5 Reasons Why I Like GREEN LANTERN (2011)

5 Reasons Why I Like GREEN LANTERN (2011)

Yeah, I like a movie many people called "the death of the comic book movie" when it came out, Warner Bros' much maligned Green Lantern. I swear I'm not insane, and if you'd like to know my reasoning, Come take a look!

Editorial Opinion
By Mrcool210 - Oct 23, 2014 10:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Green Lantern

Now before I start this, I'm going to make one thing perfectly clear. I don't love this movie or anything like that. I'm not going to sit here and argue that Green Lantern is one of the greatest comic book movies of all time. Cause its not, it's very flawed. But I'm here to argue that its really not as bad (at least in my opinion) as most people think. So in honor of the recent announcement of the reboot let me explain to you why I find this film to be good.

Why I like Green Lantern (2011)

1: Ryan Reynolds

I see so many people on this site argue that "Ryan Reynolds ruins comic book movies", and at least from my perspective, I don't believe that to be true. Yes, Ryan Reynolds has been in a lot of bad comic book movies, but the guy is a good actor (I'll always used Buried as a testament to that). Especially considering in most of these cases (R.I.P.D being the exception) not only was Ryan Reynolds good in the comic book movie he apparently "ruined", he also was the best part in the film. I believe that rings (ha Rings...get it?) true here. Ryan may not have been amazing in this film but for what the script has him doing? He did the best he can. He gave the character I would argue was very bland in the original comic and gave him a lot of personality in this film. He emotes well and while his chemistry with Blake Lively isn't the greatest (funny that they got married later huh?) its passable and certainly isn't as bad as say Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portmans chemistry in both of the Thor movies. Plus there is just that natural Ryan Reynolds likability, I liked him in the film, enjoyed his struggle, was happy he got out of it and was looking foward to more adventures with this iteration of the character. Sadly for me thats not happening.

2: The CGI isn't THAT bad

Now why would I say it has bad CGI if I like the movie? Well, that's cause it does, I agree with people to a point with this complaint. Not everything in the film looks that great, most of the alien creatures look pretty bad, the only exception being kilowog. And the Green Lantern suit could look a bit better, however I'm here to argue on behalf of the constructs. I've seen people say "Aww they look so bad, they look like PS2 graphics". I don't agree with this, I honestly don't get the people who are complaining that the constructs look really bad, they keep saying how they don't look like they are really there. Well, they are made of light, I wouldn't expect them to look like they are really there, for how good cgi tech was at the time I think they did the best they could with how the light constructs look. They look like objects made out of light like they are supposed too. Also I would argue that the cgi backgrounds look fantastic . I really believed they were on another planet when we were on OA, and not only do they look nice, but they are very imaginative and im a little sad we arn't going to see this version of OA again.

3: It has some good action (especially the climax)

This may be something I'm alone on, but I really enjoyed the majourity of the action in this movie. For a director who doesn't do a lot of action movies I found it all to be well shot, paced, and it had some bad ass moments in them. The main action scene im talking about is the climax. Hal is a major bad ass in this scene to me, how he recites the oath. And how he uses his constructs, for example him flipping the gas truck and shooting it to blow up in parallaxs face.

Really I just found the entirety of the action to be very well done. I always felt like something was at stake during the fights and nothing really screamed a bad action scene to me. Okay yes the race car bit was stupid but I expect a bit of stupid from a movie with this kind of premise. Would I have liked a bit more action? Oh definitely, but I will say that I was very happy with all of the action that we got in the film. Although I will bet the action in upcoming Green Lantern films will be even better.

4: The Score

Wow, I'm talking about movie scores again, go figure. But in all seriousness while the Green Lantern score may not be one of my favorites, and while none of the tracks would make it in my top 10. I do feel that it does what a score is supposed to do very well, convey the right emotions you are supposed to feel as you are watching, I feel it does very well in terms of having some really good dramatic stuff for example the track known as "Hal Returns - Parallax" (sadly some of the best tracks I can't show due to them not being on youtube, if you can find the complete score please do so). It also has some tracks with some sense of wonderment and amazement, which is what you would expect from a Green Lantern movie. The track that does this the best is "We're going to fly now" and no I don't mean Hal flying to a rocky training montage.

I would also say the score is very good at having fitting music for the action scenes, very tense music playing, once again I'm using the climax as an example of this, one of my favorite tracks in the film is known as "Hal Battles Parallax", a very fun action tune that fits the scene very well and in the film definitly made Hal look like even more of a bad ass.

Really the only way you can know whether or not you can agree with me on the score is if you hear it for yourself. So I hope you can find the complete score of the film somewhere (if you want to know where to find it send me a message and I can help) and enjoy it. Lets hope we get a good score for the reboot too. Here's praying Murray Gold gets the job.

5: It reminds me of a more simpler time for comic book movies, and has a few twists on the tropes.

Now i'll gladly admit this is a bit of a superficial reason for liking this movie. I can see why this would turn some people off, but honestly this film reminds me a lot of movies like Spider-Man from 2002 or even the original Xmen. Having the villain be his biggest adversary despite it being the first film, having a pretty goofy tone, its even shot similar to movies from that time period. And it really gets me thinking, what if this movie was released in 2001 or 2002, would it have been received as badly as it was? I personally don't think so, sure it wouldn't have been seen as a masterpiece or anything like that but I seriously doubt it would have been called "the death of the comic book movie" like it was when it did originally come out. People would probably just remember it as either good or okay. Nothing special. When I'm watching the film it feels like the film makers were trying to go for that feel, go back to those older types of comic book movies, back when a movie can be fun instead of being adult and dark like The Dark Knight made things, sure it didn't do it well, but I at least have some respect for them trying to go back to that time. Plus, it does put some of the classic superhero tropes on its head. Mainly the girlfriend not knowing the heroes secret identity, I love what they did here. I was getting so sick of the comic book movies where the girlfriend doesn't find out until the hero just reveals to them "Hey i'm the hero". Since the 2 characters have known each other for years it makes sense that carol would recognize Hal once she got a good look at him, I wish more comic book movies would do this, and I got to give this film props for doing it at all as opposed to the girlfriend finding out in the climax by accident or not finding out at all.

Well there you go people, my reasons for liking the film, Do you agree with my reasons? Did my list impact your way of thinking at all? Or do I just sound like a crazy person. You be the judge. But in all seriousness I thank you for reading and hope you enjoy what you read.

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Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 10:35 AM
If this pops up in news first, im sorry guys i rushed when i published it, but as soon as i realized it was in news i changed it to editorial.
McGee - 10/23/2014, 10:50 AM
Stop trying to cheer Gusto up! He might try joining AA and getting sober! >:(
McGee - 10/23/2014, 10:52 AM
Great article though.

I'll admit...there were some things I really liked about the film.

McGee - 10/23/2014, 10:56 AM
I know Roger Ebert liked Green Lantern.

McGee - 10/23/2014, 10:59 AM
What did you like about the film Gus? I'm sad we most likely won't be getting Mark Strong back as Sinestro.
McGee - 10/23/2014, 11:04 AM
I thumbed it too. You got two MrCool! Only five more to go.
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 11:11 AM
@Gusto @Mcgee

Thanks a ton for thumbing it you guys. God, i'm scared of what Gustos going to get me to do as a favor. :/
MarkyMarkRises - 10/23/2014, 11:15 AM
These are all good points; it really isn't that different from GOTG (save a few things)
McGee - 10/23/2014, 11:23 AM
It doesn't matter how drunk you are. Jesus will lift you up and carry you back at some point. You have to also be high though.

Wolf38 - 10/23/2014, 11:31 AM
I think that the CGI for the constructs was good--and they are something that CGI is perfect for rendering--but the CGI environment of Oa looked horribly cheap to me, for a big-budget film in 2011. Also, the costumes and characters...I think that practical effects should have been used more.

Ryan Reynolds is fine with me as Deadpool, but I find him too innately comedic to sell a serious character, and I think that Hal Jordan needs to be serious for a Green Lantern film to work. But I thought that Blake Lively did well, and it's a shame that Mark Strong and Angela Bassett might not be coming back as Sinestro and Waller.
TheManFromMars - 10/23/2014, 11:46 AM
I also like Green Lantern and ain't afraid of admitting it.
PAF - 10/23/2014, 11:57 AM
I respect your opinion but I can't with this film. That and I hate Ryan. I do not find him funny. At all. He's like the Dane Cook of actors. To each their own. I did give a thumbs tho!
PAF - 10/23/2014, 11:58 AM
Mark Strong was a good Sinestro tho.
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 12:00 PM
@PAF hey whether you agree with me or not its fine. As long as people can respect my opinion on the matter, and think i wrote a good article lol. Then i'm happy, appreciate the Thumb too buddy, Maybe it will make main :)
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 12:03 PM
Well Damn everybdoy, another case of me not noticing grammatical errors until after it went to Main. Sorry :(.
NateBest - 10/23/2014, 12:08 PM
Nice write-up! Green Lantern was "OK"... It would have been WAY worse without Ryan Reynolds. I thought he was a great Green Lantern.
ComicFan523 - 10/23/2014, 12:09 PM
I wasn't a fan of this film, although I guess Ryan Reynolds was an okay Hal Jordan. The thing that killed this film for me, and pretty much the only thing I remember from the one time I saw it, was Hector Hammond running around screaming like a lunatic. Maybe if I saw it again I could appreciate some of the good qualities of the film.
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 12:10 PM

Woah...an admin likes my work....I'M NOT WORTHY!!!

JasonBlue - 10/23/2014, 12:11 PM
Green Lantern was equivalent to the quality of the Tim Burton Batman films. So for DC to totally give up on the character and throw away such a good cast (Ryan, Blake, and Mark) is a shame. But I guess they have to since they revamped the Justice League from Man of Steel.
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 12:14 PM
Huh? it was on front page for 5 minutes then taken off? Why?
Pedrito - 10/23/2014, 12:15 PM
The movie had some of the components of a good CBM. It was just missing a good story to bring it all together. A missed opportunity that WB can hopefully rectify some day.
SupermanP33v3 - 10/23/2014, 12:17 PM
I have had this argument so many time! I really liked it!... infact... I would even say I loved it! Was it perfect? no. Can I only love movies that are perfect? no. I really think this movie suffered from a mob mentality. It became the cool thing to hate this movie before it even came out. Much like it became the cool thing to say "The Dark Knight is my favorite movie of all time!" I enjoyed the Dark Knight... but it too had flaws. I am fine with a reboot, I just hope they give Hal Jordan another chance! You can introduce John Stewart or any of the others but Hal Jordan should be the main focus. Thanks for posting!
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 12:19 PM

Do you know why the article was taken off main? Did i do something wrong?
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2014, 12:20 PM
Dingbat - 10/23/2014, 1:27 PM

I actually like this movie too. I'll admit it isn't amazing but There's more good than bad imo. I honestly think it's about on par with some of Marvel's films. I agree with all of your points but I especially loved the score. This songs great...

gmoney0505 - 10/23/2014, 1:53 PM
Um Tomar-Re is the best looking cgi character in the movie. Miles ahead of Kilowog. One of the best looking cgi characters in movies.
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