Fox And Marvel Refute Today's FANTASTIC FOUR Rumor
We all got very excited after this morning's rumor, but our update to that story is sure to disappoint fans that thought there was a chance we'd see Marvel's First Family come home. It seems both studios involved have flat out denied that any rights deal has been struck...
Almost immediately after the rumor that Marvel had regained the rights to Fantastic Four hit the net, other outlets began to deny it per their sources at the studios. Now while that doesn't really mean a whole lot as studio denial is common with any rumor like this, EW's Anthony Breznican has reached out to his trusted sources and they've 100% confirmed: the rights to the Fantastic Four remain at Fox.
So what gave with the rumor? Well, it wouldn't be like Den Of Geek to just pull something like this out of thin air, so chances are they just got some bad information - whatever the case may be, for the rime being get used to the notion of that Fantastic Four sequel from 20th Century Fox.