Escape From Super Max, for those who don't know, his a script that was written by David S. Goyer and Justin Marks. The script was starring Green Arrow in the main role, but was different from any other comic book movie cause after the first 10 minutes, Oliver Queen his strip for his costume, bow and arrow, his identity his made public and he his put in jail for a murder he did not commit. But this is not just a regular jail, this is the Super Max prison for Metahuman and super-genius criminal. To prove his innocence, Queen most escape with the help of villains and try to survive to others that want to kill him.

When I first heard about this for the first time, I found this pretty cool and interesting. But form the point of view of a studio (They some time have very stupid point of view)having a superhero movie without the superhero is not really good for sell, especially now that CBM are so big. With WB wanting to create a DC universe on film, this sound even less like something they would go for.
The last we heard of the project was that it was still in development. That was 2008, yes 5 year ago, so I think it's safe to say that the script his calculating dust on WB shelf.
So here is what I think would be the best way to used the script or more the concept: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc should produce it has a video game.
The tough came to me when I was playing Assassins Creed 3. There his a prison scene in it and I thought to myself that there should be a game that focus integrally on escaping a prison, and then I remember that Super Max script and it would fit perfectly has a video game. So, how should that game be:
To change thing from all the other superhero games, this should be a first person view point to put you even more the in charter. The prison could be a send box level were the less dangerous inmate can go out. And you go from level to other, planing your escape strategy and making alliance with villains while fighting other that want to kill you. Most of the game would use fist fight or melee weapon. I thick marvel made a good move with the M rated wolverine game, and this would be DC good chance to do one too. Make it clear in the beginning that Oliver only kill when he has no other choice and that in prison, against other inmate(not grade)he doesn't have other choice. Stealth element will also be required.
I have not read the script so, base on the synopsis this is some fan fic. Oliver in the script, Oliver his accuse to have killed a Checkmate agent. So these could be set at the time Lex Luthor is President and he his the one behind that cause he want all heroes out. Merlyn his to one that didi it with one of Oliver arrow. With Green Arrow killing a Checkmate agent you put Amanda Waller very mad and she would use all her resource to get Green Arrow and put him in Super Max. We could even see from the prison tv Luthor declaring the bounty on Superman like in Public Enemies. Waller wants to punish Oliver so much that when I is about to escape she send the Suicide Squad in the prison (from a other prison) to stop(kill)him. At some point in the game, Oliver gain access to his gears in confiscated items room before getting caught later and put in a higher security level.
Who should Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc hired to do the game:
Rocksteady Studios
Batman: Arkham games, I don't need to say more. They also have experience with first person game and have the " By the maker of Batman Arkham City" on the cover of the game will boost the sell.
Starbreeze Studios
This his the studio that made The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay witch is, form my knowledge, the only video game about prison escape. This was one of my favourite xbox game and I didn't even like the movie. The feel of that game his very much what Super Max need, but with super villain.
So, here you have it. Thanks for reading, leave your thought and comment below.