Since Superman Returns finished filming three years ago, NSW, Australia is locked in a battle with Victoria to claim a stake in the Green Lantern (WB/DC) film (with Ryan Gosling still rumored for top billing).
The film is being directed by Greg Berlanti (Dirty, Sexy Money & Brothers and Sisters) and it is reported the film will cost $150 million to produce, which in my opinion is awful low for a character of this caliber. With the abilities that the Green Lantern Corps members possess, I see that number rising quite a bit. Look at Superman Returns, $250mil to make a guy fly? Now we’ve got someone who can fly AND has an impressive resume of other visually awesome abilities.
Back to the topic at hand…With the falling value of the dollar, negotiations have been heated between the 2 territories, with rumors abounding that Victoria has actually won the bid, and still another source saying “We’re (NSW) up to our eyeballs in negotiations”.
So, it will definitely be interesting to see who wins the spot, either way, I do believe Australia is a beautiful backdrop to film in, which has been proven many times over with even recent films being shot there. Such as this one (Green Lantern), Origins: Wolverine, Superman Returns and Australia (you don’t think they would film that in Canada, do you?)
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