THE FANTASTIC FOUR Star Ralph Ineson Teases Cool As F*** Script And His MCU Future As Galactus

THE FANTASTIC FOUR Star Ralph Ineson Teases "Cool As F***" Script And His MCU Future As Galactus

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marvel72 - 5/31/2024, 11:08 AM
Not bad choices but Rami Malek, I don't get a Doctor Doom vibe from him.
NathanielX - 5/31/2024, 1:31 PM
@marvel72 - He looks more Reed than Pascal.
Evansly - 5/31/2024, 11:09 AM
A Doom that is 20 years younger than Reed?
GarthRanzz - 5/31/2024, 3:19 PM
@Evansly - They already showed with the Sue casting they don't care about cannon. Sue is way too old.
ZiggyStarman - 5/31/2024, 11:10 AM
Doom needs to be older and pull of an Eastern European accent. Being from Latveria and everything. All those options sucked
Origame - 5/31/2024, 11:12 AM
@ZiggyStarman - shouldn't he be about the same age as Reed? So shouldn't the direction you go with Reed dictate the age of doom?
lazlodaytona - 5/31/2024, 11:29 AM
@ZiggyStarman - but he'd be so cute as a baby....

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CaptainFlapjaks - 5/31/2024, 8:32 PM
@ZiggyStarman - javier bardem, jason issacs, cillian murphy, jamie lannister, mads mikkleson (he can be from an alt universe so they can work around his other character). Alexander skarsgaard could work too.
Origame - 5/31/2024, 11:11 AM
Wow. Not one that clearly doesn't look European just for the sake of "muh representation". It's almost as if there's value in staying true to the source material.
LiteraryJoe - 5/31/2024, 11:33 AM
@Origame - If they don’t get a Latverian for the role, we riot.
Origame - 5/31/2024, 11:47 AM
@LiteraryJoe - I mean, it's still necessary to get a European. Like getting an African to play a wakandan.
mountainman - 5/31/2024, 11:53 AM
@LiteraryJoe - Was Chadwick Boseman from Walanda or did he have ancestry from the same continent as that fictional nation?

Same rule should apply for Doom. Either cast an Eastern European actor or someone who could convincingly pull that off.

In Doom’s case, his race (at least being from a small Eastern European country) is absolutely integral to his character.
mountainman - 5/31/2024, 11:53 AM
@mountainman - *Wakanda
BeNice123 - 5/31/2024, 11:56 AM
@Origame - Mads Mickelson. 👌🏽
Origame - 5/31/2024, 12:00 PM
@BeNice123 - he'd be great, but that might be confusing since he was kaesilius.
grouch - 5/31/2024, 12:20 PM
@mountainman - wakanda isn't real bro lmao
dagenspear - 5/31/2024, 12:55 PM
@Origame - This is the most meaningless take on this. There's no value to Doom being white or not white. He wears a mask most of the time. A stunt man with a voice actor could play the role.
mountainman - 5/31/2024, 1:09 PM
@grouch - Did you read my post?

Wakanda isn’t real but it’s set in Africa. This they cast an actor who has African heritage for the role.

Latveria also isn’t real but it’s set in Eastern Europe, thus the need to cast a person who could convincingly play an Eastern European person.
Izaizaiza - 5/31/2024, 1:17 PM
@mountainman - I agree. 100%. IMO, staying true to the ethnicity of the character is important in some instances (Captain America, Black Panther) and not at all in other instances (Wonderman). Victor von Doom being Eastern European is integral to the character.
NathanielX - 5/31/2024, 1:32 PM
@Origame - shouldn't he look Romani? little more middle eastern or pakistaní.
mountainman - 5/31/2024, 1:38 PM
@Izaizaiza - Yes. And I’d prefer if they didn’t get just any white actor. Henry Cavil looks British. It has to be someone that can pull off an Eastern European / Romani type. They don’t have to be from there necessarily, just be able to convincingly play that ethnicity.

In the MCU, the destruction of Sokovia could have led to Doom rising to power in Latveria. They could be neighboring nations. And, coincidentally enough, both Quicksilver and Scarlet witch were given Eastern European accents and made to look the part (especially Wanda) of someone from that region.
Izaizaiza - 5/31/2024, 2:30 PM
@mountainman - "the destruction of Sokovia could have led to Doom rising to power in Latveria."

Dude, That is a [frick]ing fantastic idea. Sometimes, with all the shitty scripts that come out, I feel like they could just throw a couple of smart fans together over a weekend for a rewrite and get some of the best scripts ever

mountainman - 5/31/2024, 2:47 PM
@Izaizaiza - The MCU history is right there. Eastern Europe had this huge disaster 10 years ago. Then the snap f’d up the world for 5 years and a lot of Chaos ensued. Doom has had years to build up Latveria. It could have been secret from the outside world all this time.

Of course this is all thrown out the window if this movie is really happening in a different universe, which I’m not a fan of. I really prefer the Fantastic Four being in the 1960’s on our Earth and their astronaut journey off Earth that gave them powers also included some time travel nonsense to bring them into our age.

The 1960’s aesthetic of that image they released could just be the mindset and behavior of those 4 as they are just from that era.
Izaizaiza - 5/31/2024, 2:58 PM
@mountainman - Yeah, I agree again. When you look back at some of the best early MCU films, which in my book include Iron Man, Captain America, and the Winter Soldier, The thing that is so great about them is that, for all the fantastic elements, it felt down to earth, relatable and with pretty serious consequences. Once you get too deep into the multiverse, All that goes out the window
mountainman - 5/31/2024, 3:02 PM
@Izaizaiza - Part of it is the multiverse, but they also feel this need to make every movie too big, to their detriment.

Shang Chi didn’t need a giant CGI demon army battle at the end.

Black Widow didn’t need a giant floating fortress that blew up at the end.

Any Man 3 didn’t need to be against Kang.

They could make some big crossover movies and smaller more contained ones, but they have this need to make every character and every movie be a $200 million + budget tent pole and that just doesnt work for everything.

FF are “bigger” than Shang Chi, Ant Man or Black Widow should be, but if this huge multiverse, Galactus attack, with numerous other FF villains coming in as has been rumored, this could end up being a mess.
Izaizaiza - 5/31/2024, 3:28 PM
@mountainman - damn dude, we agree again. I've been saying forever that I think the first Wolverine movie the MCU does should be an r-rated film that cost less than 50 million.
Origame - 5/31/2024, 3:59 PM
@dagenspear - well you're just proving you know nothing of the character. Do you know why he wears that mask? Because he received a scar on his face, and despite it not making his face disfigured, he's so vain he had to cover it up.

In order to portray this element of the character, you have to show his face. And he better be white since him being European is vital to his character.

You just want to come up with reasons why a white character who's race is important is ok to race swap.
Origame - 5/31/2024, 4:01 PM
@NathanielX - they make it clear he's a white man typical of latveria. In fact this most likely made it easier for him to become dictator later.
mountainman - 5/31/2024, 4:11 PM
@Izaizaiza - Agreed. Shang Chi could have been a $50 million martial arts movie. Black widow could have been a sub $100 million spy flick. You could make Daredevil, a smaller Captain America flick, and so many other characters on smaller budgets.
CaptainFlapjaks - 5/31/2024, 9:30 PM
@Origame - multiverse can make this possible especially if we never see his face.
CaptainFlapjaks - 5/31/2024, 9:32 PM
@dagenspear - would be funny if they mando doom while pedro is reed.
Origame - 5/31/2024, 9:47 PM
@CaptainFlapjaks - so can a white wakandan.
CaptainFlapjaks - 5/31/2024, 10:26 PM
@Origame - honestly the white wolf moniker they gave bucky would work really well for a white wakandan.
LiteraryJoe - 6/1/2024, 8:46 PM
@mountainman - I agree. There’s no way Reed would have a black colleague in the 60s anyhow.
LeDiableBlanc - 5/31/2024, 11:14 AM
I like 7 and 2.
Magus - 5/31/2024, 11:14 AM
Its an alternate universe so just give me Mads Mikkelsen again. He is the only choice.
TheVisionary25 - 5/31/2024, 11:35 AM
@Magus - good point but I doubt it if he’s gonna carry over into the MCU.
marvel72 - 5/31/2024, 11:39 AM
@Magus -

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Izaizaiza - 5/31/2024, 1:12 PM
@Magus - He really is absolutely perfect
JFerguson - 5/31/2024, 11:14 AM
Joseph O’Conner is actually a really inspired choice. Reminds me a bit of early career Tom Hiddleston in a way. Damn now I hope he gets an audition
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