I’ve written quite a few articles for this site, many of which were based on the assumption that FOX would falter with their new version of the Fantastic Four. There were loads of supporters who vehemently typed their tirades across the message boards saying that this movie was based on the Ultimates version, that detracting from the comics would only make it a better movie, and that indeed, this version would become CBM of the year. I stand atop a tall mountain, my arms lifted to the heavens as doves encompass my body and an orchestra plays a simple song of victory in the distance. I ask only one question. In what world do you live in that you and your finite mind could even for once think that this movie would be great? Everything that was wrong was so blatantly in your face but you continued to press on, maybe out of misguided hope, or even in some cases just to be different for the sake of being different. Either way, the result remains…a complete and utter travesty of a movie.

But, there is hope my non-comic book reading, suck up whatever the media tells me is good, after failing twice I believe FOX will make the Fantastic Four awesome the third time people…ME (and to a lesser extent Marvel Studios). I am here to give you my plan for redemption for Marvel’s First Family in the form of direction and casting as they enter the world of the MCU. You may have seen a few of these before in previous article of mine, but I felt as if now was the perfect time to reveal them all at once as a kind of victory trophy for the masses to see.
1. Dr. Victor von Doom: Mads Mikkelsen
After watching Mads in Pusher, Pusher 2, and of course the critically acclaimed, Hannibal, envisioning him as the ruler of Latveria, semi-god superpower wielding, mad-man genius villain is not a stretch at all. Mikkelsen has the brooding features, physicality, and the gravitas to embody one of Marvel’s greatest villains in a way that we have never been able to see before. I like the idea of going with a more seasoned cast for these characters going forward into the MCU and Mikkelsen fits the perfect age dynamic. Also, his interaction with the man playing, Mr. Fantastic, will make it a special treat for movie goers around the world.
2. Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards: Jon Hamm
His work in Mad Men shows us the depths that he could take, Mr. Fantastic. Reed Richards has always been a very intelligent but arrogant man and Hamm could play this aspect in his sleep. Once again, I am sticking with the seasoned vet theme for Reed Richards (As I will be for the rest of the cast as well), because like Spider-Man, who needs a tired origin story again? Jon Hamm would also portray Reed Richards as an actual leader of one of the greatest Marvel teams assembled, something that has been lacking in every representation so far.
3. Invisible Woman/Sue Storm: Charlize Theron
This woman needs no introductions when it comes to the world of science fiction and just great film acting in general. From the critically acclaimed, Monster, to the box office smash, Mad Max: Fury Road, Charlize Theron has proven again and again she can hold her weight next to the big boys. Sue Storm needs to be represented as a force of nature, powerful in her own right but also the backbone to Reed’s team. Theron’s relationship with Hamm’s Richards will also be a fascinating spectacle of acting geniuses, something we would remember for years to come.
4. Human Torch/Johnny Storm: Ryan Gosling
The actor of the Notebook; Crazy, Stupid, Love; and A Place Beyond the Pines, is the perfect choice for the Human Torch. Gosling has a unique way of presenting cockiness encompassed with a quirky air of charm that has had movie goers loving him for quite a while. I would also love to see him interact with his older sister played by Charlize Theron, I believe we would get that brother and sister cohesiveness that has been missing from the other films. Also, if you’re worried about how Ryan will do in an action based film, just watch Drive and worry no more.
5. Thing/Ben Grimm: Domenick Lombardozzi
We really need to bring Ben Grimm back to what the comic book readers remember him as, a tough, no nonsense brute who is essentially the muscle of the team. Domenick Lombardozzi has a reputation in the film industry for playing these kinds of characters with ease. From, The Wire, Breakout Kings, to Wilson Fisk’s father in Daredevil, he has proven experience in this department. The Thing would be cgi the entire time anyway, so Lombardozzi already being in the Marvel Universe would not cause any problems and having him in the actual mo-cap would bring an earthly feel to the Thing.

So now that we have the main cast, where should the MCU go from here? I don’t believe going forward with a Fantastic Four centered movie immediately is what they should focus on. Instead, make a Dr. Doom origin movie based on the Books of Doom and integrate the Fantastic Four into that as protagonists. I feel the world should be allowed to see who the greatest villain in Marvel’s rolodex actually is and a movie built around him would allow the groundwork to further expand his dominance throughout the rest of the MCU and into the other hero’s lives. I would even integrate Marvel’s First Family further into the MCU before giving them their own movie by having them appear in another superhero’s movie or an ensemble cbm to help wipe the bad taste out of our mouths that FOX Studios has left us with for so long. Once the world has had a chance to see the true First Family, then I would go ahead and put out a Fantastic Four movie that would blow the hinges off of the cbm door. With the way that Marvel has expanded into the cosmic realms, it would be no problem bringing Galactus, Silver Surfer and Annihilus into the fold. Last month I was told these things could never happen…they also told me that Fant4stic would make 55 million in its first week.