It is common knowledge that FOX has destroyed the Fantastic 4's reputation and turned Dr. Doom into a laughing stock, this said, how could Marvel turn the Fantastic 4 into a great movie franchise that is lore accurate?
After the previous failiures Marvel fans have had to witness, nobody is going to take another Fantastic 4 origin story reboot seriously, this is why a Dr. Doom movie would be exactly what the franchise needs. Not only would a solo Doom film help the F4, but it would also be a great boost for the Mcu as a whole, which has been criticized for its lackluster villains.
If Marvel was to make a Dr. Doom movie it would have to be done right, which means he must have a good motive for hating Reed Richards. In the movie Victor would be building a device that could open portals to other dimensions so he could save his mother, who had been abducted by Mephisto. Reed would sabatoge the device because it was about to create a black hole; Victor, seeing his mother slip from his grasp, turns the device back on and it explodes, disfiguring his face. Victor would have a much better reason for hating Reed than he did in the previous films, where Doom came of as simply a murderous psychopath, unlike the world conquering genius we know from the comics.
In the previous Fantastic 4 movies Doom has talked like a normal person, and as fans of Doom we know that this is totally out of character. Dr. Doom should not speak like a filthy commoner! Doom speaks as he pleases and he is pleased to speak in the 3rd person! If Marvel misrepresents Doom in another film one more time, in speach or otherwise, there may be no way to redeem the Fantastic 4 franchise.
In the first two films the Fantastic 4's costumes were acceptible but the recent reboot's costumes were utterly disgusting; and If you thought that Doom had good costumes in any of the previous films then you must have been watching a different movie, because what they did to Doom is almost unforgiveable. If Marvel is to make a successful and lore accurate Dr. Doom/Fantastic 4 movie the costumes must stay true to the comics.
While the previous movies have represented the powers of the Fantastic 4 well, Doom has basically been turned into Electro, or Carrie. If Doom is to be in another movie he must be shown as he is in the comics, a man with unearthly intelligence, who through technology and magic becomes so powerful that every mortal or god in the universe fears him. If Marvel wants the F4 franchise to be succesful they must not give us some Electro-colossus hybrid, or a wierd plastic telekinetic! Give us the real DOOM!
probably my biggest problem with the most recent F4 movie was the death of Dr. Doom. If Doom makes it into the MCU he should be like Thanos, a universal threat. Dr. Doom is probably the most iconic villain in comics, so to have him die in his first film is pure idiocy.
I hope that you the reader, enjoyed this article. Lets hope that someday justice shall be done to DOOM and the Fantastic 4.