While the embargo on this interview (conducted on the set of Green Lantern a few months ago) isn't supposed to be lifted until Tuesday, MySpace have jumped the gun and released it today! Below are some of the main highlights, but click on the link below to read more.
On What He Knew About The Character Before Being Cast:
You know, I knew of The Green Lantern. I wasn't versed in it, you know, like Geoff Johns or anyone like that. I just, I mean, I knew he was an ordinary guy who was bequeathed a ring by a dying alien. It, you know, shot lasers out of it or something like that, so, beyond that, I wasn't that familiar with it, so I think I was most startled to find out how vast the universe is. I mean, that it really does -- you know, I know Geoff Johns likened it to the Star Wars of the DC Universe, and it really does feel like that. I mean, the scope is the thing that blew my mind. I couldn't believe it when I made that discovery, and I met Martin like I was meeting on any other movie.
On The Movie Version Of Hal Jordan:
We're not playing him as a fearless guy at all. Hal Jordan's -- the reason that the ring chose Hal Jordan was because he has an ability to overcome fear, and he's as baffled by this decision that these cosmic entities have made as anyone. I mean, he doesn’t understand why he was chosen. He's afraid to admit he's afraid, and that's -- you know, that's kind of his challenge throughout the film.
It's finding that footing and finding that ability to overcome it, and that's what's deep within him. That's the reason why he becomes the greatest Green Lantern of all, because fearlessness is insanity. Courage is an amazing trait. It's noble, it's, you know -- it's a virtue that everyone wants, so that's what it is that he has to find within himself. So, he's one of those guys that is trying to be fearless when we meet him, and we realize that he's going in the exact wrong direction.
On The Similarities Between Hal Jordan And Deadpool:
Well, yeah, Deadpool just lives for that. I mean, you know, it's just finding that tone. I mean, I always saw the guy as Han Solo crossed with Chuck Yeager. He just feels kind of like that. You know, he's the guy that -- you know, he's not funny, but he's witty, you know, and his wit is more of a self-defense mechanism than anything else. So he's skilled at avoidance in every way, so--and anyone's who's skilled at that, and I should know, can, you know, divert, you know, somebody's focus and attention to--you know, with humor, with, like, you know, a sort of off-handed remark or something like that, so he's really good at that. You know, he's quick with his mouth, but, you know, he's not, like, making jokes or anything like that. You know, there's no moment in the film where I feel like there's a ‘ba-dum-bum’ moment. That’s just how I put it.
On His Scenes With The CGI Aliens:
We have a guy that is six foot eight. His thighs are bigger than my life. He's like -- he's huge! And he's just a great reference, so he's got this big barreling voice, and I don’t even know if that's the voice they're going to use, but he's kind of a good reference. And we have a Tomar-Re, and we have some of the other lanterns that are all kind of there with me, so I'm able to talk to them and reference them, but, later on, they're going to look much different.
On Peter Sarsgaard's Portrayal Of Hector Hammond And His Relationship With Hal Jordan:
Well, Peter's great. Peter's obviously an incredibly capable actor, but I think Peter captures the one thing that makes every great screen villain great, and that's that he just fully owns every second of it. And I think -- this is something that I think a lot of people pick up on early on that do it well, in addition to Peter, is that they understand that villains aren't intentionally evil. They have just opposing convictions. And that's all it is, and so there's no mustache twisting or any of that kind of crap. It’s borne of something very real, but kind of vulnerable, so it was tough, you know, because Peter's -- he's Hal Jordan's foe in this, but, in our mythology, they've known each other their whole lives.
And there's a lot of empathy mixed in when I look at this guy, and I think you feel that 'til the end of the movie. THAT to me is something that Peter brought to it that was not on the page, and that's something that's so important. You know, even when we're battling, there's a regret with Hal Jordan and Green Lantern that he doesn't want to do this, you know.

On Mark Strong As Sinestro:
Yeah, there's a great tip of the hat or a nod to, you know, what could be forthcoming from these two guys. But Mark is a very generous actor, and he's also just incredibly good in every moment. There's never a moment where -- you know, we're talking to each other on an alien planet, and he's purple, and he has a crazy widow's peak, and, you know, there's a moment where you can catch yourself and say, this is ridiculous!
But, as soon as you start to converse with him, and you look into his eyes, it's pretty magical. You know, he's right there. He's that character, and you sink or swim. It's pretty fantastic, so they hired well. I felt like across the board, they really just did a good job of that, and Mark and I have a lot of fun working together.
But there was a great moment when we started shooting, too, which is the first time he and I kind of meet and square off, and it's a great moment. It's just one of those moments where I'm on Oa for the first time, and there's this guy, and I'm looking at him, and there's immediately a kind of unspoken friction between these two that is very watchable, and that was something that I was glad about. And that's a chemistry thing. That's something that they didn’t plan for, either.
On Coming Back As Hal Jordan For Future Green Lantern Movies:
You know, I think there's a lot to mine out of it. I mean, if you do a second and third -- but you don’t want to just say we're doing a second and third one, because the first one has to work. That's the mission, and that's the job in front of everybody.
But, the second one, I'll tell you, man, whether it's Martin Campbell directing it or somebody else, we inherit a ton of answers, and that's the biggest thing you get out of it. I mean, you know, you start work, and now, we know what Hal Jordan looks like. We know what The Green Lantern looks like, you know, so that's really exciting. All these guys look like. How they fly, how they move, how they interact with one another. There's so many answers that the second production gets. You know, you almost feel like you get a six-month head start, and that's going to be amazing, but in terms of, like, the larger DC Universe, I'd love to see a Justice League movie.
On Where He Sees The Franchise Going In Future:
And then, you know, barring that, you know, you do another one after that, and then you could see this going well beyond Hal Jordan and to the other Green Lanterns and, you know, "The Fall of Hal" and, you know, dispensing with him and then bringing on Guy Gardner or Kyle Rayner or some of those guys.
With an all star cast which includes Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan, Blake Lively as Carol Ferris and Mark Strong as Sinestro, director Martin Campbell's
Green Lantern is set to be released in 3D on June 17, later this year!