VENOM: The Lethal protector... ( Spin off pitch with cast)

VENOM: The Lethal protector... ( Spin off pitch with cast)

I am in favor of Venom Redeeming himself through a reboot, and think that a new cast with a new telling of the story from his perspective is what could bring the two minded menace back on the "COOL" pages of marvel

By TheSoulEater - Nov 03, 2009 06:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Reboot IS what this franchise needs, both Spiderman and venom. I loved what the incredible Hulk did, in making a complety new arena for Hulk's franchise to redeem itself character wise. Venom was done even more of a injustice then Spiderman, so a Reboot i think is owed him.

THIS is how it could go

(first of all, Topher stunk up the roll. Even IF he had more screen time, he would have just sucked that much longer. "I like being makes me happy...." I mean come on!!!! Thats insultingly dumb!
We need new blood in this one.

Next off, venom WILL have his split personality, as he should.

Thirdly, The movie will be from the perspective of Eddie Brock whole time. He deserves his own movie reboot, and having Spidey in there will cram it, which we dont want.

Nothing should distract us from Eddies' side of the story, except for the occasional CGI flash back of "Spsiderman." Other wise, his being seen as hero will be lost as if spider man was ANYWHERE in this movie, he'd forget his "protagonistic roll" and go back to putting people in jeapordy to hurt him.

This is about the GOOD or shall we say, "NOT bad" side of Venom/Brock, so we should be allowed to see his protagonistic qualities without interuption. Carnage should take up the bulk of the evil in the movie.

However Venom WILL dish out some NON-Spidey can call it "Heroic Brutalilty" if you want, but Venom plays hard ball, and he'll kill you, as well as mame you for hurting somemone, and lets face it, sometimes its called for, he'll do what spiderman WON'T. Venom is like what Dare Devil is to spiderman, but with Spiderman powers if you think about it, he like DareDevil, though a hero in his action, goes after the more infamous evils of the street that dont deserve mercy, as well as the occasional thug, and is there for more brutal.

The angle here will be that he believes that a freind of his(Gwen, the one person besides parker who said he wasn't a lost cause.) died because Spiderman WOULDN'T kill the murderer when he had the chance.

When the movie opens in a BLUR of motion, it does so with an epic fight scene where Venom and Spiderman are fighting in a Subway station, trains zooming by with lights glaring as they do amazing areal and martial arts manuvers. A person gets knocked on the tracks and it distracts venom momentarily, and both he and spiderman attempt to web the person back off of the tracks. But as soon she's safely on solid ground he goes back to trying to kill spiderman....

"Mr. Edward Brock?......" a woman's voice says.

We suddenly snap out of that scene and are in a hearing room at some sort of psyche ward or hospital. He's sitting in a chair facing the board.

"You were saying Mr. Brock about your past experiances with Spiderman?" the woman continues.

As it will be reveiled, He's been seperated from his symbiot for almost 6 months, and Dr. Conners results find him 100% out of its control....(as conclusive as they may or may not be. dun dun dun)

Eddie pretty much tells us this as he's asked by the board why he should be allowed to go free.

"I was confused and under the influence of a substance that...well....made me make very....bad decisions.....ones that hurt people who didn't deserve to be....however my doctors have concluded that it was while under the personality of Venom that i was forced to do these things. I am now free of its hold and am the better for it."

"How do you feel about spiderman?"......the board lady asks. (Stressing the word SPIDERMAN a little louder in her words)

"Spiderman ma'am?......." he asks. (He has another quick flash back of fighitng with him.)

"....He's no longer my problem..." he responds.

The board man says: "Explain please.."

Eddie continues:"Well....I.....IT was obssessed with Spiderman, and destroying him. Seeing as how i am both recovered, and that Spiderman has been missing for the past few months. He is no longer an issue."

Board man:"But didn't Dr. Conner's findings conclude this obsession was YOURS to destroy spiderman...?"

He cringes mildly, remembering his vendetta, "Its true....Conners concluded in later studies that it fed off of MY dislike of the wall crawler....but it also...forced me to do....things i shouldn't ha-"

Board member:"Or HELPED you do what you could not before?"

Brock:"Ma'am if your remember spiderman himself was prey the darkside of that thing before it abandoned him for me. Yet you didn't believe THAT to be his true nature then...."

Boardman:"Mr. Brock why did you hate the spiderman?"

Brock:"Doing what he should've I suppose...he caught bad guys....I WAS one once...I was implicated as an accomplice in the death and robbing of a civilian. It was not so, i simply agreed to let a former aquaintence give me a ride home. His buddies and he drunk, and crashed into another vehicle, they got out their cars and a gun fight broke out, I was caught by the spiderman among the perps, i did NOTHING wrong."

Boardmember:"But you did later..."

Brock:"Yes....Later after being let out of jail, I managed to get a job for a spiderman bashing paper, i thought it was too perfect. Especialy when i got pictures of Spdierman taking off his was my big chance, to make it big.."


Brock:"But Spiderman stole them....before i could get them developed, or see who he was, replaced them with pics the boss of the bugle...."
(Flash back fastworwarded scene of SPiderman stealing the photo's in the black suit and replacign them, and Jonah Looking at the photo's and throwing them and Brocks' face and yelling, and the pic's faling to the floor are of Jonah with hilarious angry looks on his face.)

"I lost my job...and was the laughing stock of every paper in the bad history was brought back up and I was without a job with no one to hire me..."

Board member:"You wanted revenge?"

Brock:"Yes...yes I wanted to get even....thats when that thing got on me..."
(Flash back of black suit getting on Eddie Brock)

Board member:"During your sesions with our spoke of hating him even more?"

Brock:"I had a friend...a good one, not a girl friend but one you still cared for you know..?.........Spiderman.. I beleived he...let her die....."

Board member:"That was never concluded, Gwen Stacy's killer non the less is still in Rykers as we speak and awaiting judgement.."

Brock:"I've come to terms with that now....And I understand.....I wasn't could i know what stopped him from saving her..?"

Board member:"IF you met spiderman right now? What would you do?"

Brock:"What would i do?....I'd tell him his costume sucks..."

Board member:"Mr. Brock, you said in sessions with your doctors when you first came knew WHO spiderman that true? And remember your on the lie detector..."

Brock:"That was before Conners seperated the substance from me and destroyed put my mind through something he and YOUR doctors called post seperation trauma. Since then i can only retain bits and peices of what i knew as that thing.... ones I wish i didn't know....."


"...And gladly......Spiderman's identity is not one of them..."

After a scene of that concluding in him being allowed to be released, he is on instruction to keep tabs with his doctor, and take his meds, which he does and the memories of him as venom.

It's been all over the papers, especially the bugle that spiderman is no where to be seen, did the black spiderman or venom kill him?

Ever since the death of that Gwen Stacy girl, Spiderman had been a no show. Of course the bugle put it out that somehow HE was responsible for the death and is hiding out of guilt, others that he'd had enough of fighitng crime, others that he'd died or gone back to mars.

Whatever the reason, Eddie was the better for it, except for the loss of his friend... BUT his treatments were working and he'd come to terms that the real killer was facing death row, and spiderman was for the most part gone, it was time to move on with his life.

He tries getting a job, and decides to take an offer to work for Dr. Conners who helped get him out of the Black suit by use of his sonic empulser back when he was know...

No one else will hire him based on what he used to be, so he takes the offer to be his lab hand, and Conners is a believer in "Second chances" (when he says this he looks at his missing arm).
Another thing he says under his breath is: "perhaps you've given me mine..." Since hearing that without Conners knowing he did, Eddie has been mildly suspcious.

While under his employment, he meets another work hand of Conners, Ashley Kafka, who is sort of giving him her distance cause of his sorid past.
Now he likes Kafka, and really wants her to understand how his only real time he ever knew what he was doing was wrong was when he endangered someone else to kill spiderman....Spiderman was what he really hated, and that hate drove him to do things he regreted cause of how it affected other people, and now he wants to make up for it if its even possible.

Meanwhile the psychopath, Cletus Cassedy, has broken out of Rykers, the one spiderman last put away, the one responsible for Gwen Stacy's death. Now that spidey was gone all that was left of his hurt is Cletus. Now that he's out, there's nothing more he'd like to do then meet up with him in a cold dark allyway like Gwen did, only this time, He'd be the one cut up into peices.

One night, one night Eddie is picked to close up in the building. He finds Conners still in the lab which SHOULD be shut down at that hour. Working on some of the black element that he SAID he destroyed. "So thats what Doc meant when he said "I gave him his second chance..." He'll probobly make a fortune off of what that stuff can do."
He thinks of going in and calling him on it, but thinks:

"...Let him have his know where he keeps it now, when he's gone some other time, take some, use it.....use it to find Cletus...make him know you need us Eddie..."


Oh no the voice no no, he'd come to far....spiderman was gone now, NO MORE OBSESSIONS. But still, it was rather tempting. Later that week, as he attempted to avoid working in the lab as much as possible, Kafka asks him whats bothering him (She kind of likes him to) He asks her waht she would do if she had a way of getting back at someone who hurt someone close to her, but to do it, she knew she had to do a bad thing.... She guesses that he means Cletus, and tries to tell him that it requires to much of himself, she tells eddies she was wrong and thinks that Eddie has changed for the better, and that even if it WAS in him at a time, isn't now...

"Yeah..." Eddie thinks, "Not in ME.....but its still in US..."

But he puts that thought out of his head, Kafka actualy liking him takes the mood off, he thinks maybe he can have a normal life with someone that'll love him, but the Symbiot has to go, while its still in exsistance, he knows he can't have'll claw at whatever it is that hurt him once and use it to make him want it...make him BECOME it. He stays late at the office one night to try to destroy it in the machine Conners made.
Knowing he wont be able to do it face to face iwth it, he decides to do it in the other room by turning on the machine he'd earlier that day, pointed it towards, once left on, the machine would gradualy kill it.

But connners finds him and says he's calling security, Eddie wrestles with him saying if you do i'll tell everyone that your keeping the illegal substance you said you destroyed to get rich. Conners tells him NO, he was using it to regain his arm again, that was his second chance he was refering too.

Then Irony of irony's, Cletus breaks in the lab, he's already killed the janitor as he was coming to work and got in the building that way. He attempts to kill them both but Eddie puts up a good fight until he's shot in the gut. Conners in self defence hits Cletus in the face with the first thing his fingers find, which is a glass container of some of the mutated and experimented on symbiot. The jar shatters on his face, making cuts, which the the symbiot seeps into, mixing with he blood and morphing into that color. He runs out of the room clawing at his face in pain, Conners gets up and see's Eddie on the floor bleeding, meanwhile some of the first stage symbiot crawls away out a window.

In the next scene Eddie is on a hospital bed with Curt and Ashley Kafka over him. They don't think he'll make it. The doctors usher him out to let him rest....when they do and the lights go out, the symbiot crawls through his window and makes his way to his hospital bed.

Meanwhile outside, Kafka is shocked when Curt admits to have kept some of the substance in secret, she slaps him and asks how he could torment Eddie like that with the thing that changed him in his face everyday, and now he may die for i- *CRASH* everyone runs back into his room to see the window broken and his bed empty.

Next scene is somewhere in a dark ally where Cletus is stumbling around and slightly laughing, the wound on his face has grown to almost look like two face and we can see the side of his teeth.

Some gang bangers ask him what he's doing in there teritory and he just laughs and makes rude comment, (His face is all scarred up and vains are popping where the vains are.) They take out knives and attempt to shiv him, when he does, Cletus not only blocks him but knifes HIM with his own sword, made of red vains, made of his arm. The others try to escape but a red vained web is shot in front of them keeping them from leaving, they scream as he aproaches them. His whole body mutating into CARNEGE

(the reason i think he should mutate body and all, and why his webbing and weapons should be made of the red vain-ish parts his body like the red stuff in War of the Worlds, is to give him an element of his own that isn't venom. Otherwise people will think "This is Venom vs. Evil Venom, whos' also red) if his body is whats changed into carnege, instead of it just over taking him, then he could have a different more sinister spin to him, making him a more independant character then venom, Make Carnage more MONSTER like then him. He doesn't revert back to Cassidy, cassidy now IS carnage, body and mind)

The next morning, Eddie wakes up ON the statue of Liberty, wondering how he got up there. He checks his gut and see's his wound has healed. He looks down and realizes his on the crown spike of the statue "OH SH-!!!" he grabs on for dear life, then makes his way off of the crown, and back down and tries to contact the doctor, but his phone is out of energy. He suddenly hears a woman crying out because she's being robbed by some guys who are about to do more to her then just that...and yeah she's a teenager, He tells them to back off and they say "Make us b***h" and shoots him. She screams and they resume their activity in cornering her, then Eddie stands straight up again, and turns into venom, slowly...we see the full transformation all the way to his smirk as Eddie being enveloped by the sybiot until we see his manifested toothy grin.

"We intend too.."

Venom says, and takes them down, mortaly wounding some and snapping the heads of or beating the others to death. The girl is to shocked to know what to do, so she runs screaming.

Venom swings away when people come to see what the comotion was. HE perches on a building and thinks "Oh no oh no!...." its back....then remembers how he just saved somebody....."Weeee're BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!"

Next scenes are of him administering Justice in a more hard coreway to people who typicaly deserve to be killed or hurt beyond recovery (Murderers, rapists, kidnappers.)

People wonder what has brought this guy about again, is it spiderman? Or is it Eddie Brock who's dissapeared from NY hosptial the other day? It goes from bad to good to awful when reports show of someone using symbiotic technics to kill inocent poeple and guilty people, leaving a word on the wall usualy in the victoms blood "CARNAGE", or writing it in webbing between buildings. He also takes the time to take certain poeple hostage to who knows where, police are uncertain if they're dead or alive. They start calling venom carnage, not knowing any better. Brock knows he can't turn to anyone else, so he contacts Kafka and tries to convince her that he's not who's been murdering the inocent on TV.

She asks him to turn himself in and of course he refuses knowing they'll never believe him even if she vouches for him like she says she will. In the middle of the talk, she screams and Cletus' voice is heard saying something creepy, followed by carnages roar. He swings as venom to her apartment to find her gone, with the writing Carnage on the wall. Enraged he goes to contact Conners, and make him tell him everything about the symbiot so he can know how to stop Carnage (Who HAS killed children).

He goes there to find Carnage wrapping Curt up and about to take him away. He and Carnage have their first fight, one where Carnage fleas the scene due to the sonic pulser being turned on by accident.

Eddie after recovering from the pulser, grabs Conners and demands that Conners spill his guts, so he shakenly does, saying how when spiderman had come to him, and he'd done studdies on it, it was determined it could have the memories of the previous wearer in it...they're wants and dreams and fears, as well as what the symbiot had done independant of its user. They realise that among the murdered, the poeple who were spaired and TAKEN, are the people that had worked on the symbiot in the lab with him or been present when taking pics of the scene, they were the ones Carnage took away alive, people the symbiot had remembered torturing it and inprisoning it, Conners and Kafka were some of these.

Connors theorises that since the symboits traits take after spidermans, who is takes after the traits of spiders, its possible carnage is taking the people from the lab away to area for later like a spider keeping flies, then eat them. Eddie corrects him and says that when he was venom...

"It wasnt carnel hunger that drove us, we wouldn't want to eat brains or anything. What was...delicious to us...what made us stronger was their desire to hurt spiderman, the ultimate feast...or satisfaction, would be to see him die."

Presently what gave him solice was protecting the inocent. SO, obviously, killing is what drove Cassidy. So the ultimate feast for him would be......killing everyone (he had previously in the movie before being carnage, stated he'd kill everyone in NY.) But the only way to do it was too......"Oh god....the Oscorp power plant!" Conner exclaims.

all the attacks seemed to stem around there....he must be holding them there. Then he'll set off the whole thing, and raise that portion of NY to the ground when it explodes, as it is nucular powered. Oscorp found a way to make it safe to use nucular material, but Carnage could easily disable it. the reason Carnage must have taking the lab hands there was so they would be the first to die. Brock speeds over to the plant to find all the lab hands there, like flies to Curts prediction, strung up near the nucular reactor.

Him and Carnage have their final fight there which will last longer then 2 and a half minutes unlike SM3.

It will end with him sending Carnage into the reactor to be supposedly incinorated as Conners did say extreme heat WOULD kill the symbiot. Venom saves the plant from "completly exploding" and the other people as well, him and Kafka kiss afterwards before they leave together before the police come for the rest of the hostages.

And Venom gives monalogue about being a Lethal protector...doing what others can't do.....even if they out true, final justice....together..........forever.......we ARE VENOM!!!!!"

End credits......(then a cut scene of someone buying a train ticket to NY. The teller looks up and see's a bearded young man, in ragged clothes.

"Back from a long trip sir?" She asks " could say that..." he replies...

"thank you for the ticket..." She nods and waves him on "Enjoy New York Mr. Parker..."


As for who could play these people.

I'm think Sam Writer for Eddie Brock, he could play the dichotamey of a good used by evil, TOO do good kind of person.

Sam Witwer Pictures, Images and Photos


As for Conners, I'm thinking of Bruce Greenwood.

Ashlely Kafka: played by Ashely Greene.

Ashley Greene Pictures, Images and Photos
ashley greene Pictures, Images and Photos

Ashley Greene Pictures, Images and Photos

Cletus Kassidy: played by either Robert Knepper, or Ben Foster for a Younger Cletus to match Brock. For those who do not know it, Ben foster is SCARINGLY capable of playing "street rat crazy", Carnage would be right up his alley. Just watch 3:10 Yuma and Hostage among other things.

sexy ben! Pictures, Images and Photos

ROBERT KNEPPER CARNAGE Pictures, Images and Photos

As for parker's cameo @ the end ? I'm going for Joseph Gorden Levit here....simply causse I always thought he'd be an ideal Parker....

fenjhnflwnfl jason gordon levitt Pictures, Images and Photos

I am tired and this is not one of my best pitches, but tell me what you think?

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flames809 - 11/3/2009, 8:33 AM
there good
BlackCat1 - 11/3/2009, 10:06 AM
I love your pic for Venom!!!
Vafrous - 11/3/2009, 10:28 AM
Sam Witwer would be awesome...Well done
Vafrous - 11/3/2009, 10:28 AM
Sam Witwer would be awesome...Well done
Ryden - 11/3/2009, 10:41 AM
I'd love to see Sam Witwer as Venom, nice choice
Vafrous - 11/3/2009, 10:49 AM
Btw,Has anyone heard Sam sing?...
TheSoulEater - 11/3/2009, 1:53 PM
NO, but i'v heard Robert Downey sing

supermarioworldE - 11/3/2009, 8:05 PM
Actually, i'd rather see Levitt as carnage. His performance in Killshot really gave me a good look at how crazy he could be. idk

Knepper is a really awesome choice though. Foster is also very cool
TheSoulEater - 11/3/2009, 9:05 PM
He'd work as Carnage as well, though i'm going to have to take your word for it, I've only seen Knepper's and Ben Foster's performance at "crazy" first hand. But he's a decent enough actor, and i've no doubt he could do it.
supermarioworldE - 11/3/2009, 9:44 PM
You should see killshot. It's a very good film.

back on topic though, nice script dude. I like the choice for venom as well. I think Sam Witwer is an underrated actor who should be put in more films.
TheSoulEater - 11/3/2009, 9:52 PM
I concure, and I'll have to see him in Killshot, since i've enjoyed him since he was a child actor on to now, and have been repeatedly impressed by him.

And yes, Sam stole my attention when he won the part of Vader's apprentice... since then i've researched and followed him and have not been disapointed in his tenacity
supermarioworldE - 11/3/2009, 10:55 PM
Witwer's performance in Dexter wasn't exactly right for venom, but it did show a darkness to him (although in a kinda pathetic way). Witwer might be a good venom. Still not too crazy about the idea of a spin off though
TheSoulEater - 11/4/2009, 12:48 AM
Well...lets remember the point of this spin-off, is to show you the "Dark...DEFENDER" element of Venom, I like to see some of that in how he (like dexter I guess) only went after bad people in smallville, like he was chanelling the darkness to hurt more darkness around him. THAT i could see Sam doing, the tristed evil dark i want to see primarily on Carnage, to show how aside from his maniacl craziness of Cassidy, the efficiantness of the symbiot guiding him to be a worthy advosary to any rational foe.
supermarioworldE - 11/4/2009, 9:38 AM
Then that's a very good idea. It's funny that you used the phrase "Dark Defender". I think they used it in Dexter. I do like the concept of a bad guy fighting the bad guys. It'd be good to see a bit more darkness to venom, then we've seen in sm3.
LEEE777 - 11/4/2009, 12:40 PM
SOUL @ I really luv ya CARNAGE pick dude! But i cant see that smallville guy ever playing a comic book role ever again after [frick]ing up DOOMSDAY, he aint a great actor either!

I'll give you too thumbs up for the VENOM story though bro, kudos, loved it!! ; )

TheSoulEater - 11/4/2009, 10:42 PM
Hmmmmm, I'm gong to have to confess, I havent' seen that actor in much, but he definatly looks the part of Eddie Brock. As for Sam, I don't hold his portraryel of Doomsday against him for this reason (which may not make it all that better) He wasn't doomsday at all to me, Smallville over the years has become like DC's live version of Brave and the Bold, and i've been numbed to the character's portrayels because while thy may play the characters, the spin on them is completly dfifferent. As an actor I like sam and think this would be a fair chance for him movie wise, at any rate he'd be a better choice then that 70's show disgrace Topher Grace....
MovieMisfit - 11/16/2009, 11:02 PM
The best casting choice you made was Ben Foster as Cletus Kassidy/Carnage.

Your Eddie Brock choice is too much of a typecast...not to mention the dude looks a little too evil, plus I can't see him as a blonde.

I've also considered JGL as Spidey but he doesn't look like Peter Parker.
TheSoulEater - 11/20/2009, 4:58 PM
If you remember in the animated show of Spiderman, eddie was brown haired.
And as for Joseph, he dosn't look the typical peter parker, but neither does tobey if you think about it, and he's a better actor, and as for the evil, well we are talking aobut Eddie effing brock who's been in a mental home for the past few months brooding aobut the demise and empaling of one man and who he loves day after day, and besides Brock's a bad ass, not like topher.
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