpath

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James Proudstar, currently known as Warpath, is an Apache and mutant who has been affiliated with many X-Teams over the years.

Armie Hammer as Archangel

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Warren Worthington III is Angel, a mutant and member of the X-Men. He sports large angelic wings, like his namesake, which allow him to fly and unique blood that can heal himself and others.

Summer Glau as X-23

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Laura Kinney is the result of a top-secret project to replicate the original Weapon X. She has joined the X-Men to find her place, but reverts to her killer instincts as a member of X-Force.

Mark L. Young as Elixir

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Elixir is one of the students at Xavier Institute and is known for his ability of biological manipulation which allows him to both restore life or take it on a whim.

Michael Rosenbaum as Vanisher

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The Vanisher is a powerful teleporter, capable of moving across the country or further in a single jump.

Other Characters

Michael Biehn as Stryfe

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A clone of Cable created by the Askani and raised by Apocalypse, Stryfe is the founder of Mutant Liberation Front, and the creator of the Legacy Virus.

Faran Tahir as Apocalypse

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Apocalypse is one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel universe, describing himself as a saviour of his kind, his mission is to separate the strong mutants that will live and the weak ones that should perish

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

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A thousand years in the future, Wade Wilson is still alive after being locked in a freezer for 800 years. Killed by Stryfe in a final heroic act.

Volume 3: Stranded

Opening literally one second after the shattering conclusion of "Messiah War," Cable's mission to save mutantkind has never looked more bleak. In fact, you can't even call it a mission anymore... After all he's been through, after all he's survived... now all Cable can do now is pray - pray the heavily-armed killers roaming the deep future can't match his survival skills. And what is the fate of Hope - the so-called "Mutant Messiah"? Her and Cable are separated in time by two years so now they need to find each other if they hope to survive the crazed and seemingly unstoppable Bishop!

Dev Patel as Emil

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Emil is the son of Commander Spence. He and his people are followers of Stryfe. He helped hide Hope from his people when Bishop came looking for her.

Arnold Vosloo as Commander Spence

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Spence is a commander in the Clean City. He is the father of Emil.

The Brood

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The Brood are a race of alien parasites that reproduce by implanting their eggs in others. Cable fight them after fleeing into space with Hope.

Volume 3: Homecoming

From the moment Cable jumped into the time stream with the infant "mutant messiah," he's had only one goal: keep Hope alive until she can choose her own destiny. But now, stranded on a planet in its death throes, eating fried rat on a stick for the millionth time, Hope turns to Cable and tells him she's ready to go home. It's not only zero hour for Cable and Hope, but also for the mutant hunting them, Lucas Bishop, who is rapidly running out of chances to save mutantkind and the world. Because if Hope does make it back to the present, everything changes for the X-Men…

Deborah Ann Woll as Hope

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Hope has recently demonstrated powerful telekinesis (enough to stop a bullet in mid air) as well as possible telepathy. She also has had the Phoenix avatar appear in here eyes hinting that she may be a vessel for the Phoenix entity.

So that's a wrap! Please feel free to let me know what you think in the usual place and as always, thanks for reading! :)

And if you haven't yet seen them, here are links to my other fan casts!


Alpha Flight
The Avengers
The Avengers II
Dark, Mighty and New Avengers
Black Panther
Cable (Part One)
The First Avenger: Captain America
The First Avenger: Captain America II
Captain America: Reborn
Captain Britain
The Champions
The Defenders
Doctor Strange
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four II
The Incredible Hulk 2
The Immortal Iron Fist
The Inhumans
The Invaders
Iron Man 3
Marvel Knights
Moon Knight
Ms. Marvel
New Warriors TV Show
The Punisher
Spider-Man: The Second Trilogy
Spider-Man: Sinister Six
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Starjammers
The Thunderbolts
The Ultimates
West Coast Avengers
X-Men 4
X-Men: First Class
Astonishing X-Men
Dark X-Men
X-Factor Investigations TV Show
Young Avengers TV Show

DC/Video Games

Batman 3
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Dead Space
Justice League of America
Superman (Reboot)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune & Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

And don't forget to check out my biggest fan cast of 205 Marvel Characters and my second biggest cast featuring 100 Marvel Civil War Characters!!!

Coming Soon...

Ghost Rider
Old Man Logan
The Marauders
The Shi'ar Empire
Ultimate Avengers

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DC & Marvel Team Up In Awesome Fan-Created "Infinite Crisis" Video

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safecrash - 3/10/2010, 12:48 PM
Pretty awesome casting. And Chestnut for Bishop, cause King is Blade and Simmons is Luke Cage.

Cyke, Frost and Beast: Routh and Raison still being my second picks for Cyke and Emma. As well as Crudup for Beast, since Sarsgaard is the best for the role.

Hope: I don't think we should have Moretz as Hope. The young Hope doesn't appear too much, wasting Moretz' talent on a little role.

Wolverine: Dude, I watched Leverage, and now I fully agree with you and DDD, Kane is Wolverine. And the show rocks.

Warpath: Nah, Beach is too short. Maybe he could play Forge, but not Warpath. Eddie Spears is Warpath.

Archangel: Though Teddy Sears is my first pick for Warren. Hammer would be great too.

Elixir: I've never seen any movie with Young. Can you suggest one?
SHHH - 3/10/2010, 12:51 PM
Henry Simmons is Bishop..Charlize Theron as Domino good one also I like em all ..
THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 1:10 PM

The last issue of Cable comes out today!

Hope and Cable make it back to the present, I can't wait to read it!
CRITIC17 - 3/10/2010, 1:10 PM
Great cast man!!!!! I have to disagree with BIshop though... Michael Jai White!!!!

No one but Michael Biehn could play Cable!!!

Hey JOsh, did you play BioShock 2 yet??
THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 1:13 PM
Oh and amazing pick for teenage Hope, absolutly perfect.
Ryden - 3/10/2010, 1:33 PM
Great cast, I like Bruce Willis for Cable but Biehn is fine! awesome ;D
JoshWilding - 3/10/2010, 1:59 PM
ThalesNJ: Thanks man! I completely agree with your Blade/Cage/Bishop choices - I just wanted to add a little variety to my cast as they're all suited to the character in some way! Routh and Raison are still my top choices for Scott and Emma, though I could cope with Crudup not playing Beast as I'd love to see him play Reed Richards! If they changed things around a little, I think that Moretz could easily be given a bigger role as Hope! Glad you like my Wolverine (that was a great call by DDD, I agree!) and Archangel choices while I'm not a fan of Spears for Warpath...I think Beach could pull it off! I cant suggest any movies Young has been in because I've only seen him in a couple of episodes of Dexter! He was so brilliant in that however, I'm sure that he'd be a great fit for Elixir IMO!

SHHH: Thanks! Simmons would make a great Luke Cage as well and Theron is perfect for Domino!

THEHAWK: Thanks man, I put a lot of consideration into casting the older, current comic book Hope but I think I found the perfect actress! Living in the UK, I wont be able to get my hands on Cable #24 until Friday but I cant wait! I just wish the series wasnt ending with the next issue! ;(

CRITIC: Cheers bud! :) Not a big White fan to be honest with you! Biehn IS Cable - I just hope they give him the role within the next few years before he's too old! You wont believe this but I still havent played Bioshock 2, lol! It's been sitting on my shelf for weeks now but I've been so busy making these casts, playing Heavy Rain and finally watching Firefly I just havent had the chance to start it! I'm hoping to over the weekend though!

Ryden: Thanks dude! As Biehn is nearing the point of being too old to play Cable and with no definite chance of seeing the character on the big screen anytime soon, I'd be more than happy for Willis to play him! Great choice!
THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 2:07 PM
@Joshw. I know, I keep worrying that they will be killing Cable off after this series, or at least after Second Coming. i mean think about it. He was in his 60's when he took Hope to the future. He and Hope were in the future for 17-19 years. So now Cable is at least in his late 70's. He is getting up there in age now unfortunately.

I hope they don't off him. He is my favorite comic character left, all the others are dead. Sandman, Batman... If Cable goes, I'll be outta heroes, I'll just go back to Deathstroke.
CRITIC17 - 3/10/2010, 2:33 PM
@Hawk: Thats cool man!!!

@JOsh: HEavy Rain makes me wanna go out and buy a PS3 right now!!!! You must play BIoShock 2!!!!!!! I've almost beaten multiplayer now and I've probably beaten the main game 7 times (like with the first game I love replaying it again and again)!!!! Yeah, they better hurry up and give Biehn the call!!
BLADE44 - 3/10/2010, 2:42 PM
Bishop: Chesnut all the way
Cable: Biehn way too old...didnt he have a part in the 1984 Terminator movie? Bruce Willis or Daniel Craig as Cable in my opinion.
Apocalypse:needs someone with good size and a commanding
voice that's why my pick is KEVIN GREVIOUX.
Oh YEA WITH ROUTH as field leader of the X-MEN and I like your CANNONBALL pick.

Thank goodness you see the need to recast WOLVERINE.

again JoshW nice work!
JoshWilding - 3/10/2010, 3:07 PM
THEHAWK: I've been having the same thoughts...his age is definitely a problem now and his feud with Bishop is bound to reach a head during Second Coming in a pretty final way - I just hope we're both wrong as it's been this latest seies that's made me such a big fan of Cable's!

CRITIC: Lol, you should man! I've only had chance to play it through the one time but I cant wait to go back and try it all in a completely different way! I'm actually thinking of doing a fan cast based on the game in the near future so be sure to keep an eye out! The same goes for both Bioshock games...once I've played the second one that is! :P

blade40: Cheers dude! Chesnut would make a great Bishop! (and is probably my favourite choice out of the above three!) Biehn was in The Terminator and as I've said above, he's starting to get a little too old for Cable so I'd be more than happy with Willis in the role...not sure about Craig though! I used to like Michael Clarke Duncan for Apocalypse but I decided to go with Tahir this time as I'd prefer an actor who's actually of a similar race and could pull off a villainous role like this well...just add CGI and I think he'd be perfect! Glad you like my Cyclops, Domino and Cannonball choices - thanks again!
THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 3:19 PM
I know man. Cable and Bishop have always been my two favorite X-Men and I love how they have been pitted against each other. I hate to say it, but I hope by the end of Second Coming Bishop is proven right.

I have been thinking that Hope might go bad at the end of the series, I have a feeling that Bishop will get his due.

But I've been a Cable fan since the beginning. X-Force was the first X-Men book I picked up. His first solo series was awesome as well.

HAWK out
DDD - 3/10/2010, 5:43 PM
Wow, people are finally discovering that Christian Kane is
virtually doing Logan on LEVERAGE! I'm glad people are
checking the show out cuz it's really good! It deserves a
huge audience and to not get canceled! I love the
interplay between ELIOTT & HARDISON!

Of course it's basically a Robin Hood clone in the modern
world but it has a special charm of it's own! I love how it
pays back powerful evil people who are above the law!

This is a great fancast JOSH@! The only one I don't
totally agree with is Beach for Warpath! He's a little
too small to play a 7 foot giant, even with movie magic!
Eddie Spears also has the kind of pissed-off persona that
WARPATH carries around with him!

But damm good casting, JOSH@!

JoshWilding - 3/10/2010, 7:15 PM
ANIL: Thanks man, interesting Wolverine choice! I'm not sure...I definitely dont see Cyclops dying although I can imagine Emma might be a possibility though! I know Fraction has said that it'll be one of the bigger characters so if I had to bet I'd go for someone like Nightcrawler - a shock to fans but someone who wont be that missed! (sort of like Wasp dying at the end of Secret Invasion!) Whoever it is, I just hope it's not Pixie, lol, because it's great to finally have a Welsh superhero! ;D

THEHAWK: Yeah, I think it'd be a great twist to have Bishop - the guy who's now seen to be an evil, psychotic bastard - actually have been right all along! However, I cant help but hope he's wrong and we'll see Cable live on to fight another day! Talking of Hope, it's going to be pretty damned interesting to see what they do with her character! If it turns out she's not evil, I just hope they dont waste the character by dumping her on one of the young X-Men teams...I'm not a fan of those at all!

DDD: The show, and what I've seen of it, looks great man - I plan on checking it out online as soon as I have some free time! Glad you like the cast though bud, thanks! I'm still not sold on Spears but then I said that about Kane and here he is for the second time in one of my casts, lol!

KidZombie: Thanks, I look forward to seeing some of your upcoming casts! :) I'm pleased you like my choices for Hope - they were difficult to come up with, especially the older version of the character! You should check out Kane on YouTube as I did...he has a lot of the right qualities that the actor playing Wolverine should have! (and he's the right height, lol!)

To be honest, these casts take me so long I very rarely get time to go into detail as to why I chose the actors for the roles! Plus, I found that a lot of the time I would end up just repeating myself in the comments section anyway so now I just let anyone who's interested ask me and as I hope you can see I do my best to reply in deatil to everyine who comments no matter how long or short! To answer your question though, I make my decisions based on both looks but also, and even more importantly, the actors themselves. For example, Christina Hendricks up there is the spitting image of Hope Summers but I wouldnt have picked her for that role if I didnt think she would do a great job! If I can find actors who both look the part and fit the character then I cast them in that role.
LEEE777 - 3/10/2010, 7:34 PM
Cool man but aint CRUDDUP MR FANTASTIC?

; D


: p

3 BISHOPS ?? Not one mine, but i forgive ya lol.

Great work dude, enjoyed it, touch on the HOPE pick and hey ANGEL is TEDDY SEARS dude, but no matter, anyways great work!

ARMIE HAMMER = perfect young CAPTAIN AMERICA!!!!!!

Can't see CLARK KENT for CYCLOPS though...


[frick] Stephen Lang lol!

Over all awesome cast dude, hey i might even like that Hammer role soon! ; D
supermarioworldE - 3/10/2010, 8:17 PM
Very fine casting. I could easily see King as Bishop (love Dexter), but probably without the hair.

Summer Glau is completely perfect as X-23. I can't imagine anyone else for the part.

Crudup would make a cool Beast, but I must admit that Kelsey Grammer's Beast was easily one of the best things that came out of X-3. And it's a shame too, because if X-3 had been done correctly, we might have been seeing him in X-4 by now.

And of course Biehn would make a great Cable. It's a shame that his career never got rolling the way it should of after the 80's Cameron era. He's such a cool actor.

THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 8:30 PM
Yeah, I hate it when they dump off a cool character on a third rate team...

But i wish that they find some way for Bishop to redeem himself, but then again he has destroyed every continent in the world to get to Hope and Cable.

Even if Bishop is wrong, I don't forsee Cable surviving the Second Coming crossover.

HAWK out
CRITIC17 - 3/11/2010, 4:28 AM
@DDD: YEah man!!! Kane is exactly like Logan on Leverage!!!! Man that finale just blew me away!!!!! It seems like the show's over now, even though its coming back... can't wait!!!! :)
JoshWilding - 3/11/2010, 5:21 AM
LEE: Thanks bud! :) Who would be your top choice for Bishop? Glad you like those choices though man and after all those dodgy casting rumours we've had recently, I would be more than fine with Hammer playing Cap! (he'll make a better Archangel though, lol!) Crudup would make a great Reed Richards but also a great Beast...I'm not sure which I'd rather see him as! Sears is also a great choice for Warren though and a big "Hell No!" to Lang!

supermarioworldE: Thanks man! Yeah, I too am a big fan of King's (and especially Dexter!) but I agree that if he play's has to be without the hair, lol! Before recently watching Firefly and Serenity, I couldnt see why people wanted Glau as X-23 - now I do though and I can honestly say that she's perfect for the role! To be honest, I wasnt a huge fan of Grammer's Beast but I put that down more to the way the character was poorly written than the actor. It's a damned pity we havent had a fourth X-Men movie but after seeing what Fox did with X-Men Origins: Wolverine and as someone who isnt a fan of any of the X-Men movies, I'm almost relieved that they havent had the chance to disappoint us yet again! Completely agree with you about Biehn!

THEHAWK: Yeah, it'll be hard for the X-Men to forgive Bishop after what he's done but if he really was right and somehow saves everyone...maybe! As much as I want to deny it, you're more than likely right about Cable - guess I'll have to start picking up more of the characters classic stuff! Still, no one really stays dead for long in the comic books so I'm sure he'll be back someday! Right? RIGHT!?! ;D

pietro: Really? I like Jane as an actor (although I was never a big fan of him as The Punisher) but I'm not sure if I can see him as Cable!
THEHAWK - 3/11/2010, 11:45 AM
@Joshw. Yeah, I got the feeling they will "kill Bishop" at teh beginning of Second Coming and then I'm going to guess that Cable gets killed and Hope goes crazy with grief and goes all "Dark Phoenix" on everyone and Bishop shows up at the last moment and kills her, saving the world. Or something like that.

I get the feeling that we will get Cable back. I mean he is a time traveller. if he dies, we can get a younger, different Cable from his timeline.

He will be back
LEEE777 - 3/11/2010, 1:05 PM
JOSH @ Cool, i mean [frick] Stephen Lang as a BIG NO, i know ppl like him and i think its a lame choice lol!

Thats what i mean't lol, been BIEHN from the start dude!

Yeah i see BILLY as BEAST though i reckon he suits the human version more, posted a pic up a few times somewhere.

Can''t tell you my Bishop man, someone will probably knick it, well maybe lol, you know who i'm talking about lol! ; )

I gotta do an X-MEN casting sooner or later, yeah i know, ive only done X-Factor lol.

P.S. At least most of us agree on one thing...

[frick] FOX! : P

Spock - 3/11/2010, 6:15 PM
@ Josh, u know I do enjoy these casting by u & others. I my not always comment but they are pretty good. I am honestly not going to do too many of these @ all. I just did my 1st one last week. I do like them all but Michael Rosenbaum as Vanisher that I do find intrigeing
statechamp00 - 3/11/2010, 6:16 PM
I think Kevin Grevioux could play Bishop.
And I think maybe MAYBE Ralf Moeller could be a good Cable. After all, Cable is giant in the comics. He's well over 6ft and he's build like a tank. Ralf Moeller fits this description, and I think with Hollywood magic makeup he could definitely look the part. I know he can do action since he was in Conan and Gladiator.... Although he is german so I don't know how his voice would sound...
JoshWilding - 3/11/2010, 6:32 PM
tea: Thanks bud, I'm glad you like that choice! I think he'd be pretty well suited to Warpath!

THEHAWK: Interesting, and more than likely, accurate theory dude! Good point about Cable - that would also be a great way of solving the age problem of course! I'm still hoping he wont die though..!

LEE: Yeah, Lang is a decent enough actor but he'd make a cheesy Cable! Hehe, fair point about Bishop! Are you going to include him in a cast sometime soon then? I'm taking a (well deserved, lol!) break from casting for a few days...I'm out of inspiration and just dont feel like it! This always happens - I do a pile in quick succession and then run out of steam! Looking forward to seeing your upcoming X-Men cast though! [frick] Fox indeed!!! ;)

Spock: Thanks man, I appreciate that. I'll be sure to check out your cast as soon as I get chance!

statechamp00: Interesting Bishop choice! I'm not that familiar with Moeller to be honest with you an although he sort of looks the part, I dont think I'd be that keen on seeing him play Cable! Especially not if he has a German accent, lol!
LEEE777 - 3/11/2010, 6:51 PM

[frick]ing [frick]ing FOX!

; p

P.S. Only part i'll ever see LANG for is DEATHSTROKE THE TERMINATOR, perfect i tell ya! : D
statechamp00 - 3/11/2010, 9:35 PM
very solid cast!
I can't complain about any of the picks....none of them seem downright wrong to me. I would be PUMPED to see this film!
THEHAWK - 3/11/2010, 9:44 PM
@Josh. Yeah, i get you man. I hope he lives to, like I said he is my favorite charcter alive that hasn't been F***ed up by some shitty resurection story.
LEEE777 - 3/12/2010, 10:38 AM
Yeah HAWK,

I h8 them shitty resurection stories! ; P
peterparker420 - 3/12/2010, 5:33 PM
Josh- sorry to see this buried at almost the bottom of the
page :(


Charlize Theron as Domino..yum yum yum..great choice!

Armie Hammer as Archangel..could you pick a more perfect
actor? LOL!

Michael Rosenbaum as Vanisher..UMM...AWESOME!!!!

Miranda Raison as Emma Frost..umm I don't really know her, I
would have chosen:

Yvonne Strahovski (from Chuck)
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By peterparker23 at 2010-03-12

but hey, that's just me!


JoshWilding - 3/12/2010, 7:59 PM
statechamp00: Cheers man, I'd love to see some sort of version of this storyline made into a movie as it would be damned EPIC!!! (as long as it's not made by Fox, lol!)

THEHAWK: Have you read Cable #24 yet? Quite a shocker huh? A pity that the art let the past few issues down but now I'm super excited for Second Coming!!!

PETE: Thanks bud - the way that this has been buried has put me off starting any more casts to be honest! Still, I appreciate you hunting this down, lol! Glad you like my picks man! Raison is best known in the UK for starring in a spy drama called Spooks on the BBC! Perfect for Emma IMO! Talking of perfect, there's only one role that Strahovski is perfect for... ;)

peterparker420 - 3/12/2010, 8:20 PM
JOSH- GOOD CALL! no wonder why I didn't know who she was!
I don't think that show plays on BBC America, but again
Strahovski is perfect for Ms Marvel! But I also think

Katherine Heigl would make a great Ms Marvel!
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By peterparker23 at 2010-03-12

or she could me (evil) Ms Marvel (Moonstone)

and the battle of Ms Marvel continues!

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