“So it's been what, three months since the last issue of Green Lantern? That's quite a length of time to wait for any book; much less what most would agree is one of the finest superhero books on the stands. The wait wasn't quite as bad as it sounds, though, thanks to Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns. This one-shot had nothing to do with Final Crisis and everything to do with the emergence of the newest Lanterns on the block. The issue may as well have been called Green Lantern #35 1/2.
So I hope you picked that one up, because Green Lantern #36 picks up right where the one-shot left off. Sinestro has been granted a stay of execution by the Red Lanterns, but only because they want the pleasure of killing him for themselves. They have something of a vendetta against the man who was formerly the greatest Green Lantern. One thing I'll say about this book is that it continues to build on previous stories, both recent arcs like "The Sinestro Corps War" and "Secret Origin" all the way back to Alan Moore's "In Blackest Night." Newcomers, as always, will find plenty to enjoy in Geoff Johns' writing, but the story takes on extra meaning to the seasoned GL reader.”
Take the jump over to IGN for the rest of the review. Hey, you could even pick up GL #36 at your local comic haunt. That would be SO much cooler, for you as the reader, than just listening to one guys take on the situation. Whether you’ve never read a Green Lantern book, or you’re an avid reader yourself, this one is definitely worth checking out. Lanterns galore! Enjoy.